
This schema file defines types related to preconfigured limits. Limits are used to manage the capacity of the API and to prevent abuse. The API defines two kinds of limits RateLimits and AbsoluteLimits. RateLimits are thresholds that are reset after a certain amount of time passes. Absolute limits are fixed.

The limits element contains information on both rate and absolute limits.

The HttpMethod simple type defines a string enumeration of HTTP method verbs as outlined in RFC2616 section 9. The TimeUnit simple type defines a string enumeration of coarse time units that are be used to define the duration of time that a limited request will be unavailable for. A Limits type defines a collection of limits An AbsoluteLimitList type defines a list of absolute limits A RateLimitList type defines a list of resource scoped limit collections. A ResourceLimitCollection type represents a collection of limits that are scoped to a single resource variant. The uri of a limit collection is a human readable string version of the regular expression matcher that is used to define the limit collection resource scope. A collection of limits are scoped to a resource by a regular expression. Absolute limits are predefined fixed limits. We define each of these limits as a key/value pair. Please consult the API Specification for a list of absolute limits used by the system. The name (or key) of the absolute limit. A value specifying the absolute limit.The name of the absolute limit determines the unit type. For example, the key maxIPGroups implies that the value is in terms of IPGroups. A Rate Limit type defines the maximum number of requests that can be performed, the time interval that each limited request will be unavailable for, and, for convience, the remaining number of requests remaining. This is done for every HttpMethod that is rate limited. The verb of a Limit represents the HttpMethod that the Limit is scoped to. The value of a Limit represents maximum Number of requests that the rate limit will allow. The remaining number of requests that a user can make against the limited resource before being denied access. The unit of a Limit defines the duration of a limited request's unavailability. The next-available attribute of a Limit tells the user when a limited request will become available for consumption.