# (c) Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import random import sqlalchemy as sa from sqlalchemy import orm from sqlalchemy.orm import exc from neutron.common import constants as q_const from neutron.db import agents_db from neutron.db import l3_agentschedulers_db as l3agent_sch_db from neutron.db import model_base from neutron.db import models_v2 from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging from neutron.plugins.ml2 import db as ml2_db LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CentralizedSnatL3AgentBinding(model_base.BASEV2): """Represents binding between Neutron Centralized SNAT and L3 agents.""" __tablename__ = "csnat_l3_agent_bindings" router_id = sa.Column(sa.String(36), sa.ForeignKey("routers.id", ondelete='CASCADE'), primary_key=True) l3_agent_id = sa.Column(sa.String(36), sa.ForeignKey("agents.id", ondelete='CASCADE'), nullable=False) host_id = sa.Column(sa.String(255)) csnat_gw_port_id = sa.Column(sa.String(36), sa.ForeignKey('ports.id')) l3_agent = orm.relationship(agents_db.Agent) csnat_gw_port = orm.relationship(models_v2.Port) class L3_DVRsch_db_mixin(l3agent_sch_db.L3AgentSchedulerDbMixin): """Mixin class for L3 DVR scheduler.""" def dvr_update_router_addvm(self, context, port): ips = port['fixed_ips'] for ip in ips: subnet = ip['subnet_id'] filter_sub = {'fixed_ips': {'subnet_id': [subnet]}, 'device_owner': [q_const.DEVICE_OWNER_DVR_INTERFACE]} router_id = None ports = self._core_plugin.get_ports(context, filters=filter_sub) for port in ports: router_id = port['device_id'] router_dict = self.get_router(context, router_id) if router_dict.get('distributed', False): payload = {'subnet_id': subnet} self.l3_rpc_notifier.routers_updated( context, [router_id], None, payload) break LOG.debug('DVR: dvr_update_router_addvm %s ', router_id) def get_dvr_routers_by_vmportid(self, context, port_id): """Gets the dvr routers on vmport subnets.""" router_ids = set() port_dict = self._core_plugin.get_port(context, port_id) fixed_ips = port_dict['fixed_ips'] for fixedip in fixed_ips: vm_subnet = fixedip['subnet_id'] filter_sub = {'fixed_ips': {'subnet_id': [vm_subnet]}, 'device_owner': [q_const.DEVICE_OWNER_DVR_INTERFACE]} subnet_ports = self._core_plugin.get_ports( context, filters=filter_sub) for subnet_port in subnet_ports: router_ids.add(subnet_port['device_id']) return router_ids def get_subnet_ids_on_router(self, context, router_id): """Return subnet IDs for interfaces attached to the given router.""" subnet_ids = set() filter_rtr = {'device_id': [router_id]} int_ports = self._core_plugin.get_ports(context, filters=filter_rtr) for int_port in int_ports: int_ips = int_port['fixed_ips'] int_subnet = int_ips[0]['subnet_id'] subnet_ids.add(int_subnet) return subnet_ids def check_vm_exists_on_subnet(self, context, host, port_id, subnet_id): """Check if there is any vm exists on the subnet_id.""" filter_sub = {'fixed_ips': {'subnet_id': [subnet_id]}} ports = self._core_plugin.get_ports(context, filters=filter_sub) for port in ports: if ("compute:" in port['device_owner'] and port['status'] == 'ACTIVE' and port['binding:host_id'] == host and port['id'] != port_id): LOG.debug('DVR: VM exists for subnet %(subnet_id)s on host ' '%(host)s', {'subnet_id': subnet_id, 'host': host}) return True return False def delete_namespace_on_host(self, context, host, router_id): """Delete the given router namespace on the host.""" agent = self._get_agent_by_type_and_host( context, q_const.AGENT_TYPE_L3, host) agent_id = str(agent.id) with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True): (context.session.query(l3agent_sch_db.RouterL3AgentBinding). filter_by(router_id=router_id, l3_agent_id=agent_id). delete(synchronize_session=False)) LOG.debug('Deleted router %(router_id)s on agent.id %(id)s', {'router_id': router_id, 'id': agent.id}) def dvr_deletens_if_no_vm(self, context, port_id): """Delete the DVR namespace if no VM exists.""" router_ids = self.get_dvr_routers_by_vmportid(context, port_id) port_host = ml2_db.get_port_binding_host(port_id) if not router_ids: LOG.debug('No namespaces available for this DVR port %(port)s ' 'on host %(host)s', {'port': port_id, 'host': port_host}) return [] removed_router_info = [] for router_id in router_ids: subnet_ids = self.get_subnet_ids_on_router(context, router_id) vm_exists_on_subnet = False for subnet in subnet_ids: if self.check_vm_exists_on_subnet(context, port_host, port_id, subnet): vm_exists_on_subnet = True break if vm_exists_on_subnet: continue filter_rtr = {'device_id': [router_id], 'device_owner': [q_const.DEVICE_OWNER_DVR_INTERFACE]} int_ports = self._core_plugin.get_ports( context, filters=filter_rtr) for prt in int_ports: dvr_binding = (ml2_db. get_dvr_port_binding_by_host(context.session, prt['id'], port_host)) if dvr_binding: # unbind this port from router dvr_binding['router_id'] = None dvr_binding.update(dvr_binding) self.delete_namespace_on_host(context, port_host, router_id) info = {'router_id': router_id, 'host': port_host} removed_router_info.append(info) LOG.debug('Deleted router namespace %(router_id)s ' 'on host %(host)s', info) return removed_router_info def bind_snat_router(self, context, router_id, chosen_agent): """Bind the router to the chosen l3 agent.""" with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True): binding = CentralizedSnatL3AgentBinding() binding.l3_agent = chosen_agent binding.router_id = router_id context.session.add(binding) LOG.debug('SNAT Router %(router_id)s is scheduled to L3 agent ' '%(agent_id)s', {'router_id': router_id, 'agent_id': chosen_agent.id}) def bind_dvr_router_servicenode(self, context, router_id, chosen_snat_agent): """Bind the IR router to service node if not already hosted.""" query = (context.session.query(l3agent_sch_db.RouterL3AgentBinding). filter_by(router_id=router_id)) for bind in query: if bind.l3_agent_id == chosen_snat_agent.id: LOG.debug('Distributed Router %(router_id)s already hosted ' 'on snat l3_agent %(snat_id)s', {'router_id': router_id, 'snat_id': chosen_snat_agent.id}) return with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True): binding = l3agent_sch_db.RouterL3AgentBinding() binding.l3_agent = chosen_snat_agent binding.router_id = router_id context.session.add(binding) LOG.debug('Binding the distributed router %(router_id)s to ' 'the snat agent %(snat_id)s', {'router_id': router_id, 'snat_id': chosen_snat_agent.id}) def bind_snat_servicenode(self, context, router_id, snat_candidates): """Bind the snat router to the chosen l3 service agent.""" chosen_snat_agent = random.choice(snat_candidates) self.bind_snat_router(context, router_id, chosen_snat_agent) def unbind_snat_servicenode(self, context, router_id): """Unbind the snat router to the chosen l3 service agent.""" vm_ports = [] with context.session.begin(subtransactions=True): query = (context.session. query(CentralizedSnatL3AgentBinding). filter_by(router_id=router_id)) try: binding = query.one() except exc.NoResultFound: LOG.debug('no snat router binding found for %s', router_id) return host = binding.l3_agent.host subnet_ids = self.get_subnet_ids_on_router(context, router_id) for subnet in subnet_ids: vm_ports = ( self._core_plugin.get_compute_ports_on_host_by_subnet( context, host, subnet)) if vm_ports: LOG.debug('VM exists on the snat enabled l3_agent ' 'host %(host)s and router_id %(router_id)s', {'host': host, 'router_id': router_id}) break agent_id = binding.l3_agent_id LOG.debug('Delete binding of the SNAT router %(router_id)s ' 'from agent %(id)s', {'router_id': router_id, 'id': agent_id}) context.session.delete(binding) if not vm_ports: query = (context.session. query(l3agent_sch_db.RouterL3AgentBinding). filter_by(router_id=router_id, l3_agent_id=agent_id). delete(synchronize_session=False)) self.l3_rpc_notifier.router_removed_from_agent( context, router_id, host) LOG.debug('Removed binding for router %(router_id)s and ' 'agent %(id)s', {'router_id': router_id, 'id': agent_id}) def schedule_snat_router(self, context, router_id, sync_router, gw_exists): """Schedule the snat router on l3 service agent.""" if gw_exists: binding = (context.session. query(CentralizedSnatL3AgentBinding). filter_by(router_id=router_id).first()) if binding: l3_agent_id = binding.l3_agent_id l3_agent = binding.l3_agent LOG.debug('SNAT Router %(router_id)s has already been ' 'hosted by L3 agent ' '%(l3_agent_id)s', {'router_id': router_id, 'l3_agent_id': l3_agent_id}) self.bind_dvr_router_servicenode(context, router_id, l3_agent) return active_l3_agents = self.get_l3_agents(context, active=True) if not active_l3_agents: LOG.warn(_('No active L3 agents')) return snat_candidates = self.get_snat_candidates(sync_router, active_l3_agents) if snat_candidates: self.bind_snat_servicenode(context, router_id, snat_candidates) else: self.unbind_snat_servicenode(context, router_id)