# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2014 Big Switch Networks, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # @author: Mandeep Dhami, Big Switch Networks, Inc. # @author: Sumit Naiksatam, sumitnaiksatam@gmail.com, Big Switch Networks, Inc. # @author: Kevin Benton, Big Switch Networks, Inc. """ This module manages the HTTP and HTTPS connections to the backend controllers. The main class it provides for external use is ServerPool which manages a set of ServerProxy objects that correspond to individual backend controllers. The following functionality is handled by this module: - Translation of rest_* function calls to HTTP/HTTPS calls to the controllers - Automatic failover between controllers - SSL Certificate enforcement - HTTP Authentication """ import base64 import httplib import json import os import socket import ssl import eventlet from oslo.config import cfg from neutron.common import exceptions from neutron.common import utils from neutron.openstack.common import excutils from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging from neutron.plugins.bigswitch.db import consistency_db as cdb LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # The following are used to invoke the API on the external controller CAPABILITIES_PATH = "/capabilities" NET_RESOURCE_PATH = "/tenants/%s/networks" PORT_RESOURCE_PATH = "/tenants/%s/networks/%s/ports" ROUTER_RESOURCE_PATH = "/tenants/%s/routers" ROUTER_INTF_OP_PATH = "/tenants/%s/routers/%s/interfaces" NETWORKS_PATH = "/tenants/%s/networks/%s" FLOATINGIPS_PATH = "/tenants/%s/floatingips/%s" PORTS_PATH = "/tenants/%s/networks/%s/ports/%s" ATTACHMENT_PATH = "/tenants/%s/networks/%s/ports/%s/attachment" ROUTERS_PATH = "/tenants/%s/routers/%s" ROUTER_INTF_PATH = "/tenants/%s/routers/%s/interfaces/%s" TOPOLOGY_PATH = "/topology" HEALTH_PATH = "/health" SUCCESS_CODES = range(200, 207) FAILURE_CODES = [0, 301, 302, 303, 400, 401, 403, 404, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505] BASE_URI = '/networkService/v1.1' ORCHESTRATION_SERVICE_ID = 'Neutron v2.0' HASH_MATCH_HEADER = 'X-BSN-BVS-HASH-MATCH' # error messages NXNETWORK = 'NXVNS' class RemoteRestError(exceptions.NeutronException): message = _("Error in REST call to remote network " "controller: %(reason)s") status = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.status = kwargs.pop('status', None) self.reason = kwargs.get('reason') super(RemoteRestError, self).__init__(**kwargs) class ServerProxy(object): """REST server proxy to a network controller.""" def __init__(self, server, port, ssl, auth, neutron_id, timeout, base_uri, name, mypool, combined_cert): self.server = server self.port = port self.ssl = ssl self.base_uri = base_uri self.timeout = timeout self.name = name self.success_codes = SUCCESS_CODES self.auth = None self.neutron_id = neutron_id self.failed = False self.capabilities = [] # enable server to reference parent pool self.mypool = mypool # cache connection here to avoid a SSL handshake for every connection self.currentconn = None if auth: self.auth = 'Basic ' + base64.encodestring(auth).strip() self.combined_cert = combined_cert def get_capabilities(self): try: body = self.rest_call('GET', CAPABILITIES_PATH)[3] self.capabilities = json.loads(body) except Exception: LOG.error(_("Couldn't retrieve capabilities. " "Newer API calls won't be supported.")) LOG.info(_("The following capabilities were received " "for %(server)s: %(cap)s"), {'server': self.server, 'cap': self.capabilities}) return self.capabilities def rest_call(self, action, resource, data='', headers={}, timeout=False, reconnect=False): uri = self.base_uri + resource body = json.dumps(data) if not headers: headers = {} headers['Content-type'] = 'application/json' headers['Accept'] = 'application/json' headers['NeutronProxy-Agent'] = self.name headers['Instance-ID'] = self.neutron_id