# Copyright 2013 VMware, Inc # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import time import xml.etree.ElementTree as et from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_serialization import jsonutils from oslo_utils import strutils from vmware_nsx.common import nsxv_constants from vmware_nsx.common import utils from vmware_nsx.plugins.nsx_v.vshield.common import constants from vmware_nsx.plugins.nsx_v.vshield.common import exceptions from vmware_nsx.plugins.nsx_v.vshield.common import VcnsApiClient LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) HTTP_GET = "GET" HTTP_POST = "POST" HTTP_DELETE = "DELETE" HTTP_PUT = "PUT" URI_PREFIX = "/api/4.0/edges" #FwaaS constants FIREWALL_SERVICE = "firewall/config" FIREWALL_RULE_RESOURCE = "rules" #NSXv Constants FIREWALL_PREFIX = '/api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/config' FIREWALL_REDIRECT_SEC_TYPE = 'layer3redirectsections' SECURITYGROUP_PREFIX = '/api/2.0/services/securitygroup' VDN_PREFIX = '/api/2.0/vdn' SERVICES_PREFIX = '/api/2.0/services' SPOOFGUARD_PREFIX = '/api/4.0/services/spoofguard' TRUSTSTORE_PREFIX = '%s/%s' % (SERVICES_PREFIX, 'truststore') EXCLUDELIST_PREFIX = '/api/2.1/app/excludelist' SERVICE_INSERTION_PROFILE_PREFIX = '/api/2.0/si/serviceprofile' SECURITY_POLICY_PREFIX = '/api/2.0/services/policy/securitypolicy' APPLICATION_PREFIX = '%s/%s' % (SERVICES_PREFIX, 'application') TZ_CONNECTIVITY_PREFIX = '/api/4.0/edges/transportzonenetworks' #LbaaS Constants LOADBALANCER_SERVICE = "loadbalancer/config" LOADBALANCER_STATS = "loadbalancer/statistics" VIP_RESOURCE = "virtualservers" POOL_RESOURCE = "pools" MONITOR_RESOURCE = "monitors" APP_PROFILE_RESOURCE = "applicationprofiles" APP_RULE_RESOURCE = "applicationrules" # IPsec VPNaaS Constants IPSEC_VPN_SERVICE = 'ipsec/config' # Dhcp constants DHCP_SERVICE = "dhcp/config" DHCP_BINDING_RESOURCE = "bindings" # Syetem control constants SYSCTL_SERVICE = 'systemcontrol/config' # L2 gateway constants BRIDGE = "bridging/config" # IPAM constants IPAM_POOL_SCOPE = "scope/globalroot-0" IPAM_POOL_SERVICE = "ipam/pools" # Self Signed Certificate constants CSR = "csr" CERTIFICATE = "certificate" NETWORK_TYPES = ['Network', 'VirtualWire', 'DistributedVirtualPortgroup'] # Dynamic routing constants ROUTING_CONFIG = "routing/config" BGP_ROUTING_CONFIG = "routing/config/bgp" ELAPSED_TIME_THRESHOLD = 30 MAX_EDGE_DEPLOY_TIMEOUT = 1200 def retry_upon_exception_exclude_error_codes( exc, excluded_errors, delay=0.5, max_delay=4, max_attempts=0): if not max_attempts: max_attempts = cfg.CONF.nsxv.retries return utils.retry_upon_exception_exclude_error_codes( exc, excluded_errors, delay, max_delay, max_attempts) def retry_upon_exception(exc, delay=0.5, max_delay=4, max_attempts=0): if not max_attempts: max_attempts = cfg.CONF.nsxv.retries return utils.retry_upon_exception(exc, delay, max_delay, max_attempts) class Vcns(object): def __init__(self, address, user, password, ca_file, insecure): self.address = address self.user = user self.password = password self.ca_file = ca_file self.insecure = insecure self.jsonapi_client = VcnsApiClient.VcnsApiHelper( address, user, password, format='json', ca_file=ca_file, insecure=insecure, timeout=cfg.CONF.nsxv.nsx_transaction_timeout) self.xmlapi_client = VcnsApiClient.VcnsApiHelper( address, user, password, format='xml', ca_file=ca_file, insecure=insecure, timeout=cfg.CONF.nsxv.nsx_transaction_timeout) self._nsx_version = None self._normalized_scoping_objects = None self._normalized_global_objects = None @retry_upon_exception(exceptions.ServiceConflict) @retry_upon_exception(exceptions.ResourceConnectionError) def _client_request(self, client, method, uri, params, headers, encodeParams, timeout=None): return client(method, uri, params, headers, encodeParams, timeout=timeout) def do_request(self, method, uri, params=None, format='json', **kwargs): msg = ("VcnsApiHelper('%(method)s', '%(uri)s', '%(body)s')" % {'method': method, 'uri': uri, 'body': jsonutils.dumps(params)}) LOG.debug(strutils.mask_password(msg)) headers = kwargs.get('headers') encodeParams = kwargs.get('encode', True) if format == 'json': _client = self.jsonapi_client.request else: _client = self.xmlapi_client.request timeout = kwargs.get('timeout') ts = time.time() header, content = self._client_request(_client, method, uri, params, headers, encodeParams, timeout=timeout) te = time.time() elapsed_time = te - ts LOG.debug('VcnsApiHelper for %(method)s %(uri)s took %(seconds)2.4f. ' 'reply: header=%(header)s content=%(content)s', {'method': method, 'uri': uri, 'header': header, 'content': content, 'seconds': elapsed_time}) if elapsed_time > ELAPSED_TIME_THRESHOLD: LOG.warning('Vcns call for %(method)s %(uri)s took %(seconds)2.4f', {'method': method, 'uri': uri, 'seconds': elapsed_time}) if content == '': return header, {} if kwargs.get('decode', True): content = jsonutils.loads(content) return header, content def edges_lock_operation(self): uri = URI_PREFIX + "?lockUpdatesOnEdge=true" return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, uri, decode=False) @retry_upon_exception(exceptions.ResourceNotFound) @retry_upon_exception(exceptions.RequestBad) def deploy_edge(self, request): uri = URI_PREFIX return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, uri, request, decode=False, timeout=MAX_EDGE_DEPLOY_TIMEOUT) def