# Copyright 2015 VMware, Inc. # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import netaddr from neutron_lib.api.definitions import allowedaddresspairs as addr_apidef from neutron_lib.api.definitions import availability_zone as az_def from neutron_lib.api.definitions import external_net as extnet_apidef from neutron_lib.api.definitions import l3 as l3_apidef from neutron_lib.api.definitions import port_security as psec from neutron_lib.api import faults from neutron_lib.api.validators import availability_zone as az_validator from neutron_lib.exceptions import allowedaddresspairs as addr_exc from neutron_lib.exceptions import l3 as l3_exc from neutron_lib.exceptions import port_security as psec_exc from neutron_lib.plugins import constants as plugin_const from neutron_lib.plugins import directory from neutron_lib.services.qos import constants as qos_consts from neutron.api.rpc.agentnotifiers import dhcp_rpc_agent_api from neutron.api.rpc.handlers import dhcp_rpc from neutron.api.rpc.handlers import metadata_rpc from neutron.common import rpc as n_rpc from neutron.common import topics from neutron.common import utils as nc_utils from neutron.db import _resource_extend as resource_extend from neutron.db import _utils as db_utils from neutron.db import agents_db from neutron.db import agentschedulers_db from neutron.db import allowedaddresspairs_db as addr_pair_db from neutron.db import api as db_api from neutron.db.availability_zone import router as router_az_db from neutron.db import db_base_plugin_v2 from neutron.db import dns_db from neutron.db import external_net_db from neutron.db import extradhcpopt_db from neutron.db import extraroute_db from neutron.db import l3_attrs_db from neutron.db import l3_db from neutron.db import l3_gwmode_db from neutron.db.models import l3 as l3_db_models from neutron.db.models import securitygroup as securitygroup_model # noqa from neutron.db import models_v2 from neutron.db import portbindings_db from neutron.db import portsecurity_db from neutron.db import securitygroups_db from neutron.db import vlantransparent_db from neutron.extensions import providernet from neutron.extensions import securitygroup as ext_sg from neutron.extensions import vlantransparent as ext_vlan from neutron.plugins.common import utils as n_utils from neutron.quota import resource_registry from neutron_lib.api.definitions import extra_dhcp_opt as ext_edo from neutron_lib.api.definitions import portbindings as pbin from neutron_lib.api.definitions import provider_net as pnet from neutron_lib.api import validators from neutron_lib.callbacks import events from neutron_lib.callbacks import exceptions as callback_exc from neutron_lib.callbacks import registry from neutron_lib.callbacks import resources from neutron_lib import constants as const from neutron_lib import context as q_context from neutron_lib import exceptions as n_exc from neutron_lib.utils import helpers from neutron_lib.utils import net as nlib_net from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_context import context as context_utils from oslo_db import exception as db_exc from oslo_log import log from oslo_utils import excutils from oslo_utils import importutils from oslo_utils import uuidutils from sqlalchemy import exc as sql_exc import webob.exc from vmware_nsx._i18n import _ from vmware_nsx.api_replay import utils as api_replay_utils from vmware_nsx.common import availability_zones as nsx_com_az from vmware_nsx.common import config # noqa from vmware_nsx.common import exceptions as nsx_exc from vmware_nsx.common import l3_rpc_agent_api from vmware_nsx.common import locking from vmware_nsx.common import managers from vmware_nsx.common import utils from vmware_nsx.db import db as nsx_db from vmware_nsx.db import extended_security_group from vmware_nsx.db import extended_security_group_rule as extend_sg_rule from vmware_nsx.db import maclearning as mac_db from vmware_nsx.dhcp_meta import rpc as nsx_rpc from vmware_nsx.extensions import advancedserviceproviders as as_providers from vmware_nsx.extensions import maclearning as mac_ext from vmware_nsx.extensions import projectpluginmap from vmware_nsx.extensions import providersecuritygroup as provider_sg from vmware_nsx.extensions import securitygrouplogging as sg_logging from vmware_nsx.plugins.common import plugin as nsx_plugin_common from vmware_nsx.plugins.nsx import utils as tvd_utils from vmware_nsx.plugins.nsx_v3 import availability_zones as nsx_az from vmware_nsx.plugins.nsx_v3 import utils as v3_utils from vmware_nsx.services.fwaas.common import utils as fwaas_utils from vmware_nsx.services.fwaas.nsx_v3 import fwaas_callbacks_v1 from vmware_nsx.services.fwaas.nsx_v3 import fwaas_callbacks_v2 from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas.nsx_v3 import lb_driver_v2 from vmware_nsx.services.qos.common import utils as qos_com_utils from vmware_nsx.services.qos.nsx_v3 import driver as qos_driver from vmware_nsx.services.trunk.nsx_v3 import driver as trunk_driver from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import core_resources as nsx_resources from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import exceptions as nsx_lib_exc from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import nsx_constants as nsxlib_consts from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import security from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import utils as nsxlib_utils LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) NSX_V3_PSEC_PROFILE_NAME = 'neutron_port_spoof_guard_profile' NSX_V3_NO_PSEC_PROFILE_NAME = 'nsx-default-spoof-guard-vif-profile' NSX_V3_DHCP_PROFILE_NAME = 'neutron_port_dhcp_profile' NSX_V3_MAC_LEARNING_PROFILE_NAME = 'neutron_port_mac_learning_profile' NSX_V3_FW_DEFAULT_SECTION = 'OS Default Section for Neutron Security-Groups' NSX_V3_FW_DEFAULT_NS_GROUP = 'os_default_section_ns_group' NSX_V3_DEFAULT_SECTION = 'OS-Default-Section' NSX_V3_EXCLUDED_PORT_NSGROUP_NAME = 'neutron_excluded_port_nsgroup' NSX_V3_NON_VIF_PROFILE = 'nsx-default-switch-security-non-vif-profile' NSX_V3_SERVER_SSL_PROFILE = 'nsx-default-server-ssl-profile' NSX_V3_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE = 'nsx-default-client-ssl-profile' def inject_headers(): ctx = context_utils.get_current() if ctx: ctx_dict = ctx.to_dict() return {'X-NSX-EUSER': ctx_dict.get('user_identity'), 'X-NSX-EREQID': ctx_dict.get('request_id')} return {} def inject_requestid_header(): ctx = context_utils.get_current() if ctx: return {'X-NSX-EREQID': ctx.__dict__.get('request_id')} return {} # NOTE(asarfaty): the order of inheritance here is important. in order for the # QoS notification to work, the AgentScheduler init must be called first # NOTE(arosen): same is true with the ExtendedSecurityGroupPropertiesMixin # this needs to be above securitygroups_db.SecurityGroupDbMixin. # FIXME(arosen): we can solve this inheritance order issue by just mixining in # the classes into a new class to handle the order correctly. @resource_extend.has_resource_extenders class NsxV3Plugin(agentschedulers_db.AZDhcpAgentSchedulerDbMixin, extended_security_group.ExtendedSecurityGroupPropertiesMixin, addr_pair_db.AllowedAddressPairsMixin, nsx_plugin_common.NsxPluginBase, extend_sg_rule.ExtendedSecurityGroupRuleMixin, securitygroups_db.SecurityGroupDbMixin, external_net_db.External_net_db_mixin, extraroute_db.ExtraRoute_db_mixin, router_az_db.RouterAvailabilityZoneMixin, l3_gwmode_db.L3_NAT_db_mixin, portbindings_db.PortBindingMixin, portsecurity_db.PortSecurityDbMixin, extradhcpopt_db.ExtraDhcpOptMixin, dns_db.DNSDbMixin, vlantransparent_db.Vlantransparent_db_mixin, mac_db.MacLearningDbMixin, nsx_com_az.NSXAvailabilityZonesPluginCommon, l3_attrs_db.ExtraAttributesMixin): __native_bulk_support = True __native_pagination_support = True __native_sorting_support = True supported_extension_aliases = ["allowed-address-pairs", "address-scope", "quotas", "binding", "extra_dhcp_opt", "agent", "dhcp_agent_scheduler", "ext-gw-mode", "security-group", "secgroup-rule-local-ip-prefix", "port-security", "provider", "external-net", "extraroute", "router", "availability_zone", "network_availability_zone", "router_availability_zone", "subnet_allocation", "security-group-logging", "provider-security-group"] @resource_registry.tracked_resources( network=models_v2.Network, port=models_v2.Port, subnet=models_v2.Subnet, subnetpool=models_v2.SubnetPool, security_group=securitygroup_model.SecurityGroup, security_group_rule=securitygroup_model.SecurityGroupRule, router=l3_db_models.Router, floatingip=l3_db_models.FloatingIP) def __init__(self): self._is_sub_plugin = tvd_utils.is_tvd_core_plugin() self.init_is_complete = False nsxlib_utils.set_is_attr_callback(validators.is_attr_set) self._extend_fault_map() if self._is_sub_plugin: extension_drivers = cfg.CONF.nsx_tvd.nsx_v3_extension_drivers else: extension_drivers = cfg.CONF.nsx_extension_drivers self._extension_manager = managers.ExtensionManager( extension_drivers=extension_drivers) super(NsxV3Plugin, self).__init__() # Bind the dummy L3 notifications self.l3_rpc_notifier = l3_rpc_agent_api.L3NotifyAPI() LOG.info("Starting NsxV3Plugin") self._extension_manager.initialize() self.supported_extension_aliases.extend( self._extension_manager.extension_aliases()) self.nsxlib = v3_utils.get_nsxlib_wrapper() if self.nsxlib.feature_supported(nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_ON_BEHALF_OF): nsxlib_utils.set_inject_headers_callback(inject_headers) else: nsxlib_utils.set_inject_headers_callback(inject_requestid_header) self.lbv2_driver = self._init_lbv2_driver() registry.subscribe( self.on_subnetpool_address_scope_updated, resources.SUBNETPOOL_ADDRESS_SCOPE, events.AFTER_UPDATE) self._nsx_version = self.nsxlib.get_version() LOG.info("NSX Version: %s", self._nsx_version) self.cfg_group = 'nsx_v3' # group name for nsx_v3 section in nsx.ini self.tier0_groups_dict = {} # Initialize the network availability zones, which will be used only # when native_dhcp_metadata is True self.init_availability_zones() # Translate configured transport zones, routers, dhcp profile and # metadata proxy names to uuid. self._translate_configured_names_to_uuids() self._init_dhcp_metadata() # Include default section NSGroup LOG.debug("Initializing NSX v3 default section NSGroup") self._default_section_nsgroup = None self._default_section_nsgroup = self._init_default_section_nsgroup() if not self._default_section_nsgroup: msg = _("Unable to initialize NSX v3 default section NSGroup %s" ) % NSX_V3_FW_DEFAULT_NS_GROUP raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) self.default_section = self._init_default_section_rules() self._process_security_group_logging() # init profiles on nsx backend self._init_nsx_profiles() # Include exclude NSGroup LOG.debug("Initializing NSX v3 Excluded Port NSGroup") self._excluded_port_nsgroup = None self._excluded_port_nsgroup = self._init_excluded_port_nsgroup() if not self._excluded_port_nsgroup: msg = _("Unable to initialize NSX v3 Excluded Port NSGroup %s" ) % NSX_V3_EXCLUDED_PORT_NSGROUP_NAME raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) qos_driver.register() self.start_rpc_listeners_called = False self._unsubscribe_callback_events() if cfg.CONF.api_replay_mode: self.supported_extension_aliases.append('api-replay') # Support transparent VLANS from 2.2.0 onwards. The feature is only # supported if the global configuration flag vlan_transparent is # True if cfg.CONF.vlan_transparent: if self.nsxlib.feature_supported(nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_TRUNK_VLAN): self.supported_extension_aliases.append("vlan-transparent") else: raise NotImplementedError( _("Current NSX version %s doesn't support " "transparent vlans") % self.nsxlib.get_version()) # Register NSXv3 trunk driver to support trunk extensions self.trunk_driver = trunk_driver.NsxV3TrunkDriver.create(self) # subscribe the init complete method last, so it will be called only # if init was successful registry.subscribe(self.init_complete, resources.PROCESS, events.AFTER_INIT) @staticmethod def plugin_type(): return projectpluginmap.NsxPlugins.NSX_T @staticmethod def is_tvd_plugin(): return False def init_complete(self, resource, event, trigger, payload=None): with locking.LockManager.get_lock('plugin-init-complete'): if self.init_is_complete: # Should be called only once per worker return # reinitialize the cluster upon fork for api workers to ensure # each process has its own keepalive loops + state self.nsxlib.reinitialize_cluster(resource, event, trigger, payload=payload) # Init the FWaaS support self._init_fwaas() self.init_is_complete = True def _extend_fault_map(self): """Extends the Neutron Fault Map. Exceptions specific to the NSX Plugin are mapped to standard HTTP Exceptions. """ faults.FAULT_MAP.update({nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest, nsx_lib_exc.ServiceClusterUnavailable: webob.exc.HTTPServiceUnavailable, nsx_lib_exc.ClientCertificateNotTrusted: webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest, nsx_exc.SecurityGroupMaximumCapacityReached: webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest, nsx_lib_exc.NsxLibInvalidInput: webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest, nsx_exc.NsxENSPortSecurity: webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest, }) def _init_fwaas(self): self.fwaas_callbacks = None if fwaas_utils.is_fwaas_v1_plugin_enabled(): LOG.info("NSXv3 FWaaS v1 plugin enabled") self.fwaas_callbacks = fwaas_callbacks_v1.Nsxv3FwaasCallbacksV1() if fwaas_utils.is_fwaas_v2_plugin_enabled(): LOG.info("NSXv3 FWaaS v2 plugin enabled") self.fwaas_callbacks = fwaas_callbacks_v2.Nsxv3FwaasCallbacksV2() def _init_lbv2_driver(self): # Get LBaaSv2 driver during plugin initialization. If the platform # has a version that doesn't support native loadbalancing, the driver # will return a NotImplementedManager class. LOG.debug("Initializing LBaaSv2.0 nsxv3 driver") if self.nsxlib.feature_supported(nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_LOAD_BALANCER): return lb_driver_v2.EdgeLoadbalancerDriverV2() else: LOG.warning("Current NSX version %(ver)s doesn't support LBaaS", {'ver': self.nsxlib.get_version()}) return lb_driver_v2.DummyLoadbalancerDriverV2() def init_availability_zones(self): validate_default = not self._is_sub_plugin self._availability_zones_data = nsx_az.NsxV3AvailabilityZones( validate_default=validate_default) def _init_nsx_profiles(self): LOG.debug("Initializing NSX v3 port spoofguard switching profile") if not self._init_port_security_profile(): msg = _("Unable to initialize NSX v3 port spoofguard " "switching profile: %s") % NSX_V3_PSEC_PROFILE_NAME raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) profile_client = self.nsxlib.switching_profile no_psec_prof = profile_client.find_by_display_name( NSX_V3_NO_PSEC_PROFILE_NAME)[0] self._no_psec_profile_id = profile_client.build_switch_profile_ids( profile_client, no_psec_prof)[0] LOG.debug("Initializing NSX v3 DHCP switching profile") try: self._init_dhcp_switching_profile() except Exception as e: msg = (_("Unable to initialize NSX v3 DHCP switching profile: " "%(id)s. Reason: %(reason)s") % { 'id': NSX_V3_DHCP_PROFILE_NAME, 'reason': str(e)}) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) self._mac_learning_profile = None # Only create MAC Learning profile when nsxv3 version >= 1.1.0 if self.nsxlib.feature_supported(nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_MAC_LEARNING): LOG.debug("Initializing NSX v3 Mac Learning switching profile") try: self._init_mac_learning_profile() # Only expose the extension if it is supported self.supported_extension_aliases.append('mac-learning') except Exception as e: LOG.warning("Unable to initialize NSX v3 MAC Learning " "profile: %(name)s. Reason: %(reason)s", {'name': NSX_V3_MAC_LEARNING_PROFILE_NAME, 'reason': e}) no_switch_security_prof = profile_client.find_by_display_name( NSX_V3_NON_VIF_PROFILE)[0] self._no_switch_security = profile_client.build_switch_profile_ids( profile_client, no_switch_security_prof)[0] self.server_ssl_profile = None self.client_ssl_profile = None # Only create LB profiles when nsxv3 version >= 2.1.0 if self.nsxlib.feature_supported(nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_LOAD_BALANCER): LOG.debug("Initializing NSX v3 Load Balancer default profiles") try: self._init_lb_profiles() except Exception as e: msg = (_("Unable to initialize NSX v3 lb profiles: " "Reason: %(reason)s") % {'reason': str(e)}) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) def _translate_configured_names_to_uuids(self): # If using tags to find the objects, make sure tag scope is configured if (cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.init_objects_by_tags and not cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.search_objects_scope): raise cfg.RequiredOptError("search_objects_scope", group=cfg.OptGroup('nsx_v3')) # default tier0 router self._default_tier0_router = None if cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.default_tier0_router: rtr_id = None if cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.init_objects_by_tags: # Find the router by its tag resource_type = (self.nsxlib.logical_router.resource_type + ' AND router_type:TIER0') rtr_id = self.nsxlib.get_id_by_resource_and_tag( resource_type, cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.search_objects_scope, cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.default_tier0_router) if not rtr_id: # find the router by name or id rtr_id = self.nsxlib.logical_router.get_id_by_name_or_id( cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.default_tier0_router) self._default_tier0_router = rtr_id # Validate and translate native dhcp profiles per az if cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata: if not cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.dhcp_profile: raise cfg.RequiredOptError("dhcp_profile", group=cfg.OptGroup('nsx_v3')) if not cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.metadata_proxy: raise cfg.RequiredOptError("metadata_proxy", group=cfg.OptGroup('nsx_v3')) # Translate all the uuids in each of the availability for az in self.get_azs_list(): az.translate_configured_names_to_uuids(self.nsxlib) def _extend_nsx_port_dict_binding(self, context, port_data): # Not using the register api for this because we need the context port_data[pbin.VIF_TYPE] = pbin.VIF_TYPE_OVS port_data[pbin.VNIC_TYPE] = pbin.VNIC_NORMAL if 'network_id' in port_data: port_data[pbin.VIF_DETAILS] = { # TODO(rkukura): Replace with new VIF security details pbin.CAP_PORT_FILTER: 'security-group' in self.supported_extension_aliases, 'nsx-logical-switch-id': self._get_network_nsx_id(context, port_data['network_id'])} @nsxlib_utils.retry_upon_exception( Exception, max_attempts=cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.retries) def _init_default_section_nsgroup(self): with locking.LockManager.get_lock('nsxv3_init_default_nsgroup'): nsgroup = self._get_default_section_nsgroup() if not nsgroup: # Create a new NSGroup for default section membership_criteria = ( self.nsxlib.ns_group.get_port_tag_expression( security.PORT_SG_SCOPE, NSX_V3_DEFAULT_SECTION)) nsgroup = self.nsxlib.ns_group.create( NSX_V3_FW_DEFAULT_NS_GROUP, 'OS Default Section Port NSGroup', tags=self.nsxlib.build_v3_api_version_tag(), membership_criteria=membership_criteria) return self._get_default_section_nsgroup() def _get_default_section_nsgroup(self): if self._default_section_nsgroup: return self._default_section_nsgroup nsgroups = self.nsxlib.ns_group.find_by_display_name( NSX_V3_FW_DEFAULT_NS_GROUP) return nsgroups[0] if nsgroups else None @nsxlib_utils.retry_upon_exception( Exception, max_attempts=cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.retries) def _init_excluded_port_nsgroup(self): with locking.LockManager.get_lock('nsxv3_excluded_port_nsgroup_init'): nsgroup = self._get_excluded_port_nsgroup() if not nsgroup: # Create a new NSGroup for excluded ports. membership_criteria = ( self.nsxlib.ns_group.get_port_tag_expression( security.PORT_SG_SCOPE, nsxlib_consts.EXCLUDE_PORT)) nsgroup = self.nsxlib.ns_group.create( NSX_V3_EXCLUDED_PORT_NSGROUP_NAME, 'Neutron Excluded Port NSGroup', tags=self.nsxlib.build_v3_api_version_tag(), membership_criteria=membership_criteria) # Add this NSGroup to NSX Exclusion List. self.nsxlib.firewall_section.add_member_to_fw_exclude_list( nsgroup['id'], nsxlib_consts.NSGROUP) return self._get_excluded_port_nsgroup() def _get_excluded_port_nsgroup(self): if self._excluded_port_nsgroup: return self._excluded_port_nsgroup nsgroups = self.nsxlib.ns_group.find_by_display_name( NSX_V3_EXCLUDED_PORT_NSGROUP_NAME) return nsgroups[0] if nsgroups else None def _unsubscribe_callback_events(self): # l3_db explicitly subscribes to the port delete callback. This # callback is unsubscribed here since l3 APIs are handled by # core_plugin instead of an advanced service, in case of NSXv3 plugin, # and the prevention logic is handled by NSXv3 plugin itself. registry.unsubscribe( l3_db.L3_NAT_dbonly_mixin._prevent_l3_port_delete_callback, resources.PORT, events.BEFORE_DELETE) def _validate_dhcp_profile(self, dhcp_profile_uuid): dhcp_profile = self.nsxlib.switching_profile.get(dhcp_profile_uuid) if (dhcp_profile.get('resource_type') != nsx_resources.SwitchingProfileTypes.SWITCH_SECURITY): msg = _("Invalid configuration on the backend for DHCP " "switching profile %s. Switching Profile must be of type " "'Switch Security'") % dhcp_profile_uuid raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) dhcp_filter = dhcp_profile.get('dhcp_filter') if (not dhcp_filter or dhcp_filter.get('client_block_enabled') or dhcp_filter.get('server_block_enabled')): msg = _("Invalid configuration on the backend for DHCP " "switching profile %s. DHCP Server Block and Client Block " "must be disabled") % dhcp_profile_uuid raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) @nsxlib_utils.retry_upon_exception( Exception, max_attempts=cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.retries) def _init_dhcp_switching_profile(self): with locking.LockManager.get_lock('nsxv3_dhcp_profile_init'): if not self._get_dhcp_security_profile(): self.nsxlib.switching_profile.create_dhcp_profile( NSX_V3_DHCP_PROFILE_NAME, 'Neutron DHCP Security Profile', tags=self.nsxlib.build_v3_api_version_tag()) return self._get_dhcp_security_profile() def _get_dhcp_security_profile(self): if hasattr(self, '_dhcp_profile') and self._dhcp_profile: return self._dhcp_profile profile = self.nsxlib.switching_profile.find_by_display_name( NSX_V3_DHCP_PROFILE_NAME) self._dhcp_profile = nsx_resources.SwitchingProfileTypeId( profile_type=(nsx_resources.SwitchingProfileTypes. SWITCH_SECURITY), profile_id=profile[0]['id']) if profile else None return self._dhcp_profile def _init_mac_learning_profile(self): with locking.LockManager.get_lock('nsxv3_mac_learning_profile_init'): if not self._get_mac_learning_profile(): self.nsxlib.switching_profile.create_mac_learning_profile( NSX_V3_MAC_LEARNING_PROFILE_NAME, 'Neutron MAC Learning Profile', tags=self.nsxlib.build_v3_api_version_tag()) return self._get_mac_learning_profile() def _get_mac_learning_profile(self): if (hasattr(self, '_mac_learning_profile') and self._mac_learning_profile): return self._mac_learning_profile profile = self.nsxlib.switching_profile.find_by_display_name( NSX_V3_MAC_LEARNING_PROFILE_NAME) self._mac_learning_profile = nsx_resources.SwitchingProfileTypeId( profile_type=(nsx_resources.SwitchingProfileTypes. MAC_LEARNING), profile_id=profile[0]['id']) if profile else None return self._mac_learning_profile def _init_lb_profiles(self): with locking.LockManager.get_lock('nsxv3_lb_profiles_init'): lb_profiles = self._get_lb_profiles() if not lb_profiles.get('client_ssl_profile'): self.nsxlib.load_balancer.client_ssl_profile.create( NSX_V3_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE, 'Neutron LB Client SSL Profile', tags=self.nsxlib.build_v3_api_version_tag()) if not lb_profiles.get('server_ssl_profile'): self.nsxlib.load_balancer.server_ssl_profile.create( NSX_V3_SERVER_SSL_PROFILE, 'Neutron LB Server SSL Profile', tags=self.nsxlib.build_v3_api_version_tag()) def _get_lb_profiles(self): if not self.client_ssl_profile: ssl_profile_client = self.nsxlib.load_balancer.client_ssl_profile profile = ssl_profile_client.find_by_display_name( NSX_V3_CLIENT_SSL_PROFILE) self.client_ssl_profile = profile[0]['id'] if profile else None if not self.server_ssl_profile: ssl_profile_client = self.nsxlib.load_balancer.server_ssl_profile profile = ssl_profile_client.find_by_display_name( NSX_V3_SERVER_SSL_PROFILE) self.server_ssl_profile = profile[0]['id'] if profile else None return {'client_ssl_profile': self.client_ssl_profile, 'server_ssl_profile': self.server_ssl_profile} def _get_port_security_profile_id(self): return self.nsxlib.switching_profile.build_switch_profile_ids( self.nsxlib.switching_profile, self._psec_profile)[0] def _get_port_security_profile(self): if hasattr(self, '_psec_profile') and self._psec_profile: return self._psec_profile profile = self.nsxlib.switching_profile.find_by_display_name( NSX_V3_PSEC_PROFILE_NAME) self._psec_profile = profile[0] if profile else None return self._psec_profile @nsxlib_utils.retry_upon_exception( Exception, max_attempts=cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.retries) def _init_port_security_profile(self): profile = self._get_port_security_profile() if profile: return profile with locking.LockManager.get_lock('nsxv3_psec_profile_init'): # NOTE(boden): double-checked locking pattern profile = self._get_port_security_profile() if profile: return profile self.nsxlib.switching_profile.create_spoofguard_profile( NSX_V3_PSEC_PROFILE_NAME, 'Neutron Port Security Profile', whitelist_ports=True, whitelist_switches=False, tags=self.nsxlib.build_v3_api_version_tag()) return self._get_port_security_profile() def _process_security_group_logging(self): def process_security_group_logging(*args, **kwargs): context = q_context.get_admin_context() log_all_rules = cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.log_security_groups_allowed_traffic secgroups = self.get_security_groups(context, fields=['id', sg_logging.LOGGING]) for sg in [sg for sg in secgroups if sg[sg_logging.LOGGING] is False]: nsgroup_id, section_id = nsx_db.get_sg_mappings( context.session, sg['id']) if section_id: try: self.nsxlib.firewall_section.set_rule_logging( section_id, logging=log_all_rules) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: LOG.error("Failed to update firewall rule logging " "for rule in section %s", section_id) utils.spawn_n(process_security_group_logging) def _init_default_section_rules(self): with locking.LockManager.get_lock('nsxv3_default_section'): section_description = ("This section is handled by OpenStack to " "contain default rules on security-groups.") section_id = self.nsxlib.firewall_section.init_default( NSX_V3_FW_DEFAULT_SECTION, section_description, [self._default_section_nsgroup.get('id')], cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.log_security_groups_blocked_traffic) return section_id def _init_dhcp_metadata(self): if cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata: if cfg.CONF.dhcp_agent_notification: msg = _("Need to disable dhcp_agent_notification when " "native_dhcp_metadata is enabled") raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) self._init_native_dhcp() self._init_native_metadata() else: self._setup_dhcp() self._start_rpc_notifiers() def _init_native_dhcp(self): try: for az in self.get_azs_list(): self.nsxlib.native_dhcp_profile.get( az._native_dhcp_profile_uuid) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error("Unable to retrieve DHCP Profile %s, " "native DHCP service is not supported", az._native_dhcp_profile_uuid) def _init_native_metadata(self): try: for az in self.get_azs_list(): self.nsxlib.native_md_proxy.get(az._native_md_proxy_uuid) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error("Unable to retrieve Metadata Proxy %s, " "native metadata service is not supported", az._native_md_proxy_uuid) def _setup_rpc(self): self.endpoints = [dhcp_rpc.DhcpRpcCallback(), agents_db.AgentExtRpcCallback(), metadata_rpc.MetadataRpcCallback()] def _setup_dhcp(self): """Initialize components to support DHCP.""" self.network_scheduler = importutils.import_object( cfg.CONF.network_scheduler_driver ) self.add_periodic_dhcp_agent_status_check() def _start_rpc_notifiers(self): """Initialize RPC notifiers for agents.""" self.agent_notifiers[const.AGENT_TYPE_DHCP] = ( dhcp_rpc_agent_api.DhcpAgentNotifyAPI() ) def start_rpc_listeners(self): if self.start_rpc_listeners_called: # If called more than once - we should not create it again return self.conn.consume_in_threads() self._setup_rpc() self.topic = topics.PLUGIN self.conn = n_rpc.create_connection() self.conn.create_consumer(self.topic, self.endpoints, fanout=False) self.conn.create_consumer(topics.REPORTS, [agents_db.AgentExtRpcCallback()], fanout=False) self.start_rpc_listeners_called = True return self.conn.consume_in_threads() def _validate_provider_create(self, context, network_data, az, transparent_vlan): is_provider_net = any( validators.is_attr_set(network_data.get(f)) for f in (pnet.NETWORK_TYPE, pnet.PHYSICAL_NETWORK, pnet.SEGMENTATION_ID)) physical_net = network_data.get(pnet.PHYSICAL_NETWORK) if not validators.is_attr_set(physical_net): physical_net = None vlan_id = network_data.get(pnet.SEGMENTATION_ID) if not validators.is_attr_set(vlan_id): vlan_id = None err_msg = None net_type = network_data.get(pnet.NETWORK_TYPE) nsxlib_tz = self.nsxlib.transport_zone tz_type = nsxlib_tz.TRANSPORT_TYPE_VLAN switch_mode = nsxlib_tz.HOST_SWITCH_MODE_STANDARD if validators.is_attr_set(net_type): if net_type == utils.NsxV3NetworkTypes.FLAT: if vlan_id is not None: err_msg = (_("Segmentation ID cannot be specified with " "%s network type") % utils.NsxV3NetworkTypes.FLAT) else: # Set VLAN id to 0 for flat networks vlan_id = '0' if physical_net is None: physical_net = az._default_vlan_tz_uuid elif net_type == utils.NsxV3NetworkTypes.VLAN: # Use default VLAN transport zone if physical network not given if physical_net is None: physical_net = az._default_vlan_tz_uuid # Validate VLAN id if not vlan_id: err_msg = (_('Segmentation ID must be specified with %s ' 'network type') % utils.NsxV3NetworkTypes.VLAN) elif not n_utils.is_valid_vlan_tag(vlan_id): err_msg = (_('Segmentation ID %(segmentation_id)s out of ' 'range (%(min_id)s through %(max_id)s)') % {'segmentation_id': vlan_id, 'min_id': const.MIN_VLAN_TAG, 'max_id': const.MAX_VLAN_TAG}) else: # Verify VLAN id is not already allocated bindings = ( nsx_db.get_network_bindings_by_vlanid_and_physical_net( context.session, vlan_id, physical_net) ) if bindings: raise n_exc.VlanIdInUse( vlan_id=vlan_id, physical_network=physical_net) elif net_type == utils.NsxV3NetworkTypes.GENEVE: if vlan_id: err_msg = (_("Segmentation ID cannot be specified with " "%s network type") % utils.NsxV3NetworkTypes.GENEVE) tz_type = nsxlib_tz.TRANSPORT_TYPE_OVERLAY elif net_type == utils.NsxV3NetworkTypes.NSX_NETWORK: # Linking neutron networks to an existing NSX logical switch if physical_net is None: err_msg = (_("Physical network must be specified with " "%s network type") % net_type) # Validate the logical switch existence try: nsx_net = self.nsxlib.logical_switch.get(physical_net) switch_mode = nsxlib_tz.get_host_switch_mode( nsx_net['transport_zone_id']) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: err_msg = (_('Logical switch %s does not exist') % physical_net) # make sure no other neutron network is using it bindings = ( nsx_db.get_network_bindings_by_vlanid_and_physical_net( context.elevated().session, 0, physical_net)) if bindings: err_msg = (_('Logical switch %s is already used by ' 'another network') % physical_net) else: err_msg = (_('%(net_type_param)s %(net_type_value)s not ' 'supported') % {'net_type_param': pnet.NETWORK_TYPE, 'net_type_value': net_type}) elif is_provider_net: # FIXME: Ideally provider-network attributes should be checked # at the NSX backend. For now, the network_type is required, # so the plugin can do a quick check locally. err_msg = (_('%s is required for creating a provider network') % pnet.NETWORK_TYPE) else: net_type = None if physical_net is None: # Default to transport type overlay physical_net = az._default_overlay_tz_uuid # validate the transport zone existence and type if (not err_msg and physical_net and net_type != utils.NsxV3NetworkTypes.NSX_NETWORK): if is_provider_net: try: backend_type = nsxlib_tz.get_transport_type( physical_net) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: err_msg = (_('Transport zone %s does not exist') % physical_net) else: if backend_type != tz_type: err_msg = (_('%(tz)s transport zone is required for ' 'creating a %(net)s provider network') % {'tz': tz_type, 'net': net_type}) elif (transparent_vlan and tz_type == nsxlib_tz.TRANSPORT_TYPE_VLAN): raise NotImplementedError(_( "Transparent support only for internal overlay " "networks")) if not err_msg: switch_mode = nsxlib_tz.get_host_switch_mode(physical_net) if err_msg: raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg) return {'is_provider_net': is_provider_net, 'net_type': net_type, 'physical_net': physical_net, 'vlan_id': vlan_id, 'switch_mode': switch_mode} def _get_edge_cluster(self, tier0_uuid): self.nsxlib.router.validate_tier0(self.tier0_groups_dict, tier0_uuid) tier0_info = self.tier0_groups_dict[tier0_uuid] return tier0_info['edge_cluster_uuid'] def _validate_external_net_create(self, net_data): if not validators.is_attr_set(net_data.get(pnet.PHYSICAL_NETWORK)): tier0_uuid = self._default_tier0_router else: tier0_uuid = net_data[pnet.PHYSICAL_NETWORK] self.nsxlib.router.validate_tier0(self.tier0_groups_dict, tier0_uuid) return (True, utils.NetworkTypes.L3_EXT, tier0_uuid, 0) def _create_network_at_the_backend(self, context, net_data, az, transparent_vlan): provider_data = self._validate_provider_create(context, net_data, az, transparent_vlan) if (provider_data['switch_mode'] == self.nsxlib.transport_zone.HOST_SWITCH_MODE_ENS): if net_data.get(psec.PORTSECURITY): raise nsx_exc.NsxENSPortSecurity() # set the default port security to False net_data[psec.PORTSECURITY] = False if (provider_data['is_provider_net'] and provider_data['net_type'] == utils.NsxV3NetworkTypes.NSX_NETWORK): # Network already exists on the NSX backend nsx_id = provider_data['physical_net'] else: # Create network on the backend neutron_net_id = net_data.get('id') or uuidutils.generate_uuid() # To ensure that the correct tag will be set net_data['id'] = neutron_net_id # update the network name to indicate the neutron id too. net_name = utils.get_name_and_uuid(net_data['name'] or 'network', neutron_net_id) tags = self.nsxlib.build_v3_tags_payload( net_data, resource_type='os-neutron-net-id', project_name=context.tenant_name) admin_state = net_data.get('admin_state_up', True) LOG.debug('create_network: %(net_name)s, %(physical_net)s, ' '%(tags)s, %(admin_state)s, %(vlan_id)s', {'net_name': net_name, 'physical_net': provider_data['physical_net'], 'tags': tags, 'admin_state': admin_state, 'vlan_id': provider_data['vlan_id']}) trunk_vlan_range = None if transparent_vlan: # all vlan tags are allowed for guest vlan trunk_vlan_range = [const.MIN_VLAN_TAG, const.MAX_VLAN_TAG] nsx_result = self.nsxlib.logical_switch.create( net_name, provider_data['physical_net'], tags, admin_state=admin_state, vlan_id=provider_data['vlan_id'], description=net_data.get('description'), trunk_vlan_range=trunk_vlan_range) nsx_id = nsx_result['id'] return (provider_data['is_provider_net'], provider_data['net_type'], provider_data['physical_net'], provider_data['vlan_id'], nsx_id) def _is_ddi_supported_on_network(self, context, network_id): return (self.nsxlib.feature_supported( nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_VLAN_ROUTER_INTERFACE) or self._is_overlay_network(context, network_id)) def _is_overlay_network(self, context, network_id): """Return True if this is an overlay network 1. No binding ("normal" overlay networks will have no binding) 2. Geneve network 3. nsx network where the backend network is connected to an overlay TZ """ bindings = nsx_db.get_network_bindings(context.session, network_id) # With NSX plugin, "normal" overlay networks will have no binding if not bindings: return True binding = bindings[0] if binding.binding_type == utils.NsxV3NetworkTypes.GENEVE: return True if binding.binding_type == utils.NsxV3NetworkTypes.NSX_NETWORK: # check the backend network # TODO(asarfaty): Keep TZ type in DB to avoid going to the backend ls = self.nsxlib.logical_switch.get(binding.phy_uuid) tz = ls.get('transport_zone_id') if tz: backend_type = self.nsxlib.transport_zone.get_transport_type( tz) return (backend_type == self.nsxlib.transport_zone.TRANSPORT_TYPE_OVERLAY) return False def _extend_network_dict_provider(self, context, network, bindings=None): if 'id' not in network: return if not bindings: bindings = nsx_db.get_network_bindings(context.session, network['id']) # With NSX plugin, "normal" overlay networks will have no binding if bindings: # Network came in through provider networks API network[pnet.NETWORK_TYPE] = bindings[0].binding_type network[pnet.PHYSICAL_NETWORK] = bindings[0].phy_uuid network[pnet.SEGMENTATION_ID] = bindings[0].vlan_id def _assert_on_external_net_with_qos(self, net_data): # Prevent creating/update external network with QoS policy if validators.is_attr_set(net_data.get(qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID)): err_msg = _("Cannot configure QOS on external networks") raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg) def get_subnets(self, context, filters=None, fields=None, sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None, page_reverse=False): filters = filters or {} lswitch_ids = filters.pop(as_providers.ADV_SERVICE_PROVIDERS, []) if lswitch_ids: # This is a request from Nova for metadata processing. # Find the corresponding neutron network for each logical switch. network_ids = filters.pop('network_id', []) context = context.elevated() for lswitch_id in lswitch_ids: network_ids += nsx_db.get_net_ids(context.session, lswitch_id) filters['network_id'] = network_ids return super(NsxV3Plugin, self).get_subnets( context, filters, fields, sorts, limit, marker, page_reverse) def _network_is_nsx_net(self, context, network_id): bindings = nsx_db.get_network_bindings(context.session, network_id) if not bindings: return False return (bindings[0].binding_type == utils.NsxV3NetworkTypes.NSX_NETWORK) def create_network(self, context, network): net_data = network['network'] external = net_data.get(extnet_apidef.EXTERNAL) is_backend_network = False is_ddi_network = False tenant_id = net_data['tenant_id'] # validate the availability zone, and get the AZ object if az_def.AZ_HINTS in net_data: self._validate_availability_zones_forced( context, 'network', net_data[az_def.AZ_HINTS]) az = self.get_obj_az_by_hints(net_data) self._ensure_default_security_group(context, tenant_id) # Update the transparent vlan if configured vlt = False if nc_utils.is_extension_supported(self, 'vlan-transparent'): vlt = ext_vlan.get_vlan_transparent(net_data) nsx_net_id = None if validators.is_attr_set(external) and external: if vlt: raise NotImplementedError(_( "Transparent support only for internal overlay networks")) self._assert_on_external_net_with_qos(net_data) is_provider_net, net_type, physical_net, vlan_id = ( self._validate_external_net_create(net_data)) else: is_provider_net, net_type, physical_net, vlan_id, nsx_net_id = ( self._create_network_at_the_backend(context, net_data, az, vlt)) is_backend_network = True try: rollback_network = False with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): # Create network in Neutron created_net = super(NsxV3Plugin, self).create_network(context, network) self._extension_manager.process_create_network( context, net_data, created_net) if psec.PORTSECURITY not in net_data: net_data[psec.PORTSECURITY] = True self._process_network_port_security_create( context, net_data, created_net) self._process_l3_create(context, created_net, net_data) if az_def.AZ_HINTS in net_data: # Update the AZ hints in the neutron object az_hints = az_validator.convert_az_list_to_string( net_data[az_def.AZ_HINTS]) super(NsxV3Plugin, self).update_network( context, created_net['id'], {'network': {az_def.AZ_HINTS: az_hints}}) if is_provider_net: # Save provider network fields, needed by get_network() net_bindings = [nsx_db.add_network_binding( context.session, created_net['id'], net_type, physical_net, vlan_id)] self._extend_network_dict_provider(context, created_net, bindings=net_bindings) if is_backend_network: # Add neutron-id <-> nsx-id mapping to the DB # after the network creation is done neutron_net_id = created_net['id'] nsx_db.add_neutron_nsx_network_mapping( context.session, neutron_net_id, nsx_net_id) if vlt: super(NsxV3Plugin, self).update_network(context, created_net['id'], {'network': {'vlan_transparent': vlt}}) rollback_network = True is_ddi_network = self._is_ddi_supported_on_network( context, created_net['id']) if (is_backend_network and cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata and is_ddi_network): # Enable native metadata proxy for this network. tags = self.nsxlib.build_v3_tags_payload( created_net, resource_type='os-neutron-net-id', project_name=context.tenant_name) name = utils.get_name_and_uuid('%s-%s' % ( 'mdproxy', created_net['name'] or 'network'), created_net['id']) md_port = self.nsxlib.logical_port.create( nsx_net_id, az._native_md_proxy_uuid, tags=tags, name=name, attachment_type=nsxlib_consts.ATTACHMENT_MDPROXY) LOG.debug("Created MD-Proxy logical port %(port)s " "for network %(network)s", {'port': md_port['id'], 'network': created_net['id']}) except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): # Undo creation on the backend LOG.exception('Failed to create network') if (nsx_net_id and net_type != utils.NsxV3NetworkTypes.NSX_NETWORK): self.nsxlib.logical_switch.delete(nsx_net_id) if (cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata and is_backend_network and is_ddi_network): # Delete the mdproxy port manually self._delete_network_nsx_dhcp_port(created_net['id']) if rollback_network: super(NsxV3Plugin, self).delete_network( context, created_net['id']) # this extra lookup is necessary to get the # latest db model for the extension functions net_model = self._get_network(context, created_net['id']) resource_extend.apply_funcs('networks', created_net, net_model) # Update the QoS policy (will affect only future compute ports) qos_com_utils.set_qos_policy_on_new_net( context, net_data, created_net) return created_net def _has_active_port(self, context, network_id): ports_in_use = context.session.query(models_v2.Port).filter_by( network_id=network_id).all() return not all([p.device_owner in db_base_plugin_v2.AUTO_DELETE_PORT_OWNERS for p in ports_in_use]) if ports_in_use else False def _retry_delete_network(self, context, network_id): """This method attempts to retry the delete on a network if there are AUTO_DELETE_PORT_OWNERS left. This is to avoid a race condition between delete_network and the dhcp creating a port on the network. """ first_try = True while True: try: with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): self._process_l3_delete(context, network_id) return super(NsxV3Plugin, self).delete_network( context, network_id) except n_exc.NetworkInUse: # There is a race condition in delete_network() that we need # to work around here. delete_network() issues a query to # automatically delete DHCP ports and then checks to see if any # ports exist on the network. If a network is created and # deleted quickly, such as when running tempest, the DHCP agent # may be creating its port for the network around the same time # that the network is deleted. This can result in the DHCP # port getting created in between these two queries in # delete_network(). To work around that, we'll call # delete_network() a second time if we get a NetworkInUse # exception but the only port(s) that exist are ones that # delete_network() is supposed to automatically delete. if not first_try: # We tried once to work around the known race condition, # but we still got the exception, so something else is # wrong that we can't recover from. raise first_try = False if self._has_active_port(context, network_id): # There is a port on the network that is not going to be # automatically deleted (such as a tenant created port), so # we have nothing else to do but raise the exception. raise def _delete_network_nsx_dhcp_port(self, network_id): port_id = self.nsxlib.get_id_by_resource_and_tag( self.nsxlib.logical_port.resource_type, 'os-neutron-net-id', network_id) if port_id: self.nsxlib.logical_port.delete(port_id) def delete_network(self, context, network_id): if cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata: lock = 'nsxv3_network_' + network_id with locking.LockManager.get_lock(lock): # Disable native DHCP if there is no other existing port # besides DHCP port. if not self._has_active_port(context, network_id): self._disable_native_dhcp(context, network_id) nsx_net_id = self._get_network_nsx_id(context, network_id) is_nsx_net = self._network_is_nsx_net(context, network_id) is_ddi_network = self._is_ddi_supported_on_network(context, network_id) # First call DB operation for delete network as it will perform # checks on active ports self._retry_delete_network(context, network_id) if (not self._network_is_external(context, network_id) and not is_nsx_net): # TODO(salv-orlando): Handle backend failure, possibly without # requiring us to un-delete the DB object. For instance, ignore # failures occurring if logical switch is not found self.nsxlib.logical_switch.delete(nsx_net_id) else: if (cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata and is_nsx_net and is_ddi_network): # Delete the mdproxy port manually self._delete_network_nsx_dhcp_port(network_id) # TODO(berlin): delete subnets public announce on the network def _get_network_nsx_id(self, context, neutron_id): # get the nsx switch id from the DB mapping mappings = nsx_db.get_nsx_switch_ids(context.session, neutron_id) if not mappings or len(mappings) == 0: LOG.debug("Unable to find NSX mappings for neutron " "network %s.", neutron_id) # fallback in case we didn't find the id in the db mapping # This should not happen, but added here in case the network was # created before this code was added. return neutron_id else: return mappings[0] def update_network(self, context, id, network): original_net = super(NsxV3Plugin, self).get_network(context, id) net_data = network['network'] # Neutron does not support changing provider network values providernet._raise_if_updates_provider_attributes(net_data) extern_net = self._network_is_external(context, id) is_nsx_net = self._network_is_nsx_net(context, id) if extern_net: self._assert_on_external_net_with_qos(net_data) updated_net = super(NsxV3Plugin, self).update_network(context, id, network) self._extension_manager.process_update_network(context, net_data, updated_net) if psec.PORTSECURITY in net_data: # do not allow to enable port security on ENS networks if (net_data[psec.PORTSECURITY] and not original_net[psec.PORTSECURITY] and self._is_ens_tz_net(context, id)): raise nsx_exc.NsxENSPortSecurity() self._process_network_port_security_update( context, net_data, updated_net) self._process_l3_update(context, updated_net, network['network']) self._extend_network_dict_provider(context, updated_net) if (not extern_net and not is_nsx_net and ('name' in net_data or 'admin_state_up' in net_data or 'description' in net_data)): try: # get the nsx switch id from the DB mapping nsx_id = self._get_network_nsx_id(context, id) net_name = net_data.get('name', original_net.get('name')) or 'network' self.nsxlib.logical_switch.update( nsx_id, name=utils.get_name_and_uuid(net_name, id), admin_state=net_data.get('admin_state_up'), description=net_data.get('description')) # Backend does not update the admin state of the ports on # the switch when the switch's admin state changes. Do not # update the admin state of the ports in neutron either. except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: LOG.exception("Unable to update NSX backend, rolling " "back changes on neutron") with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): super(NsxV3Plugin, self).update_network( context, id, {'network': original_net}) if qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID in net_data: # attach the policy to the network in neutron DB #(will affect only future compute ports) qos_com_utils.update_network_policy_binding( context, id, net_data[qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID]) return updated_net def _has_no_dhcp_enabled_subnet(self, context, network): # Check if there is no DHCP-enabled subnet in the network. for subnet in network.subnets: if subnet.enable_dhcp: return False return True def _has_single_dhcp_enabled_subnet(self, context, network): # Check if there is only one DHCP-enabled subnet in the network. count = 0 for subnet in network.subnets: if subnet.enable_dhcp: count += 1 if count > 1: return False return True if count == 1 else False def _enable_native_dhcp(self, context, network, subnet): # Enable native DHCP service on the backend for this network. # First create a Neutron DHCP port and use its assigned IP # address as the DHCP server address in an API call to create a # LogicalDhcpServer on the backend. Then create the corresponding # logical port for the Neutron port with DHCP attachment as the # LogicalDhcpServer UUID. # Delete obsolete settings if exist. This could happen when a # previous failed transaction was rolled back. But the backend # entries are still there. self._disable_native_dhcp(context, network['id']) # Get existing ports on subnet. existing_ports = super(NsxV3Plugin, self).get_ports( context, filters={'network_id': [network['id']], 'fixed_ips': {'subnet_id': [subnet['id']]}}) az = self.get_network_az(network) port_data = { "name": "", "admin_state_up": True, "device_id": az._native_dhcp_profile_uuid, "device_owner": const.DEVICE_OWNER_DHCP, "network_id": network['id'], "tenant_id": network["tenant_id"], "mac_address": const.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED, "fixed_ips": [{"subnet_id": subnet['id']}], psec.PORTSECURITY: False } # Create the DHCP port (on neutron only) and update its port security port = {'port': port_data} neutron_port = super(NsxV3Plugin, self).create_port(context, port) self._create_port_preprocess_security(context, port, port_data, neutron_port) net_tags = self.nsxlib.build_v3_tags_payload( network, resource_type='os-neutron-net-id', project_name=context.tenant_name) server_data = self.nsxlib.native_dhcp.build_server_config( network, subnet, neutron_port, net_tags, default_dns_nameservers=az.nameservers, default_dns_domain=az.dns_domain) server_data['dhcp_profile_id'] = az._native_dhcp_profile_uuid nsx_net_id = self._get_network_nsx_id(context, network['id']) port_tags = self.nsxlib.build_v3_tags_payload( neutron_port, resource_type='os-neutron-dport-id', project_name=context.tenant_name) dhcp_server = None try: dhcp_server = self.nsxlib.dhcp_server.create(**server_data) LOG.debug("Created logical DHCP server %(server)s for network " "%(network)s", {'server': dhcp_server['id'], 'network': network['id']}) name = self._get_port_name(context, port_data) nsx_port = self.nsxlib.logical_port.create( nsx_net_id, dhcp_server['id'], tags=port_tags, name=name, attachment_type=nsxlib_consts.ATTACHMENT_DHCP, switch_profile_ids=[self._dhcp_profile]) LOG.debug("Created DHCP logical port %(port)s for " "network %(network)s", {'port': nsx_port['id'], 'network': network['id']}) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error("Unable to create logical DHCP server for " "network %s", network['id']) if dhcp_server: self.nsxlib.dhcp_server.delete(dhcp_server['id']) super(NsxV3Plugin, self).delete_port( context, neutron_port['id']) try: # Add neutron_port_id -> nsx_port_id mapping to the DB. nsx_db.add_neutron_nsx_port_mapping( context.session, neutron_port['id'], nsx_net_id, nsx_port['id']) # Add neutron_net_id -> dhcp_service_id mapping to the DB. nsx_db.add_neutron_nsx_service_binding( context.session, network['id'], neutron_port['id'], nsxlib_consts.SERVICE_DHCP, dhcp_server['id']) except (db_exc.DBError, sql_exc.TimeoutError): with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error("Failed to create mapping for DHCP port %s," "deleting port and logical DHCP server", neutron_port['id']) self.nsxlib.dhcp_server.delete(dhcp_server['id']) self._cleanup_port(context, neutron_port['id'], nsx_port['id']) # Configure existing ports to work with the new DHCP server try: for port_data in existing_ports: self._add_dhcp_binding(context, port_data) except Exception: LOG.error('Unable to create DHCP bindings for existing ports ' 'on subnet %s', subnet['id']) def _disable_native_dhcp(self, context, network_id): # Disable native DHCP service on the backend for this network. # First delete the DHCP port in this network. Then delete the # corresponding LogicalDhcpServer for this network. dhcp_service = nsx_db.get_nsx_service_binding( context.session, network_id, nsxlib_consts.SERVICE_DHCP) if not dhcp_service: return if dhcp_service['port_id']: try: self.delete_port(context, dhcp_service['port_id'], force_delete_dhcp=True) except Exception: # This could happen when the port has been manually deleted. LOG.error("Failed to delete DHCP port %(port)s for " "network %(network)s", {'port': dhcp_service['port_id'], 'network': network_id}) else: LOG.error("DHCP port is not configured for network %s", network_id) try: self.nsxlib.dhcp_server.delete(dhcp_service['nsx_service_id']) LOG.debug("Deleted logical DHCP server %(server)s for network " "%(network)s", {'server': dhcp_service['nsx_service_id'], 'network': network_id}) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error("Unable to delete logical DHCP server %(server)s " "for network %(network)s", {'server': dhcp_service['nsx_service_id'], 'network': network_id}) try: # Delete neutron_id -> dhcp_service_id mapping from the DB. nsx_db.delete_neutron_nsx_service_binding( context.session, network_id, nsxlib_consts.SERVICE_DHCP) # Delete all DHCP bindings under this DHCP server from the DB. nsx_db.delete_neutron_nsx_dhcp_bindings_by_service_id( context.session, dhcp_service['nsx_service_id']) except db_exc.DBError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error("Unable to delete DHCP server mapping for " "network %s", network_id) def _validate_address_space(self, subnet): cidr = subnet.get('cidr') if (not validators.is_attr_set(cidr) or netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr).version != 4): return # Check if subnet overlaps with shared address space. # This is checked on the backend when attaching subnet to a router. if netaddr.IPSet([cidr]) & netaddr.IPSet(['']): msg = _("Subnet overlaps with shared address space") LOG.error(msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) def _create_bulk_with_callback(self, resource, context, request_items, post_create_func=None, rollback_func=None): # This is a copy of the _create_bulk() in db_base_plugin_v2.py, # but extended with user-provided callback functions. objects = [] collection = "%ss" % resource items = request_items[collection] try: with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): for item in items: obj_creator = getattr(self, 'create_%s' % resource) obj = obj_creator(context, item) objects.append(obj) if post_create_func: # The user-provided post_create function is called # after a new object is created. post_create_func(obj) except Exception: if rollback_func: # The user-provided rollback function is called when an # exception occurred. for obj in objects: rollback_func(obj) # Note that the session.rollback() function is called here. # session.rollback() will invoke transaction.rollback() on # the transaction this session maintains. The latter will # deactive the transaction and clear the session's cache. # # But depending on where the exception occurred, # transaction.rollback() may have already been called # internally before reaching here. # # For example, if the exception happened under a # "with session.begin(subtransactions=True):" statement # anywhere in the middle of processing obj_creator(), # transaction.__exit__() will invoke transaction.rollback(). # Thus when the exception reaches here, the session's cache # is already empty. context.session.rollback() with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error("An exception occurred while creating " "the %(resource)s:%(item)s", {'resource': resource, 'item': item}) return objects def _post_create_subnet(self, context, subnet): LOG.debug("Collect native DHCP entries for network %s", subnet['network_id']) dhcp_service = nsx_db.get_nsx_service_binding( context.session, subnet['network_id'], nsxlib_consts.SERVICE_DHCP) if dhcp_service: _net_id, nsx_port_id = nsx_db.get_nsx_switch_and_port_id( context.session, dhcp_service['port_id']) return {'nsx_port_id': nsx_port_id, 'nsx_service_id': dhcp_service['nsx_service_id']} def _rollback_subnet(self, subnet, dhcp_info): LOG.debug("Rollback native DHCP entries for network %s", subnet['network_id']) if dhcp_info: try: self.nsxlib.logical_port.delete(dhcp_info['nsx_port_id']) except Exception as e: LOG.error("Failed to delete logical port %(id)s " "during rollback. Exception: %(e)s", {'id': dhcp_info['nsx_port_id'], 'e': e}) try: self.nsxlib.dhcp_server.delete(dhcp_info['nsx_service_id']) except Exception as e: LOG.error("Failed to delete logical DHCP server %(id)s " "during rollback. Exception: %(e)s", {'id': dhcp_info['nsx_service_id'], 'e': e}) def create_subnet_bulk(self, context, subnets): # Maintain a local cache here because when the rollback function # is called, the cache in the session may have already been cleared. _subnet_dhcp_info = {} def _post_create(subnet): if subnet['enable_dhcp']: _subnet_dhcp_info[subnet['id']] = self._post_create_subnet( context, subnet) def _rollback(subnet): if subnet['enable_dhcp'] and subnet['id'] in _subnet_dhcp_info: self._rollback_subnet(subnet, _subnet_dhcp_info[subnet['id']]) del _subnet_dhcp_info[subnet['id']] if cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata: return self._create_bulk_with_callback('subnet', context, subnets, _post_create, _rollback) else: return self._create_bulk('subnet', context, subnets) def create_subnet(self, context, subnet): self._validate_address_space(subnet['subnet']) # TODO(berlin): public external subnet announcement if (cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata and subnet['subnet'].get('enable_dhcp', False)): lock = 'nsxv3_network_' + subnet['subnet']['network_id'] with locking.LockManager.get_lock(lock): # Check if it is on an overlay network and is the first # DHCP-enabled subnet to create. if self._is_ddi_supported_on_network( context, subnet['subnet']['network_id']): network = self._get_network( context, subnet['subnet']['network_id']) if self._has_no_dhcp_enabled_subnet(context, network): created_subnet = super( NsxV3Plugin, self).create_subnet(context, subnet) self._extension_manager.process_create_subnet(context, subnet['subnet'], created_subnet) dhcp_relay = self.get_network_az_by_net_id( context, subnet['subnet']['network_id']).dhcp_relay_service if not dhcp_relay: self._enable_native_dhcp(context, network, created_subnet) msg = None else: msg = (_("Can not create more than one DHCP-enabled " "subnet in network %s") % subnet['subnet']['network_id']) else: msg = _("Native DHCP is not supported for non-overlay " "network %s") % subnet['subnet']['network_id'] if msg: LOG.error(msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) else: created_subnet = super(NsxV3Plugin, self).create_subnet( context, subnet) return created_subnet def delete_subnet(self, context, subnet_id): # TODO(berlin): cancel public external subnet announcement if cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata: # Ensure that subnet is not deleted if attached to router. self._subnet_check_ip_allocations_internal_router_ports( context, subnet_id) subnet = self.get_subnet(context, subnet_id) if subnet['enable_dhcp']: lock = 'nsxv3_network_' + subnet['network_id'] with locking.LockManager.get_lock(lock): # Check if it is the last DHCP-enabled subnet to delete. network = self._get_network(context, subnet['network_id']) if self._has_single_dhcp_enabled_subnet(context, network): try: self._disable_native_dhcp(context, network['id']) except Exception as e: LOG.error("Failed to disable native DHCP for" "network %(id)s. Exception: %(e)s", {'id': network['id'], 'e': e}) super(NsxV3Plugin, self).delete_subnet( context, subnet_id) return super(NsxV3Plugin, self).delete_subnet(context, subnet_id) def update_subnet(self, context, subnet_id, subnet): updated_subnet = None if cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata: orig_subnet = self.get_subnet(context, subnet_id) enable_dhcp = subnet['subnet'].get('enable_dhcp') if (enable_dhcp is not None and enable_dhcp != orig_subnet['enable_dhcp']): lock = 'nsxv3_network_' + orig_subnet['network_id'] with locking.LockManager.get_lock(lock): network = self._get_network( context, orig_subnet['network_id']) if enable_dhcp: if self._is_ddi_supported_on_network( context, orig_subnet['network_id']): if