# Copyright 2013 VMware, Inc. # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import collections import copy import uuid from eventlet import event from eventlet import greenthread from neutron_lib import exceptions from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_service import loopingcall import six from vmware_nsx._i18n import _ from vmware_nsx.plugins.nsx_v.vshield.tasks import constants DEFAULT_INTERVAL = 1000 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def nop(task): return constants.TaskStatus.COMPLETED class TaskException(exceptions.NeutronException): def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs): if message is not None: self.message = message super(TaskException, self).__init__(**kwargs) class InvalidState(TaskException): message = _("Invalid state %(state)d") class TaskStateSkipped(TaskException): message = _("State %(state)d skipped. Current state %(current)d") class Task(object): def __init__(self, name, resource_id, execute_callback, status_callback=nop, result_callback=nop, userdata=None): self.name = name self.resource_id = resource_id self._execute_callback = execute_callback self._status_callback = status_callback self._result_callback = result_callback self.userdata = userdata self.id = None self.status = None self._monitors = { constants.TaskState.START: [], constants.TaskState.EXECUTED: [], constants.TaskState.RESULT: [] } self._states = [None, None, None, None] self._state = constants.TaskState.NONE def _add_monitor(self, action, func): self._monitors[action].append(func) return self def _move_state(self, state): self._state = state if self._states[state] is not None: e = self._states[state] self._states[state] = None e.send() for s in range(state): if self._states[s] is not None: e = self._states[s] self._states[s] = None e.send_exception( TaskStateSkipped(state=s, current=self._state)) def _invoke_monitor(self, state): for func in self._monitors[state]: try: func(self) except Exception: LOG.exception("Task %(task)s encountered exception in " "%(func)s at state %(state)s", {'task': str(self), 'func': str(func), 'state': state}) self._move_state(state) return self def _start(self): return self._invoke_monitor(constants.TaskState.START) def _executed(self): return self._invoke_monitor(constants.TaskState.EXECUTED) def _update_status(self, status): if self.status == status: return self self.status = status def _finished(self): return self._invoke_monitor(constants.TaskState.RESULT) def add_start_monitor(self, func): return self._add_monitor(constants.TaskState.START, func) def add_executed_monitor(self, func): return self._add_monitor(constants.TaskState.EXECUTED, func) def add_result_monitor(self, func): return self._add_monitor(constants.TaskState.RESULT, func) def wait(self, state): if (state < constants.TaskState.START or state > constants.TaskState.RESULT or state == constants.TaskState.STATUS): raise InvalidState(state=state) if state <= self._state: # we already passed this current state, so no wait return e = event.Event() self._states[state] = e e.wait() def __repr__(self): return "Task-%s-%s-%s" % ( self.name.encode('ascii', 'ignore'), self.resource_id.encode('ascii', 'ignore'), self.id) class TaskManager(object): _instance = None _default_interval = DEFAULT_INTERVAL def __init__(self, interval=None): self._interval = interval or TaskManager._default_interval # A queue to pass tasks from other threads self._tasks_queue = collections.deque() # A dict to store resource -> resource's tasks self._tasks = {} # Current task being executed in main thread self._main_thread_exec_task = None # New request event self._req = event.Event() # TaskHandler stopped event self._stopped = False # Periodic function trigger self._monitor = None self._monitor_busy = False # Thread handling the task request self._thread = None def _execute(self, task): """Execute task.""" LOG.debug("Start task %s", str(task)) task._start() try: status = task._execute_callback(task) except Exception: LOG.exception("Task %(task)s encountered exception in " "%(cb)s", {'task': str(task), 'cb': str(task._execute_callback)}) status = constants.TaskStatus.ERROR LOG.debug("Task %(task)s return %(status)s", {'task': str(task), 'status': status}) task._update_status(status) task._executed() return status def _result(self, task): """Notify task execution result.""" try: task._result_callback(task) except Exception: LOG.exception("Task %(task)s encountered exception in " "%(cb)s", {'task': str(task), 