update_edge(self, edge_id, request): uri = "%s/%s" % (URI_PREFIX, edge_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, request, decode=False) def get_edge_id(self, job_id): uri = URI_PREFIX + "/jobs/%s" % job_id return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) def delete_edge(self, edge_id): uri = "%s/%s" % (URI_PREFIX, edge_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri) def add_vdr_internal_interface(self, edge_id, interface): uri = "%s/%s/interfaces?action=patch" % (URI_PREFIX, edge_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, uri, interface, decode=True) def get_vdr_internal_interface(self, edge_id, interface_index): uri = "%s/%s/interfaces/%s" % (URI_PREFIX, edge_id, interface_index) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) def update_vdr_internal_interface(self, edge_id, interface_index, interface): uri = "%s/%s/interfaces/%s" % (URI_PREFIX, edge_id, interface_index) return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, interface, format='xml', decode=True) @retry_upon_exception(exceptions.RequestBad) def delete_vdr_internal_interface(self, edge_id, interface_index): uri = "%s/%s/interfaces/%d" % (URI_PREFIX, edge_id, interface_index) return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri, decode=True) def get_interfaces(self, edge_id): uri = "%s/%s/vnics" % (URI_PREFIX, edge_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) @retry_upon_exception(exceptions.ResourceTimedOut) @retry_upon_exception(exceptions.RequestBad) def update_interface(self, edge_id, vnic): uri = "%s/%s/vnics/%d" % (URI_PREFIX, edge_id, vnic['index']) return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, vnic, decode=True) def delete_interface(self, edge_id, vnic_index): uri = "%s/%s/vnics/%d" % (URI_PREFIX, edge_id, vnic_index) return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri, decode=True) def get_nat_config(self, edge_id): uri = "%s/%s/nat/config" % (URI_PREFIX, edge_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) def update_nat_config(self, edge_id, nat): uri = "%s/%s/nat/config" % (URI_PREFIX, edge_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, nat, decode=True) def delete_nat_rule(self, edge_id, rule_id): uri = "%s/%s/nat/config/rules/%s" % (URI_PREFIX, edge_id, rule_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri, decode=True) def get_edge_status(self, edge_id): uri = "%s/%s/status?getlatest=false" % (URI_PREFIX, edge_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) def get_edge(self, edge_id): uri = "%s/%s" % (URI_PREFIX, edge_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) def _get_edges(self, startindex=0): uri = '%s?startIndex=%d' % (URI_PREFIX, startindex) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) def get_edges(self): edges = [] h, d = self._get_edges() edges.extend(d['edgePage']['data']) paging_info = d['edgePage']['pagingInfo'] page_size = int(paging_info['pageSize']) count = int(paging_info['totalCount']) LOG.debug("There are total %s edges and page size is %s", count, page_size) pages = int(count / page_size + 1) for i in range(1, pages): start_index = page_size * i h, d = self._get_edges(start_index) edges.extend(d['edgePage']['data']) return edges def get_edge_syslog(self, edge_id): uri = "%s/%s/syslog/config" % (URI_PREFIX, edge_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) def update_edge_syslog(self, edge_id, config): uri = "%s/%s/syslog/config" % (URI_PREFIX, edge_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, config) def delete_edge_syslog(self, edge_id): uri = "%s/%s/syslog/config" % (URI_PREFIX, edge_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri) def update_edge_config_with_modifier(self, edge_id, module, modifier): uri = "%s/%s/%s/config" % (URI_PREFIX, edge_id, module) config = self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri)[1] if modifier(config): return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, config) def get_edge_interfaces(self, edge_id): uri = "%s/%s/interfaces" % (URI_PREFIX, edge_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) def get_routes(self, edge_id): uri = "%s/%s/routing/config/static" % (URI_PREFIX, edge_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri) def update_routes(self, edge_id, routes): uri = "%s/%s/routing/config/static" % (URI_PREFIX, edge_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, routes) def create_lswitch(self, lsconfig): uri = "/api/ws.v1/lswitch" return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, uri, lsconfig, decode=True) def delete_lswitch(self, lswitch_id): uri = "/api/ws.v1/lswitch/%s" % lswitch_id return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri) def get_loadbalancer_config(self, edge_id): uri = self._build_uri_path(edge_id, LOADBALANCER_SERVICE) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) def get_loadbalancer_statistics(self, edge_id): uri = self._build_uri_path(edge_id, LOADBALANCER_STATS) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) def enable_service_loadbalancer(self, edge_id, config): uri = self._build_uri_path(edge_id, LOADBALANCER_SERVICE) return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, config) def sync_firewall(self): for cluster_id in cfg.CONF.nsxv.cluster_moid: uri = '/api/4.0/firewall/forceSync/%s' % cluster_id self.do_request(HTTP_POST, uri) def