self._has_no_dhcp_enabled_subnet( context, network): updated_subnet = super( NsxV3Plugin, self).update_subnet( context, subnet_id, subnet) self._extension_manager.process_update_subnet( context, subnet['subnet'], updated_subnet) self._enable_native_dhcp(context, network, updated_subnet) msg = None else: msg = (_("Multiple DHCP-enabled subnets is " "not allowed in network %s") % orig_subnet['network_id']) else: msg = (_("Native DHCP is not supported for " "non-overlay network %s") % orig_subnet['network_id']) if msg: LOG.error(msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) elif self._has_single_dhcp_enabled_subnet(context, network): self._disable_native_dhcp(context, network['id']) updated_subnet = super( NsxV3Plugin, self).update_subnet( context, subnet_id, subnet) self._extension_manager.process_update_subnet( context, subnet['subnet'], updated_subnet) if not updated_subnet: updated_subnet = super(NsxV3Plugin, self).update_subnet( context, subnet_id, subnet) self._extension_manager.process_update_subnet( context, subnet['subnet'], updated_subnet) # Check if needs to update logical DHCP server for native DHCP. if (cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata and updated_subnet['enable_dhcp']): kwargs = {} for key in ('dns_nameservers', 'gateway_ip', 'host_routes'): if key in subnet['subnet']: value = subnet['subnet'][key] if value != orig_subnet[key]: kwargs[key] = value if key != 'dns_nameservers': kwargs['options'] = None if 'options' in kwargs: sr, gw_ip = self.nsxlib.native_dhcp.build_static_routes( updated_subnet.get('gateway_ip'), updated_subnet.get('cidr'), updated_subnet.get('host_routes', [])) kwargs['options'] = {'option121': {'static_routes': sr}} kwargs.pop('host_routes', None) if (gw_ip is not None and 'gateway_ip' not in kwargs and gw_ip != updated_subnet['gateway_ip']): kwargs['gateway_ip'] = gw_ip if kwargs: dhcp_service = nsx_db.get_nsx_service_binding( context.session, orig_subnet['network_id'], nsxlib_consts.SERVICE_DHCP) if dhcp_service: try: self.nsxlib.dhcp_server.update( dhcp_service['nsx_service_id'], **kwargs) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error( "Unable to update logical DHCP server " "%(server)s for network %(network)s", {'server': dhcp_service['nsx_service_id'], 'network': orig_subnet['network_id']}) if 'options' in kwargs: # Need to update the static binding of every VM in # this logical DHCP server. bindings = nsx_db.get_nsx_dhcp_bindings_by_service( context.session, dhcp_service['nsx_service_id']) for binding in bindings: port = self._get_port(context, binding['port_id']) dhcp_opts = port.get(ext_edo.EXTRADHCPOPTS) self._update_dhcp_binding_on_server( context, binding, port['mac_address'], binding['ip_address'], port['network_id'], gateway_ip=kwargs.get('gateway_ip', False), dhcp_opts=dhcp_opts, options=kwargs.get('options'), subnet=updated_subnet) if (cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.metadata_on_demand and not cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata): # If enable_dhcp is changed on a subnet attached to a router, # update internal metadata network accordingly. if 'enable_dhcp' in subnet['subnet']: port_filters = {'device_owner': const.ROUTER_INTERFACE_OWNERS, 'fixed_ips': {'subnet_id': [subnet_id]}} ports = self.get_ports(context, filters=port_filters) for port in ports: nsx_rpc.handle_router_metadata_access( self, context, port['device_id'], interface=not updated_subnet['enable_dhcp']) return updated_subnet def _build_address_bindings(self, port): address_bindings = [] for fixed_ip in port['fixed_ips']: # NOTE(arosen): nsx-v3 doesn't seem to handle ipv6 addresses # currently so for now we remove them here and do not pass # them to the backend which would raise an error. if netaddr.IPNetwork(fixed_ip['ip_address']).version == 6: continue address_bindings.append(nsx_resources.PacketAddressClassifier( fixed_ip['ip_address'], port['mac_address'], None)) for pair in port.get(addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS): address_bindings.append(nsx_resources.PacketAddressClassifier( pair['ip_address'], pair['mac_address'], None)) return address_bindings def _extend_get_network_dict_provider(self, context, network): self._extend_network_dict_provider(context, network) network[qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID] = (qos_com_utils. get_network_policy_id(context, network['id'])) def get_network(self, context, id, fields=None): with db_api.context_manager.reader.using(context): # Get network from Neutron database network = self._get_network(context, id) # Don't do field selection here otherwise we won't be able to add # provider networks fields net = self._make_network_dict(network, context=context) self._extend_get_network_dict_provider(context, net) return db_utils.resource_fields(net, fields) def get_networks(self, context, filters=None, fields=None, sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None, page_reverse=False): # Get networks from Neutron database filters = filters or {} with db_api.context_manager.reader.using(context): networks = ( super(NsxV3Plugin, self).get_networks( context, filters, fields, sorts, limit, marker, page_reverse)) # Add provider network fields for net in networks: self._extend_get_network_dict_provider(context, net) return (networks if not fields else [db_utils.resource_fields(network, fields) for network in networks]) def _get_port_name(self, context, port_data): device_owner = port_data.get('device_owner') device_id = port_data.get('device_id') if device_owner == l3_db.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF and device_id: router = self._get_router(context, device_id) name = utils.get_name_and_uuid( router['name'] or 'router', port_data['id'], tag='port') elif device_owner == const.DEVICE_OWNER_DHCP: network = self.get_network(context, port_data['network_id']) name = utils.get_name_and_uuid('%s-%s' % ( 'dhcp', network['name'] or 'network'), network['id']) elif device_owner.startswith(const.DEVICE_OWNER_COMPUTE_PREFIX): name = utils.get_name_and_uuid( port_data['name'] or 'instance-port', port_data['id']) else: name = port_data['name'] return name def _get_qos_profile_id(self, context, policy_id): switch_profile_id = nsx_db.get_switch_profile_by_qos_policy( context.session, policy_id) nsxlib_qos = self.nsxlib.qos_switching_profile qos_profile = nsxlib_qos.get(switch_profile_id) if qos_profile: profile_ids = nsxlib_qos.build_switch_profile_ids( self.nsxlib.switching_profile, qos_profile) if profile_ids and len(profile_ids) > 0: # We have only 1 QoS profile, so this array is of size 1 return profile_ids[0] # Didn't find it err_msg = _("Could not find QoS switching profile for policy " "%s") % policy_id LOG.error(err_msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg) def _is_excluded_port(self, device_owner, port_security): if device_owner == l3_db.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF: return False if device_owner == const.DEVICE_OWNER_DHCP: if not cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata: return True elif not port_security: return True return False def _create_port_at_the_backend(self, context, port_data, l2gw_port_check, psec_is_on): device_owner = port_data.get('device_owner') device_id = port_data.get('device_id') if device_owner == const.DEVICE_OWNER_DHCP: resource_type = 'os-neutron-dport-id' elif device_owner == l3_db.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF: resource_type = 'os-neutron-rport-id' else: resource_type = 'os-neutron-port-id' tags = self.nsxlib.build_v3_tags_payload( port_data, resource_type=resource_type, project_name=context.tenant_name) resource_type = self._get_resource_type_for_device_id( device_owner, device_id) if resource_type: tags = nsxlib_utils.add_v3_tag(tags, resource_type, device_id) add_to_exclude_list = False if self._is_excluded_port(device_owner, psec_is_on): if self.nsxlib.feature_supported( nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_EXCLUDE_PORT_BY_TAG): tags.append({'scope': security.PORT_SG_SCOPE, 'tag': nsxlib_consts.EXCLUDE_PORT}) else: add_to_exclude_list = True elif self.nsxlib.feature_supported( nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_DYNAMIC_CRITERIA): # If port has no security-groups then we don't need to add any # security criteria tag. if port_data[ext_sg.SECURITYGROUPS]: tags += self.nsxlib.ns_group.get_lport_tags( port_data[ext_sg.SECURITYGROUPS] + port_data[provider_sg.PROVIDER_SECURITYGROUPS]) # Add port to the default list if (device_owner != l3_db.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF and device_owner != const.DEVICE_OWNER_DHCP): tags.append({'scope': security.PORT_SG_SCOPE, 'tag': NSX_V3_DEFAULT_SECTION}) address_bindings = (self._build_address_bindings(port_data) if psec_is_on else []) if not device_owner: # no attachment attachment_type = None vif_uuid = None elif l2gw_port_check: # Change the attachment type for L2 gateway owned ports. # NSX backend requires the vif id be set to bridge endpoint id # for ports plugged into a Bridge Endpoint. # Also set port security to False, since L2GW port does not have # an IP address. vif_uuid = device_id attachment_type = device_owner psec_is_on = False elif device_owner == l3_db.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF: # no attachment change attachment_type = False vif_uuid = False else: # default attachment attachment_type = nsxlib_consts.ATTACHMENT_VIF vif_uuid = port_data['id'] profiles = [] # Add availability zone profiles first (so that specific profiles will # override them) port_az = self.get_network_az_by_net_id(context, port_data['network_id']) if port_az.switching_profiles_objs: profiles.extend(port_az.switching_profiles_objs) mac_learning_profile_set = False if psec_is_on: address_pairs = port_data.get(addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS) if validators.is_attr_set(address_pairs) and address_pairs: mac_learning_profile_set = True profiles.append(self._get_port_security_profile_id()) if device_owner == const.DEVICE_OWNER_DHCP: if not self._is_ens_tz_port(context, port_data): profiles.append(self._dhcp_profile) # Add QoS switching profile, if exists qos_policy_id = None if validators.is_attr_set(port_data.get(qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID)): qos_policy_id = port_data[qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID] elif device_owner.startswith(const.DEVICE_OWNER_COMPUTE_PREFIX): # check if the network of this port has a policy qos_policy_id = qos_com_utils.get_network_policy_id( context, port_data['network_id']) if qos_policy_id: qos_profile_id = self._get_qos_profile_id(context, qos_policy_id) profiles.append(qos_profile_id) # Add mac_learning profile if it exists and is configured if (self._mac_learning_profile and (mac_learning_profile_set or (validators.is_attr_set(port_data.get(mac_ext.MAC_LEARNING)) and port_data.get(mac_ext.MAC_LEARNING) is True))): profiles.append(self._mac_learning_profile) profiles.append(self._no_switch_security) name = self._get_port_name(context, port_data) nsx_net_id = port_data[pbin.VIF_DETAILS]['nsx-logical-switch-id'] try: result = self.nsxlib.logical_port.create( nsx_net_id, vif_uuid, tags=tags, name=name, admin_state=port_data['admin_state_up'], address_bindings=address_bindings, attachment_type=attachment_type, switch_profile_ids=profiles, description=port_data.get('description')) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError as inst: # we may fail if the QoS is not supported for this port # (for example - transport zone with KVM) LOG.exception("Unable to create port on the backend: %s", inst) msg = _("Unable to create port on the backend") raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) # Attach the policy to the port in the neutron DB if qos_policy_id: qos_com_utils.update_port_policy_binding(context, port_data['id'], qos_policy_id) # Add the port to the exclude list if necessary - this is if # the version is below 2.0.0 if add_to_exclude_list: self.nsxlib.firewall_section.add_member_to_fw_exclude_list( result['id'], nsxlib_consts.TARGET_TYPE_LOGICAL_PORT) return result def _validate_address_pairs(self, address_pairs): for pair in address_pairs: ip = pair.get('ip_address') if not utils.is_ipv4_ip_address(ip): raise nsx_exc.InvalidIPAddress(ip_address=ip) def _provider_sgs_specified(self, port_data): # checks if security groups were updated adding/modifying # security groups, port security is set and port has ip provider_sgs_specified = (validators.is_attr_set( port_data.get(provider_sg.PROVIDER_SECURITYGROUPS)) and port_data.get(provider_sg.PROVIDER_SECURITYGROUPS) != []) return provider_sgs_specified def _is_ens_tz_net(self, context, net_id): #Check the host-switch-mode of the TZ connected to network mappings = nsx_db.get_nsx_switch_ids(context.session, net_id) if mappings: nsx_net_id = nsx_net_id = mappings[0] if nsx_net_id: nsx_net = self.nsxlib.logical_switch.get(nsx_net_id) if nsx_net and nsx_net.get('transport_zone_id'): # Check the mode of this TZ mode = self.nsxlib.transport_zone.get_host_switch_mode( nsx_net['transport_zone_id']) return (mode == self.nsxlib.transport_zone.HOST_SWITCH_MODE_ENS) return False def _is_ens_tz_port(self, context, port_data): # Check the host-switch-mode of the TZ connected to the ports network return self._is_ens_tz_net(context, port_data['network_id']) def _create_port_preprocess_security( self, context, port, port_data, neutron_db): (port_security, has_ip) = self._determine_port_security_and_has_ip( context, port_data) port_data[psec.PORTSECURITY] = port_security # No port security is allowed if the port belongs to an ENS TZ if port_security and self._is_ens_tz_port(context, port_data): raise nsx_exc.NsxENSPortSecurity() self._process_port_port_security_create( context, port_data, neutron_db) # allowed address pair checks address_pairs = port_data.get(addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS) if validators.is_attr_set(address_pairs): if not port_security: raise addr_exc.AddressPairAndPortSecurityRequired() else: self._validate_address_pairs(address_pairs) self._process_create_allowed_address_pairs( context, neutron_db, address_pairs) else: # remove ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED port_data[addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS] = [] if port_security and has_ip: self._ensure_default_security_group_on_port(context, port) (sgids, psgids) = self._get_port_security_groups_lists( context, port) elif (self._check_update_has_security_groups({'port': port_data}) or self._provider_sgs_specified(port_data) or self._get_provider_security_groups_on_port(context, port)): raise psec_exc.PortSecurityAndIPRequiredForSecurityGroups() else: sgids = psgids = [] port_data[ext_sg.SECURITYGROUPS] = ( self._get_security_groups_on_port(context, port)) return port_security, has_ip, sgids, psgids def _assert_on_external_net_with_compute(self, port_data): # Prevent creating port with device owner prefix 'compute' # on external networks. device_owner = port_data.get('device_owner') if (device_owner is not None and device_owner.startswith(const.DEVICE_OWNER_COMPUTE_PREFIX)): err_msg = _("Unable to update/create a port with an external " "network") LOG.warning(err_msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg) def _assert_on_dhcp_relay_without_router(self, context, port_data, original_port=None): # Prevent creating/updating port with device owner prefix 'compute' # on a subnet with dhcp relay but no router. if not original_port: original_port = port_data device_owner = port_data.get('device_owner') if (device_owner is None or not device_owner.startswith(const.DEVICE_OWNER_COMPUTE_PREFIX)): # not a compute port return if not self.get_network_az_by_net_id( context, original_port['network_id']).dhcp_relay_service: # No dhcp relay for the net of this port return # get the subnet id from the fixed ips of the port if 'fixed_ips' in port_data and port_data['fixed_ips']: subnet_id = port_data['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'] elif 'fixed_ips' in original_port and original_port['fixed_ips']: subnet_id = original_port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'] else: return # check only dhcp enabled subnets subnet = self.get_subnet(context.elevated(), subnet_id) if not subnet['enable_dhcp']: return # check if the subnet is attached to a router port_filters = {'device_owner': [l3_db.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF], 'network_id': [original_port['network_id']]} interfaces = self.get_ports(context.elevated(), filters=port_filters) router_found = False for interface in interfaces: if interface['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'] == subnet_id: router_found = True break if not router_found: err_msg = _("Neutron is configured with DHCP_Relay but no router " "connected to the subnet") LOG.warning(err_msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg) def _cleanup_port(self, context, port_id, lport_id): super(NsxV3Plugin, self).delete_port(context, port_id) if lport_id: self.nsxlib.logical_port.delete(lport_id) def _assert_on_external_net_port_with_qos(self, port_data): # Prevent creating/update port with QoS policy # on external networks. if validators.is_attr_set(port_data.get(qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID)): err_msg = _("Unable to update/create a port with an external " "network and a QoS policy") LOG.warning(err_msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg) def _assert_on_illegal_port_with_qos(self, port_data, device_owner): # Prevent creating/update port with QoS policy # on router-interface/network-dhcp ports. if ((device_owner == l3_db.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF or device_owner == const.DEVICE_OWNER_DHCP) and validators.is_attr_set(port_data.get(qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID))): err_msg = _("Unable to create or update %s port with a QoS " "policy") % device_owner LOG.warning(err_msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg) def _assert_on_port_admin_state(self, port_data, device_owner): """Do not allow changing the admin state of some ports""" if (device_owner == l3_db.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF or device_owner == l3_db.