# Copyright 2018 VMware Inc # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import optparse import sqlalchemy as sa from neutron.db.models import l3 from neutron.db.models import securitygroup from neutron.db.models import segment # noqa from neutron.db import models_v2 from vmware_nsx.db import nsx_models from vmware_nsxlib import v3 from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import config from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import exceptions from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import nsx_constants from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import policy from vmware_nsxlib.v3.policy import constants as policy_constants class NeutronNsxDB(object): def __init__(self, db_connection): super(NeutronNsxDB, self).__init__() engine = sa.create_engine(db_connection) self.session = sa.orm.session.sessionmaker()(bind=engine) def query_all(self, column, model): return list(set([r[column] for r in self.session.query(model).all()])) def get_security_groups(self): return self.query_all('id', securitygroup.SecurityGroup) def get_security_groups_rules(self): return self.query_all('id', securitygroup.SecurityGroupRule) def get_routers(self): return self.query_all('id', l3.Router) def get_networks(self): return self.query_all('id', models_v2.Network) def get_ports(self): return self.query_all('id', models_v2.Port) def get_logical_dhcp_servers(self): """The policy plugin still has mapping for the dhcp servers because it uses the passthrough api """ return self.query_all('nsx_service_id', nsx_models.NeutronNsxServiceBinding) def get_logical_ports(self): return self.query_all('nsx_port_id', nsx_models.NeutronNsxPortMapping) class NSXClient(object): """Base NSX REST client""" API_VERSION = "v1" NULL_CURSOR_PREFIX = '0000' def __init__(self, host, username, password, db_connection, allow_passthrough=True): self.host = host self.username = username self.password = password self.allow_passthrough = allow_passthrough self.neutron_db = (NeutronNsxDB(db_connection) if db_connection else None) nsxlib_config = config.NsxLibConfig( username=self.username, password=self.password, nsx_api_managers=[self.host], allow_passthrough=allow_passthrough, # allow admin user to delete entities created # under openstack principal identity allow_overwrite_header=True) self.nsxpolicy = policy.NsxPolicyLib(nsxlib_config) if allow_passthrough: self.nsxlib = v3.NsxLib(nsxlib_config) else: self.NsxLib = None def get_os_resources(self, resources): """ Get all logical resources created by OpenStack """ os_resources = [r for r in resources if 'tags' in r for tag in r['tags'] if 'os-api-version' in tag.values()] return os_resources def get_os_nsx_groups_and_maps(self, domain_id): """ Retrieve all NSX policy groups & maps created from OpenStack (by tags) If the DB is available - use only objects in the neutron DB """ groups = self.get_os_resources(self.nsxpolicy.group.list(domain_id)) maps = self.get_os_resources(self.nsxpolicy.comm_map.list(domain_id)) if self.neutron_db: db_sgs = self.neutron_db.get_security_groups() filtered_groups = [g for g in groups if g['id'] in db_sgs] maps = [m for m in maps if m['id'] in db_sgs] # Add groups based on SG rules local/remote ips db_rules = self.neutron_db.get_security_groups_rules() filtered_groups.extend([g for g in groups if g['id'][:36] in db_rules]) groups = filtered_groups return groups, maps def cleanup_security_groups(self, domain_id): """Delete all OS created NSX Policy security group resources""" groups, maps = self.get_os_nsx_groups_and_maps(domain_id) print("Number of OS Communication maps of domain %s to be deleted: " "%s" % (domain_id, len(maps))) for m in maps: self.nsxpolicy.comm_map.delete(domain_id, m['id']) print("Number of OS Groups of domain %s to be deleted: " "%s" % (domain_id, len(groups))) for grp in groups: try: self.nsxpolicy.group.delete(domain_id, grp['id']) except exceptions.ManagerError as e: print("Failed to delete group %s: %s" % (grp['id'], e)) def get_os_nsx_tier1_routers(self): """ Retrieve all NSX policy routers created from OpenStack (by tags) If the DB is available - use only objects in the neutron DB """ routers = self.get_os_resources(self.nsxpolicy.tier1.list()) if routers and self.neutron_db: db_routers = self.neutron_db.get_routers() routers = [r for r in routers if r['id'] in db_routers] return routers def cleanup_tier1_nat_rules(self, tier1_uuid): rules = self.nsxpolicy.tier1_nat_rule.list(tier1_uuid) for rule in rules: try: self.nsxpolicy.tier1_nat_rule.delete(tier1_uuid, rule['id']) except exceptions.ManagerError as e: print("Failed to delete nat rule %s: %s" % (rule['id'], e)) def cleanup_tier1_routers(self): """Delete all OS created NSX Policy routers""" routers = self.get_os_nsx_tier1_routers() print("Number of OS Tier1 routers to be deleted: %s" % len(routers)) for rtr in routers: # remove all