update_firewall(self, edge_id, fw_req): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, FIREWALL_SERVICE) return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, fw_req) def delete_firewall(self, edge_id): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, FIREWALL_SERVICE, None) return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri) def update_firewall_rule(self, edge_id, vcns_rule_id, fwr_req): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, FIREWALL_SERVICE, FIREWALL_RULE_RESOURCE, vcns_rule_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, fwr_req) def delete_firewall_rule(self, edge_id, vcns_rule_id): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, FIREWALL_SERVICE, FIREWALL_RULE_RESOURCE, vcns_rule_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri) def add_firewall_rule_above(self, edge_id, ref_vcns_rule_id, fwr_req): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, FIREWALL_SERVICE, FIREWALL_RULE_RESOURCE) uri += "?aboveRuleId=" + ref_vcns_rule_id return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, uri, fwr_req) def add_firewall_rule(self, edge_id, fwr_req): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, FIREWALL_SERVICE, FIREWALL_RULE_RESOURCE) return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, uri, fwr_req) def update_firewall_default_policy(self, edge_id, fw_req): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, FIREWALL_SERVICE, 'defaultpolicy') return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, fw_req) def get_firewall(self, edge_id): uri = self._build_uri_path(edge_id, FIREWALL_SERVICE) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) def get_firewall_rule(self, edge_id, vcns_rule_id): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, FIREWALL_SERVICE, FIREWALL_RULE_RESOURCE, vcns_rule_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) # #Edge LBAAS call helper # def create_vip(self, edge_id, vip_new): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, LOADBALANCER_SERVICE, VIP_RESOURCE) return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, uri, vip_new) def get_vip(self, edge_id, vip_vseid): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, LOADBALANCER_SERVICE, VIP_RESOURCE, vip_vseid) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) def get_vips(self, edge_id): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, LOADBALANCER_SERVICE, VIP_RESOURCE) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) def update_vip(self, edge_id, vip_vseid, vip_new): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, LOADBALANCER_SERVICE, VIP_RESOURCE, vip_vseid) return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, vip_new) def delete_vip(self, edge_id, vip_vseid): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, LOADBALANCER_SERVICE, VIP_RESOURCE, vip_vseid) return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri) def create_pool(self, edge_id, pool_new): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, LOADBALANCER_SERVICE, POOL_RESOURCE) return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, uri, pool_new) def get_pool(self, edge_id, pool_vseid): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, LOADBALANCER_SERVICE, POOL_RESOURCE, pool_vseid) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) def update_pool(self, edge_id, pool_vseid, pool_new): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, LOADBALANCER_SERVICE, POOL_RESOURCE, pool_vseid) return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, pool_new) def delete_pool(self, edge_id, pool_vseid): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, LOADBALANCER_SERVICE, POOL_RESOURCE, pool_vseid) return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri) def create_health_monitor(self, edge_id, monitor_new): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, LOADBALANCER_SERVICE, MONITOR_RESOURCE) return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, uri, monitor_new) def get_health_monitor(self, edge_id, monitor_vseid): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, LOADBALANCER_SERVICE, MONITOR_RESOURCE, monitor_vseid) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) def update_health_monitor(self, edge_id, monitor_vseid, monitor_new): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, LOADBALANCER_SERVICE, MONITOR_RESOURCE, monitor_vseid) return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, monitor_new) def delete_health_monitor(self, edge_id, monitor_vseid): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, LOADBALANCER_SERVICE, MONITOR_RESOURCE, monitor_vseid) return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri) def create_app_profile(self, edge_id, app_profile): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, LOADBALANCER_SERVICE, APP_PROFILE_RESOURCE) return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, uri, app_profile) def update_app_profile(self, edge_id, app_profileid, app_profile): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, LOADBALANCER_SERVICE, APP_PROFILE_RESOURCE, app_profileid) return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, app_profile) def delete_app_profile(self, edge_id, app_profileid): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, LOADBALANCER_SERVICE, APP_PROFILE_RESOURCE, app_profileid) return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri) def