# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2011 Nicira Networks, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # @author: Somik Behera, Nicira Networks, Inc. # @author: Brad Hall, Nicira Networks, Inc. # @author: Dan Wendlandt, Nicira Networks, Inc. import logging from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, exc from quantum.api.api_common import OperationalStatus from quantum.common import exceptions as q_exc from quantum.db import models _ENGINE = None _MAKER = None BASE = models.BASE LOG = logging.getLogger('quantum.db.api') def configure_db(options): """ Establish the database, create an engine if needed, and register the models. :param options: Mapping of configuration options """ global _ENGINE if not _ENGINE: _ENGINE = create_engine(options['sql_connection'], echo=False, echo_pool=True, pool_recycle=3600) register_models() def clear_db(): global _ENGINE assert _ENGINE for table in reversed(BASE.metadata.sorted_tables): _ENGINE.execute(table.delete()) def get_session(autocommit=True, expire_on_commit=False): """Helper method to grab session""" global _MAKER, _ENGINE if not _MAKER: assert _ENGINE _MAKER = sessionmaker(bind=_ENGINE, autocommit=autocommit, expire_on_commit=expire_on_commit) return _MAKER() def register_models(): """Register Models and create properties""" global _ENGINE assert _ENGINE BASE.metadata.create_all(_ENGINE) def unregister_models(): """Unregister Models, useful clearing out data before testing""" global _ENGINE assert _ENGINE BASE.metadata.drop_all(_ENGINE) def network_create(tenant_id, name, op_status=OperationalStatus.UNKNOWN): session = get_session() with session.begin(): net = models.Network(tenant_id, name, op_status) session.add(net) session.flush() return net def network_all_tenant_list(): session = get_session() return session.query(models.Network).all() def network_list(tenant_id): session = get_session() return session.query(models.Network).\ filter_by(tenant_id=tenant_id).\ all() def network_get(net_id): session = get_session() try: return session.query(models.Network).\ filter_by(uuid=net_id).\ one() except exc.NoResultFound, e: raise q_exc.NetworkNotFound(net_id=net_id) def network_update(net_id, tenant_id, **kwargs): session = get_session() net = network_get(net_id) for key in kwargs.keys(): net[key] = kwargs[key] session.merge(net) session.flush() return net def network_destroy(net_id): session = get_session() try: net = session.query(models.Network).\ filter_by(uuid=net_id).\ one() ports = session.query(models.Port).\ filter_by(network_id=net_id).\ all() for p in ports: session.delete(p) session.delete(net) session.flush() return net except exc.NoResultFound: raise q_exc.NetworkNotFound(net_id=net_id) def port_create(net_id, state=None, op_status=OperationalStatus.UNKNOWN): # confirm network exists network_get(net_id) session = get_session() with session.begin(): port = models.Port(net_id, op_status) if state is None: state = 'DOWN' elif state not in ('ACTIVE', 'DOWN'): raise q_exc.StateInvalid(port_state=state) port['state'] = state session.add(port) session.flush() return port def port_list(net_id): # confirm network exists network_get(net_id) session = get_session() return session.query(models.Port).\ filter_by(network_id=net_id).\ all() def port_get(port_id, net_id, session=None): # confirm network exists network_get(net_id) if not session: session = get_session() try: return session.query(models.Port).\ filter_by(uuid=port_id).\ filter_by(network_id=net_id).\ one() except exc.NoResultFound: raise q_exc.PortNotFound(net_id=net_id, port_id=port_id) def port_update(port_id, net_id, **kwargs): # confirm network exists network_get(net_id) port = port_get(port_id, net_id) session = get_session() for key in kwargs.keys(): if key == "state": if kwargs[key] not in ('ACTIVE', 'DOWN'): raise q_exc.StateInvalid(port_state=kwargs[key]) port[key] = kwargs[key] session.merge(port) session.flush() return port def port_set_attachment(port_id, net_id, new_interface_id): # confirm network exists network_get(net_id) session = get_session() port = port_get(port_id, net_id) if new_interface_id != "": # We are setting, not clearing, the attachment-id if port['interface_id']: raise q_exc.PortInUse(net_id=net_id, port_id=port_id, att_id=port['interface_id']) try: port = session.query(models.Port).\ filter_by(interface_id=new_interface_id).\ one() raise q_exc.AlreadyAttached(net_id=net_id, port_id=port_id, att_id=new_interface_id, att_port_id=port['uuid']) except exc.NoResultFound: # this is what should happen pass port.interface_id = new_interface_id session.merge(port) session.flush() return port def port_unset_attachment(port_id, net_id): # confirm network exists network_get(net_id) session = get_session() port = port_get(port_id, net_id, session) port.interface_id = None session.add(port) session.flush() def port_destroy(port_id, net_id): # confirm network exists network_get(net_id) session = get_session() try: port = session.query(models.Port).\ filter_by(uuid=port_id).\ filter_by(network_id=net_id).\ one() if port['interface_id']: raise q_exc.PortInUse(net_id=net_id, port_id=port_id, att_id=port['interface_id']) session.delete(port) session.flush() return port except exc.NoResultFound: raise q_exc.PortNotFound(port_id=port_id)