'cb': str(task._result_callback)}) LOG.debug("Task %(task)s return %(status)s", {'task': str(task), 'status': task.status}) task._finished() def _check_pending_tasks(self): """Check all pending tasks status.""" for resource_id in self._tasks.keys(): if self._stopped: # Task manager is stopped, return now return tasks = self._tasks[resource_id] # only the first task is executed and pending task = tasks[0] try: status = task._status_callback(task) except Exception: LOG.exception("Task %(task)s encountered exception in " "%(cb)s", {'task': str(task), 'cb': str(task._status_callback)}) status = constants.TaskStatus.ERROR task._update_status(status) if status != constants.TaskStatus.PENDING: self._dequeue(task, True) def _enqueue(self, task): if task.resource_id in self._tasks: # append to existing resource queue for ordered processing self._tasks[task.resource_id].append(task) else: # put the task to a new resource queue tasks = collections.deque() tasks.append(task) self._tasks[task.resource_id] = tasks def _dequeue(self, task, run_next): self._result(task) tasks = self._tasks[task.resource_id] tasks.remove(task) if not tasks: # no more tasks for this resource del self._tasks[task.resource_id] return if run_next: # process next task for this resource while tasks: task = tasks[0] status = self._execute(task) if status == constants.TaskStatus.PENDING: break self._dequeue(task, False) def _abort(self): """Abort all tasks.""" # put all tasks haven't been received by main thread to queue # so the following abort handling can cover them for t in self._tasks_queue: self._enqueue(t) self._tasks_queue.clear() resources = copy.deepcopy(self._tasks) for resource_id in resources.keys(): tasks = list(self._tasks[resource_id]) for task in tasks: task._update_status(constants.TaskStatus.ABORT) self._dequeue(task, False) def _get_task(self): """Get task request.""" while True: for t in self._tasks_queue: return self._tasks_queue.popleft() self._req.wait() self._req.reset() def run(self): while True: try: if self._stopped: # Gracefully terminate this thread if the _stopped # attribute was set to true LOG.info("Stopping TaskManager") break # get a task from queue, or timeout for periodic status check task = self._get_task() if task.resource_id in self._tasks: # this resource already has some tasks under processing, # append the task to same queue for ordered processing self._enqueue(task) continue try: self._main_thread_exec_task = task self._execute(task) finally: self._main_thread_exec_task = None if task.status is None: # The thread is killed during _execute(). To guarantee # the task been aborted correctly, put it to the queue. self._enqueue(task) elif task.status != constants.TaskStatus.PENDING: self._result(task) else: self._enqueue(task) except Exception: LOG.exception("TaskManager terminating because " "of an exception") break def add(self, task): task.id = uuid.uuid1() self._tasks_queue.append(task) if not self._req.ready(): self._req.send() return task.id def stop(self): if self._thread is None: return self._stopped = True self._thread.kill() self._thread = None # Stop looping call and abort running tasks self._monitor.stop() if self._monitor_busy: self._monitor.wait() self._abort() LOG.info("TaskManager terminated") def has_pending_task(self): if self._tasks_queue or self._tasks or self._main_thread_exec_task: return True else: return False def show_pending_tasks(self): for task in self._tasks_queue: LOG.info(str(task)) for resource, tasks in six.iteritems(self._tasks): for task in tasks: LOG.info(str(task)) if self._main_thread_exec_task: LOG.info(str(self._main_thread_exec_task)) def count(self): count = 0 for resource_id, tasks in six.iteritems(self._tasks): count += len(tasks) return count def start(self, interval=None): def _inner(): self.run() def _loopingcall_callback(): self._monitor_busy = True try: self._check_pending_tasks() except Exception: LOG.exception("Exception in _check_pending_tasks") self._monitor_busy = False if self._thread is not None: return self if interval is None or interval == 0: interval = self._interval self._stopped = False self._thread = greenthread.spawn(_inner) self._monitor = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall( _loopingcall_callback) self._monitor.start(interval / 1000.0, interval / 1000.0) # To allow the created thread start running greenthread.sleep(0) return self @classmethod def set_default_interval(cls, interval): cls._default_interval = interval