create_app_rule(self, edge_id, app_rule): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, LOADBALANCER_SERVICE, APP_RULE_RESOURCE) return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, uri, app_rule) def update_app_rule(self, edge_id, app_ruleid, app_rule): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, LOADBALANCER_SERVICE, APP_RULE_RESOURCE, app_ruleid) return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, app_rule) def delete_app_rule(self, edge_id, app_ruleid): uri = self._build_uri_path( edge_id, LOADBALANCER_SERVICE, APP_RULE_RESOURCE, app_ruleid) return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri) def update_ipsec_config(self, edge_id, ipsec_config): uri = self._build_uri_path(edge_id, IPSEC_VPN_SERVICE) return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, ipsec_config) def delete_ipsec_config(self, edge_id): uri = self._build_uri_path(edge_id, IPSEC_VPN_SERVICE) return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri) def get_ipsec_config(self, edge_id): uri = self._build_uri_path(edge_id, IPSEC_VPN_SERVICE) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri) @retry_upon_exception(exceptions.RequestBad) def create_virtual_wire(self, vdn_scope_id, request): """Creates a VXLAN virtual wire The method will return the virtual wire ID. """ uri = '/api/2.0/vdn/scopes/%s/virtualwires' % vdn_scope_id return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, uri, request, format='xml', decode=False) def delete_virtual_wire(self, virtualwire_id): """Deletes a virtual wire.""" uri = '/api/2.0/vdn/virtualwires/%s' % virtualwire_id return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri, format='xml') def _get_virtual_wires(self, startindex=0): uri_prefix = '/api/2.0/vdn/virtualwires' uri = '%s?startIndex=%d' % (uri_prefix, startindex) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) def get_virtual_wires(self): """Get all virtual wires""" vws = [] h, d = self._get_virtual_wires() vws.extend(d['dataPage']['data']) paging_info = d['dataPage']['pagingInfo'] page_size = int(paging_info['pageSize']) count = int(paging_info['totalCount']) LOG.debug("There are total %s virtual wires and page size is %s", count, page_size) pages = int(count / page_size + 1) for i in range(1, pages): start_index = page_size * i h, d = self._get_virtual_wires(start_index) vws.extend(d['dataPage']['data']) return vws def create_port_group(self, dvs_id, request): """Creates a port group on a DVS The method will return the port group ID. """ uri = '/api/2.0/xvs/switches/%s/networks' % dvs_id return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, uri, request, format='xml', decode=False) def delete_port_group(self, dvs_id, portgroup_id): """Deletes a portgroup.""" uri = '/api/2.0/xvs/switches/%s/networks/%s' % (dvs_id, portgroup_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri, format='xml', decode=False) def get_vdn_switch(self, dvs_id): uri = '/api/2.0/vdn/switches/%s' % dvs_id return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) def update_vdn_switch(self, switch): uri = '/api/2.0/vdn/switches' return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, switch) def query_interface(self, edge_id, vnic_index): uri = "%s/%s/vnics/%d" % (URI_PREFIX, edge_id, vnic_index) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) def reconfigure_dhcp_service(self, edge_id, request_config): """Reconfigure dhcp static bindings in the created Edge.""" uri = "/api/4.0/edges/%s/dhcp/config" % edge_id return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, request_config) def query_dhcp_configuration(self, edge_id): """Query DHCP configuration from the specific edge.""" uri = "/api/4.0/edges/%s/dhcp/config" % edge_id return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri) def create_dhcp_binding(self, edge_id, request_config): """Append one dhcp static binding on the edge.""" uri = self._build_uri_path(edge_id, DHCP_SERVICE, DHCP_BINDING_RESOURCE) return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, uri, request_config, decode=False) def delete_dhcp_binding(self, edge_id, binding_id): """Delete one dhcp static binding on the edge.""" uri = self._build_uri_path(edge_id, DHCP_SERVICE, DHCP_BINDING_RESOURCE, binding_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri, decode=False) def get_dhcp_binding(self, edge_id, binding_id): """Get a dhcp static binding from the edge.""" uri = self._build_uri_path(edge_id, DHCP_SERVICE, DHCP_BINDING_RESOURCE, binding_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) def create_security_group(self, request): """Creates a security group container in nsx. The method will return the security group ID. """ uri = '%s/globalroot-0' % (SECURITYGROUP_PREFIX) return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, uri, request, format='xml', decode=False) def delete_security_group(self, securitygroup_id): """Deletes a security group container.""" uri = '%s/%s?force=true' % (SECURITYGROUP_PREFIX, securitygroup_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri, format='xml', decode=False) def update_security_group(self, sg_id, sg_name, description): """Updates the NSXv security group name.""" uri = '%s/%s' % (SECURITYGROUP_PREFIX, sg_id) h, c = self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, format='xml', decode=False) sg = et.fromstring(c) sg.find('name').text = sg_name sg.find('description').text = description return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, et.tostring(sg), format='xml', decode=False, encode=False) def list_security_groups(self): uri = '%s/scope/globalroot-0' % SECURITYGROUP_PREFIX return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, format='xml', decode=False) def get_security_group_id(self, sg_name): """Returns NSXv security group id which match the given name.""" h, secgroups = self.list_security_groups() root = utils.normalize_xml(secgroups) for sg in root.iter('securitygroup'): if sg.find('name').text == sg_name: return sg.find('objectId').text @retry_upon_exception(exceptions.VcnsApiException) def create_bridge(self, edge_id, request): """Create a bridge.""" uri = self._build_uri_path(edge_id, BRIDGE) return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, request, format='xml', decode=False) @retry_upon_exception(exceptions.VcnsApiException) def delete_bridge(self, edge_id): """Delete a bridge.""" uri = self._build_uri_path(edge_id, BRIDGE) return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri, format='xml', decode=False) def create_redirect_section(self, request): """Creates a layer 3 redirect section in nsx rule table. The method will return the uri to newly created section. """ sec_type = FIREWALL_REDIRECT_SEC_TYPE uri = '%s/%s?autoSaveDraft=false' % (FIREWALL_PREFIX, sec_type) uri += '&operation=insert_before&anchorId=1002' return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, uri, request, format='xml', decode=False, encode=False) def create_section(self, type, request, insert_top=False, insert_before=None): """Creates a layer 3 or layer 2 section in nsx rule table. The method will return the uri to newly created section. """ if type == 'ip': sec_type = 'layer3sections' else: sec_type = 'layer2sections' uri = '%s/%s?autoSaveDraft=false' % (FIREWALL_PREFIX, sec_type) if insert_top: uri += '&operation=insert_top' # We want to place security-group sections before the default cluster # section, and we want to place the default cluster section before the # global default section. elif insert_before: uri += '&operation=insert_before&anchorId=%s' % insert_before else: uri += '&operation=insert_before&anchorId=1003' return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, uri, request, format='xml', decode=False, encode=False) def update_section(self, section_uri, request, h): """Replaces a section in nsx rule table.""" uri = '%s?autoSaveDraft=false' % section_uri headers = self._get_section_header(section_uri, h) return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, request, format='xml', decode=False, encode=False, headers=headers) def delete_section(self, section_uri): """Deletes a section in nsx rule table.""" uri = '%s?autoSaveDraft=false' % section_uri return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri, format='xml', decode=False) def get_section(self, section_uri): return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, section_uri, format='xml', decode=False) def get_default_l3_id(self): """Retrieve the id of the default l3 section.""" h, firewall_config = self.get_dfw_config() root = utils.normalize_xml(firewall_config) for child in root: if str(child.tag) == 'layer3Sections': sections = list(child.iter('section')) default = sections[-1] return default.attrib['id'] def get_dfw_config(self): uri = FIREWALL_PREFIX return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=False, format='xml') def update_dfw_config(self, request, h): uri = FIREWALL_PREFIX headers = self._get_section_header(None, h) return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, request, format='xml', decode=False, encode=False, headers=headers) def get_section_id(self, section_name): """Retrieve the id of a section from nsx.""" h, firewall_config = self.get_dfw_config() root = utils.normalize_xml(firewall_config) for sec in root.iter('section'): if sec.attrib['name'] == section_name: return sec.attrib['id'] def update_section_by_id(self, id, type, request): """Update a section while building its uri from the id.""" if type == 'ip': sec_type = 'layer3sections' else: sec_type = 'layer2sections' section_uri = '%s/%s/%s' % (FIREWALL_PREFIX, sec_type, id) self.update_section(section_uri, request, h=None) def _get_section_header(self, section_uri, h=None): if h is None: h, c = self.do_request(HTTP_GET, section_uri, format='xml', decode=False) etag = h['etag'] # remove extra "" from the etag etag = etag.replace('"', '') headers = {'If-Match': etag} return headers def remove_rule_from_section(self, section_uri, rule_id): """Deletes a rule from nsx section table.""" uri = '%s/rules/%s?autoSaveDraft=false' % (section_uri, rule_id) headers = self._get_section_header(section_uri) return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri, format='xml', headers=headers) def get_section_rules(self, section_uri): headers = self._get_section_header(section_uri) h, c = self.do_request(HTTP_GET, section_uri, headers=headers, decode=True) return c['rules'] @retry_upon_exception(exceptions.RequestBad) def add_member_to_security_group(self, security_group_id, member_id): """Adds a vnic member to nsx security group.""" uri = '%s/%s/members/%s?failIfExists=false' % ( SECURITYGROUP_PREFIX, security_group_id, member_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, format='xml', decode=False) def