# Copyright 2017 VMware, Inc. # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log from vmware_nsx.common import availability_zones as common_az from vmware_nsx.common import config from vmware_nsx.common import exceptions as nsx_exc from vmware_nsx.plugins.common_v3 import availability_zones as v3_az from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import exceptions as nsx_lib_exc from vmware_nsxlib.v3.policy import utils as p_utils LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_NAME = common_az.DEFAULT_NAME + 'p' class NsxPAvailabilityZone(v3_az.NsxV3AvailabilityZone): def get_az_opts(self): return config.get_nsxp_az_opts(self.name) def init_defaults(self): # use the default configuration self.metadata_proxy = cfg.CONF.nsx_p.metadata_proxy self.dhcp_profile = cfg.CONF.nsx_p.dhcp_profile self.native_metadata_route = cfg.CONF.nsx_p.native_metadata_route self.default_overlay_tz = cfg.CONF.nsx_p.default_overlay_tz self.default_vlan_tz = cfg.CONF.nsx_p.default_vlan_tz self.default_tier0_router = cfg.CONF.nsx_p.default_tier0_router self.dns_domain = cfg.CONF.nsx_p.dns_domain self.nameservers = cfg.CONF.nsx_p.nameservers self.edge_cluster = cfg.CONF.nsx_p.edge_cluster def _init_default_resource(self, nsxpolicy, resource_api, config_name, filter_list_results=None, auto_config=False, is_mandatory=True, search_scope=None): # NOTE(annak): we may need to generalize this for API calls # requiring path ids name_or_id = getattr(self, config_name) if not name_or_id: if auto_config: # If the field not specified, the system will auto-configure # in case only single resource is present resources = resource_api.list() if filter_list_results: resources = filter_list_results(resources) if len(resources) == 1: return resources[0]['id'] if is_mandatory: if self.is_default(): raise cfg.RequiredOptError(config_name, group=cfg.OptGroup('nsx_p')) else: msg = (_("No %(res)s provided for availability " "zone %(az)s") % { 'res': config_name, 'az': self.name}) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) return None try: # Check if the configured value is the ID resource_api.get(name_or_id, silent=True) return name_or_id except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: # Search by tags if search_scope: resource_type = resource_api.entry_def.resource_type() resource_id = nsxpolicy.get_id_by_resource_and_tag( resource_type, search_scope, name_or_id) if resource_id: return resource_id # Check if the configured value is the name resource = resource_api.get_by_name(name_or_id) if resource: return resource['id'] # Resource not found if self.is_default(): raise cfg.RequiredOptError(config_name, group=cfg.OptGroup('nsx_p')) else: msg = (_("Could not find %(res)s %(id)s for availability " "zone %(az)s") % { 'res': config_name, 'id': name_or_id, 'az': self.name}) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) def translate_configured_names_to_uuids(self, nsxpolicy, nsxlib=None, search_scope=None): super(NsxPAvailabilityZone, self).translate_configured_names_to_uuids( nsxpolicy) self._default_overlay_tz_uuid = self._init_default_resource( nsxpolicy, nsxpolicy.transport_zone, 'default_overlay_tz', auto_config=True, is_mandatory=True, filter_list_results=lambda tzs: [ tz for tz in tzs if tz['tz_type'].startswith('OVERLAY')], search_scope=search_scope) self._default_vlan_tz_uuid = self._init_default_resource( nsxpolicy, nsxpolicy.transport_zone, 'default_vlan_tz', auto_config=True, is_mandatory=False, filter_list_results=lambda tzs: [ tz for tz in tzs if tz['tz_type'].startswith('VLAN')], search_scope=search_scope) self._default_tier0_router = self._init_default_resource( nsxpolicy, nsxpolicy.tier0, 'default_tier0_router', auto_config=True, is_mandatory=True, search_scope=search_scope) self._edge_cluster_uuid = self._init_default_resource( nsxpolicy, nsxpolicy.edge_cluster, 'edge_cluster', auto_config=True, is_mandatory=False, search_scope=search_scope) # If passthrough api is supported, also initialize those NSX objects if nsxlib: self._translate_dhcp_profile(nsxlib, search_scope=search_scope) self._translate_metadata_proxy(nsxlib, search_scope=search_scope) else: self._native_dhcp_profile_uuid = None self._native_md_proxy_uuid = None def _get_edge_cluster_tzs(self, nsxpolicy, nsxlib, ec_uuid): ec_nodes = nsxpolicy.edge_cluster.get_edge_node_ids(ec_uuid) ec_tzs = [] for tn_uuid in ec_nodes: ec_tzs.extend(nsxlib.transport_node.get_transport_zones( tn_uuid)) return ec_tzs def _validate_tz(self, nsxpolicy, nsxlib, obj_type, obj_id, ec_uuid): obj_tzs = self._get_edge_cluster_tzs(nsxpolicy, nsxlib, ec_uuid) if self._default_overlay_tz_uuid not in obj_tzs: msg = (_("%(type)s %(id)s of availability zone %(az)s with edge " "cluster %(ec)s does not match the default overlay tz " "%(tz)s") % { 'type': obj_type, 'id': obj_id, 'ec': ec_uuid, 'tz': self._default_overlay_tz_uuid, 'az': self.name}) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) if (self._default_vlan_tz_uuid and self._default_vlan_tz_uuid not in obj_tzs): msg = (_("%(type)s %(id)s of availability zone %(az)s with edge " "cluster %(ec)s does not match the default vlan tz " "%(tz)s") % { 'id': obj_id, 'ec': ec_uuid, 'tz': self._default_vlan_tz_uuid, 'az': self.name}) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) def validate_availability_zone(self, nsxpolicy, nsxlib=None): """Validate that all the components of this AZ are connected""" if not nsxlib: LOG.warning("Cannot validate availability zone %s without " "passthrough api", self.name) return # Validate tier0 TZ match the default ones tier0_ec_path = nsxpolicy.tier0.get_edge_cluster_path( self._default_tier0_router) if not tier0_ec_path: msg = (_("Tier0 %(id)s of availability zone %(az)s does not have " "an edge cluster") % { 'id': self._default_tier0_router, 'az': self.name}) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) tier0_ec_uuid = p_utils.path_to_id(tier0_ec_path) self._validate_tz(nsxpolicy, nsxlib, 'Tier0', self._default_tier0_router, tier0_ec_uuid) if self._native_dhcp_profile_uuid: dhcp_ec = nsxlib.native_dhcp_profile.get( self._native_dhcp_profile_uuid).get('edge_cluster_id') if dhcp_ec != tier0_ec_uuid: self._validate_tz(nsxpolicy, nsxlib, 'DHCP profile', self._native_dhcp_profile_uuid, dhcp_ec) if self._native_md_proxy_uuid: md_ec = nsxlib.native_md_proxy.get( self._native_md_proxy_uuid).get('edge_cluster_id') if md_ec != tier0_ec_uuid: self._validate_tz(nsxpolicy, nsxlib, 'MD Proxy', self._native_md_proxy_uuid, md_ec) class NsxPAvailabilityZones(common_az.ConfiguredAvailabilityZones): default_name = DEFAULT_NAME def __init__(self): default_azs = cfg.CONF.default_availability_zones super(NsxPAvailabilityZones, self).__init__( cfg.CONF.nsx_p.availability_zones, NsxPAvailabilityZone, default_availability_zones=default_azs) self.non_default_dns_domain = self.dns_domain_configured_non_default() def dns_domain_configured_non_default(self): for az in self.availability_zones.values(): if az.dns_domain and az.dns_domain != cfg.CONF.nsx_p.dns_domain: return True return False