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_GW): if port_data.get("admin_state_up") is False: err_msg = _("admin_state_up=False router ports are not " "supported.") LOG.warning(err_msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg) def _assert_on_port_sec_change(self, port_data, device_owner): """Do not allow enabling port security of some ports Trusted ports are created with port security disabled in neutron, and it should not change. """ if nlib_net.is_port_trusted({'device_owner': device_owner}): if port_data.get(psec.PORTSECURITY) is True: err_msg = _("port_security_enabled=True is not supported for " "trusted ports") LOG.warning(err_msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg) def _filter_ipv4_dhcp_fixed_ips(self, context, fixed_ips): ips = [] for fixed_ip in fixed_ips: if netaddr.IPNetwork(fixed_ip['ip_address']).version != 4: continue with db_api.context_manager.reader.using(context): subnet = self.get_subnet(context, fixed_ip['subnet_id']) if subnet['enable_dhcp']: ips.append(fixed_ip) return ips def _add_dhcp_binding(self, context, port): if not utils.is_port_dhcp_configurable(port): return dhcp_service = nsx_db.get_nsx_service_binding( context.session, port['network_id'], nsxlib_consts.SERVICE_DHCP) if not dhcp_service: return for fixed_ip in self._filter_ipv4_dhcp_fixed_ips( context, port['fixed_ips']): binding = self._add_dhcp_binding_on_server( context, dhcp_service['nsx_service_id'], fixed_ip['subnet_id'], fixed_ip['ip_address'], port) try: nsx_db.add_neutron_nsx_dhcp_binding( context.session, port['id'], fixed_ip['subnet_id'], fixed_ip['ip_address'], dhcp_service['nsx_service_id'], binding['id']) except (db_exc.DBError, sql_exc.TimeoutError): LOG.error("Failed to add mapping of DHCP binding " "%(binding)s for port %(port)s, deleting" "DHCP binding on server", {'binding': binding['id'], 'port': port['id']}) self._delete_dhcp_binding_on_server(context, binding) def _validate_extra_dhcp_options(self, opts): if not opts or not cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata: return for opt in opts: opt_name = opt['opt_name'] opt_val = opt['opt_value'] if opt_name == 'classless-static-route': # separate validation for option121 if opt_val is not None: try: net, ip = opt_val.split(',') except Exception: msg = (_("Bad value %(val)s for DHCP option " "%(name)s") % {'name': opt_name, 'val': opt_val}) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) elif not self.nsxlib.dhcp_server.get_dhcp_opt_code(opt_name): msg = (_("DHCP option %s is not supported") % opt_name) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) def _get_dhcp_options(self, context, ip, extra_dhcp_opts, net_id, subnet): # Always add option121. net_az = self.get_network_az_by_net_id(context, net_id) options = {'option121': {'static_routes': [ {'network': '%s' % net_az.native_metadata_route, 'next_hop': ''}, {'network': '%s' % net_az.native_metadata_route, 'next_hop': ip}]}} if subnet: sr, gateway_ip = self.nsxlib.native_dhcp.build_static_routes( subnet.get('gateway_ip'), subnet.get('cidr'), subnet.get('host_routes', [])) options['option121']['static_routes'].extend(sr) # Adding extra options only if configured on port if extra_dhcp_opts: other_opts = [] for opt in extra_dhcp_opts: opt_name = opt['opt_name'] if opt['opt_value'] is not None: # None value means - delete this option. Since we rebuild # the options from scratch, it can be ignored. opt_val = opt['opt_value'] if opt_name == 'classless-static-route': # Add to the option121 static routes net, ip = opt_val.split(',') options['option121']['static_routes'].append({ 'network': net, 'next_hop': ip}) else: other_opts.append({ 'code': self.nsxlib.dhcp_server.get_dhcp_opt_code( opt_name), 'values': [opt_val]}) if other_opts: options['others'] = other_opts return options def _add_dhcp_binding_on_server(self, context, dhcp_service_id, subnet_id, ip, port): try: hostname = 'host-%s' % ip.replace('.', '-') subnet = self.get_subnet(context, subnet_id) gateway_ip = subnet.get('gateway_ip') options = self._get_dhcp_options( context, ip, port.get(ext_edo.EXTRADHCPOPTS), port['network_id'], subnet) binding = self.nsxlib.dhcp_server.create_binding( dhcp_service_id, port['mac_address'], ip, hostname, cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.dhcp_lease_time, options, gateway_ip) LOG.debug("Created static binding (mac: %(mac)s, ip: %(ip)s, " "gateway: %(gateway)s, options: %(options)s) for port " "%(port)s on logical DHCP server %(server)s", {'mac': port['mac_address'], 'ip': ip, 'gateway': gateway_ip, 'options': options, 'port': port['id'], 'server': dhcp_service_id}) return binding except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error("Unable to create static binding (mac: %(mac)s, " "ip: %(ip)s, gateway: %(gateway)s, options: " "%(options)s) for port %(port)s on logical DHCP " "server %(server)s", {'mac': port['mac_address'], 'ip': ip, 'gateway': gateway_ip, 'options': options, 'port': port['id'], 'server': dhcp_service_id}) def _delete_dhcp_binding(self, context, port): # Do not check device_owner here because Nova may have already # deleted that before Neutron's port deletion. bindings = nsx_db.get_nsx_dhcp_bindings(context.session, port['id']) for binding in bindings: self._delete_dhcp_binding_on_server(context, binding) try: nsx_db.delete_neutron_nsx_dhcp_binding( context.session, binding['port_id'], binding['nsx_binding_id']) except db_exc.DBError: LOG.error("Unable to delete mapping of DHCP binding " "%(binding)s for port %(port)s", {'binding': binding['nsx_binding_id'], 'port': binding['port_id']}) def _delete_dhcp_binding_on_server(self, context, binding): try: self.nsxlib.dhcp_server.delete_binding( binding['nsx_service_id'], binding['nsx_binding_id']) LOG.debug("Deleted static binding for port %(port)s) on " "logical DHCP server %(server)s", {'port': binding['port_id'], 'server': binding['nsx_service_id']}) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error("Unable to delete static binding for port " "%(port)s) on logical DHCP server %(server)s", {'port': binding['port_id'], 'server': binding['nsx_service_id']}) def _find_dhcp_binding(self, subnet_id, ip_address, bindings): for binding in bindings: if (subnet_id == binding['subnet_id'] and ip_address == binding['ip_address']): return binding def _update_dhcp_binding(self, context, old_port, new_port): # First check if any IPv4 address in fixed_ips is changed. # Then update DHCP server setting or DHCP static binding # depending on the port type. # Note that Neutron allows a port with multiple IPs in the # same subnet. But backend DHCP server may not support that. if (utils.is_port_dhcp_configurable(old_port) != utils.is_port_dhcp_configurable(new_port)): # Note that the device_owner could be changed, # but still needs DHCP binding. if utils.is_port_dhcp_configurable(old_port): self._delete_dhcp_binding(context, old_port) else: self._add_dhcp_binding(context, new_port) return # Collect IPv4 DHCP addresses from original and updated fixed_ips # in the form of [(subnet_id, ip_address)]. old_fixed_ips = set([(fixed_ip['subnet_id'], fixed_ip['ip_address']) for fixed_ip in self._filter_ipv4_dhcp_fixed_ips( context, old_port['fixed_ips'])]) new_fixed_ips = set([(fixed_ip['subnet_id'], fixed_ip['ip_address']) for fixed_ip in self._filter_ipv4_dhcp_fixed_ips( context, new_port['fixed_ips'])]) # Find out the subnet/IP differences before and after the update. ips_to_add = list(new_fixed_ips - old_fixed_ips) ips_to_delete = list(old_fixed_ips - new_fixed_ips) ip_change = (ips_to_add or ips_to_delete) if old_port["device_owner"] == const.DEVICE_OWNER_DHCP and ip_change: # Update backend DHCP server address if the IP address of a DHCP # port is changed. if len(new_fixed_ips) != 1: msg = _("Can only configure one IP address on a DHCP server") LOG.error(msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) # Locate the backend DHCP server for this DHCP port. dhcp_service = nsx_db.get_nsx_service_binding( context.session, old_port['network_id'], nsxlib_consts.SERVICE_DHCP) if dhcp_service: new_ip = ips_to_add[0][1] try: self.nsxlib.dhcp_server.update( dhcp_service['nsx_service_id'], server_ip=new_ip) LOG.debug("Updated IP %(ip)s for logical DHCP server " "%(server)s", {'ip': new_ip, 'server': dhcp_service['nsx_service_id']}) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error("Unable to update IP %(ip)s for logical " "DHCP server %(server)s", {'ip': new_ip, 'server': dhcp_service['nsx_service_id']}) elif utils.is_port_dhcp_configurable(old_port): # Update static DHCP bindings for a compute port. bindings = nsx_db.get_nsx_dhcp_bindings(context.session, old_port['id']) dhcp_opts = new_port.get(ext_edo.EXTRADHCPOPTS) dhcp_opts_changed = (old_port[ext_edo.EXTRADHCPOPTS] != new_port[ext_edo.EXTRADHCPOPTS]) if ip_change: # If IP address is changed, update associated DHCP bindings, # metadata route, and default hostname. # Mac address (if changed) will be updated at the same time. if ([subnet_id for (subnet_id, ip) in ips_to_add] == [subnet_id for (subnet_id, ip) in ips_to_delete]): # No change on subnet_id, just update corresponding IPs. for i, (subnet_id, ip) in enumerate(ips_to_delete): binding = self._find_dhcp_binding(subnet_id, ip, bindings) if binding: subnet = self.get_subnet(context, binding['subnet_id']) self._update_dhcp_binding_on_server( context, binding, new_port['mac_address'], ips_to_add[i][1], old_port['network_id'], dhcp_opts=dhcp_opts, subnet=subnet) # Update DB IP nsx_db.update_nsx_dhcp_bindings(context.session, old_port['id'], ip, ips_to_add[i][1]) else: for (subnet_id, ip) in ips_to_delete: binding = self._find_dhcp_binding(subnet_id, ip, bindings) if binding: self._delete_dhcp_binding_on_server(context, binding) if ips_to_add: dhcp_service = nsx_db.get_nsx_service_binding( context.session, new_port['network_id'], nsxlib_consts.SERVICE_DHCP) if dhcp_service: for (subnet_id, ip) in ips_to_add: self._add_dhcp_binding_on_server( context, dhcp_service['nsx_service_id'], subnet_id, ip, new_port) elif (old_port['mac_address'] != new_port['mac_address'] or dhcp_opts_changed): # If only Mac address/dhcp opts is changed, # update it in all associated DHCP bindings. for binding in bindings: subnet = self.get_subnet(context, binding['subnet_id']) self._update_dhcp_binding_on_server( context, binding, new_port['mac_address'], binding['ip_address'], old_port['network_id'], dhcp_opts=dhcp_opts, subnet=subnet) def _update_dhcp_binding_on_server(self, context, binding, mac, ip, net_id, gateway_ip=False, dhcp_opts=None, options=None, subnet=None): try: data = {'mac_address': mac, 'ip_address': ip} if ip != binding['ip_address']: data['host_name'] = 'host-%s' % ip.replace('.', '-') data['options'] = self._get_dhcp_options( context, ip, dhcp_opts, net_id, subnet) elif (dhcp_opts is not None or options is not None): data['options'] = self._get_dhcp_options( context, ip, dhcp_opts, net_id, subnet) if gateway_ip is not False: # Note that None is valid for gateway_ip, means deleting it. data['gateway_ip'] = gateway_ip self.nsxlib.dhcp_server.update_binding( binding['nsx_service_id'], binding['nsx_binding_id'], **data) LOG.debug("Updated static binding (mac: %(mac)s, ip: %(ip)s, " "gateway: %(gateway)s) for port %(port)s on " "logical DHCP server %(server)s", {'mac': mac, 'ip': ip, 'gateway': gateway_ip, 'port': binding['port_id'], 'server': binding['nsx_service_id']}) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error("Unable to update static binding (mac: %(mac)s, " "ip: %(ip)s, gateway: %(gateway)s) for port " "%(port)s on logical DHCP server %(server)s", {'mac': mac, 'ip': ip, 'gateway': gateway_ip, 'port': binding['port_id'], 'server': binding['nsx_service_id']}) def _update_lport_with_security_groups(self, context, lport_id, original, updated): # translate the neutron sg ids to nsx ids, and call nsxlib nsx_origial = nsx_db.get_nsx_security_group_ids(context.session, original) nsx_updated = nsx_db.get_nsx_security_group_ids(context.session, updated) self.nsxlib.ns_group.update_lport( context, lport_id, nsx_origial, nsx_updated) def create_port(self, context, port, l2gw_port_check=False): port_data = port['port'] dhcp_opts = port_data.get(ext_edo.EXTRADHCPOPTS) self._validate_extra_dhcp_options(dhcp_opts) self._validate_max_ips_per_port(port_data.get('fixed_ips', []), port_data.get('device_owner')) self._assert_on_dhcp_relay_without_router(context, port_data) # TODO(salv-orlando): Undo logical switch creation on failure with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): is_external_net = self._network_is_external( context, port_data['network_id']) if is_external_net: self._assert_on_external_net_with_compute(port_data) self._assert_on_external_net_port_with_qos(port_data) self._assert_on_illegal_port_with_qos( port_data, port_data.get('device_owner')) self._assert_on_port_admin_state( port_data, port_data.get('device_owner')) neutron_db = super(NsxV3Plugin, self).create_port(context, port) self._extension_manager.process_create_port( context, port_data, neutron_db) port["port"].update(neutron_db) (is_psec_on, has_ip, sgids, psgids) = ( self._create_port_preprocess_security(context, port, port_data, neutron_db)) self._process_portbindings_create_and_update( context, port['port'], port_data) self._process_port_create_extra_dhcp_opts( context, port_data, dhcp_opts) # handle adding security groups to port self._process_port_create_security_group( context, port_data, sgids) self._process_port_create_provider_security_group( context, port_data, psgids) # add provider groups to other security groups list. # sgids is a set() so we need to | it in. if psgids: sgids = list(set(sgids) | set(psgids)) self._extend_nsx_port_dict_binding(context, port_data) # Make sure mac_learning and port sec are not both enabled if (validators.is_attr_set(port_data.get(mac_ext.MAC_LEARNING)) and port_data.get(mac_ext.MAC_LEARNING)): if is_psec_on: msg = _('Mac learning requires that port security be ' 'disabled') LOG.error(msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) self._create_mac_learning_state(context, port_data) elif mac_ext.MAC_LEARNING in port_data: # This is due to the fact that the default is # ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED port_data.pop(mac_ext.MAC_LEARNING) # Operations to backend should be done outside of DB transaction. # NOTE(arosen): ports on external networks are nat rules and do # not result in ports on the backend. if not is_external_net: try: lport = self._create_port_at_the_backend( context, port_data, l2gw_port_check, is_psec_on) except Exception as e: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error('Failed to create port %(id)s on NSX ' 'backend. Exception: %(e)s', {'id': neutron_db['id'], 'e': e}) self._cleanup_port(context, neutron_db['id'], None) if not self.nsxlib.feature_supported( nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_DYNAMIC_CRITERIA): try: self._update_lport_with_security_groups( context, lport['id'], [], sgids or []) except Exception as e: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(reraise=False): LOG.debug("Couldn't associate port %s with " "one or more security-groups, reverting " "logical-port creation (%s).", port_data['id'], lport['id']) self._cleanup_port( context, neutron_db['id'], lport['id']) # NOTE(arosen): this is to translate between nsxlib # exceptions and the plugin exceptions. This should be # later refactored. if (e.__class__ is nsx_lib_exc.SecurityGroupMaximumCapacityReached): raise nsx_exc.SecurityGroupMaximumCapacityReached( err_msg=e.msg) else: raise e try: net_id = port_data[pbin.VIF_DETAILS]['nsx-logical-switch-id'] nsx_db.add_neutron_nsx_port_mapping( context.session, neutron_db['id'], net_id, lport['id']) except Exception as e: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.debug('Failed to update mapping %s on NSX ' 'backend. Reverting port creation. ' 'Exception: %s', neutron_db['id'], e) self._cleanup_port(context, neutron_db['id'], lport['id']) # this extra lookup is necessary to get the # latest db model for the extension functions port_model = self._get_port(context, port_data['id']) resource_extend.apply_funcs('ports', port_data, port_model) self._remove_provider_security_groups_from_list(port_data) # Add Mac/IP binding to native DHCP server and neutron DB. if cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata: try: self._add_dhcp_binding(context, port_data) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: # Rollback create port self.delete_port(context, port_data['id'], force_delete_dhcp=True) msg = _('Unable to create port. Please contact admin') LOG.exception(msg) raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) if not cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata: nsx_rpc.handle_port_metadata_access(self, context, neutron_db) return port_data def _pre_delete_port_check(self, context, port_id, l2gw_port_check): """Perform checks prior to deleting a port.""" try: kwargs = { 'context': context, 'port_check': l2gw_port_check, 'port_id': port_id, } # Send delete port notification to any interested service plugin registry.notify( resources.PORT, events.BEFORE_DELETE, self, **kwargs) except callback_exc.CallbackFailure as e: if len(e.errors) == 1: raise e.errors[0].error raise n_exc.ServicePortInUse(port_id=port_id, reason=e) def delete_port(self, context, port_id, l3_port_check=True, l2gw_port_check=True, force_delete_dhcp=False): # if needed, check to see if this is a port owned by # a l2 gateway. If so, we should prevent deletion here self._pre_delete_port_check(context, port_id, l2gw_port_check) # if needed, check to see if this is a port owned by # a l3 router. If so, we should prevent deletion here if l3_port_check: self.prevent_l3_port_deletion(context, port_id) port = self.get_port(context, port_id) # Prevent DHCP port deletion if native support is enabled if (cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata and not force_delete_dhcp and port['device_owner'] in [const.DEVICE_OWNER_DHCP]): msg = (_('Can not delete DHCP port %s') % port['id']) raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='port', msg=msg) if not self._network_is_external(context, port['network_id']): _net_id, nsx_port_id = nsx_db.get_nsx_switch_and_port_id( context.session, port_id) self.nsxlib.logical_port.delete(nsx_port_id) if not self.nsxlib.feature_supported( nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_DYNAMIC_CRITERIA): self._update_lport_with_security_groups( context, nsx_port_id, port.get(ext_sg.SECURITYGROUPS, []), []) if (not self.nsxlib.feature_supported( nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_EXCLUDE_PORT_BY_TAG) and self._is_excluded_port(port.get('device_owner'), port.get('port_security_enabled'))): fs = self.nsxlib.firewall_section try: fs.remove_member_from_fw_exclude_list( nsx_port_id, nsxlib_consts.TARGET_TYPE_LOGICAL_PORT) except Exception as e: LOG.warning("Unable to remove port from exclude list. " "Reason: %s", e) self.disassociate_floatingips(context, port_id) # Remove Mac/IP binding from native DHCP server and neutron DB. if cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata: self._delete_dhcp_binding(context, port) else: nsx_rpc.handle_port_metadata_access(self, context, port, is_delete=True) super(NsxV3Plugin, self).delete_port(context, port_id) def _update_port_preprocess_security( self, context, port, id, updated_port, validate_port_sec=True): delete_addr_pairs = self._check_update_deletes_allowed_address_pairs( port) has_addr_pairs = self._check_update_has_allowed_address_pairs(port) has_security_groups = self._check_update_has_security_groups(port) delete_security_groups = self._check_update_deletes_security_groups( port) # populate port_security setting port_data = port['port'] if psec.PORTSECURITY not in port_data: updated_port[psec.PORTSECURITY] = \ self._get_port_security_binding(context, id) has_ip = self._ip_on_port(updated_port) # validate port security and allowed address pairs if not updated_port[psec.PORTSECURITY]: # has address pairs in request if has_addr_pairs: raise addr_exc.AddressPairAndPortSecurityRequired() elif not delete_addr_pairs: # check if address pairs are in db updated_port[addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS] = ( self.get_allowed_address_pairs(context, id)) if updated_port[addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS]: raise addr_exc.AddressPairAndPortSecurityRequired() if delete_addr_pairs or has_addr_pairs: self._validate_address_pairs( updated_port[addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS]) # delete address pairs and read them in self._delete_allowed_address_pairs(context, id) self._process_create_allowed_address_pairs( context, updated_port, updated_port[addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS]) # No port security is allowed if the port belongs to an ENS TZ if (updated_port[psec.PORTSECURITY] and psec.PORTSECURITY in port_data and self._is_ens_tz_port(context, updated_port)): raise nsx_exc.NsxENSPortSecurity() # checks if security groups were updated adding/modifying # security groups, port security is set and port has ip provider_sgs_specified = self._provider_sgs_specified(updated_port) if (validate_port_sec and not (has_ip and updated_port[psec.PORTSECURITY])): if has_security_groups or provider_sgs_specified: raise psec_exc.PortSecurityAndIPRequiredForSecurityGroups() # Update did not have security groups passed in. Check # that port does not have any security groups already on it. filters = {'port_id': [id]} security_groups = ( super(NsxV3Plugin, self)._get_port_security_group_bindings( context, filters) ) if security_groups and not delete_security_groups: raise psec_exc.PortSecurityPortHasSecurityGroup() if delete_security_groups or has_security_groups: # delete the port binding and read it with the new rules. self._delete_port_security_group_bindings(context, id) sgids = self._get_security_groups_on_port(context, port) self._process_port_create_security_group(context, updated_port, sgids) if psec.PORTSECURITY in port['port']: self._process_port_port_security_update( context, port['port'], updated_port) return updated_port def _get_resource_type_for_device_id(self, device_owner, device_id): if device_owner in const.ROUTER_INTERFACE_OWNERS: return 'os-router-uuid' elif device_owner.startswith(const.DEVICE_OWNER_COMPUTE_PREFIX): return 'os-instance-uuid' def _update_port_on_backend(self, context, lport_id, original_port, updated_port, address_bindings, switch_profile_ids): original_device_owner = original_port.get('device_owner') original_device_id = original_port.get('device_id') updated_device_owner = updated_port.get('device_owner') updated_device_id = updated_port.get('device_id') tags_update = [] if original_device_id != updated_device_id: # Determine if we need to update or drop the tag. If the # updated_device_id exists then the tag will be updated. This # is done using the updated port. If the updated_device_id does # not exist then we need to get the original resource type # from original_device_owner. This enables us to drop the tag. if updated_device_id: resource_type = self._get_resource_type_for_device_id( updated_device_owner, updated_device_id) else: resource_type = self._get_resource_type_for_device_id( original_device_owner, updated_device_id) if resource_type: tags_update = nsxlib_utils.add_v3_tag( tags_update, resource_type, updated_device_id) if updated_device_owner in (original_device_owner, l3_db.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF, nsxlib_consts.BRIDGE_ENDPOINT): # no attachment change attachment_type = False vif_uuid = False elif updated_device_owner: # default attachment attachment_type = nsxlib_consts.ATTACHMENT_VIF vif_uuid = updated_port['id'] else: # no attachment attachment_type = None vif_uuid = None name = self._get_port_name(context, updated_port) # Update exclude list if necessary updated_ps = updated_port.get('port_security_enabled') updated_excluded = self._is_excluded_port(updated_device_owner, updated_ps) original_ps = original_port.get('port_security_enabled') original_excluded = self._is_excluded_port(original_device_owner, original_ps) if updated_excluded != original_excluded: if self.nsxlib.feature_supported( nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_EXCLUDE_PORT_BY_TAG): if updated_excluded: tags_update.append({'scope': security.PORT_SG_SCOPE, 'tag': nsxlib_consts.EXCLUDE_PORT}) else: tags_update.append({'scope': security.PORT_SG_SCOPE, 'tag': None}) else: fs = self.nsxlib.firewall_section if updated_excluded: fs.add_member_to_fw_exclude_list( lport_id, nsxlib_consts.TARGET_TYPE_LOGICAL_PORT) else: fs.remove_member_from_fw_exclude_list( lport_id, nsxlib_consts.TARGET_TYPE_LOGICAL_PORT) if self.nsxlib.feature_supported( nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_DYNAMIC_CRITERIA): tags_update += self.nsxlib.ns_group.get_lport_tags( updated_port.get(ext_sg.SECURITYGROUPS, []) + updated_port.get(provider_sg.PROVIDER_SECURITYGROUPS, [])) # Only set the default section tag if there is no port security if not updated_excluded: tags_update.append({'scope': security.PORT_SG_SCOPE, 'tag': NSX_V3_DEFAULT_SECTION}) else: # Ensure that the 'exclude' tag is set if self.nsxlib.feature_supported( nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_EXCLUDE_PORT_BY_TAG): tags_update.append({'scope': security.PORT_SG_SCOPE, 'tag': nsxlib_consts.EXCLUDE_PORT}) else: self._update_lport_with_security_groups( context, lport_id, original_port.get(ext_sg.SECURITYGROUPS, []) + original_port.get(provider_sg.PROVIDER_SECURITYGROUPS, []), updated_port.get(ext_sg.SECURITYGROUPS, []) + updated_port.get(provider_sg.PROVIDER_SECURITYGROUPS, [])) # Add availability zone profiles first (so that specific profiles will # override them) port_az = self.get_network_az_by_net_id(context, updated_port['network_id']) if port_az.switching_profiles_objs: switch_profile_ids = (port_az.switching_profiles_objs + switch_profile_ids) # Update the DHCP profile if updated_device_owner == const.DEVICE_OWNER_DHCP: switch_profile_ids.append(self._dhcp_profile) # Update QoS switch profile orig_compute = original_device_owner.startswith( const.DEVICE_OWNER_COMPUTE_PREFIX) updated_compute = updated_device_owner.startswith( const.DEVICE_OWNER_COMPUTE_PREFIX) is_new_compute = updated_compute and not orig_compute qos_policy_id, qos_profile_id = self._get_port_qos_ids(context, updated_port, is_new_compute) if qos_profile_id is not None: switch_profile_ids.append(qos_profile_id) psec_is_on = self._get_port_security_profile_id() in switch_profile_ids address_pairs = updated_port.get(addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS) mac_learning_profile_set = ( validators.is_attr_set(address_pairs) and address_pairs and psec_is_on) # Add mac_learning profile if it exists and is configured if (self._mac_learning_profile and (mac_learning_profile_set or updated_port.get(mac_ext.MAC_LEARNING) is True)): switch_profile_ids.append(self._mac_learning_profile) switch_profile_ids.append(self._no_switch_security) try: self.nsxlib.logical_port.update( lport_id, vif_uuid, name=name, attachment_type=attachment_type, admin_state=updated_port.get('admin_state_up'), address_bindings=address_bindings, switch_profile_ids=switch_profile_ids, tags_update=tags_update, description=updated_port.get('description')) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError as inst: # we may fail if the QoS is not supported for this port # (for example - transport zone with KVM) LOG.exception("Unable to update port on the backend: %s", inst) msg = _("Unable to update port on the backend") raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException(err_msg=msg) # Attach/Detach the QoS policies to the port in the neutron DB qos_com_utils.update_port_policy_binding(context, updated_port['id'], qos_policy_id) def _get_port_qos_ids(self, context, updated_port, is_new_compute): # when a port is updated, get the current QoS policy/profile ids policy_id = None profile_id = None if (qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID in updated_port): policy_id = updated_port[qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID] else: # Look for the previous QoS policy policy_id = qos_com_utils.get_port_policy_id( context, updated_port['id']) # If the port is now a 'compute' port (attached to a vm) and # Qos policy was not configured on the port directly, # try to take it from the ports network if policy_id is None and is_new_compute: # check if the network of this port has a policy policy_id = qos_com_utils.get_network_policy_id( context, updated_port.get('network_id')) if policy_id is not None: profile_id = self._get_qos_profile_id(context, policy_id) return policy_id, profile_id def update_port(self, context, id, port): switch_profile_ids = None # Need to determine if we skip validations for port security. # This is the edge case when the subnet is deleted. validate_port_sec = True fixed_ips = port['port'].get('fixed_ips', []) for fixed_ip in fixed_ips: if 'delete_subnet' in fixed_ip: validate_port_sec = False break with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): original_port = super(NsxV3Plugin, self).get_port(context, id) self._remove_provider_security_groups_from_list(original_port) port_data = port['port'] nsx_lswitch_id, nsx_lport_id = nsx_db.get_nsx_switch_and_port_id( context.session, id) is_external_net = self._network_is_external( context, original_port['network_id']) if is_external_net: self._assert_on_external_net_with_compute(port_data) self._assert_on_external_net_port_with_qos(port_data) self._assert_on_dhcp_relay_without_router(context, port_data, original_port) dhcp_opts = port_data.get(ext_edo.EXTRADHCPOPTS) self._validate_extra_dhcp_options(dhcp_opts) device_owner = (port_data['device_owner'] if 'device_owner' in port_data else original_port.get('device_owner')) self._assert_on_illegal_port_with_qos( port_data, device_owner) self._assert_on_port_admin_state(port_data, device_owner) self._assert_on_port_sec_change(port_data, device_owner) self._validate_max_ips_per_port( port_data.get('fixed_ips', []), device_owner) updated_port = super(NsxV3Plugin, self).update_port(context, id, port) self._extension_manager.process_update_port(context, port_data, updated_port) # copy values over - except fixed_ips as # they've already been processed port_data.pop('fixed_ips', None) updated_port.update(port_data) updated_port = self._update_port_preprocess_security( context, port, id, updated_port, validate_port_sec) self._update_extra_dhcp_opts_on_port(context, id, port, updated_port) sec_grp_updated = self.update_security_group_on_port( context, id, port, original_port, updated_port) self._process_port_update_provider_security_group( context, port, original_port, updated_port) (port_security, has_ip) = self._determine_port_security_and_has_ip( context, updated_port) self._process_portbindings_create_and_update( context, port_data, updated_port) self._extend_nsx_port_dict_binding(context, updated_port) mac_learning_state = updated_port.get(mac_ext.MAC_LEARNING) if mac_learning_state is not None: if port_security and mac_learning_state: msg = _('Mac learning requires that port security be ' 'disabled') LOG.error(msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) self._update_mac_learning_state(context, id, mac_learning_state) self._remove_provider_security_groups_from_list(updated_port) address_bindings = self._build_address_bindings(updated_port) if port_security and address_bindings: switch_profile_ids = [self._get_port_security_profile_id()] else: switch_profile_ids = [self._no_psec_profile_id] address_bindings = [] # update the port in the backend, only if it exists in the DB # (i.e not external net) if nsx_lport_id is not None: try: self._update_port_on_backend(context, nsx_lport_id, original_port, updated_port, address_bindings, switch_profile_ids) except (nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError, nsx_lib_exc.SecurityGroupMaximumCapacityReached) as e: # In case if there is a failure on NSX-v3 backend, rollback the # previous update operation on neutron side. LOG.exception("Unable to update NSX backend, rolling back " "changes on neutron") with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(reraise=False): with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): super(NsxV3Plugin, self).update_port( context, id, {'port': original_port}) # revert allowed address pairs if port_security: orig_pair = original_port.get( addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS) updated_pair = updated_port.get( addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS) if orig_pair != updated_pair: self._delete_allowed_address_pairs(context, id) if orig_pair: self._process_create_allowed_address_pairs( context, original_port, orig_pair) if sec_grp_updated: self.update_security_group_on_port( context, id, {'port': original_port}, updated_port, original_port) # NOTE(arosen): this is to translate between nsxlib # exceptions and the plugin exceptions. This should be # later refactored. if (e.__class__ is nsx_lib_exc.SecurityGroupMaximumCapacityReached): raise nsx_exc.SecurityGroupMaximumCapacityReached( err_msg=e.msg) else: raise e # Update DHCP bindings. if cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata: self._update_dhcp_binding(context, original_port, updated_port) return updated_port def _extend_get_port_dict_qos_and_binding(self, context, port): # Not using the register api for this because we need the context self._extend_nsx_port_dict_binding(context, port) # add the qos policy id from the DB if 'id' in port: port[qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID] = qos_com_utils.get_port_policy_id( context, port['id']) def get_port(self, context, id, fields=None): port = super(NsxV3Plugin, self).get_port(context, id, fields=None) if 'id' in port: port_model = self._get_port(context, port['id']) resource_extend.apply_funcs('ports', port, port_model) self._extend_get_port_dict_qos_and_binding(context, port) self._remove_provider_security_groups_from_list(port) return db_utils.resource_fields(port, fields) def get_ports(self, context, filters=None, fields=None, sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None, page_reverse=False): filters = filters or {} with db_api.context_manager.reader.using(context): ports = ( super(NsxV3Plugin, self).get_ports( context, filters, fields, sorts, limit, marker, page_reverse)) # Add port extensions for port in ports: if 'id' in port: port_model = self._get_port(context, port['id']) resource_extend.apply_funcs('ports', port, port_model) self._extend_get_port_dict_qos_and_binding(context, port) self._remove_provider_security_groups_from_list(port) return (ports if not fields else [db_utils.resource_fields(port, fields) for port in ports]) def _get_external_attachment_info(self, context, router): gw_port = router.gw_port ipaddress = None netmask = None nexthop = None if gw_port: # gw_port may have multiple IPs, only configure the first one if gw_port.get('fixed_ips'): ipaddress = gw_port['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address'] network_id = gw_port.get('network_id') if network_id: ext_net = self._get_network(context, network_id) if not ext_net.external: msg = (_("Network '%s' is not a valid external " "network") % network_id) raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='router', msg=msg) if ext_net.subnets: ext_subnet = ext_net.subnets[0] netmask = str(netaddr.IPNetwork(ext_subnet.cidr).netmask) nexthop = ext_subnet.gateway_ip return (ipaddress, netmask, nexthop) def _get_tier0_uuid_by_router(self, context, router): network_id = router.gw_port_id and router.gw_port.network_id if not network_id: return network = self.get_network(context, network_id) if not network.get(pnet.PHYSICAL_NETWORK): return self._default_tier0_router else: return network.get(pnet.PHYSICAL_NETWORK) def _update_router_gw_info(self, context, router_id, info): router = self._get_router(context, router_id) org_tier0_uuid = self._get_tier0_uuid_by_router(context, router) org_enable_snat = router.enable_snat orgaddr, orgmask, _orgnexthop = ( self._get_external_attachment_info( context, router)) # Ensure that a router cannot have SNAT disabled if there are # floating IP's assigned if (info and 'enable_snat' in info and org_enable_snat != info.get('enable_snat') and info.get('enable_snat') is False and self.router_gw_port_has_floating_ips(context, router_id)): msg = _("Unable to set SNAT disabled. Floating IPs assigned.") raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg) # TODO(berlin): For nonat use case, we actually don't need a gw port # which consumes one external ip. But after looking at the DB logic # and we need to make a big change so don't touch it at present. super(NsxV3Plugin, self)._update_router_gw_info( context, router_id, info, router=router) new_tier0_uuid = self._get_tier0_uuid_by_router(context, router) new_enable_snat = router.enable_snat newaddr, newmask, _newnexthop = ( self._get_external_attachment_info( context, router)) nsx_router_id = nsx_db.get_nsx_router_id(context.session, router_id) # Remove router link port between tier1 and tier0 if tier0 router link # is removed or changed remove_router_link_port = (org_tier0_uuid and (not new_tier0_uuid or org_tier0_uuid != new_tier0_uuid)) # Remove SNAT rules for gw ip if gw ip is deleted/changed or # enable_snat is updated from True to False remove_snat_rules = (org_enable_snat and orgaddr and (newaddr != orgaddr or not new_enable_snat)) # Revocate bgp announce for nonat subnets if tier0 router link is # changed or enable_snat is updated from False to True revocate_bgp_announce = (not org_enable_snat and org_tier0_uuid and (new_tier0_uuid != org_tier0_uuid or new_enable_snat)) # Add router link port between tier1 and tier0 if tier0 router link is # added or changed to a new one add_router_link_port = (new_tier0_uuid and (not org_tier0_uuid or org_tier0_uuid != new_tier0_uuid)) # Add SNAT rules for gw ip if gw ip is add/changed or # enable_snat is updated from False to True add_snat_rules = (new_enable_snat and newaddr and (newaddr != orgaddr or not org_enable_snat)) # Bgp announce for nonat subnets if tier0 router link is changed or # enable_snat is updated from True to False bgp_announce = (not new_enable_snat and new_tier0_uuid and (new_tier0_uuid != org_tier0_uuid or not org_enable_snat)) # Advertise NAT routes if enable SNAT to support FIP. In the NoNAT # use case, only NSX connected routes need to be advertised. advertise_route_nat_flag = True if new_enable_snat else False advertise_route_connected_flag = True if not new_enable_snat else False if revocate_bgp_announce: # TODO(berlin): revocate bgp announce on org tier0 router pass if remove_snat_rules: self.nsxlib.router.delete_gw_snat_rules(nsx_router_id, orgaddr) if remove_router_link_port: self.nsxlib.router.remove_router_link_port( nsx_router_id, org_tier0_uuid) if add_router_link_port: # First update edge cluster info for router edge_cluster_uuid = self._get_edge_cluster(new_tier0_uuid) self.nsxlib.router.update_router_edge_cluster( nsx_router_id, edge_cluster_uuid) tags = self.nsxlib.build_v3_tags_payload( router, resource_type='os-neutron-rport', project_name=context.tenant_name) self.nsxlib.router.add_router_link_port(nsx_router_id, new_tier0_uuid, tags=tags) if add_snat_rules: # Add SNAT rules for all the subnets which are in different scope # than the gw gw_address_scope = self._get_network_address_scope( context, router.gw_port.network_id) subnets = self._find_router_subnets(context.elevated(), router_id) for subnet in subnets: self._add_subnet_snat_rule(context, router_id, nsx_router_id, subnet, gw_address_scope, newaddr) if bgp_announce: # TODO(berlin): bgp announce on new tier0 router pass self.nsxlib.router.update_advertisement(nsx_router_id, advertise_route_nat_flag, advertise_route_connected_flag) def _add_subnet_snat_rule(self, context, router_id, nsx_router_id, subnet, gw_address_scope, gw_ip): # if the subnets address scope is the same as the gateways: # no need for SNAT if gw_address_scope: subnet_address_scope = self._get_subnetpool_address_scope( context, subnet['subnetpool_id']) if (gw_address_scope == subnet_address_scope): LOG.info("No need for SNAT rule for router %(router)s " "and subnet %(subnet)s because they use the " "same address scope %(addr_scope)s.", {'router': router_id, 'subnet': subnet['id'], 'addr_scope': gw_address_scope}) return self.nsxlib.router.add_gw_snat_rule(nsx_router_id, gw_ip, source_net=subnet['cidr'], bypass_firewall=False) def _process_extra_attr_router_create(self, context, router_db, r): for extra_attr in l3_attrs_db.get_attr_info().keys(): if extra_attr in r: self.set_extra_attr_value(context, router_db, extra_attr, r[extra_attr]) def _assert_on_router_admin_state(self, router_data): if router_data.get("admin_state_up") is False: err_msg = _("admin_state_up=False routers are not supported.") LOG.warning(err_msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg) def validate_router_dhcp_relay(self, context): """Fail router creation dhcp relay is configured without IPAM""" if (self._availability_zones_data.dhcp_relay_configured() and cfg.CONF.ipam_driver == 'internal'): err_msg = _("Neutron is configured with DHCP_Relay but no IPAM " "plugin configured.") LOG.warning(err_msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg) def create_router(self, context, router): r = router['router'] self.validate_router_dhcp_relay(context) # validate the availability zone if az_def.AZ_HINTS in r: self._validate_availability_zones_forced(context, 'router', r[az_def.AZ_HINTS]) gw_info = self._extract_external_gw(context, router, is_extract=True) r['id'] = (r.get('id') or uuidutils.generate_uuid()) tags = self.nsxlib.build_v3_tags_payload( r, resource_type='os-neutron-router-id', project_name=context.tenant_name) router = super(NsxV3Plugin, self).create_router(context, router) if az_def.AZ_HINTS in r: # Update the AZ hints in the neutron object az_hints = az_validator.convert_az_list_to_string( r[az_def.AZ_HINTS]) super(NsxV3Plugin, self).update_router( context, router['id'], {'router': {az_def.AZ_HINTS: az_hints}}) router_db = self._get_router(context, r['id']) with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): self._process_extra_attr_router_create(context, router_db, r) # Create backend entries here in case neutron DB exception # occurred during super.create_router(), which will cause # API retry and leaves dangling backend entries. try: result = self.nsxlib.logical_router.create( display_name=utils.get_name_and_uuid( router['name'] or 'router', router['id']), description=router.get('description'), tags=tags) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error("Unable to create logical router for " "neutron router %s", router['id']) self.delete_router(context, router['id']) try: nsx_db.add_neutron_nsx_router_mapping( context.session, router['id'], result['id']) except db_exc.DBError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error("Unable to create router mapping for " "router %s", router['id']) self.delete_router(context, router['id']) if gw_info and gw_info != const.ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED: try: self._update_router_gw_info(context, router['id'], gw_info) except (db_exc.DBError, nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError): with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error("Failed to set gateway info for router " "being created: %s - removing router", router['id']) self.delete_router(context, router['id']) LOG.info("Create router failed while setting external " "gateway. Router:%s has been removed from " "DB and backend", router['id']) return self.get_router(context, router['id']) def delete_router(self, context, router_id): if not cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata: nsx_rpc.handle_router_metadata_access(self, context, router_id, interface=None) router = self.get_router(context, router_id) if router.get(l3_apidef.EXTERNAL_GW_INFO): self._update_router_gw_info(context, router_id, {}) nsx_router_id = nsx_db.get_nsx_router_id(context.session, router_id) ret_val = super(NsxV3Plugin, self).delete_router(context, router_id) # if delete was called due to create error, there might not be a # backend id if not nsx_router_id: return ret_val # Remove logical router from the NSX backend # It is safe to do now as db-level checks for resource deletion were # passed (and indeed the resource was removed from the Neutron DB try: self.nsxlib.logical_router.delete(nsx_router_id, force=True) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: # If the logical router was not found on the backend do not worry # about it. The conditions has already been logged, so there is no # need to do further logging pass except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: # if there is a failure in deleting the router do not fail the # operation, especially since the router object has already been # removed from the neutron DB. Take corrective steps to ensure the # resulting zombie object does not forward any traffic and is # eventually removed. LOG.warning("Backend router deletion for neutron router %s " "failed. The object was however removed from the " "Neutron database", router_id) return ret_val def get_router_availability_zones(self, router): """Return availability zones which a router belongs to.""" # add the hints to the structure first l3_attrs_db.ExtraAttributesMixin._extend_extra_router_dict( router, router) # get the availability zones from the hints return [self.get_router_az(router).name] def _validate_ext_routes(self, context, router_id, gw_info, new_routes): ext_net_id = (gw_info['network_id'] if validators.is_attr_set(gw_info) and gw_info else None) if not ext_net_id: port_filters = {'device_id': [router_id], 'device_owner': [l3_db.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_GW]} gw_ports = self.get_ports(context, filters=port_filters) if gw_ports: ext_net_id = gw_ports[0]['network_id'] if ext_net_id: subnets = self._get_subnets_by_network(context, ext_net_id) ext_cidrs = [subnet['cidr'] for subnet in subnets] for route in new_routes: if netaddr.all_matching_cidrs( route['nexthop'], ext_cidrs): error_message = (_("route with destination %(dest)s have " "an external nexthop %(nexthop)s which " "can't be supported") % {'dest': route['destination'], 'nexthop': route['nexthop']}) LOG.error(error_message) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=error_message) def _update_router_wrapper(self, context, router_id, router): if cfg.CONF.api_replay_mode: # Only import mock if the reply mode is used import mock # NOTE(arosen): the mock.patch here is needed for api_replay_mode with mock.patch("neutron.plugins.common.utils._fixup_res_dict", side_effect=api_replay_utils._fixup_res_dict): return super(NsxV3Plugin, self).update_router( context, router_id, router) else: return super(NsxV3Plugin, self).update_router( context, router_id, router) def update_router(self, context, router_id, router): gw_info = self._extract_external_gw(context, router, is_extract=False) router_data = router['router'] self._assert_on_router_admin_state(router_data) # if setting this router as no-snat, make sure gw address scope match # those of the subnets if (validators.is_attr_set(gw_info) and not gw_info.get('enable_snat', cfg.CONF.enable_snat_by_default)): router_ports = self._get_router_interfaces(context, router_id) for port in router_ports: for fip in port['fixed_ips']: self._validate_address_scope_for_router_interface( context.elevated(), router_id, gw_info['network_id'], fip['subnet_id']) nsx_router_id = None routes_added = [] routes_removed = [] try: if 'routes' in router_data: new_routes = router_data['routes'] self._validate_ext_routes(context, router_id, gw_info, new_routes) self._validate_routes(context, router_id, new_routes) old_routes = self._get_extra_routes_by_router_id( context, router_id) routes_added, routes_removed = helpers.diff_list_of_dict( old_routes, new_routes) nsx_router_id = nsx_db.get_nsx_router_id(context.session, router_id) for route in routes_removed: self.nsxlib.router.delete_static_routes(nsx_router_id, route) for route in routes_added: self.nsxlib.router.add_static_routes(nsx_router_id, route) if 'name' in router_data: # Update the name of logical router. router_name = router_data['name'] or 'router' display_name = utils.get_name_and_uuid(router_name, router_id) nsx_router_id = nsx_router_id or nsx_db.get_nsx_router_id( context.session, router_id) self.nsxlib.logical_router.update(nsx_router_id, display_name=display_name) # Update the name of associated logical ports. filters = {'device_id': [router_id], 'device_owner': const.ROUTER_INTERFACE_OWNERS} ports = self.get_ports(context, filters=filters) for port in ports: nsx_s_id, nsx_port_id = nsx_db.get_nsx_switch_and_port_id( context.session, port['id']) if nsx_port_id: name = utils.get_name_and_uuid( router_name, port['id'], tag='port') try: self.nsxlib.logical_port.update(nsx_port_id, None, name=name) except Exception as e: LOG.error("Unable to update port %(port_id)s. " "Reason: %(e)s", {'port_id': nsx_port_id, 'e': e}) if 'description' in router_data: nsx_router_id = nsx_db.get_nsx_router_id(context.session, router_id) self.nsxlib.logical_router.update( nsx_router_id, description=router_data['description']) return self._update_router_wrapper(context, router_id, router) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): router_db = self._get_router(context, router_id) router_db['status'] = const.NET_STATUS_ERROR raise nsx_exc.NsxPluginException( err_msg=(_("logical router %s not found at the backend") % router_id)) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): router_db = self._get_router(context, router_id) curr_status = router_db['status'] router_db['status'] = const.NET_STATUS_ERROR if nsx_router_id: for route in routes_added: self.nsxlib.router.delete_static_routes( nsx_router_id, route) for route in routes_removed: self.nsxlib.router.add_static_routes(nsx_router_id, route) router_db['status'] = curr_status def _get_nsx_router_and_fw_section(self, context, router_id): # find the backend router id in the DB nsx_router_id = nsx_db.get_nsx_router_id(context.session, router_id) if nsx_router_id is None: LOG.error("Didn't find nsx router for router %s", router_id) raise self.driver_exception(driver=self.driver_name) # get the FW section id of the backend router try: section_id = self.nsxlib.logical_router.get_firewall_section_id( nsx_router_id) except Exception as e: LOG.error("Failed to find router firewall section for router " "%(id)s: %(e)s", {'id': router_id, 'e': e}) raise self.driver_exception(driver=self.driver_name) if section_id is None: LOG.error("Failed to find router firewall section for router " "%(id)s.", {'id': router_id}) raise self.driver_exception(driver=self.driver_name) return nsx_router_id, section_id def update_router_firewall(self, context, router_id): """Rewrite all the rules in the router edge firewall This method should be called on FWaaS v1/v2 updates, and on router interfaces changes. When FWaaS is disabled, there is no need to update the NSX router FW, as the default rule is allow-all. """ if (self.fwaas_callbacks and self.fwaas_callbacks.fwaas_enabled): # find all the relevant ports of the router for FWaaS v2 # TODO(asarfaty): Add vm ports as well ports = self._get_router_interfaces(context, router_id) nsx_router_id, section_id = self._get_nsx_router_and_fw_section( context, router_id) # let the fwaas callbacks update the router FW return self.fwaas_callbacks.update_router_firewall( context, self.nsxlib, router_id, ports, nsx_router_id, section_id) def _get_port_relay_servers(self, context, port_id, network_id=None): if not network_id: port = self.get_port(context, port_id) network_id = port['network_id'] net_az = self.get_network_az_by_net_id(context, network_id) return net_az.dhcp_relay_servers def _get_port_relay_services(self): # DHCP services: UDP 67, 68, 2535 #TODO(asarfaty): use configurable ports service1 = self.nsxlib.firewall_section.get_nsservice( nsxlib_consts.L4_PORT_SET_NSSERVICE, l4_protocol=nsxlib_consts.UDP, destination_ports=['67-68']) service2 = self.nsxlib.firewall_section.get_nsservice( nsxlib_consts.L4_PORT_SET_NSSERVICE, l4_protocol=nsxlib_consts.UDP, destination_ports=['2535']) return [service1, service2] def get_extra_fw_rules(self, context, router_id, port_id=None): """Return firewall rules that should be added to the router firewall This method should return a list of allow firewall rules that are required in order to enable different plugin features with north/south traffic. The returned rules will be added after the FWaaS rules, and before the default drop rule. if port_id is specified, only rules relevant for this router interface port should be returned, and the rules should be ingress/egress (but not both) and include the source/dest nsx logical port. """ extra_rules = [] # DHCP relay rules: # get the list of relevant relay servers elv_ctx = context.elevated() if port_id: relay_servers = self._get_port_relay_servers(elv_ctx, port_id) else: relay_servers = [] filters = {'device_owner': [l3_db.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF], 'device_id': [router_id]} ports = self.get_ports(elv_ctx, filters=filters) for port in ports: port_relay_servers = self._get_port_relay_servers( elv_ctx, port['id'], network_id=port['network_id']) if port_relay_servers: relay_servers.extend(port_relay_servers) # Add rules to allow dhcp traffic relay servers if relay_servers: # if it is a single port, the source/dest is this logical switch if port_id: nsx_ls_id, _nsx_port_id = nsx_db.get_nsx_switch_and_port_id( context.session, port_id) port_target = [{'target_type': 'LogicalSwitch', 'target_id': nsx_ls_id}] else: port_target = None # translate the relay server ips to the firewall format relay_target = [] if self.fwaas_callbacks: relay_target = (self.fwaas_callbacks.fwaas_driver. translate_addresses_to_target(set(relay_servers))) dhcp_services = self._get_port_relay_services() # ingress rule extra_rules.append({ 'display_name': "DHCP Relay ingress traffic", 'action': nsxlib_consts.FW_ACTION_ALLOW, 'sources': relay_target, 'destinations': port_target, 'services': dhcp_services, 'direction': 'IN'}) # egress rule extra_rules.append({ 'display_name': "DHCP Relay egress traffic", 'action': nsxlib_consts.FW_ACTION_ALLOW, 'destinations': relay_target, 'sources': port_target, 'services': dhcp_services, 'direction': 'OUT'}) # VPN rules: vpn_plugin = directory.get_plugin(plugin_const.VPN) if vpn_plugin: vpn_driver = vpn_plugin.drivers[vpn_plugin.default_provider] vpn_rules = ( vpn_driver._generate_ipsecvpn_firewall_rules( self.plugin_type(), context, router_id=router_id)) if vpn_rules: extra_rules.extend(vpn_rules) return extra_rules def _get_ports_and_address_groups(self, context, router_id, network_id, exclude_sub_ids=None): exclude_sub_ids = [] if not exclude_sub_ids else exclude_sub_ids address_groups = [] ports = self._get_router_interface_ports_by_network( context, router_id, network_id) ports = [port for port in ports if port['fixed_ips'] and port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'] not in exclude_sub_ids] for port in ports: address_group = {} gateway_ip = port['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address'] subnet = self.get_subnet(context, port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id']) prefixlen = str(netaddr.IPNetwork(subnet['cidr']).prefixlen) address_group['ip_addresses'] = [gateway_ip] address_group['prefix_length'] = prefixlen address_groups.append(address_group) return (ports, address_groups) def _get_interface_network(self, context, interface_info): is_port, is_sub = self._validate_interface_info(interface_info) if is_port: net_id = self.get_port(context, interface_info['port_id'])['network_id'] elif is_sub: net_id = self.get_subnet(context, interface_info['subnet_id'])['network_id'] return net_id def _validate_multiple_subnets_routers(self, context, router_id, net_id): network = self.get_network(context, net_id) net_type = network.get(pnet.NETWORK_TYPE) if (net_type and not self.nsxlib.feature_supported( nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_VLAN_ROUTER_INTERFACE) and not self._is_overlay_network(context, net_id)): err_msg = (_("Only overlay networks can be attached to a logical " "router. Network %(net_id)s is a %(net_type)s based " "network") % {'net_id': net_id, 'net_type': net_type}) LOG.error(err_msg) raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg) port_filters = {'device_owner': [l3_db.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF], 'network_id': [net_id]} intf_ports = self.get_ports(context.elevated(), filters=port_filters) router_ids = [port['device_id'] for port in intf_ports if port['device_id']] if len(router_ids) > 0: err_msg = _("Only one subnet of network %(net_id)s can be " "attached to router, one subnet is already attached " "to router %(router_id)s") % { 'net_id': net_id, 'router_id': router_ids[0]} LOG.error(err_msg) if router_id in router_ids: # attach to the same router again raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg) else: # attach to multiple routers raise l3_exc.RouterInterfaceAttachmentConflict(reason=err_msg) def _add_router_interface_wrapper(self, context, router_id, interface_info): if cfg.CONF.api_replay_mode: # Only import mock if the reply mode is used import mock # NOTE(arosen): the mock.patch here is needed for api_replay_mode with mock.patch("neutron.plugins.common.utils._fixup_res_dict", side_effect=api_replay_utils._fixup_res_dict): return super(NsxV3Plugin, self).add_router_interface( context, router_id, interface_info) else: return super(NsxV3Plugin, self).add_router_interface( context, router_id, interface_info) def add_router_interface(self, context, router_id, interface_info): net_id = self._get_interface_network(context, interface_info) with locking.LockManager.get_lock(str(net_id)): # disallow more than one subnets belong to same network being # attached to routers self._validate_multiple_subnets_routers(context, router_id, net_id) info = self._add_router_interface_wrapper(context, router_id, interface_info) try: subnet = self.get_subnet(context, info['subnet_ids'][0]) port = self.get_port(context, info['port_id']) network_id = subnet['network_id'] nsx_net_id, nsx_port_id = nsx_db.get_nsx_switch_and_port_id( context.session, port['id']) router_db = self._get_router(context, router_id) gw_network_id = (router_db.gw_port.network_id if router_db.gw_port else None) # If it is a no-snat router, interface address scope must be the # same as the gateways if not router_db.enable_snat and gw_network_id: self._validate_address_scope_for_router_interface( context.elevated(), router_id, gw_network_id, subnet['id']) nsx_router_id = nsx_db.get_nsx_router_id(context.session, router_id) _ports, address_groups = self._get_ports_and_address_groups( context, router_id, network_id) display_name = utils.get_name_and_uuid( subnet['name'] or 'subnet', subnet['id']) tags = self.nsxlib.build_v3_tags_payload( port, resource_type='os-neutron-rport-id', project_name=context.tenant_name) tags.append({'scope': 'os-subnet-id', 'tag': subnet['id']}) # Add the dhcp relay service to the NSX interface relay_service = None if subnet['enable_dhcp']: net_az = self.get_network_az_by_net_id(context, network_id) relay_service = net_az.dhcp_relay_service self.nsxlib.router.create_logical_router_intf_port_by_ls_id( logical_router_id=nsx_router_id, display_name=display_name, tags=tags, ls_id=nsx_net_id, logical_switch_port_id=nsx_port_id, address_groups=address_groups, relay_service_uuid=relay_service) if router_db.gw_port and not router_db.enable_snat: # TODO(berlin): Announce the subnet on tier0 if enable_snat # is False pass if not cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata: # Ensure the NSX logical router has a connection to a # 'metadata access' network (with a proxy listening on # its DHCP port), by creating it if needed. nsx_rpc.handle_router_metadata_access(self, context, router_id, interface=info) # add the SNAT rule for this interface if (router_db.enable_snat and gw_network_id and router_db.gw_port.get('fixed_ips')): gw_ip = router_db.gw_port['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address'] gw_address_scope = self._get_network_address_scope( context, gw_network_id) self._add_subnet_snat_rule(context, router_id, nsx_router_id, subnet, gw_address_scope, gw_ip) # update firewall rules self.update_router_firewall(context, router_id) except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.error("Neutron failed to add_router_interface on " "router %s, and would try to rollback.", router_id) self.remove_router_interface( context, router_id, interface_info) return info def remove_router_interface(self, context, router_id, interface_info): subnet = None subnet_id = None port_id = None self._validate_interface_info(interface_info, for_removal=True) if 'port_id' in interface_info: port_id = interface_info['port_id'] # find subnet_id - it is need for removing the SNAT rule port = self._get_port(context, port_id) if port.get('fixed_ips'): subnet_id = port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'] self._confirm_router_interface_not_in_use( context, router_id, subnet_id) if not (port['device_owner'] in const.ROUTER_INTERFACE_OWNERS and port['device_id'] == router_id): raise l3_exc.RouterInterfaceNotFound( router_id=router_id, port_id=port_id) elif 'subnet_id' in interface_info: subnet_id = interface_info['subnet_id'] self._confirm_router_interface_not_in_use( context, router_id, subnet_id) subnet = self._get_subnet(context, subnet_id) rport_qry = context.session.query(models_v2.Port) ports = rport_qry.filter_by( device_id=router_id, device_owner=l3_db.