headers['Orchestration-Service-ID'] = ORCHESTRATION_SERVICE_ID headers[HASH_MATCH_HEADER] = self.mypool.consistency_hash if 'keep-alive' in self.capabilities: headers['Connection'] = 'keep-alive' else: reconnect = True if self.auth: headers['Authorization'] = self.auth LOG.debug(_("ServerProxy: server=%(server)s, port=%(port)d, " "ssl=%(ssl)r"), {'server': self.server, 'port': self.port, 'ssl': self.ssl}) LOG.debug(_("ServerProxy: resource=%(resource)s, data=%(data)r, " "headers=%(headers)r, action=%(action)s"), {'resource': resource, 'data': data, 'headers': headers, 'action': action}) # unspecified timeout is False because a timeout can be specified as # None to indicate no timeout. if timeout is False: timeout = self.timeout if timeout != self.timeout: # need a new connection if timeout has changed reconnect = True if not self.currentconn or reconnect: if self.currentconn: self.currentconn.close() if self.ssl: self.currentconn = HTTPSConnectionWithValidation( self.server, self.port, timeout=timeout) if self.currentconn is None: LOG.error(_('ServerProxy: Could not establish HTTPS ' 'connection')) return 0, None, None, None self.currentconn.combined_cert = self.combined_cert else: self.currentconn = httplib.HTTPConnection( self.server, self.port, timeout=timeout) if self.currentconn is None: LOG.error(_('ServerProxy: Could not establish HTTP ' 'connection')) return 0, None, None, None try: self.currentconn.request(action, uri, body, headers) response = self.currentconn.getresponse() newhash = response.getheader(HASH_MATCH_HEADER) if newhash: self._put_consistency_hash(newhash) respstr = response.read() respdata = respstr if response.status in self.success_codes: try: respdata = json.loads(respstr) except ValueError: # response was not JSON, ignore the exception pass ret = (response.status, response.reason, respstr, respdata) except httplib.HTTPException: # If we were using a cached connection, try again with a new one. with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctxt: self.currentconn.close() if reconnect: # if reconnect is true, this was on a fresh connection so # reraise since this server seems to be broken ctxt.reraise = True else: # if reconnect is false, it was a cached connection so # try one more time before re-raising ctxt.reraise = False return self.rest_call(action, resource, data, headers, timeout=timeout, reconnect=True) except (socket.timeout, socket.error) as e: self.currentconn.close() LOG.error(_('ServerProxy: %(action)s failure, %(e)r'), {'action': action, 'e': e}) ret = 0, None, None, None LOG.debug(_("ServerProxy: status=%(status)d, reason=%(reason)r, " "ret=%(ret)s, data=%(data)r"), {'status': ret[0], 'reason': ret[1], 'ret': ret[2], 'data': ret[3]}) return ret def _put_consistency_hash(self, newhash): self.mypool.consistency_hash = newhash cdb.put_consistency_hash(newhash) class ServerPool(object): def __init__(self, timeout=False, base_uri=BASE_URI, name='NeutronRestProxy'): LOG.debug(_("ServerPool: initializing")) # 'servers' is the list of network controller REST end-points # (used in order specified till one succeeds, and it is sticky # till next failure). Use 'server_auth' to encode api-key servers = cfg.CONF.RESTPROXY.servers self.auth = cfg.CONF.RESTPROXY.server_auth self.ssl = cfg.CONF.RESTPROXY.server_ssl self.neutron_id = cfg.CONF.RESTPROXY.neutron_id self.base_uri = base_uri self.name = name self.timeout = cfg.CONF.RESTPROXY.server_timeout self.always_reconnect = not cfg.CONF.RESTPROXY.cache_connections default_port = 8000 if timeout is not False: self.timeout = timeout # Function to use to retrieve topology for consistency syncs. # Needs to be set by module that uses the servermanager. self.get_topo_function = None self.get_topo_function_args = {} # Hash to send to backend with request as expected previous # state to verify consistency. self.consistency_hash = cdb.get_consistency_hash() if not servers: raise cfg.Error(_('Servers not defined. Aborting server manager.')) servers = [s if len(s.rsplit(':', 1)) == 2 else "%s:%d" % (s, default_port) for s in servers] if any((len(spl) != 2 or not spl[1].isdigit()) for spl in [sp.rsplit(':', 1) for sp in servers]): raise cfg.Error(_('Servers must be defined as :. ' 'Configuration was %s') % servers) self.servers = [ self.server_proxy_for(server, int(port)) for server, port in (s.rsplit(':', 1) for s in servers) ] eventlet.spawn(self._consistency_watchdog, cfg.CONF.RESTPROXY.consistency_interval) LOG.debug(_("ServerPool: initialization done")) def get_capabilities(self): # lookup on first try try: return self.capabilities except AttributeError: # each server should return a list of capabilities it supports # e.g. ['floatingip'] capabilities = [set(server.get_capabilities()) for server in self.servers] # Pool only supports what all of the servers support self.capabilities = set.intersection(*capabilities) return self.capabilities def server_proxy_for(self, server, port): combined_cert = self._get_combined_cert_for_server(server, port) return ServerProxy(server, port, self.ssl, self.auth, self.neutron_id, self.timeout, self.base_uri, self.name, mypool=self, combined_cert=combined_cert) def _get_combined_cert_for_server(self, server, port): # The ssl library requires a combined file with all trusted certs # so we make one containing the trusted CAs and the corresponding # host cert for this server combined_cert = None if self.ssl and not cfg.CONF.RESTPROXY.no_ssl_validation: base_ssl = cfg.CONF.RESTPROXY.ssl_cert_directory host_dir = os.path.join(base_ssl, 'host_certs') ca_dir = os.path.join(base_ssl, 'ca_certs') combined_dir = os.path.join(base_ssl, 'combined') combined_cert = os.path.join(combined_dir, '%s.pem' % server) if not os.path.exists(base_ssl): raise cfg.Error(_('ssl_cert_directory [%s] does not exist. ' 'Create it or disable ssl.') % base_ssl) for automake in [combined_dir, ca_dir, host_dir]: if not os.path.exists(automake): os.makedirs(automake) # get all CA certs certs = self._get_ca_cert_paths(ca_dir) # check for a host specific cert hcert, exists = self._get_host_cert_path(host_dir, server) if exists: certs.append(hcert) elif cfg.CONF.RESTPROXY.ssl_sticky: self._fetch_and_store_cert(server, port, hcert) certs.append(hcert) if not certs: raise cfg.Error(_('No certificates were found to verify ' 'controller %s') % (server)) self._combine_certs_to_file(certs, combined_cert) return combined_cert def _combine_certs_to_file(self, certs, cfile): ''' Concatenates the contents of each certificate in a list of certificate paths to one combined location for use with ssl sockets. ''' with open(cfile, 'w') as combined: for c in certs: with open(c, 'r') as cert_handle: combined.write(cert_handle.read()) def _get_host_cert_path(self, host_dir, server): ''' returns full path and boolean indicating existence ''' hcert = os.path.join(host_dir, '%s.pem' % server) if os.path.exists(hcert): return hcert, True return hcert, False def _get_ca_cert_paths(self, ca_dir): certs = [os.path.join(root, name) for name in [ name for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(ca_dir) for name in files ] if name.endswith('.pem')] return certs def _fetch_and_store_cert(self, server, port, path): ''' Grabs a certificate from a server and writes it to a given path. ''' try: cert = ssl.get_server_certificate((server, port)) except Exception as e: raise cfg.Error(_('Could not retrieve initial ' 'certificate from controller %(server)s. ' 'Error details: %(error)s') % {'server': server, 'error': str(e)}) LOG.warning(_("Storing to certificate for host %(server)s " "at %(path)s") % {'server': server, 'path': path}) self._file_put_contents(path, cert) return cert def _file_put_contents(self, path, contents): # Simple method to