# Copyright 2014 OneConvergence, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Intermidiate NVSD Library.""" from oslo.serialization import jsonutils from oslo.utils import excutils from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging import neutron.plugins.oneconvergence.lib.exception as nvsdexception from neutron.plugins.oneconvergence.lib import plugin_helper LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) NETWORKS_URI = "/pluginhandler/ocplugin/tenant/%s/lnetwork/" NETWORK_URI = NETWORKS_URI + "%s" GET_ALL_NETWORKS = "/pluginhandler/ocplugin/tenant/getallnetworks" SUBNETS_URI = NETWORK_URI + "/lsubnet/" SUBNET_URI = SUBNETS_URI + "%s" GET_ALL_SUBNETS = "/pluginhandler/ocplugin/tenant/getallsubnets" PORTS_URI = NETWORK_URI + "/lport/" PORT_URI = PORTS_URI + "%s" EXT_URI = "/pluginhandler/ocplugin/ext/tenant/%s" FLOATING_IPS_URI = EXT_URI + "/floatingip/" FLOATING_IP_URI = FLOATING_IPS_URI + "%s" ROUTERS_URI = EXT_URI + "/lrouter/" ROUTER_URI = ROUTERS_URI + "%s" METHODS = {"POST": "create", "PUT": "update", "DELETE": "delete", "GET": "get"} class NVSDApi(object): def build_error_msg(self, method, resource, tenant_id, resource_id): if method == "POST": msg = _("Could not create a %(resource)s under tenant " "%(tenant_id)s") % {'resource': resource, 'tenant_id': tenant_id} elif resource_id: msg = _("Failed to %(method)s %(resource)s " "id=%(resource_id)s") % {'method': METHODS[method], 'resource': resource, 'resource_id': resource_id } else: msg = _("Failed to %(method)s %(resource)s") % { 'method': METHODS[method], 'resource': resource} return msg def set_connection(self): self.nvsdcontroller = plugin_helper.initialize_plugin_helper() self.nvsdcontroller.login() def send_request(self, method, uri, body=None, resource=None, tenant_id='', resource_id=None): """Issue a request to NVSD controller.""" try: result = self.nvsdcontroller.request(method, uri, body=body) except nvsdexception.NVSDAPIException as e: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception() as ctxt: msg = self.build_error_msg(method, resource, tenant_id, resource_id) LOG.error(msg) # Modifying the reason message without disturbing the exception # info ctxt.value = type(e)(reason=msg) return result def create_network(self, network): tenant_id = network['tenant_id'] router_external = network['router:external'] is True network_obj = { "name": network['name'], "tenant_id": tenant_id, "shared": network['shared'], "admin_state_up": network['admin_state_up'], "router:external": router_external } uri = NETWORKS_URI % tenant_id response = self.send_request("POST", uri, body=jsonutils.dumps(network_obj), resource='network', tenant_id=tenant_id) nvsd_net = response.json() LOG.debug(_("Network %(id)s created under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': nvsd_net['id'], 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) return nvsd_net def update_network(self, network, network_update): tenant_id = network['tenant_id'] network_id = network['id'] uri = NETWORK_URI % (tenant_id, network_id) self.send_request("PUT", uri, body=jsonutils.dumps(network_update), resource='network', tenant_id=tenant_id, resource_id=network_id) LOG.debug(_("Network %(id)s updated under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': network_id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) def delete_network(self, network, subnets=[]): tenant_id = network['tenant_id'] network_id = network['id'] ports = self._get_ports(tenant_id, network_id) for port in ports: self.delete_port(port['id'], port) for subnet in subnets: self.delete_subnet(subnet) path = NETWORK_URI % (tenant_id, network_id) self.send_request("DELETE", path, resource='network', tenant_id=tenant_id, resource_id=network_id) LOG.debug(_("Network %(id)s deleted under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': network_id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) def create_subnet(self, subnet): tenant_id = subnet['tenant_id'] network_id = subnet['network_id'] uri = SUBNETS_URI % (tenant_id, network_id) self.send_request("POST", uri, body=jsonutils.dumps(subnet), resource='subnet', tenant_id=tenant_id) LOG.debug(_("Subnet %(id)s created under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': subnet['id'], 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) def delete_subnet(self, subnet): tenant_id = subnet['tenant_id'] network_id = subnet['network_id'] subnet_id = subnet['id'] uri = SUBNET_URI % (tenant_id, network_id, subnet_id) self.send_request("DELETE", uri, resource='subnet', tenant_id=tenant_id, resource_id=subnet_id) LOG.debug(_("Subnet %(id)s deleted under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': subnet_id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) def update_subnet(self, subnet, subnet_update): tenant_id = subnet['tenant_id'] network_id = subnet['network_id'] subnet_id = subnet['id'] uri = SUBNET_URI % (tenant_id, network_id, subnet_id) self.send_request("PUT", uri, body=jsonutils.dumps(subnet_update), resource='subnet', tenant_id=tenant_id, resource_id=subnet_id) LOG.debug(_("Subnet %(id)s updated under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': subnet_id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) def create_port(self, tenant_id, port): network_id = port["network_id"] fixed_ips = port.get("fixed_ips") ip_address = None subnet_id = None if fixed_ips: ip_address = fixed_ips[0].get("ip_address") subnet_id = fixed_ips[0].get("subnet_id") lport = { "id": port["id"], "name": port["name"], "device_id": port["device_id"], "device_owner": port["device_owner"], "mac_address": port["mac_address"], "ip_address": ip_address, "subnet_id": subnet_id, "admin_state_up": port["admin_state_up"], "network_id": network_id, "status": port["status"] } path = PORTS_URI % (tenant_id, network_id) self.send_request("POST", path, body=jsonutils.dumps(lport), resource='port', tenant_id=tenant_id) LOG.debug(_("Port %(id)s created under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': port['id'], 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) def update_port(self, tenant_id, port, port_update): network_id = port['network_id'] port_id = port['id'] lport = {} for k in ('admin_state_up', 'name', 'device_id', 'device_owner'): if k in port_update: lport[k] = port_update[k] fixed_ips = port_update.get('fixed_ips', None) if fixed_ips: lport["ip_address"] = fixed_ips[0].get("ip_address") lport["subnet_id"] = fixed_ips[0].get("subnet_id") uri = PORT_URI % (tenant_id, network_id, port_id) self.send_request("PUT", uri, body=jsonutils.dumps(lport), resource='port', tenant_id=tenant_id, resource_id=port_id) LOG.debug(_("Port %(id)s updated under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': port_id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) def delete_port(self, port_id, port): tenant_id = port['tenant_id'] network_id = port['network_id'] uri = PORT_URI % (tenant_id, network_id, port_id) self.send_request("DELETE", uri, resource='port', tenant_id=tenant_id, resource_id=port_id) LOG.debug(_("Port %(id)s deleted under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': port_id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) def _get_ports(self, tenant_id, network_id): uri = PORTS_URI % (tenant_id, network_id) response = self.send_request("GET", uri, resource='ports', tenant_id=tenant_id) return response.json() def create_floatingip(self, floating_ip): tenant_id = floating_ip['tenant_id'] uri = FLOATING_IPS_URI % tenant_id self.send_request("POST", uri, body=jsonutils.dumps(floating_ip), resource='floating_ip', tenant_id=tenant_id) LOG.debug(_("Flatingip %(id)s created under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': floating_ip['id'], 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) def update_floatingip(self, floating_ip, floating_ip_update): tenant_id = floating_ip['tenant_id'] floating_ip_id = floating_ip['id'] uri = FLOATING_IP_URI % (tenant_id, floating_ip_id) self.send_request("PUT", uri, body=jsonutils.dumps( floating_ip_update['floatingip']), resource='floating_ip', tenant_id=tenant_id, resource_id=floating_ip_id) LOG.debug(_("Flatingip %(id)s updated under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': floating_ip_id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) def delete_floatingip(self, floating_ip): tenant_id = floating_ip['tenant_id'] floating_ip_id = floating_ip['id'] uri = FLOATING_IP_URI % (tenant_id, floating_ip_id) self.send_request("DELETE", uri, resource='floating_ip', tenant_id=tenant_id, resource_id=floating_ip_id) LOG.debug(_("Flatingip %(id)s deleted under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': floating_ip_id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) def create_router(self, router): tenant_id = router['tenant_id'] uri = ROUTERS_URI % tenant_id self.send_request("POST", uri, body=jsonutils.dumps(router), resource='router', tenant_id=tenant_id) LOG.debug(_("Router %(id)s created under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': router['id'], 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) def update_router(self, router): tenant_id = router['tenant_id'] router_id = router['id'] uri = ROUTER_URI % (tenant_id, router_id) self.send_request("PUT", uri, body=jsonutils.dumps(router), resource='router', tenant_id=tenant_id, resource_id=router_id) LOG.debug(_("Router %(id)s updated under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': router_id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id}) def delete_router(self, tenant_id, router_id): uri = ROUTER_URI % (tenant_id, router_id) self.send_request("DELETE", uri, resource='router', tenant_id=tenant_id, resource_id=router_id) LOG.debug(_("Router %(id)s deleted under tenant %(tenant_id)s"), {'id': router_id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id})