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF, network_id=subnet['network_id']) for p in ports: if p['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'] == subnet_id: port_id = p['id'] break else: raise l3_exc.RouterInterfaceNotFoundForSubnet( router_id=router_id, subnet_id=subnet_id) try: # TODO(berlin): Revocate announce the subnet on tier0 if # enable_snat is False router_db = self._get_router(context, router_id) if router_db.gw_port and not router_db.enable_snat: pass nsx_net_id, _nsx_port_id = nsx_db.get_nsx_switch_and_port_id( context.session, port_id) subnet = self.get_subnet(context, subnet_id) ports, address_groups = self._get_ports_and_address_groups( context, router_id, subnet['network_id'], exclude_sub_ids=[subnet['id']]) nsx_router_id = nsx_db.get_nsx_router_id( context.session, router_id) if len(ports) >= 1: new_using_port_id = ports[0]['id'] _net_id, new_nsx_port_id = nsx_db.get_nsx_switch_and_port_id( context.session, new_using_port_id) self.nsxlib.logical_router_port.update_by_lswitch_id( nsx_router_id, nsx_net_id, linked_logical_switch_port_id={ 'target_id': new_nsx_port_id}, subnets=address_groups) else: self.nsxlib.logical_router_port.delete_by_lswitch_id( nsx_net_id) # try to delete the SNAT rule of this subnet if (router_db.gw_port and router_db.enable_snat and router_db.gw_port.get('fixed_ips')): gw_ip = router_db.gw_port['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address'] self.nsxlib.router.delete_gw_snat_rule_by_source( nsx_router_id, gw_ip, subnet['cidr'], skip_not_found=True) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: LOG.error("router port on router %(router_id)s for net " "%(net_id)s not found at the backend", {'router_id': router_id, 'net_id': subnet['network_id']}) # inform the FWaaS that interface port was removed if self.fwaas_callbacks: self.fwaas_callbacks.delete_port(context, port_id) info = super(NsxV3Plugin, self).remove_router_interface( context, router_id, interface_info) if not cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata: # Ensure the connection to the 'metadata access network' is removed # (with the network) if this is the last DHCP-disabled subnet on # the router. nsx_rpc.handle_router_metadata_access(self, context, router_id) # update firewall rules self.update_router_firewall(context, router_id) return info def _update_lb_vip(self, port, vip_address): # update the load balancer virtual server's VIP with # floating ip, but don't add NAT rules device_id = port['device_id'] lb_tag = [{'scope': 'os-lbaas-lb-id', 'tag': device_id}] vs_list = self.nsxlib.search_by_tags( tags=lb_tag, resource_type='LbVirtualServer') if vs_list['results']: vs_client = self.nsxlib.load_balancer.virtual_server for vs in vs_list['results']: vs_client.update_virtual_server_with_vip(vs['id'], vip_address) def _create_floating_ip_wrapper(self, context, floatingip): if cfg.CONF.api_replay_mode: # Only import mock if the reply mode is used import mock # NOTE(arosen): the mock.patch here is needed for api_replay_mode with mock.patch("neutron.plugins.common.utils._fixup_res_dict", side_effect=api_replay_utils._fixup_res_dict): return super(NsxV3Plugin, self).create_floatingip( context, floatingip, initial_status=( const.FLOATINGIP_STATUS_ACTIVE if floatingip['floatingip']['port_id'] else const.FLOATINGIP_STATUS_DOWN)) else: return super(NsxV3Plugin, self).create_floatingip( context, floatingip, initial_status=( const.FLOATINGIP_STATUS_ACTIVE if floatingip['floatingip']['port_id'] else const.FLOATINGIP_STATUS_DOWN)) def create_floatingip(self, context, floatingip): new_fip = self._create_floating_ip_wrapper(context, floatingip) router_id = new_fip['router_id'] if not router_id: return new_fip port_id = floatingip['floatingip']['port_id'] if port_id: port_data = self.get_port(context, port_id) device_owner = port_data.get('device_owner') fip_address = new_fip['floating_ip_address'] if device_owner == const.DEVICE_OWNER_LOADBALANCERV2: try: self._update_lb_vip(port_data, fip_address) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): super(NsxV3Plugin, self).delete_floatingip( context, new_fip['id']) return new_fip try: nsx_router_id = nsx_db.get_nsx_router_id(context.session, router_id) self.nsxlib.router.add_fip_nat_rules( nsx_router_id, new_fip['floating_ip_address'], new_fip['fixed_ip_address'], bypass_firewall=False) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): self.delete_floatingip(context, new_fip['id']) return new_fip def delete_floatingip(self, context, fip_id): fip = self.get_floatingip(context, fip_id) router_id = fip['router_id'] port_id = fip['port_id'] is_lb_port = False if port_id: port_data = self.get_port(context, port_id) device_owner = port_data.get('device_owner') fixed_ip_address = fip['fixed_ip_address'] if device_owner == const.DEVICE_OWNER_LOADBALANCERV2: # If the port is LB VIP port, after deleting the FIP, # update the virtual server VIP back to fixed IP. is_lb_port = True try: self._update_lb_vip(port_data, fixed_ip_address) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError as e: LOG.error("Exception when updating vip ip_address" "on vip_port %(port)s: %(err)s", {'port': port_id, 'err': e}) if router_id and not is_lb_port: try: nsx_router_id = nsx_db.get_nsx_router_id(context.session, router_id) self.nsxlib.router.delete_fip_nat_rules( nsx_router_id, fip['floating_ip_address'], fip['fixed_ip_address']) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: LOG.warning("Backend NAT rules for fip: %(fip_id)s " "(ext_ip: %(ext_ip)s int_ip: %(int_ip)s) " "not found", {'fip_id': fip_id, 'ext_ip': fip['floating_ip_address'], 'int_ip': fip['fixed_ip_address']}) super(NsxV3Plugin, self).delete_floatingip(context, fip_id) def update_floatingip(self, context, fip_id, floatingip): old_fip = self.get_floatingip(context, fip_id) old_port_id = old_fip['port_id'] new_status = (const.FLOATINGIP_STATUS_ACTIVE if floatingip['floatingip'].get('port_id') else const.FLOATINGIP_STATUS_DOWN) new_fip = super(NsxV3Plugin, self).update_floatingip( context, fip_id, floatingip) router_id = new_fip['router_id'] new_port_id = new_fip['port_id'] try: is_lb_port = False if old_port_id: old_port_data = self.get_port(context, old_port_id) old_device_owner = old_port_data['device_owner'] old_fixed_ip = old_fip['fixed_ip_address'] if old_device_owner == const.DEVICE_OWNER_LOADBALANCERV2: is_lb_port = True self._update_lb_vip(old_port_data, old_fixed_ip) # Delete old router's fip rules if old_router_id is not None. if old_fip['router_id'] and not is_lb_port: try: old_nsx_router_id = nsx_db.get_nsx_router_id( context.session, old_fip['router_id']) self.nsxlib.router.delete_fip_nat_rules( old_nsx_router_id, old_fip['floating_ip_address'], old_fip['fixed_ip_address']) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: LOG.warning("Backend NAT rules for fip: %(fip_id)s " "(ext_ip: %(ext_ip)s int_ip: %(int_ip)s) " "not found", {'fip_id': old_fip['id'], 'ext_ip': old_fip['floating_ip_address'], 'int_ip': old_fip['fixed_ip_address']}) # Update LB VIP if the new port is LB port is_lb_port = False if new_port_id: new_port_data = self.get_port(context, new_port_id) new_device_owner = new_port_data['device_owner'] new_fip_address = new_fip['floating_ip_address'] if new_device_owner == const.DEVICE_OWNER_LOADBALANCERV2: is_lb_port = True self._update_lb_vip(new_port_data, new_fip_address) # TODO(berlin): Associating same FIP to different internal IPs # would lead to creating multiple times of FIP nat rules at the # backend. Let's see how to fix the problem latter. # Update current router's nat rules if router_id is not None. if router_id and not is_lb_port: nsx_router_id = nsx_db.get_nsx_router_id(context.session, router_id) self.nsxlib.router.add_fip_nat_rules( nsx_router_id, new_fip['floating_ip_address'], new_fip['fixed_ip_address'], bypass_firewall=False) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): super(NsxV3Plugin, self).update_floatingip( context, fip_id, {'floatingip': {'port_id': old_port_id}}) self.update_floatingip_status(context, fip_id, const.FLOATINGIP_STATUS_ERROR) if new_fip['status'] != new_status: new_fip['status'] = new_status self.update_floatingip_status(context, fip_id, new_status) return new_fip def disassociate_floatingips(self, context, port_id): fip_qry = context.session.query(l3_db_models.FloatingIP) fip_dbs = fip_qry.filter_by(fixed_port_id=port_id) for fip_db in fip_dbs: if not fip_db.router_id: continue try: nsx_router_id = nsx_db.get_nsx_router_id(context.session, fip_db.router_id) self.nsxlib.router.delete_fip_nat_rules( nsx_router_id, fip_db.floating_ip_address, fip_db.fixed_ip_address) except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound: LOG.warning("Backend NAT rules for fip: %(fip_id)s " "(ext_ip: %(ext_ip)s int_ip: %(int_ip)s) " "not found", {'fip_id': fip_db.id, 'ext_ip': fip_db.floating_ip_address, 'int_ip': fip_db.fixed_ip_address}) self.update_floatingip_status(context, fip_db.id, const.FLOATINGIP_STATUS_DOWN) super(NsxV3Plugin, self).disassociate_floatingips( context, port_id, do_notify=False) def _ensure_default_security_group(self, context, tenant_id): # NOTE(arosen): if in replay mode we'll create all the default # security groups for the user with their data so we don't # want this to be called. if (cfg.CONF.api_replay_mode is False): return super(NsxV3Plugin, self)._ensure_default_security_group( context, tenant_id) def _create_fw_section_for_secgroup(self, nsgroup, is_provider): # NOTE(arosen): if a security group is provider we want to # insert our rules at the top. operation = (nsxlib_consts.FW_INSERT_TOP if is_provider else nsxlib_consts.FW_INSERT_BEFORE) # security-group rules are located in a dedicated firewall section. firewall_section = ( self.nsxlib.firewall_section.create_empty( nsgroup.get('display_name'), nsgroup.get('description'), [nsgroup.get('id')], nsgroup.get('tags'), operation=operation, other_section=self.default_section)) return firewall_section def _create_security_group_backend_resources(self, secgroup): tags = self.nsxlib.build_v3_tags_payload( secgroup, resource_type='os-neutron-secgr-id', project_name=secgroup['tenant_id']) name = self.nsxlib.ns_group.get_name(secgroup) if self.nsxlib.feature_supported( nsxlib_consts.FEATURE_DYNAMIC_CRITERIA): tag_expression = ( self.nsxlib.ns_group.get_port_tag_expression( security.PORT_SG_SCOPE, secgroup['id'])) else: tag_expression = None ns_group = self.nsxlib.ns_group.create( name, secgroup['description'], tags, tag_expression) # security-group rules are located in a dedicated firewall section. firewall_section = self._create_fw_section_for_secgroup( ns_group, secgroup.get(provider_sg.PROVIDER)) return ns_group, firewall_section def _create_firewall_rules(self, context, section_id, nsgroup_id, logging_enabled, action, sg_rules): # since the nsxlib does not have access to the nsx db, # we need to provide a mapping for the remote nsgroup ids. ruleid_2_remote_nsgroup_map = {} for sg_rule in sg_rules: remote_nsgroup_id = None remote_group_id = sg_rule.get('remote_group_id') # skip unnecessary db access when possible if remote_group_id == sg_rule['security_group_id']: remote_nsgroup_id = nsgroup_id elif remote_group_id: remote_nsgroup_id = nsx_db.get_nsx_security_group_id( context.session, remote_group_id) ruleid_2_remote_nsgroup_map[sg_rule['id']] = remote_nsgroup_id return self.nsxlib.firewall_section.create_rules( context, section_id, nsgroup_id, logging_enabled, action, sg_rules, ruleid_2_remote_nsgroup_map) def _handle_api_replay_default_sg(self, context, secgroup_db): """Set default api-replay migrated SG as default manually""" if (secgroup_db['name'] == 'default'): # this is a default security group copied from another cloud # Ugly patch! mark it as default manually with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True): try: default_entry = securitygroup_model.DefaultSecurityGroup( security_group_id=secgroup_db['id'], project_id=secgroup_db['project_id']) context.session.add(default_entry) except Exception as e: LOG.error("Failed to mark migrated security group %(id)s " "as default %(e)s", {'id': secgroup_db['id'], 'e': e}) def create_security_group(self, context, security_group, default_sg=False): secgroup = security_group['security_group'] secgroup['id'] = secgroup.get('id') or uuidutils.generate_uuid() ns_group = {} firewall_section = {} if not default_sg: tenant_id = secgroup['tenant_id'] self._ensure_default_security_group(context, tenant_id) try: ns_group, firewall_section = ( self._create_security_group_backend_resources(secgroup)) # REVISIT(roeyc): Ideally, at this point we need not be under an # open db transactions, however, unittests fail if omitting # subtransactions=True. with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): # NOTE(arosen): a neutron security group be default adds rules # that allow egress traffic. We do not want this behavior for # provider security_groups if secgroup.get(provider_sg.PROVIDER) is True: secgroup_db = self.create_provider_security_group( context, security_group) else: secgroup_db = ( super(NsxV3Plugin, self).create_security_group( context, security_group, default_sg)) nsx_db.save_sg_mappings(context, secgroup_db['id'], ns_group['id'], firewall_section['id']) self._process_security_group_properties_create(context, secgroup_db, secgroup, default_sg) if cfg.CONF.api_replay_mode: self._handle_api_replay_default_sg(context, secgroup_db) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.exception("Unable to create security-group on the " "backend.") if ns_group: self.nsxlib.ns_group.delete(ns_group['id']) except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): section_id = firewall_section.get('id') nsgroup_id = ns_group.get('id') LOG.debug("Neutron failed to create security-group, " "deleting backend resources: " "section %s, ns-group %s.", section_id, nsgroup_id) if nsgroup_id: self.nsxlib.ns_group.delete(nsgroup_id) if section_id: self.nsxlib.firewall_section.delete(section_id) try: sg_rules = secgroup_db['security_group_rules'] # skip if there are no rules in group. i.e provider case if sg_rules: # translate and creates firewall rules. logging = (cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.log_security_groups_allowed_traffic or secgroup.get(sg_logging.LOGGING, False)) action = (nsxlib_consts.FW_ACTION_DROP if secgroup.get(provider_sg.PROVIDER) else nsxlib_consts.FW_ACTION_ALLOW) rules = self._create_firewall_rules( context, firewall_section['id'], ns_group['id'], logging, action, sg_rules) self.save_security_group_rule_mappings(context, rules['rules']) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.exception("Failed to create backend firewall rules " "for security-group %(name)s (%(id)s), " "rolling back changes.", secgroup_db) # default security group deletion requires admin context if default_sg: context = context.elevated() super(NsxV3Plugin, self).delete_security_group( context, secgroup_db['id']) self.nsxlib.ns_group.delete(ns_group['id']) self.nsxlib.firewall_section.delete(firewall_section['id']) return secgroup_db def update_security_group(self, context, id, security_group): orig_secgroup = self.get_security_group( context, id, fields=['id', 'name', 'description']) with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): secgroup_res = ( super(NsxV3Plugin, self).update_security_group(context, id, security_group)) self._process_security_group_properties_update( context, secgroup_res, security_group['security_group']) try: nsgroup_id, section_id = nsx_db.get_sg_mappings( context.session, id) self.nsxlib.ns_group.update_on_backend( context, secgroup_res, nsgroup_id, section_id, cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.log_security_groups_allowed_traffic) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.exception("Failed to update security-group %(name)s " "(%(id)s), rolling back changes in " "Neutron.", orig_secgroup) super(NsxV3Plugin, self).update_security_group( context, id, {'security_group': orig_secgroup}) return secgroup_res def delete_security_group(self, context, id): self._prevent_non_admin_delete_provider_sg(context, id) nsgroup_id, section_id = nsx_db.get_sg_mappings( context.session, id) super(NsxV3Plugin, self).delete_security_group(context, id) self.nsxlib.firewall_section.delete(section_id) self.nsxlib.ns_group.delete(nsgroup_id) def create_security_group_rule(self, context, security_group_rule): bulk_rule = {'security_group_rules': [security_group_rule]} return self.create_security_group_rule_bulk(context, bulk_rule)[0] def create_security_group_rule_bulk(self, context, security_group_rules): sg_rules = security_group_rules['security_group_rules'] for r in sg_rules: self._check_local_ip_prefix(context, r['security_group_rule']) # Generate id for security group rule or use one sepecified, # if specified we are running in api-replay as server doesn't # allow id to be specified by default r['security_group_rule']['id'] = ( r['security_group_rule'].get('id') or uuidutils.generate_uuid()) with db_api.context_manager.writer.using(context): rules_db = (super(NsxV3Plugin, self).create_security_group_rule_bulk_native( context, security_group_rules)) for i, r in enumerate(sg_rules): self._process_security_group_rule_properties( context, rules_db[i], r['security_group_rule']) # NOTE(arosen): here are assuming that all of the security # group rules being added are part of the same security # group. We should be validating that this is the case though... sg_id = sg_rules[0]['security_group_rule']['security_group_id'] self._prevent_non_admin_delete_provider_sg(context, sg_id) security_group = self.get_security_group( context, sg_id) action = nsxlib_consts.FW_ACTION_ALLOW if security_group.get(provider_sg.PROVIDER) is True: # provider security groups are drop rules. action = nsxlib_consts.FW_ACTION_DROP sg_id = rules_db[0]['security_group_id'] nsgroup_id, section_id = nsx_db.get_sg_mappings(context.session, sg_id) logging_enabled = (cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.log_security_groups_allowed_traffic or self._is_security_group_logged(context, sg_id)) try: rules = self._create_firewall_rules( context, section_id, nsgroup_id, logging_enabled, action, rules_db) except nsx_lib_exc.ManagerError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): for rule in rules_db: super(NsxV3Plugin, self).delete_security_group_rule( context, rule['id']) self.save_security_group_rule_mappings(context, rules['rules']) return rules_db def delete_security_group_rule(self, context, id): rule_db = self._get_security_group_rule(context, id) sg_id = rule_db['security_group_id'] self._prevent_non_admin_delete_provider_sg(context, sg_id) nsgroup_id, section_id = nsx_db.get_sg_mappings(context.session, sg_id) fw_rule_id = nsx_db.get_sg_rule_mapping(context.session, id) self.nsxlib.firewall_section.delete_rule(section_id, fw_rule_id) super(NsxV3Plugin, self).delete_security_group_rule(context, id) def save_security_group_rule_mappings(self, context, firewall_rules): rules = [(rule['display_name'], rule['id']) for rule in firewall_rules] nsx_db.save_sg_rule_mappings(context.session, rules) def _list_availability_zones(self, context, filters=None): # If no native_dhcp_metadata - use neutron AZs if not cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata: return super(NsxV3Plugin, self)._list_availability_zones( context, filters=filters) #TODO(asarfaty): We may need to use the filters arg, but now it # is here only for overriding the original api result = {} for az in self._availability_zones_data.list_availability_zones(): # Add this availability zone as a network resource result[(az, 'network')] = True result[(az, 'router')] = True return result def _validate_availability_zones_forced(self, context, resource_type, availability_zones): return self.validate_availability_zones(context, resource_type, availability_zones, force=True) def validate_availability_zones(self, context, resource_type, availability_zones, force=False): # This method is called directly from this plugin but also from # registered callbacks if self._is_sub_plugin and not force: # validation should be done together for both plugins return # If no native_dhcp_metadata - use neutron AZs if not cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata: return super(NsxV3Plugin, self).validate_availability_zones( context, resource_type, availability_zones) # Validate against the configured AZs return self.validate_obj_azs(availability_zones) def get_network_availability_zones(self, net_db): if cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata: hints = az_validator.convert_az_string_to_list( net_db[az_def.AZ_HINTS]) # When using the configured AZs, the az will always be the same # as the hint (or default if none) if hints: az_name = hints[0] elif cfg.CONF.default_availability_zones: az_name = cfg.CONF.default_availability_zones[0] else: az_name = nsx_az.DEFAULT_NAME return [az_name] else: return [] def recalculate_snat_rules_for_router(self, context, router, subnets): """Recalculate router snat rules for specific subnets. Invoked when subnetpool address scope changes. """ nsx_router_id = nsx_db.get_nsx_router_id(context.session, router['id']) if not router['external_gateway_info']: return LOG.info("Recalculating snat rules for router %s", router['id']) fip = router['external_gateway_info']['external_fixed_ips'][0] ext_addr = fip['ip_address'] gw_address_scope = self._get_network_address_scope( context, router['external_gateway_info']['network_id']) # TODO(annak): improve amount of backend calls by rebuilding all # snat rules when API is available for subnet in subnets: if gw_address_scope: subnet_address_scope = self._get_subnetpool_address_scope( context, subnet['subnetpool_id']) LOG.info("Deleting SNAT rule for %(router)s " "and subnet %(subnet)s", {'router': router['id'], 'subnet': subnet['id']}) # Delete rule for this router/subnet pair if it exists self.nsxlib.router.delete_gw_snat_rule_by_source( nsx_router_id, ext_addr, subnet['cidr'], skip_not_found=True) if (gw_address_scope != subnet_address_scope): # subnet is no longer under same address scope with GW LOG.info("Adding SNAT rule for %(router)s " "and subnet %(subnet)s", {'router': router['id'], 'subnet': subnet['id']}) self.nsxlib.router.add_gw_snat_rule( nsx_router_id, ext_addr, source_net=subnet['cidr'], bypass_firewall=False)