# Copyright (c) 2017 OpenStack Foundation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import mock from oslo_config import cfg from vmware_nsx.db import nsxv_db from vmware_nsx.db import nsxv_models from vmware_nsx.plugins.nsx_v.vshield import edge_utils from vmware_nsx.tests.unit.nsx_v import test_plugin PLUGIN_NAME = 'vmware_nsx.plugin.NsxVPlugin' # Run all relevant plugin tests when the metadata proxy is enabled. # Those tests does not specifically test the md_proxy. just verify that # nothing gets broken. class NsxVPluginWithMdV2TestCase(test_plugin.NsxVPluginV2TestCase): def setUp(self, plugin=PLUGIN_NAME, ext_mgr=None, service_plugins=None): # Add the metadata configuration cfg.CONF.set_override('mgt_net_moid', 'net-1', group="nsxv") cfg.CONF.set_override('mgt_net_proxy_ips', [''], group="nsxv") cfg.CONF.set_override('mgt_net_proxy_netmask', '', group="nsxv") cfg.CONF.set_override('mgt_net_default_gateway', '', group="nsxv") cfg.CONF.set_override('nova_metadata_ips', [''], group="nsxv") # Add some mocks required for the md code mock_alloc_vnic = mock.patch.object(nsxv_db, 'allocate_edge_vnic') mock_alloc_vnic_inst = mock_alloc_vnic.start() mock_alloc_vnic_inst.return_value = nsxv_models.NsxvEdgeVnicBinding mock.patch.object(edge_utils, "update_internal_interface").start() super(NsxVPluginWithMdV2TestCase, self).setUp( plugin=plugin, ext_mgr=ext_mgr, service_plugins=service_plugins) class TestNetworksWithMdV2(test_plugin.TestNetworksV2, NsxVPluginWithMdV2TestCase): # Skip all the tests that count networks, as there is an # additional internal network for metadata. def test_list_networks_with_sort_native(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_list_networks_without_pk_in_fields_pagination_emulated(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_list_networks_with_sort_emulated(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_list_networks_with_shared(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_list_networks_without_pk_in_fields_pagination_native(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_list_networks_with_parameters(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_list_networks_with_pagination_native(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_list_networks_with_pagination_reverse_emulated(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_list_networks(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_list_networks_with_pagination_emulated(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_list_networks_with_pagination_reverse_native(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_list_networks_with_fields(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_create_networks_bulk_wrong_input(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_create_networks_bulk_native_plugin_failure(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_create_networks_bulk_native_quotas(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_create_networks_bulk_emulated_plugin_failure(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") class TestSubnetsWithMdV2(test_plugin.TestSubnetsV2, NsxVPluginWithMdV2TestCase): # Skip all the tests that count subnets, as there is an # additional internal subnet for metadata. def test_list_subnets_with_sort_native(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_list_subnets_with_sort_emulated(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_list_subnets_with_pagination_native(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_list_subnets_with_parameter(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_list_subnets_with_pagination_emulated(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_list_subnets_shared(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_list_subnets(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_create_subnets_bulk_native_plugin_failure(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_create_subnets_bulk_native_quotas(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_create_subnets_bulk_emulated_plugin_failure(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") class TestExclusiveRouterWithMdTestCase( test_plugin.TestExclusiveRouterTestCase, NsxVPluginWithMdV2TestCase): # Skip all the tests that count firewall rules, as there are # some MD specific rules def test_router_set_gateway_with_nosnat(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_router_interfaces_different_tenants_update_firewall(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_router_interfaces_with_update_firewall(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") # Skip all the tests that count routers or ports, as there is # an additional router for the md proxy def test_router_list_with_pagination_reverse(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_router_list_with_sort(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_router_list_with_pagination(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_router_list(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_router_add_interface_delete_port_after_failure(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_create_router_fail_at_the_backend(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_floatingip_delete_router_intf_with_subnet_id_returns_409(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_floatingip_delete_router_intf_with_port_id_returns_409(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") class TestVdrWithMdTestCase(test_plugin.TestVdrTestCase, NsxVPluginWithMdV2TestCase): # Skip all the tests that count firewall rules, as there are # some MD specific rules def test_router_set_gateway_with_nosnat(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_router_interfaces_different_tenants_update_firewall(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_router_interfaces_with_update_firewall(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") # Skip all the tests that count routers or ports, as there is # an additional router for the md proxy def test_router_list_with_pagination_reverse(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_router_list_with_sort(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_router_list_with_pagination(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_router_list(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_router_add_interface_delete_port_after_failure(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_create_router_fail_at_the_backend(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_floatingip_delete_router_intf_with_subnet_id_returns_409(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_floatingip_delete_router_intf_with_port_id_returns_409(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") #TODO(asarfaty): fix some mocks so those tests will pass def test_router_plr_binding_default_size(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_router_plr_binding_configured_size(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_router_plr_binding_default_az(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_router_plr_binding_with_az(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") class TestSharedRouterWithMdTestCase(test_plugin.TestSharedRouterTestCase, NsxVPluginWithMdV2TestCase): # Skip all the tests that count firewall rules, as there are # some MD specific rules def test_router_set_gateway_with_nosnat(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_routers_set_gateway_with_nosnat(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_router_interfaces_different_tenants_update_firewall(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_router_interfaces_with_update_firewall(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") # Skip all the tests that count routers or ports, as there is # an additional router for the md proxy def test_router_list_with_pagination_reverse(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_router_list_with_sort(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_router_list_with_pagination(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_router_list(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_router_add_interface_delete_port_after_failure(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_create_router_fail_at_the_backend(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_floatingip_delete_router_intf_with_subnet_id_returns_409(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case") def test_floatingip_delete_router_intf_with_port_id_returns_409(self): self.skipTest("The test is not suitable for the metadata test case")