write to file. # Created for easy Mocking with open(path, 'w') as handle: handle.write(contents) def server_failure(self, resp, ignore_codes=[]): """Define failure codes as required. Note: We assume 301-303 is a failure, and try the next server in the server pool. """ return (resp[0] in FAILURE_CODES and resp[0] not in ignore_codes) def action_success(self, resp): """Defining success codes as required. Note: We assume any valid 2xx as being successful response. """ return resp[0] in SUCCESS_CODES @utils.synchronized('bsn-rest-call') def rest_call(self, action, resource, data, headers, ignore_codes, timeout=False): good_first = sorted(self.servers, key=lambda x: x.failed) first_response = None for active_server in good_first: ret = active_server.rest_call(action, resource, data, headers, timeout, reconnect=self.always_reconnect) # If inconsistent, do a full synchronization if ret[0] == httplib.CONFLICT: if not self.get_topo_function: raise cfg.Error(_('Server requires synchronization, ' 'but no topology function was defined.')) data = self.get_topo_function(**self.get_topo_function_args) active_server.rest_call('PUT', TOPOLOGY_PATH, data, timeout=None) # Store the first response as the error to be bubbled up to the # user since it was a good server. Subsequent servers will most # likely be cluster slaves and won't have a useful error for the # user (e.g. 302 redirect to master) if not first_response: first_response = ret if not self.server_failure(ret, ignore_codes): active_server.failed = False return ret else: LOG.error(_('ServerProxy: %(action)s failure for servers: ' '%(server)r Response: %(response)s'), {'action': action, 'server': (active_server.server, active_server.port), 'response': ret[3]}) LOG.error(_("ServerProxy: Error details: status=%(status)d, " "reason=%(reason)r, ret=%(ret)s, data=%(data)r"), {'status': ret[0], 'reason': ret[1], 'ret': ret[2], 'data': ret[3]}) active_server.failed = True # All servers failed, reset server list and try again next time LOG.error(_('ServerProxy: %(action)s failure for all servers: ' '%(server)r'), {'action': action, 'server': tuple((s.server, s.port) for s in self.servers)}) return first_response def rest_action(self, action, resource, data='', errstr='%s', ignore_codes=[], headers={}, timeout=False): """ Wrapper for rest_call that verifies success and raises a RemoteRestError on failure with a provided error string By default, 404 errors on DELETE calls are ignored because they already do not exist on the backend. """ if not ignore_codes and action == 'DELETE': ignore_codes = [404] resp = self.rest_call(action, resource, data, headers, ignore_codes, timeout) if self.server_failure(resp, ignore_codes): LOG.error(errstr, resp[2]) raise RemoteRestError(reason=resp[2], status=resp[0]) if resp[0] in ignore_codes: LOG.warning(_("NeutronRestProxyV2: Received and ignored error " "code %(code)s on %(action)s action to resource " "%(resource)s"), {'code': resp[2], 'action': action, 'resource': resource}) return resp def rest_create_router(self, tenant_id, router): resource = ROUTER_RESOURCE_PATH % tenant_id data = {"router": router} errstr = _("Unable to create remote router: %s") self.rest_action('POST', resource, data, errstr) def rest_update_router(self, tenant_id, router, router_id): resource = ROUTERS_PATH % (tenant_id, router_id) data = {"router": router} errstr = _("Unable to update remote router: %s") self.rest_action('PUT', resource, data, errstr) def rest_delete_router(self, tenant_id, router_id): resource = ROUTERS_PATH % (tenant_id, router_id) errstr = _("Unable to delete remote router: %s") self.rest_action('DELETE', resource, errstr=errstr) def rest_add_router_interface(self, tenant_id, router_id, intf_details): resource = ROUTER_INTF_OP_PATH % (tenant_id, router_id) data = {"interface": intf_details} errstr = _("Unable to add router interface: %s") self.rest_action('POST', resource, data, errstr) def rest_remove_router_interface(self, tenant_id, router_id, interface_id): resource = ROUTER_INTF_PATH % (tenant_id, router_id, interface_id) errstr = _("Unable to delete remote intf: %s") self.rest_action('DELETE', resource, errstr=errstr) def rest_create_network(self, tenant_id, network): resource = NET_RESOURCE_PATH % tenant_id data = {"network": network} errstr = _("Unable to create remote network: %s") self.rest_action('POST', resource, data, errstr) def rest_update_network(self, tenant_id, net_id, network): resource = NETWORKS_PATH % (tenant_id, net_id) data = {"network": network} errstr = _("Unable to update remote network: %s") self.rest_action('PUT', resource, data, errstr) def rest_delete_network(self, tenant_id, net_id): resource = NETWORKS_PATH % (tenant_id, net_id) errstr = _("Unable to update remote network: %s") self.rest_action('DELETE', resource, errstr=errstr) def rest_create_port(self, tenant_id, net_id, port): resource = ATTACHMENT_PATH % (tenant_id, net_id, port["id"]) data = {"port": port} device_id = port.get("device_id") if not port["mac_address"] or not device_id: # controller only cares about ports attached to devices LOG.warning(_("No device MAC attached to port %s. " "Skipping notification to controller."), port["id"]) return data["attachment"] = {"id": device_id, "mac": port["mac_address"]} errstr = _("Unable to create remote port: %s") self.rest_action('PUT', resource, data, errstr) def rest_delete_port(self, tenant_id, network_id, port_id): resource = ATTACHMENT_PATH % (tenant_id, network_id, port_id) errstr = _("Unable to delete remote port: %s") self.rest_action('DELETE', resource, errstr=errstr) def rest_update_port(self, tenant_id, net_id, port): # Controller has no update operation for the port endpoint # the create PUT method will replace self.rest_create_port(tenant_id, net_id, port) def rest_create_floatingip(self, tenant_id, floatingip): resource = FLOATINGIPS_PATH % (tenant_id, floatingip['id']) errstr = _("Unable to create floating IP: %s") self.rest_action('PUT', resource, errstr=errstr) def rest_update_floatingip(self, tenant_id, floatingip, oldid): resource = FLOATINGIPS_PATH % (tenant_id, oldid) errstr = _("Unable to update floating IP: %s") self.rest_action('PUT', resource, errstr=errstr) def rest_delete_floatingip(self, tenant_id, oldid): resource = FLOATINGIPS_PATH % (tenant_id, oldid) errstr = _("Unable to delete floating IP: %s") self.rest_action('DELETE', resource, errstr=errstr) def _consistency_watchdog(self, polling_interval=60): if 'consistency' not in self.get_capabilities(): LOG.warning(_("Backend server(s) do not support automated " "consitency checks.")) return while True: # If consistency is supported, all we have to do is make any # rest call and the consistency header will be added. If it # doesn't match, the backend will return a synchronization error # that will be handled by the rest_call. eventlet.sleep(polling_interval) self.rest_call('GET', HEALTH_PATH) class HTTPSConnectionWithValidation(httplib.HTTPSConnection): # If combined_cert is None, the connection will continue without # any certificate validation. combined_cert = None def connect(self): try: sock = socket.create_connection((self.host, self.port), self.timeout, self.source_address) except AttributeError: # python 2.6 doesn't have the source_address attribute sock = socket.create_connection((self.host, self.port), self.timeout) if self._tunnel_host: self.sock = sock self._tunnel() if self.combined_cert: self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, self.key_file, self.cert_file, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED, ca_certs=self.combined_cert) else: self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, self.key_file, self.cert_file, cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE)