# Copyright 2013 VMware, Inc. # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from __future__ import print_function import sys from oslo_config import cfg from neutron.common import config from vmware_nsx.neutron.plugins.vmware.common import config as nsx_config # noqa from vmware_nsx.neutron.plugins.vmware.common import nsx_utils from vmware_nsx.neutron.plugins.vmware import nsxlib config.setup_logging() def help(name): print("Usage: %s path/to/neutron/plugin/ini/config/file" % name) sys.exit(1) def get_nsx_controllers(cluster): return cluster.nsx_controllers def config_helper(config_entity, cluster): try: return nsxlib.do_request('GET', "/ws.v1/%s?fields=uuid" % config_entity, cluster=cluster).get('results', []) except Exception as e: msg = (_("Error '%(err)s' when connecting to controller(s): %(ctl)s.") % {'err': str(e), 'ctl': ', '.join(get_nsx_controllers(cluster))}) raise Exception(msg) def get_control_cluster_nodes(cluster): return config_helper("control-cluster/node", cluster) def get_gateway_services(cluster): ret_gw_services = {"L2GatewayServiceConfig": [], "L3GatewayServiceConfig": []} gw_services = config_helper("gateway-service", cluster) for gw_service in gw_services: ret_gw_services[gw_service['type']].append(gw_service['uuid']) return ret_gw_services def get_transport_zones(cluster): transport_zones = config_helper("transport-zone", cluster) return [transport_zone['uuid'] for transport_zone in transport_zones] def get_transport_nodes(cluster): transport_nodes = config_helper("transport-node", cluster) return [transport_node['uuid'] for transport_node in transport_nodes] def is_transport_node_connected(cluster, node_uuid): try: return nsxlib.do_request('GET', "/ws.v1/transport-node/%s/status" % node_uuid, cluster=cluster)['connection']['connected'] except Exception as e: msg = (_("Error '%(err)s' when connecting to controller(s): %(ctl)s.") % {'err': str(e), 'ctl': ', '.join(get_nsx_controllers(cluster))}) raise Exception(msg) def main(): if len(sys.argv) != 2: help(sys.argv[0]) args = ['--config-file'] args.append(sys.argv[1]) config.init(args) print("----------------------- Database Options -----------------------") print("\tconnection: %s" % cfg.CONF.database.connection) print("\tretry_interval: %d" % cfg.CONF.database.retry_interval) print("\tmax_retries: %d" % cfg.CONF.database.max_retries) print("----------------------- NSX Options -----------------------") print("\tNSX Generation Timeout %d" % cfg.CONF.NSX.nsx_gen_timeout) print("\tNumber of concurrent connections to each controller %d" % cfg.CONF.NSX.concurrent_connections) print("\tmax_lp_per_bridged_ls: %s" % cfg.CONF.NSX.max_lp_per_bridged_ls) print("\tmax_lp_per_overlay_ls: %s" % cfg.CONF.NSX.max_lp_per_overlay_ls) print("----------------------- Cluster Options -----------------------") print("\tretries: %s" % cfg.CONF.retries) print("\tredirects: %s" % cfg.CONF.redirects) print("\thttp_timeout: %s" % cfg.CONF.http_timeout) cluster = nsx_utils.create_nsx_cluster( cfg.CONF, cfg.CONF.NSX.concurrent_connections, cfg.CONF.NSX.nsx_gen_timeout) nsx_controllers = get_nsx_controllers(cluster) num_controllers = len(nsx_controllers) print("Number of controllers found: %s" % num_controllers) if num_controllers == 0: print("You must specify at least one controller!") sys.exit(1) get_control_cluster_nodes(cluster) for controller in nsx_controllers: print("\tController endpoint: %s" % controller) gateway_services = get_gateway_services(cluster) default_gateways = { "L2GatewayServiceConfig": cfg.CONF.default_l2_gw_service_uuid, "L3GatewayServiceConfig": cfg.CONF.default_l3_gw_service_uuid} errors = 0 for svc_type in default_gateways.keys(): for uuid in gateway_services[svc_type]: print("\t\tGateway(%s) uuid: %s" % (svc_type, uuid)) if (default_gateways[svc_type] and default_gateways[svc_type] not in gateway_services[svc_type]): print("\t\t\tError: specified default %s gateway (%s) is " "missing from NSX Gateway Services!" % ( svc_type, default_gateways[svc_type])) errors += 1 transport_zones = get_transport_zones(cluster) print("\tTransport zones: %s" % transport_zones) if cfg.CONF.default_tz_uuid not in transport_zones: print("\t\tError: specified default transport zone " "(%s) is missing from NSX transport zones!" % cfg.CONF.default_tz_uuid) errors += 1 transport_nodes = get_transport_nodes(cluster) print("\tTransport nodes: %s" % transport_nodes) node_errors = [] for node in transport_nodes: if not is_transport_node_connected(cluster, node): node_errors.append(node) # Use different exit codes, so that we can distinguish # between config and runtime errors if len(node_errors): print("\nThere are one or more transport nodes that are " "not connected: %s. Please, revise!" % node_errors) sys.exit(10) elif errors: print("\nThere are %d errors with your configuration. " "Please, revise!" % errors) sys.exit(12) else: print("Done.")