nat rules from this router before deletion self.cleanup_tier1_nat_rules(rtr['id']) try: self.nsxpolicy.tier1.delete_locale_service(rtr['id']) except exceptions.ManagerError: # Not always exists pass try: self.nsxpolicy.tier1.delete(rtr['id']) except exceptions.ManagerError as e: print("Failed to delete tier1 %s: %s" % (rtr['id'], e)) def get_os_nsx_segments(self): """ Retrieve all NSX policy segments created from OpenStack (by tags) If the DB is available - use only objects in the neutron DB """ segments = self.get_os_resources(self.nsxpolicy.segment.list()) if segments and self.neutron_db: db_networks = self.neutron_db.get_networks() segments = [s for s in segments if s['id'] in db_networks] return segments def delete_network_nsx_dhcp_port(self, network_id): # Delete dhcp port when using MP dhcp if not self.nsxlib: # no passthrough api return port_id = self.nsxlib.get_id_by_resource_and_tag( self.nsxlib.logical_port.resource_type, 'os-neutron-net-id', network_id) if port_id: self.nsxlib.logical_port.delete(port_id) def cleanup_segments_interfaces(self): segments = self.get_os_nsx_segments() routers = self.get_os_nsx_tier1_routers() print("Cleaning interfaces of %s segments and %s tier-1s" % ( len(segments), len(routers))) for s in segments: # Disassociate overlay interfaces from tier1 routers self.nsxpolicy.segment.remove_connectivity_and_subnets(s['id']) for rtr in routers: # Disassociate VLAN interfaces from tier1 routers interfaces = self.nsxpolicy.tier1.list_segment_interface( rtr['id']) for intf in interfaces: self.nsxpolicy.tier1.remove_segment_interface( rtr['id'], intf['id']) def cleanup_segments(self): """Delete all OS created NSX Policy segments & ports""" segments = self.get_os_nsx_segments() print("Number of OS segments to be deleted: %s" % len(segments)) for s in segments: # Delete all the ports self.cleanup_segment_ports(s['id']) # Delete the nsx mdproxy port self.delete_network_nsx_dhcp_port(s['id']) try: # Delete the segment self.nsxpolicy.segment.delete(s['id']) except exceptions.ManagerError as e: print("Failed to delete segment %s: %s" % (s['id'], e)) def get_os_nsx_segment_ports(self, segment_id): """ Retrieve all NSX policy segment ports created from OpenStack (by tags) If the DB is available - use only objects in the neutron DB """ segment_ports = self.get_os_resources( self.nsxpolicy.segment_port.list(segment_id)) if segment_ports and self.neutron_db: db_ports = self.neutron_db.get_ports() segment_ports = [s for s in segment_ports if s['id'] in db_ports] return segment_ports def cleanup_segment_ports(self, segment_id): """Delete all OS created NSX Policy segments ports per segment""" segment_ports = self.get_os_nsx_segment_ports(segment_id) for p in segment_ports: try: self.nsxpolicy.segment_port_security_profiles.delete( segment_id, p['id']) except Exception: pass try: self.nsxpolicy.segment_port_discovery_profiles.delete( segment_id, p['id']) except Exception: pass try: self.nsxpolicy.segment_port_qos_profiles.delete( segment_id, p['id']) except Exception: pass try: self.nsxpolicy.segment_port.delete(segment_id, p['id']) except exceptions.ManagerError as e: print("Failed to delete segment port %s: %s" % (p['id'], e)) def get_logical_dhcp_servers(self): """ Retrieve all logical DHCP servers on NSX backend The policy plugin still uses nsxlib for this because it uses the passthrough api. """ return self.nsxlib.dhcp_server.list()['results'] def get_logical_ports(self): """ Retrieve all logical ports on NSX backend """ return self.nsxlib.logical_port.list()['results'] def get_os_dhcp_logical_ports(self): """ Retrieve all DHCP logical ports created from OpenStack """ # Get all NSX openstack ports, and filter the DHCP ones lports = self.get_os_resources( self.get_logical_ports()) lports = [lp for lp in lports if lp.get('attachment') and lp['attachment'].get( 'attachment_type') == nsx_constants.ATTACHMENT_DHCP] if self.neutron_db: db_lports = self.neutron_db.get_logical_ports() lports = [lp for lp in lports if lp['id'] in db_lports] return lports def cleanup_os_dhcp_logical_ports(self): """Delete all DHCP logical ports created by OpenStack DHCP ports are the only ones the policy plugin creates directly on the NSX """ os_lports = self.get_os_dhcp_logical_ports() print("Number of OS Logical Ports to be deleted: %s" % len(os_lports)) for p in os_lports: try: self.nsxlib.logical_port.update( p['id'], None, attachment_type=None) self.nsxlib.logical_port.delete(p['id']) except Exception as e: print("ERROR: Failed to delete logical port %s, error %s" % (p['id'], e)) else: print("Successfully deleted logical port %s" % p['id']) def get_os_logical_dhcp_servers(self): """ Retrieve all logical DHCP servers created from OpenStack """ dhcp_servers = self.get_os_resources( self.get_logical_dhcp_servers()) if self.neutron_db: db_dhcp_servers = self.neutron_db.get_logical_dhcp_servers() dhcp_servers = [srv for srv in dhcp_servers if srv['id'] in db_dhcp_servers] return dhcp_servers def cleanup_nsx_logical_dhcp_servers(self): """ Cleanup all logical DHCP servers created from OpenStack plugin The policy plugin still uses nsxlib for this because it uses the passthrough api. """ if not self.nsxlib: # No passthrough api return # First delete the DHCP ports (from the NSX) self.cleanup_os_dhcp_logical_ports() dhcp_servers = self.get_os_logical_dhcp_servers() print("Number of OS Logical DHCP Servers to be deleted: %s" % len(dhcp_servers)) for server in dhcp_servers: try: self.nsxlib.dhcp_server.delete(server['id']) except Exception as e: print("ERROR: Failed to delete logical DHCP server %s, " "error %s" % (server['display_name'], e)) else: print("Successfully deleted logical DHCP server %s" % server['display_name']) def get_os_nsx_services(self): """ Retrieve all NSX policy services created from OpenStack SG rules (by tags) If the DB is available - use only objects in the neutron DB """ services = self.get_os_resources(self.nsxpolicy.service.list()) if services and self.neutron_db: db_rules = self.neutron_db.get_security_groups_rules() services = [s for s in services if s['id'] in db_rules] return services def cleanup_rules_services(self): """Delete all OS created NSX services""" services = self.get_os_nsx_services() print("Number of OS rule services to be deleted: %s" % len(services)) for srv in services: try: self.nsxpolicy.service.delete(srv['id']) except exceptions.ManagerError as e: print("Failed to delete rule service %s: %s" % (srv['id'], e)) def _cleanup_lb_resource(self, service, service_name): r_list = self.get_os_resources(service.list()) print("Number of %s to be deleted: %d" % (service_name, len(r_list))) for r in r_list: try: service.delete( r['id']) except Exception as e: print("ERROR: Failed to delete %s %s, error %s" % (r['resource_type'], r['id'], e)) def cleanup_lb_virtual_servers(self): self._cleanup_lb_resource(self.nsxpolicy.load_balancer.virtual_server, 'LB virtual servers') def cleanup_lb_server_pools(self): self._cleanup_lb_resource(self.nsxpolicy.load_balancer.lb_pool, 'LB pools') def cleanup_lb_profiles(self): lb_svc = self.nsxpolicy.load_balancer self._cleanup_lb_resource(lb_svc.lb_http_profile, 'LB HTTP app profiles') self._cleanup_lb_resource(lb_svc.lb_fast_tcp_profile, 'LB HTTPS app profiles') self._cleanup_lb_resource(lb_svc.lb_fast_udp_profile, 'LB UDP app profiles') self._cleanup_lb_resource(lb_svc.client_ssl_profile, 'LB SSL client profiles') self._cleanup_lb_resource(lb_svc.lb_cookie_persistence_profile, 'LB cookie persistence profiles') self._cleanup_lb_resource(lb_svc.lb_source_ip_persistence_profile, 'LB source IP persistence profiles') def cleanup_lb_monitors(self): lb_svc = self.nsxpolicy.load_balancer self._cleanup_lb_resource(lb_svc.lb_monitor_profile_http, 'LB HTTP monitor profiles') self._cleanup_lb_resource(lb_svc.lb_monitor_profile_https, 'LB HTTPS monitor profiles') self._cleanup_lb_resource(lb_svc.lb_monitor_profile_udp, 'LB UDP monitor profiles') self._cleanup_lb_resource(lb_svc.lb_monitor_profile_icmp, 'LB ICMP monitor profiles') self._cleanup_lb_resource(lb_svc.lb_monitor_profile_tcp, 'LB TCP monitor profiles') def cleanup_lb_services(self): self._cleanup_lb_resource(self.nsxpolicy.load_balancer.lb_service, 'LB services') def cleanup_load_balancers(self): self.cleanup_lb_virtual_servers() self.cleanup_lb_profiles() self.cleanup_lb_services() self.cleanup_lb_server_pools() self.cleanup_lb_monitors() def cleanup_all(self): """ Per domain cleanup steps: - Security groups resources Global cleanup steps: - Tier1 routers - Segments and ports - rules and services """ print("Cleaning up openstack resources") self.cleanup_security_groups(policy_constants.DEFAULT_DOMAIN) self.cleanup_segments_interfaces() self.cleanup_segments() self.cleanup_load_balancers() self.cleanup_nsx_logical_dhcp_servers() self.cleanup_tier1_routers() self.cleanup_rules_services() if __name__ == "__main__": parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("--policy-ip", dest="policy_ip", help="NSX Policy IP " "address") parser.add_option("-u", "--username", default="admin", dest="username", help="NSX Policy username") parser.add_option("-p", "--password", default="default", dest="password", help="NSX Policy password") parser.add_option("--db-connection", default="", dest="db_connection", help=("When set, cleaning only backend resources that " "have db record.")) parser.add_option("--allow-passthrough", default="true", dest="allow_passthrough", help=("When True, passthrough api will be used to " "cleanup some NSX objects.")) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # Get NSX REST client nsx_client = NSXClient(options.policy_ip, options.username, options.password, options.db_connection, options.allow_passthrough) # Clean all objects created by OpenStack nsx_client.cleanup_all()