# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # # Copyright 2012, Nachi Ueno, NTT MCL, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import datetime import errno import logging import os import shlex import socket import sys import netaddr from quantum.agent.common import config from quantum.agent.dhcp_agent import DictModel from quantum.agent.linux import interface from quantum.agent.linux import ip_lib from quantum.agent.linux import utils from quantum.openstack.common import cfg from quantum.openstack.common import importutils from quantumclient.v2_0 import client LOG = logging.getLogger('test-agent') DEVICE_OWNER_PROBE = 'network:probe' class QuantumDebugAgent(): OPTS = [ cfg.StrOpt('root_helper', default='sudo'), # Needed for drivers cfg.StrOpt('admin_user'), cfg.StrOpt('admin_password'), cfg.StrOpt('admin_tenant_name'), cfg.StrOpt('auth_url'), cfg.StrOpt('auth_strategy', default='keystone'), cfg.StrOpt('auth_region'), cfg.BoolOpt('use_namespaces', default=True), cfg.StrOpt('interface_driver', help="The driver used to manage the virtual interface."), cfg.StrOpt('external_network_bridge', default='br-ex', help="Name of bridge used for external network traffic."), ] def __init__(self, conf, client, driver): self.conf = conf self.client = client self.driver = driver def _get_namespace(self, port): return "qprobe-%s" % port.id def create_probe(self, network_id): network = self._get_network(network_id) bridge = None if network.external: bridge = self.conf.external_network_bridge port = self._create_port(network) port.network = network interface_name = self.driver.get_device_name(port) namespace = None if self.conf.use_namespaces: namespace = self._get_namespace(port) if ip_lib.device_exists(interface_name, self.conf.root_helper, namespace): LOG.debug(_('Reusing existing device: %s.') % interface_name) else: self.driver.plug(network.id, port.id, interface_name, port.mac_address, bridge=bridge, namespace=namespace) ip_cidrs = [] for fixed_ip in port.fixed_ips: subnet = fixed_ip.subnet net = netaddr.IPNetwork(subnet.cidr) ip_cidr = '%s/%s' % (fixed_ip.ip_address, net.prefixlen) ip_cidrs.append(ip_cidr) self.driver.init_l3(interface_name, ip_cidrs, namespace=namespace) return port def _get_subnet(self, subnet_id): subnet_dict = self.client.show_subnet(subnet_id)['subnet'] return DictModel(subnet_dict) def _get_network(self, network_id): network_dict = self.client.show_network(network_id)['network'] network = DictModel(network_dict) network.external = network_dict.get('router:external') obj_subnet = [self._get_subnet(s_id) for s_id in network.subnets] network.subnets = obj_subnet return network def clear_probe(self): ports = self.client.list_ports(device_id=socket.gethostname(), device_owner=DEVICE_OWNER_PROBE) info = ports['ports'] for port in info: self.delete_probe(port['id']) def delete_probe(self, port_id): port = DictModel(self.client.show_port(port_id)['port']) network = self._get_network(port.network_id) bridge = None if network.external: bridge = self.conf.external_network_bridge ip = ip_lib.IPWrapper(self.conf.root_helper) namespace = self._get_namespace(port) if self.conf.use_namespaces and ip.netns.exists(namespace): self.driver.unplug(self.driver.get_device_name(port), bridge=bridge, namespace=namespace) try: ip.netns.delete(namespace) except: LOG.warn(_('failed to delete namespace %s') % namespace) else: self.driver.unplug(self.driver.get_device_name(port), bridge=bridge) self.client.delete_port(port.id) def list_probes(self): ports = self.client.list_ports(device_owner=DEVICE_OWNER_PROBE) info = ports['ports'] for port in info: port['device_name'] = self.driver.get_device_name(DictModel(port)) return info def exec_command(self, port_id, command=None): port = DictModel(self.client.show_port(port_id)['port']) ip = ip_lib.IPWrapper(self.conf.root_helper) namespace = self._get_namespace(port) if self.conf.use_namespaces: if not command: return "sudo ip netns exec %s" % self._get_namespace(port) namespace = ip.ensure_namespace(namespace) return namespace.netns.execute(shlex.split(command)) else: return utils.execute(shlex.split(command)) def ensure_probe(self, network_id): ports = self.client.list_ports(network_id=network_id, device_id=socket.gethostname(), device_owner=DEVICE_OWNER_PROBE) info = ports.get('ports', []) if info: return DictModel(info[0]) else: return self.create_probe(network_id) def ping_all(self, network_id=None, timeout=1): if network_id: ports = self.client.list_ports(network_id=network_id)['ports'] else: ports = self.client.list_ports()['ports'] result = "" for port in ports: probe = self.ensure_probe(port['network_id']) if port['device_owner'] == DEVICE_OWNER_PROBE: continue for fixed_ip in port['fixed_ips']: address = fixed_ip['ip_address'] subnet = self._get_subnet(fixed_ip['subnet_id']) if subnet.ip_version == 4: ping_command = 'ping' else: ping_command = 'ping6' result += self.exec_command(probe.id, '%s -c 1 -w %s %s' % (ping_command, timeout, address)) return result def _create_port(self, network): body = dict(port=dict( admin_state_up=True, network_id=network.id, device_id='%s' % socket.gethostname(), device_owner=DEVICE_OWNER_PROBE, tenant_id=network.tenant_id, fixed_ips=[dict(subnet_id=s.id) for s in network.subnets])) port_dict = self.client.create_port(body)['port'] port = DictModel(port_dict) port.network = network for fixed_ip in port.fixed_ips: fixed_ip.subnet = self._get_subnet(fixed_ip.subnet_id) return port