remove_member_from_security_group(self, security_group_id, member_id): """Removes a vnic member from nsx security group.""" uri = '%s/%s/members/%s?failIfAbsent=false' % ( SECURITYGROUP_PREFIX, security_group_id, member_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri, format='xml', decode=False) def set_system_control(self, edge_id, prop): uri = self._build_uri_path(edge_id, SYSCTL_SERVICE) payload = { 'featureType': 'systemcontrol', 'property': prop } return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, payload, decode=True) def _get_enforcement_point_body(self, enforcement_points): e_point_list = [] for enforcement_point in enforcement_points: e_point_list.append({ 'enforcementPoint': { 'id': enforcement_point, 'type': enforcement_point.split('-')[0] } }) return {'__enforcementPoints': e_point_list} @retry_upon_exception_exclude_error_codes( exceptions.RequestBad, [constants.NSX_ERROR_ALREADY_HAS_SG_POLICY]) def create_spoofguard_policy(self, enforcement_points, name, enable): uri = '%s/policies/' % SPOOFGUARD_PREFIX body = {'spoofguardPolicy': {'name': name, 'operationMode': 'MANUAL' if enable else 'DISABLE', 'allowLocalIPs': 'true'}} body['spoofguardPolicy'].update( self._get_enforcement_point_body(enforcement_points)) return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, uri, body, format='xml', encode=True, decode=False) @retry_upon_exception(exceptions.RequestBad) def update_spoofguard_policy(self, policy_id, enforcement_points, name, enable): update_uri = '%s/policies/%s' % (SPOOFGUARD_PREFIX, policy_id) publish_uri = '%s/%s?action=publish' % (SPOOFGUARD_PREFIX, policy_id) body = {'spoofguardPolicy': {'policyId': policy_id, 'name': name, 'operationMode': 'MANUAL' if enable else 'DISABLE', 'allowLocalIPs': 'true'}} body['spoofguardPolicy'].update( self._get_enforcement_point_body(enforcement_points)) self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, update_uri, body, format='xml', encode=True, decode=False) return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, publish_uri, decode=False) @retry_upon_exception(exceptions.RequestBad) def delete_spoofguard_policy(self, policy_id): uri = '%s/policies/%s' % (SPOOFGUARD_PREFIX, policy_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri, decode=False) def get_spoofguard_policy(self, policy_id): uri = '%s/policies/%s' % (SPOOFGUARD_PREFIX, policy_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) def get_spoofguard_policy_data(self, policy_id, list_type='ALL'): uri = '%s/%s?list=%s' % (SPOOFGUARD_PREFIX, policy_id, list_type) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) def get_spoofguard_policies(self): uri = '%s/policies/' % SPOOFGUARD_PREFIX return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) def _approve_assigned_addresses(self, policy_id, vnic_id, mac_addr, addresses): uri = '%s/%s' % (SPOOFGUARD_PREFIX, policy_id) addresses = [{'ipAddress': ip_addr} for ip_addr in addresses] body = {'spoofguardList': {'spoofguard': {'id': vnic_id, 'vnicUuid': vnic_id, 'approvedIpAddress': addresses, 'approvedMacAddress': mac_addr, 'publishedIpAddress': addresses, 'publishedMacAddress': mac_addr}}} try: return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, '%s?action=approve' % uri, body, format='xml', decode=False) except exceptions.VcnsApiException as e: nsx_errcode = self.xmlapi_client._get_nsx_errorcode(e.response) if nsx_errcode == constants.NSX_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS: LOG.warning("Spoofguard entry for %s already exists", vnic_id) raise exceptions.AlreadyExists(resource=vnic_id) # raise original exception for retries raise @retry_upon_exception(exceptions.RequestBad) def approve_assigned_addresses(self, policy_id, vnic_id, mac_addr, addresses): return self._approve_assigned_addresses( policy_id, vnic_id, mac_addr, addresses) @retry_upon_exception(exceptions.VcnsApiException) def publish_assigned_addresses(self, policy_id, vnic_id): uri = '%s/%s' % (SPOOFGUARD_PREFIX, policy_id) publish_vnic_uri = '%s?action=publish&vnicId=%s' % (uri, vnic_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, publish_vnic_uri, decode=False) def inactivate_vnic_assigned_addresses(self, policy_id, vnic_id): try: self._approve_assigned_addresses(policy_id, vnic_id, '', []) except exceptions.RequestBad: LOG.debug("Request failed: inactivate vnic %s assigned addresses", vnic_id) else: return self.publish_assigned_addresses(policy_id, vnic_id) def _build_uri_path(self, edge_id, service, resource=None, resource_id=None, parent_resource_id=None, fields=None, relations=None, filters=None, types=None, is_attachment=False, is_async=False): uri_prefix = "%s/%s/%s" % (URI_PREFIX, edge_id, service) if resource: res_path = resource + (resource_id and "/%s" % resource_id or '') uri_path = "%s/%s" % (uri_prefix, res_path) else: uri_path = uri_prefix if is_async: return (uri_path + "?async=true") return uri_path def add_vm_to_exclude_list(self, vm_id): uri = '%s/%s' % (EXCLUDELIST_PREFIX, vm_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri) def delete_vm_from_exclude_list(self, vm_id): uri = '%s/%s' % (EXCLUDELIST_PREFIX, vm_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri) def get_scoping_objects(self): uri = '%s/usermgmt/scopingobjects' % SERVICES_PREFIX h, scoping_objects = self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=False, format='xml') return scoping_objects def _scopingobjects_lookup(self, type_names, object_id, name=None, use_cache=False): """Look for a specific object in the NSX scoping objects.""" # used cached scoping objects during plugin init since it is # a big structure to retrieve and parse each time. if use_cache and self._normalized_scoping_objects is not None: # Use the cached data root = self._normalized_scoping_objects else: # Not using cache, or we do want to use it, # but it was not saved yet: # So get the data from the NSX and parse it so_list = self.get_scoping_objects() root = utils.normalize_xml(so_list) # Save it for possible usage next time (even if not using cache) self._normalized_scoping_objects = root for obj in root.iter('object'): if (obj.find('objectTypeName').text in type_names and obj.find('objectId').text == object_id and (name is None or obj.find('name').text == name)): return True return False def validate_datacenter_moid(self, object_id, during_init=False): return self._scopingobjects_lookup(['Datacenter'], object_id, use_cache=during_init) def validate_network(self, object_id, during_init=False): return self._scopingobjects_lookup(NETWORK_TYPES, object_id, use_cache=during_init) def validate_network_name(self, object_id, name, during_init=False): return self._scopingobjects_lookup(NETWORK_TYPES, object_id, name=name, use_cache=during_init) def validate_vdn_scope(self, object_id): uri = '%s/scopes' % VDN_PREFIX h, scope_list = self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=False, format='xml') root = utils.normalize_xml(scope_list) for obj_id in root.iter('objectId'): if obj_id.text == object_id: return True return False def get_dvs_list(self): uri = '%s/switches' % VDN_PREFIX h, dvs_list = self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=False, format='xml') root = utils.normalize_xml(dvs_list) dvs_list = [] for obj_id in root.iter('objectId'): if obj_id.text: dvs_list.append(obj_id.text) return dvs_list def validate_dvs(self, object_id, dvs_list=None): if not dvs_list: dvs_list = self.get_dvs_list() for dvs in dvs_list: if dvs == object_id: return True return False def validate_inventory(self, object_id): uri = '%s/inventory/%s/basicinfo' % (SERVICES_PREFIX, object_id) try: h, c = self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=False) except exceptions.ResourceNotFound: return False return True def get_inventory_name(self, object_id): uri = '%s/inventory/%s/basicinfo' % (SERVICES_PREFIX, object_id) h, c = self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) return c['name'] def _get_version(self): uri = '/api/2.0/services/vsmconfig' h, c = self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) version = c['version'] LOG.debug("NSX Version: %s", version) return version def get_version(self): if self._nsx_version is None: try: self._nsx_version = self._get_version() except Exception as e: # Versions prior to 6.2.0 do not support the above API LOG.error("Unable to get NSX version. Exception: %s", e) # Minimum supported version is 6.1 return '6.1' return self._nsx_version def get_tuning_configuration(self): uri = '/api/4.0/edgePublish/tuningConfiguration' h, c = self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) return c def configure_aggregate_publishing(self): uri = "/api/4.0/edgePublish/tuningConfiguration" # Ensure that configured values are not changed config = self.get_tuning_configuration() LOG.debug("Tuning configuration: %s", config) tuning = et.Element('tuningConfiguration') for opt, val in config.items(): child = et.Element(opt) if opt == 'aggregatePublishing': child.text = 'true' else: child.text = str(val) tuning.append(child) return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, et.tostring(tuning), format='xml', decode=True) def configure_reservations(self): uri = "/api/4.0/edgePublish/tuningConfiguration" config = self.get_tuning_configuration() tuning = et.Element('tuningConfiguration') for opt, val in config.items(): child = et.Element(opt) if (opt == 'edgeVCpuReservationPercentage' or opt == 'edgeMemoryReservationPercentage'): child.text = '0' elif opt == 'megaHertzPerVCpu': child.text = '1500' else: child.text = str(val) tuning.append(child) return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, et.tostring(tuning), format='xml', decode=True) def enable_ha(self, edge_id, request_config): """Enable HA in the given edge.""" uri = "/api/4.0/edges/%s/highavailability/config" % edge_id return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, request_config) def change_edge_appliance_size(self, edge_id, size): """Change the size of edge appliances.""" uri = ("/api/4.0/edges/%s/appliances/?size=%s" % (edge_id, size)) return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, uri) def change_edge_appliance(self, edge_id, request): uri = "/api/4.0/edges/%s/appliances" % edge_id return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, request) def get_edge_appliances(self, edge_id): uri = "/api/4.0/edges/%s/appliances" % edge_id return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri) def upload_edge_certificate(self, edge_id, request): """Creates a certificate on the specified Edge appliance.""" uri = '%s/%s/%s' % (TRUSTSTORE_PREFIX, CERTIFICATE, edge_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, uri, request, decode=True) def