# Copyright 2014 OneConvergence, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # @author: Kedar Kulkarni, One Convergence, Inc. """Intermidiate NVSD Library.""" from neutron.openstack.common import excutils from neutron.openstack.common import jsonutils as json from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging import neutron.plugins.oneconvergence.lib.exception as nvsdexception from neutron.plugins.oneconvergence.lib import plugin_helper LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) NETWORKS_URI = "/pluginhandler/ocplugin/tenant/%s/lnetwork/" NETWORK_URI = NETWORKS_URI + "%s" GET_ALL_NETWORKS = "/pluginhandler/ocplugin/tenant/getallnetworks" SUBNETS_URI = NETWORK_URI + "/lsubnet/" SUBNET_URI = SUBNETS_URI + "%s" GET_ALL_SUBNETS = "/pluginhandler/ocplugin/tenant/getallsubnets" PORTS_URI = NETWORK_URI + "/lport/" PORT_URI = PORTS_URI + "%s" EXT_URI = "/pluginhandler/ocplugin/ext/tenant/%s" FLOATING_IPS_URI = EXT_URI + "/floatingip/" FLOATING_IP_URI = FLOATING_IPS_URI + "%s" ROUTERS_URI = EXT_URI + "/lrouter/" ROUTER_URI = ROUTERS_URI + "%s" METHODS = {"POST": "create", "PUT": "update", "DELETE": "delete", "GET": "get"} class NVSDApi(object): def build_error_msg(self, method, resource, tenant_id, resource_id): if method == "POST": msg = _("Could not create a %(resource)s under tenant " "%(tenant_id)s") % {'resource': resource, 'tenant_id': tenant_id} elif resource_id: msg = _("Failed to %(method)s %(resource)s " "id=%(resource_id)s") % {'method': METHODS[method], 'resource': resource, 'resource_id': resource_id } else: msg = _("Failed to %(method)s %(resource)s") % { 'method': METHODS[method], 'resource': resource} return msg def set_connection(self): self.nvsdcontroller = plugin_helper.initialize_plugin_helper() self.nvsdcontroller.login() def send_request(self, method, uri, body=None, resource=None, tenant_id='', resource_id=None): """Issue a request to NVSD controller.""" try: result = self.nvsdcontroller.request(method, uri, body=body) except nvsdexception.NVSDAPIException as e: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctxt: msg = self.build_error_msg(method, resource, tenant_id, resource_id) LOG.error(msg) # Modifying the reason message without disturbing the exception # info ctxt.value = type(e)(reason=msg) return result def create_network(self, network): tenant_id = network['tenant_id'] router_external = network['router:external'] is True network_obj = { "name": network['name'], "tenant_id": tenant_id, "shared": network['shared'], "admin_state_up": network['admin_state_up'], "router:external": router_external } uri = NETWORKS_URI % tenant_id response = self.send_request("POST", uri, body=json.dumps(network_obj), resource='network', tenant_id=tenant_id) nvsd_net = response.json() LOG.debug(_("Network %(id)s created under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': nvsd_net['id'], 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) return nvsd_net def update_network(self, network, network_update): tenant_id = network['tenant_id'] network_id = network['id'] uri = NETWORK_URI % (tenant_id, network_id) self.send_request("PUT", uri, body=json.dumps(network_update), resource='network', tenant_id=tenant_id, resource_id=network_id) LOG.debug(_("Network %(id)s updated under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': network_id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) def delete_network(self, network, subnets=[]): tenant_id = network['tenant_id'] network_id = network['id'] ports = self._get_ports(tenant_id, network_id) for port in ports: self.delete_port(port['id'], port) for subnet in subnets: self.delete_subnet(subnet) path = NETWORK_URI % (tenant_id, network_id) self.send_request("DELETE", path, resource='network', tenant_id=tenant_id, resource_id=network_id) LOG.debug(_("Network %(id)s deleted under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': network_id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) def create_subnet(self, subnet): tenant_id = subnet['tenant_id'] network_id = subnet['network_id'] uri = SUBNETS_URI % (tenant_id, network_id) self.send_request("POST", uri, body=json.dumps(subnet), resource='subnet', tenant_id=tenant_id) LOG.debug(_("Subnet %(id)s created under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': subnet['id'], 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) def delete_subnet(self, subnet): tenant_id = subnet['tenant_id'] network_id = subnet['network_id'] subnet_id = subnet['id'] uri = SUBNET_URI % (tenant_id, network_id, subnet_id) self.send_request("DELETE", uri, resource='subnet', tenant_id=tenant_id, resource_id=subnet_id) LOG.debug(_("Subnet %(id)s deleted under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': subnet_id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) def update_subnet(self, subnet, subnet_update): tenant_id = subnet['tenant_id'] network_id = subnet['network_id'] subnet_id = subnet['id'] uri = SUBNET_URI % (tenant_id, network_id, subnet_id) self.send_request("PUT", uri, body=json.dumps(subnet_update), resource='subnet', tenant_id=tenant_id, resource_id=subnet_id) LOG.debug(_("Subnet %(id)s updated under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': subnet_id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) def create_port(self, tenant_id, port): network_id = port["network_id"] fixed_ips = port.get("fixed_ips") ip_address = None subnet_id = None if fixed_ips: ip_address = fixed_ips[0].get("ip_address") subnet_id = fixed_ips[0].get("subnet_id") lport = { "id": port["id"], "name": port["name"], "device_id": port["device_id"], "device_owner": port["device_owner"], "mac_address": port["mac_address"], "ip_address": ip_address, "subnet_id": subnet_id, "admin_state_up": port["admin_state_up"], "network_id": network_id, "status": port["status"] } path = PORTS_URI % (tenant_id, network_id) self.send_request("POST", path, body=json.dumps(lport), resource='port', tenant_id=tenant_id) LOG.debug(_("Port %(id)s created under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': port['id'], 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) def update_port(self, tenant_id, port, port_update): network_id = port['network_id'] port_id = port['id'] lport = {} for k in ('admin_state_up', 'name', 'device_id', 'device_owner'): if k in port_update: lport[k] = port_update[k] fixed_ips = port_update.get('fixed_ips', None) if fixed_ips: lport["ip_address"] = fixed_ips[0].get("ip_address") lport["subnet_id"] = fixed_ips[0].get("subnet_id") uri = PORT_URI % (tenant_id, network_id, port_id) self.send_request("PUT", uri, body=json.dumps(lport), resource='port', tenant_id=tenant_id, resource_id=port_id) LOG.debug(_("Port %(id)s updated under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': port_id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) def delete_port(self, port_id, port): tenant_id = port['tenant_id'] network_id = port['network_id'] uri = PORT_URI % (tenant_id, network_id, port_id) self.send_request("DELETE", uri, resource='port', tenant_id=tenant_id, resource_id=port_id) LOG.debug(_("Port %(id)s deleted under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': port_id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) def _get_ports(self, tenant_id, network_id): uri = PORTS_URI % (tenant_id, network_id) response = self.send_request("GET", uri, resource='ports', tenant_id=tenant_id) return response.json() def create_floatingip(self, floating_ip): tenant_id = floating_ip['tenant_id'] uri = FLOATING_IPS_URI % tenant_id self.send_request("POST", uri, body=json.dumps(floating_ip), resource='floating_ip', tenant_id=tenant_id) LOG.debug(_("Flatingip %(id)s created under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': floating_ip['id'], 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) def update_floatingip(self, floating_ip, floating_ip_update): tenant_id = floating_ip['tenant_id'] floating_ip_id = floating_ip['id'] uri = FLOATING_IP_URI % (tenant_id, floating_ip_id) self.send_request("PUT", uri, body=json.dumps(floating_ip_update['floatingip']), resource='floating_ip', tenant_id=tenant_id, resource_id=floating_ip_id) LOG.debug(_("Flatingip %(id)s updated under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': floating_ip_id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) def delete_floatingip(self, floating_ip): tenant_id = floating_ip['tenant_id'] floating_ip_id = floating_ip['id'] uri = FLOATING_IP_URI % (tenant_id, floating_ip_id) self.send_request("DELETE", uri, resource='floating_ip', tenant_id=tenant_id, resource_id=floating_ip_id) LOG.debug(_("Flatingip %(id)s deleted under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': floating_ip_id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) def create_router(self, router): tenant_id = router['tenant_id'] uri = ROUTERS_URI % tenant_id self.send_request("POST", uri, body=json.dumps(router), resource='router', tenant_id=tenant_id) LOG.debug(_("Router %(id)s created under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': router['id'], 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) def update_router(self, router): tenant_id = router['tenant_id'] router_id = router['id'] uri = ROUTER_URI % (tenant_id, router_id) self.send_request("PUT", uri, body=json.dumps(router), resource='router', tenant_id=tenant_id, resource_id=router_id) LOG.debug(_("Router %(id)s updated under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': router_id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) def delete_router(self, tenant_id, router_id): uri = ROUTER_URI % (tenant_id, router_id) self.send_request("DELETE", uri, resource='router', tenant_id=tenant_id, resource_id=router_id) LOG.debug(_("Router %(id)s deleted under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': router_id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id})