# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2012 Nicira Networks, Inc. # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # @author: Brad Hall, Nicira Networks, Inc. # @author: Dave Lapsley, Nicira Networks, Inc. # @author: Aaron Rosen, Nicira Networks, Inc. from copy import copy import hashlib import itertools import json import logging #FIXME(danwent): I'd like this file to get to the point where it has # no quantum-specific logic in it from quantum.common import constants from quantum.common import exceptions as exception from quantum.plugins.nicira.nicira_nvp_plugin import NvpApiClient # HTTP METHODS CONSTANTS HTTP_GET = "GET" HTTP_POST = "POST" # Default transport type for logical switches DEF_TRANSPORT_TYPE = "stt" # Prefix to be used for all NVP API calls URI_PREFIX = "/ws.v1" # Resources exposed by NVP API LSWITCH_RESOURCE = "lswitch" LPORT_RESOURCE = "lport" LOCAL_LOGGING = False if LOCAL_LOGGING: from logging.handlers import SysLogHandler FORMAT = ("|%(levelname)s|%(filename)s|%(funcName)s|%(lineno)s" "|%(message)s") LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) formatter = logging.Formatter(FORMAT) syslog = SysLogHandler(address="/dev/log") syslog.setFormatter(formatter) LOG.addHandler(syslog) LOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) LOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # TODO(bgh): it would be more efficient to use a bitmap taken_context_ids = [] _net_type_cache = {} # cache of {net_id: network_type} # XXX Only cache default for now _lqueue_cache = {} def _build_uri_path(resource, resource_id=None, parent_resource_id=None, fields=None, relations=None, filters=None): # TODO(salvatore-orlando): This is ugly. do something more clever # and aovid the if statement if resource == LPORT_RESOURCE: res_path = ("%s/%s/%s" % (LSWITCH_RESOURCE, parent_resource_id, resource) + (resource_id and "/%s" % resource_id or '')) else: res_path = resource + (resource_id and "/%s" % resource_id or '') params = [] params.append(fields and "fields=%s" % fields) params.append(relations and "relations=%s" % relations) if filters: params.extend(['%s=%s' % (k, v) for (k, v) in filters.iteritems()]) uri_path = "%s/%s" % (URI_PREFIX, res_path) query_string = reduce(lambda x, y: "%s&%s" % (x, y), itertools.ifilter(lambda x: x is not None, params), "") if query_string: uri_path += "?%s" % query_string return uri_path def get_cluster_version(cluster): """Return major/minor version #""" # Get control-cluster nodes uri = "/ws.v1/control-cluster/node?_page_length=1&fields=uuid" try: res = do_single_request(HTTP_GET, uri, cluster=cluster) res = json.loads(res) except NvpApiClient.NvpApiException: raise exception.QuantumException() if res["result_count"] == 0: return None node_uuid = res["results"][0]["uuid"] # Get control-cluster node status. It's unsupported to have controllers # running different version so we just need the first node version. uri = "/ws.v1/control-cluster/node/%s/status" % node_uuid try: res = do_single_request(HTTP_GET, uri, cluster=cluster) res = json.loads(res) except NvpApiClient.NvpApiException: raise exception.QuantumException() version_parts = res["version"].split(".") version = "%s.%s" % tuple(version_parts[:2]) LOG.info(_("NVP controller cluster version: %s"), version) return version def get_all_query_pages(path, c): need_more_results = True result_list = [] page_cursor = None query_marker = "&" if (path.find("?") != -1) else "?" while need_more_results: page_cursor_str = ( "_page_cursor=%s" % page_cursor if page_cursor else "") res = do_single_request(HTTP_GET, "%s%s%s" % (path, query_marker, page_cursor_str), cluster=c) body = json.loads(res) page_cursor = body.get('page_cursor') if not page_cursor: need_more_results = False result_list.extend(body['results']) return result_list def do_single_request(*args, **kwargs): """Issue a request to a specified cluster if specified via kwargs (cluster=).""" cluster = kwargs["cluster"] return cluster.api_client.request(*args) def do_multi_request(*args, **kwargs): """Issue a request to all clusters""" results = [] clusters = kwargs["clusters"] for x in clusters: LOG.debug(_("Issuing request to cluster: %s"), x.name) rv = x.api_client.request(*args) results.append(rv) return results # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Network functions # ------------------------------------------------------------------- def find_port_and_cluster(clusters, port_id): """Return (url, cluster_id) of port or (None, None) if port does not exist. """ for c in clusters: query = "/ws.v1/lswitch/*/lport?uuid=%s&fields=*" % port_id LOG.debug(_("Looking for lswitch with port id " "'%(port_id)s' on: %(c)s"), locals()) try: res = do_single_request('GET', query, cluster=c) except Exception as e: LOG.error(_("get_port_cluster_and_url, exception: %s"), str(e)) continue res = json.loads(res) if len(res["results"]) == 1: return (res["results"][0], c) return (None, None) def find_lswitch_by_portid(clusters, port_id): port, cluster = find_port_and_cluster(clusters, port_id) if port and cluster: href = port["_href"].split('/') return (href[3], cluster) return (None, None) def get_lswitches(cluster, quantum_net_id): lswitch_uri_path = _build_uri_path(LSWITCH_RESOURCE, quantum_net_id, relations="LogicalSwitchStatus") results = [] try: resp_obj = do_single_request(HTTP_GET, lswitch_uri_path, cluster=cluster) ls = json.loads(resp_obj) results.append(ls) for tag in ls['tags']: if (tag['scope'] == "multi_lswitch" and tag['tag'] == "True"): # Fetch extra logical switches extra_lswitch_uri_path = _build_uri_path( LSWITCH_RESOURCE, fields="uuid,display_name,tags,lport_count", relations="LogicalSwitchStatus", filters={'tag': quantum_net_id, 'tag_scope': 'quantum_net_id'}) extra_switches = get_all_query_pages(extra_lswitch_uri_path, cluster) results.extend(extra_switches) return results except NvpApiClient.NvpApiException: # TODO(salvatore-olrando): Do a better exception handling # and re-raising LOG.exception(_("An error occured while fetching logical switches " "for Quantum network %s"), quantum_net_id) raise exception.QuantumException() def create_lswitch(cluster, tenant_id, display_name, transport_type=None, transport_zone_uuid=None, vlan_id=None, quantum_net_id=None, **kwargs): nvp_binding_type = transport_type if transport_type in ('flat', 'vlan'): nvp_binding_type = 'bridge' transport_zone_config = {"zone_uuid": (transport_zone_uuid or cluster.default_tz_uuid), "transport_type": (nvp_binding_type or DEF_TRANSPORT_TYPE)} lswitch_obj = {"display_name": display_name, "transport_zones": [transport_zone_config], "tags": [{"tag": tenant_id, "scope": "os_tid"}]} if nvp_binding_type == 'bridge' and vlan_id: transport_zone_config["binding_config"] = {"vlan_translation": [{"transport": vlan_id}]} if quantum_net_id: lswitch_obj["tags"].append({"tag": quantum_net_id, "scope": "quantum_net_id"}) if "tags" in kwargs: lswitch_obj["tags"].extend(kwargs["tags"]) uri = _build_uri_path(LSWITCH_RESOURCE) try: lswitch_res = do_single_request(HTTP_POST, uri, json.dumps(lswitch_obj), cluster=cluster) except NvpApiClient.NvpApiException: raise exception.QuantumException() lswitch = json.loads(lswitch_res) LOG.debug(_("Created logical switch: %s"), lswitch['uuid']) return lswitch def update_lswitch(cluster, lswitch_id, display_name, tenant_id=None, **kwargs): uri = _build_uri_path(LSWITCH_RESOURCE, resource_id=lswitch_id) # TODO(salvatore-orlando): Make sure this operation does not remove # any other important tag set on the lswtich object lswitch_obj = {"display_name": display_name, "tags": [{"tag": tenant_id, "scope": "os_tid"}]} if "tags" in kwargs: lswitch_obj["tags"].extend(kwargs["tags"]) try: resp_obj = do_single_request("PUT", uri, json.dumps(lswitch_obj), cluster=cluster) except NvpApiClient.ResourceNotFound as e: LOG.error(_("Network not found, Error: %s"), str(e)) raise exception.NetworkNotFound(net_id=lswitch_id) except NvpApiClient.NvpApiException as e: raise exception.QuantumException() obj = json.loads(resp_obj) return obj def get_all_networks(cluster, tenant_id, networks): """Append the quantum network uuids we can find in the given cluster to "networks" """ uri = "/ws.v1/lswitch?fields=*&tag=%s&tag_scope=os_tid" % tenant_id try: resp_obj = do_single_request("GET", uri, cluster=cluster) except NvpApiClient.NvpApiException: raise exception.QuantumException() if not resp_obj: return [] networks_result = copy(networks) return networks_result def query_networks(cluster, tenant_id, fields="*", tags=None): uri = "/ws.v1/lswitch?fields=%s" % fields