create_csr(self, edge_id, request=nsxv_constants.CSR_REQUEST): """Create a CSR on the specified Edge appliance.""" uri = '%s/%s/%s' % (TRUSTSTORE_PREFIX, CSR, edge_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, uri, request, format='xml', decode=False) def create_csr_cert(self, csr_id): """Create a CSR self signed cert on the specified Edge appliance.""" uri = '%s/%s/%s?noOfDays=%s' % (TRUSTSTORE_PREFIX, CSR, csr_id, nsxv_constants.CERT_NUMBER_OF_DAYS) return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri) def get_service_insertion_profile(self, profile_id): profiles_uri = '%s/%s' % (SERVICE_INSERTION_PROFILE_PREFIX, profile_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, profiles_uri, format='xml', decode=False) def update_service_insertion_profile_binding(self, profile_id, request): profiles_uri = '%s/%s/%s' % (SERVICE_INSERTION_PROFILE_PREFIX, profile_id, 'binding') return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, profiles_uri, request, format='xml', decode=False) def create_ipam_ip_pool(self, request): uri = '%s/%s/%s' % (SERVICES_PREFIX, IPAM_POOL_SERVICE, IPAM_POOL_SCOPE) return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, uri, request, format='xml', decode=False) def delete_ipam_ip_pool(self, pool_id): uri = '%s/%s/%s' % (SERVICES_PREFIX, IPAM_POOL_SERVICE, pool_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri) def get_ipam_ip_pool(self, pool_id): uri = '%s/%s/%s' % (SERVICES_PREFIX, IPAM_POOL_SERVICE, pool_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) def allocate_ipam_ip_from_pool(self, pool_id, ip_addr=None): uri = '%s/%s/%s/%s' % (SERVICES_PREFIX, IPAM_POOL_SERVICE, pool_id, 'ipaddresses') if ip_addr: request = {'ipAddressRequest': {'allocationMode': 'RESERVE', 'ipAddress': ip_addr}} else: request = {'ipAddressRequest': {'allocationMode': 'ALLOCATE'}} return self.do_request(HTTP_POST, uri, request, format='xml', decode=False) def release_ipam_ip_to_pool(self, pool_id, ip_addr): uri = '%s/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (SERVICES_PREFIX, IPAM_POOL_SERVICE, pool_id, 'ipaddresses', ip_addr) return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri) def get_security_policy(self, policy_id, return_xml=True): # get the policy configuration as an xml string / dictionary uri = '%s/%s' % (SECURITY_POLICY_PREFIX, policy_id) if return_xml: format = 'xml' decode = False else: format = 'json' decode = True h, policy = self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, format=format, decode=decode) return policy def update_security_policy(self, policy_id, request): # update the policy configuration. request should be an xml string uri = '%s/%s' % (SECURITY_POLICY_PREFIX, policy_id) return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, request, format='xml', decode=False, encode=True) def get_security_policies(self): # get the policies configuration dictionary uri = '%s/all' % (SECURITY_POLICY_PREFIX) h, policies = self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) return policies def list_applications(self): uri = '%s/scope/globalroot-0' % APPLICATION_PREFIX h, apps = self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) return apps def update_edge_routing_config(self, edge_id, request_config): uri = self._build_uri_path(edge_id, ROUTING_CONFIG) return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, VcnsApiClient.xmldumps(request_config), format='xml') def get_edge_routing_config(self, edge_id): uri = self._build_uri_path(edge_id, ROUTING_CONFIG) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri) def update_bgp_dynamic_routing(self, edge_id, bgp_request): uri = self._build_uri_path(edge_id, BGP_ROUTING_CONFIG) return self.do_request(HTTP_PUT, uri, VcnsApiClient.xmldumps(bgp_request), format='xml') def get_bgp_routing_config(self, edge_id): uri = self._build_uri_path(edge_id, BGP_ROUTING_CONFIG) return self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri) def delete_bgp_routing_config(self, edge_id): uri = self._build_uri_path(edge_id, BGP_ROUTING_CONFIG) return self.do_request(HTTP_DELETE, uri) def get_global_objects(self): uri = '%s/application/scope/globalroot-0' % SERVICES_PREFIX h, scoping_objects = self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=False, format='xml') return scoping_objects def _globalobjects_lookup(self, name, use_cache=False): """Return objectId a specific name in the NSX global objects.""" # used cached scoping objects during plugin init since it is # a big structure to retrieve and parse each time. if use_cache and self._normalized_global_objects is not None: # Use the cached data root = self._normalized_global_objects else: # Not using cache, or we do want to use it, # but it was not saved yet: # So get the data from the NSX and parse it so_list = self.get_global_objects() root = utils.normalize_xml(so_list) # Save it for possible usage next time (even if not using cache) self._normalized_global_objects = root for obj in root.iter('application'): if obj.find('name').text == name: return obj.find('objectId').text def get_application_id(self, name): return self._globalobjects_lookup(name, use_cache=True) def get_tz_connectivity_info(self, vdn_scope_id): uri = '%s/%s' % (TZ_CONNECTIVITY_PREFIX, vdn_scope_id) h, info = self.do_request(HTTP_GET, uri, decode=True) return info