if tags: for t in tags: uri += "&tag=%s&tag_scope=%s" % (t[0], t[1]) try: resp_obj = do_single_request("GET", uri, cluster=cluster) except NvpApiClient.NvpApiException: raise exception.QuantumException() if not resp_obj: return [] lswitches = json.loads(resp_obj)["results"] nets = [{'net-id': lswitch["uuid"], 'net-name': lswitch["display_name"]} for lswitch in lswitches] return nets def delete_network(cluster, net_id, lswitch_id): delete_networks(cluster, net_id, [lswitch_id]) def delete_networks(cluster, net_id, lswitch_ids): if net_id in _net_type_cache: del _net_type_cache[net_id] for ls_id in lswitch_ids: path = "/ws.v1/lswitch/%s" % ls_id try: do_single_request("DELETE", path, cluster=cluster) except NvpApiClient.ResourceNotFound as e: LOG.error(_("Network not found, Error: %s"), str(e)) raise exception.NetworkNotFound(net_id=ls_id) except NvpApiClient.NvpApiException as e: raise exception.QuantumException() def query_ports(cluster, network, relations=None, fields="*", filters=None): uri = "/ws.v1/lswitch/" + network + "/lport?" if relations: uri += "relations=%s" % relations uri += "&fields=%s" % fields if filters and "attachment" in filters: uri += "&attachment_vif_uuid=%s" % filters["attachment"] try: resp_obj = do_single_request("GET", uri, cluster=cluster) except NvpApiClient.ResourceNotFound as e: LOG.error(_("Network not found, Error: %s"), str(e)) raise exception.NetworkNotFound(net_id=network) except NvpApiClient.NvpApiException as e: raise exception.QuantumException() return json.loads(resp_obj)["results"] def delete_port(cluster, port): try: do_single_request("DELETE", port['_href'], cluster=cluster) except NvpApiClient.ResourceNotFound as e: LOG.error(_("Port or Network not found, Error: %s"), str(e)) raise exception.PortNotFound(port_id=port['uuid']) except NvpApiClient.NvpApiException as e: raise exception.QuantumException() def get_port_by_quantum_tag(clusters, lswitch, quantum_tag): """Return (url, cluster_id) of port or raises ResourceNotFound """ query = ("/ws.v1/lswitch/%s/lport?fields=admin_status_enabled," "fabric_status_up,uuid&tag=%s&tag_scope=q_port_id" "&relations=LogicalPortStatus" % (lswitch, quantum_tag)) LOG.debug(_("Looking for port with q_tag '%(quantum_tag)s' " "on: %(lswitch)s"), locals()) for c in clusters: try: res_obj = do_single_request('GET', query, cluster=c) except Exception: continue res = json.loads(res_obj) if len(res["results"]) == 1: return (res["results"][0], c) LOG.error(_("Port or Network not found")) raise exception.PortNotFound(port_id=quantum_tag, net_id=lswitch) def get_port_by_display_name(clusters, lswitch, display_name): """Return (url, cluster_id) of port or raises ResourceNotFound """ query = ("/ws.v1/lswitch/%s/lport?display_name=%s&fields=*" % (lswitch, display_name)) LOG.debug(_("Looking for port with display_name " "'%(display_name)s' on: %(lswitch)s"), locals()) for c in clusters: try: res_obj = do_single_request('GET', query, cluster=c) except Exception as e: continue res = json.loads(res_obj) if len(res["results"]) == 1: return (res["results"][0], c) LOG.error(_("Port or Network not found, Error: %s"), str(e)) raise exception.PortNotFound(port_id=display_name, net_id=lswitch) def get_port(cluster, network, port, relations=None): LOG.info(_("get_port() %(network)s %(port)s"), locals()) uri = "/ws.v1/lswitch/" + network + "/lport/" + port + "?" if relations: uri += "relations=%s" % relations try: resp_obj = do_single_request("GET", uri, cluster=cluster) port = json.loads(resp_obj) except NvpApiClient.ResourceNotFound as e: LOG.error(_("Port or Network not found, Error: %s"), str(e)) raise exception.PortNotFound(port_id=port, net_id=network) except NvpApiClient.NvpApiException as e: raise exception.QuantumException() return port def _configure_extensions(lport_obj, mac_address, fixed_ips, port_security_enabled, security_profiles): lport_obj['allowed_address_pairs'] = [] if port_security_enabled: for fixed_ip in fixed_ips: ip_address = fixed_ip.get('ip_address') if ip_address: lport_obj['allowed_address_pairs'].append( {'mac_address': mac_address, 'ip_address': ip_address}) # add address pair allowing src_ip to leave # this is required for outgoing dhcp request lport_obj["allowed_address_pairs"].append( {"mac_address": mac_address, "ip_address": ""}) lport_obj['security_profiles'] = list(security_profiles or []) def update_port(cluster, lswitch_uuid, lport_uuid, quantum_port_id, tenant_id, display_name, device_id, admin_status_enabled, mac_address=None, fixed_ips=None, port_security_enabled=None, security_profiles=None): # device_id can be longer than 40 so we rehash it hashed_device_id = hashlib.sha1(device_id).hexdigest() lport_obj = dict( admin_status_enabled=admin_status_enabled, display_name=display_name, tags=[dict(scope='os_tid', tag=tenant_id), dict(scope='q_port_id', tag=quantum_port_id), dict(scope='vm_id', tag=hashed_device_id)]) _configure_extensions(lport_obj, mac_address, fixed_ips, port_security_enabled, security_profiles) path = "/ws.v1/lswitch/" + lswitch_uuid + "/lport/" + lport_uuid try: resp_obj = do_single_request("PUT", path, json.dumps(lport_obj), cluster=cluster) except NvpApiClient.ResourceNotFound as e: LOG.error(_("Port or Network not found, Error: %s"), str(e)) raise exception.PortNotFound(port_id=lport_uuid, net_id=lswitch_uuid) except NvpApiClient.NvpApiException as e: raise exception.QuantumException() result = json.loads(resp_obj) LOG.debug(_("Updated logical port %(result)s on logical swtich %(uuid)s"), {'result': result['uuid'], 'uuid': lswitch_uuid}) return result def create_lport(cluster, lswitch_uuid, tenant_id, quantum_port_id, display_name, device_id, admin_status_enabled, mac_address=None, fixed_ips=None, port_security_enabled=None, security_profiles=None): """ Creates a logical port on the assigned logical switch """ # device_id can be longer than 40 so we rehash it hashed_device_id = hashlib.sha1(device_id).hexdigest() lport_obj = dict( admin_status_enabled=admin_status_enabled, display_name=display_name, tags=[dict(scope='os_tid', tag=tenant_id), dict(scope='q_port_id', tag=quantum_port_id), dict(scope='vm_id', tag=hashed_device_id)], ) _configure_extensions(lport_obj, mac_address, fixed_ips, port_security_enabled, security_profiles) path = _build_uri_path(LPORT_RESOURCE, parent_resource_id=lswitch_uuid) try: resp_obj = do_single_request("POST", path, json.dumps(lport_obj), cluster=cluster) except NvpApiClient.ResourceNotFound as e: LOG.error(_("Logical switch not found, Error: %s"), str(e)) raise result = json.loads(resp_obj) LOG.debug(_("Created logical port %(result)s on logical swtich %(uuid)s"), {'result': result['uuid'], 'uuid': lswitch_uuid}) return result def get_port_status(cluster, lswitch_id, port_id): """Retrieve the operational status of the port""" try: r = do_single_request("GET", "/ws.v1/lswitch/%s/lport/%s/status" % (lswitch_id, port_id), cluster=cluster) r = json.loads(r) except NvpApiClient.ResourceNotFound as e: LOG.error(_("Port not found, Error: %s"), str(e)) raise exception.PortNotFound(port_id=port_id, net_id=lswitch_id) except NvpApiClient.NvpApiException as e: raise exception.QuantumException() if r['link_status_up'] is True: return constants.PORT_STATUS_ACTIVE else: return constants.PORT_STATUS_DOWN def plug_interface(cluster, lswitch_id, port, type, attachment=None): uri = "/ws.v1/lswitch/" + lswitch_id + "/lport/" + port + "/attachment" lport_obj = {} if attachment: lport_obj["vif_uuid"] = attachment lport_obj["type"] = type try: resp_obj = do_single_request("PUT", uri, json.dumps(lport_obj), cluster=cluster) except NvpApiClient.ResourceNotFound as e: LOG.error(_("Port or Network not found, Error: %s"), str(e)) raise exception.PortNotFound(port_id=port, net_id=lswitch_id) except NvpApiClient.Conflict as e: LOG.error(_("Conflict while making attachment to port, " "Error: %s"), str(e)) raise exception.AlreadyAttached(att_id=attachment, port_id=port, net_id=lswitch_id, att_port_id="UNKNOWN") except NvpApiClient.NvpApiException as e: raise exception.QuantumException() result = json.dumps(resp_obj) return result #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Security Profile convenience functions. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXT_SECURITY_PROFILE_ID_SCOPE = 'nova_spid' TENANT_ID_SCOPE = 'os_tid' def format_exception(etype, e, execption_locals, request=None): """Consistent formatting for exceptions. :param etype: a string describing the exception type. :param e: the exception. :param request: the request object. :param execption_locals: calling context local variable dict. :returns: a formatted string. """ msg = ["Error. %s exception: %s." % (etype, e)] if request: msg.append("request=[%s]" % request) if request.body: msg.append("request.body=[%s]" % str(request.body)) l = dict((k, v) for k, v in execption_locals if k != 'request') msg.append("locals=[%s]" % str(l)) return ' '.join(msg) def do_request(*args, **kwargs): """Convenience function wraps do_single_request. :param args: a list of positional arguments. :param kwargs: a list of keyworkds arguments. :returns: the result of do_single_request loaded into a python object or None.""" res = do_single_request(*args, **kwargs) if res: return json.loads(res) return res def mk_body(**kwargs): """Convenience function creates and dumps dictionary to string. :param kwargs: the key/value pirs to be dumped into a json string. :returns: a json string.""" return json.dumps(kwargs, ensure_ascii=False) def set_tenant_id_tag(tenant_id, taglist=None): """Convenience function to add tenant_id tag to taglist. :param tenant_id: the tenant_id to set. :param taglist: the taglist to append to (or None). :returns: a new taglist that includes the old taglist with the new tenant_id tag set.""" new_taglist = [] if taglist: new_taglist = [x for x in taglist if x['scope'] != TENANT_ID_SCOPE] new_taglist.append(dict(scope=TENANT_ID_SCOPE, tag=tenant_id)) return new_taglist def set_ext_security_profile_id_tag(external_id, taglist=None): """Convenience function to add spid tag to taglist. :param external_id: the security_profile id from nova :param taglist: the taglist to append to (or None). :returns: a new taglist that includes the old taglist with the new spid tag set.""" new_taglist = [] if taglist: new_taglist = [x for x in taglist if x['scope'] != EXT_SECURITY_PROFILE_ID_SCOPE] if external_id: new_taglist.append(dict(scope=EXT_SECURITY_PROFILE_ID_SCOPE, tag=str(external_id))) return new_taglist # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Security Group API Calls # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_security_profile(cluster, tenant_id, security_profile): path = "/ws.v1/security-profile" tags = set_tenant_id_tag(tenant_id) tags = set_ext_security_profile_id_tag( security_profile.get('external_id'), tags) # Allow all dhcp responses in dhcp = {'logical_port_egress_rules': [{'ethertype': 'IPv4', 'protocol': 17, 'port_range_min': 68, 'port_range_max': 68, 'ip_prefix': ''}], 'logical_port_ingress_rules': []} try: body = mk_body( tags=tags, display_name=security_profile.get('name'), logical_port_ingress_rules=dhcp['logical_port_ingress_rules'], logical_port_egress_rules=dhcp['logical_port_egress_rules']) rsp = do_request("POST", path, body, cluster=cluster) except NvpApiClient.NvpApiException as e: LOG.error(format_exception("Unknown", e, locals())) raise exception.QuantumException() if security_profile.get('name') == 'default': # If security group is default allow ip traffic between # members of the same security profile. rules = {'logical_port_egress_rules': [{'ethertype': 'IPv4', 'profile_uuid': rsp['uuid']}, {'ethertype': 'IPv6', 'profile_uuid': rsp['uuid']}], 'logical_port_ingress_rules': []} update_security_group_rules(cluster, rsp['uuid'], rules) LOG.debug("Created Security Profile: %s" % rsp) return rsp def update_security_group_rules(cluster, spid, rules): path = "/ws.v1/security-profile/%s" % spid # Allow all dhcp responses in rules['logical_port_egress_rules'].append( {'ethertype': 'IPv4', 'protocol': constants.UDP_PROTOCOL, 'port_range_min': constants.DHCP_RESPONSE_PORT, 'port_range_max': constants.DHCP_RESPONSE_PORT, 'ip_prefix': ''}) try: body = mk_body( logical_port_ingress_rules=rules['logical_port_ingress_rules'], logical_port_egress_rules=rules['logical_port_egress_rules']) rsp = do_request("PUT", path, body, cluster=cluster) except NvpApiClient.NvpApiException as e: LOG.error(format_exception("Unknown", e, locals())) raise exception.QuantumException() LOG.debug("Updated Security Profile: %s" % rsp) return rsp def delete_security_profile(cluster, spid): path = "/ws.v1/security-profile/%s" % spid try: do_request("DELETE", path, cluster=cluster) except NvpApiClient.NvpApiException as e: LOG.error(format_exception("Unknown", e, locals())) raise exception.QuantumException()