# Copyright 2013 VMware, Inc # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import excutils from vmware_nsx._i18n import _ from vmware_nsx.common import exceptions as nsx_exc from vmware_nsx.db import nsxv_db from vmware_nsx.plugins.nsx_v.vshield.common import ( exceptions as vcns_exc) LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) VSE_FWAAS_ALLOW = "accept" VSE_FWAAS_DENY = "deny" VSE_FWAAS_REJECT = "reject" FWAAS_ALLOW = "allow" FWAAS_DENY = "deny" FWAAS_REJECT = "reject" FWAAS_ALLOW_EXT_RULE_NAME = 'Allow To External' class EdgeFirewallDriver(object): """Implementation of driver APIs for Edge Firewall feature configuration """ def __init__(self): super(EdgeFirewallDriver, self).__init__() self._icmp_echo_application_ids = None def _convert_firewall_action(self, action): if action == FWAAS_ALLOW: return VSE_FWAAS_ALLOW elif action == FWAAS_DENY: return VSE_FWAAS_DENY elif action == FWAAS_REJECT: return VSE_FWAAS_REJECT else: msg = _("Invalid action value %s in a firewall rule") % action raise vcns_exc.VcnsBadRequest(resource='firewall_rule', msg=msg) def _restore_firewall_action(self, action): if action == VSE_FWAAS_ALLOW: return FWAAS_ALLOW elif action == VSE_FWAAS_DENY: return FWAAS_DENY elif action == VSE_FWAAS_REJECT: return FWAAS_REJECT else: msg = (_("Invalid action value %s in " "a vshield firewall rule") % action) raise vcns_exc.VcnsBadRequest(resource='firewall_rule', msg=msg) def _get_port_range(self, min_port, max_port): if not min_port or min_port == 'any': return None if min_port == max_port: return str(min_port) else: return '%d:%d' % (min_port, max_port) def _get_ports_list_from_string(self, port_str): """Receives a string representation of the service ports, and return a list of integers Supported formats: Empty string - no ports "number" - a single port "num1:num2" - a range "num1,num2,num3" - a list """ if not port_str or port_str == 'any': return [] if ':' in port_str: min_port, sep, max_port = port_str.partition(":") return ["%s-%s" % (int(min_port.strip()), int(max_port.strip()))] if ',' in port_str: # remove duplications (using set) and empty/non numeric entries ports_set = set() for orig_port in port_str.split(','): port = orig_port.strip() if port and port.isdigit(): ports_set.add(int(port)) return sorted(list(ports_set)) else: return [int(port_str.strip())] def _convert_firewall_rule(self, rule, index=None): vcns_rule = { "action": self._convert_firewall_action(rule['action']), "enabled": rule.get('enabled', True)} if rule.get('name'): vcns_rule['name'] = rule['name'] if rule.get('description'): vcns_rule['description'] = rule['description'] if rule.get('source_ip_address'): vcns_rule['source'] = { "ipAddress": rule['source_ip_address'] } if rule.get('source_vnic_groups'): vcns_rule['source'] = { "vnicGroupId": rule['source_vnic_groups'] } if rule.get('destination_ip_address'): vcns_rule['destination'] = { "ipAddress": rule['destination_ip_address'] } if rule.get('destination_vnic_groups'): vcns_rule['destination'] = { "vnicGroupId": rule['destination_vnic_groups'] } if rule.get('application'): vcns_rule['application'] = rule['application'] service = {} if rule.get('source_port'): service['sourcePort'] = self._get_ports_list_from_string( rule['source_port']) if rule.get('destination_port'): service['port'] = self._get_ports_list_from_string( rule['destination_port']) if rule.get('protocol'): service['protocol'] = rule['protocol'] if rule['protocol'] == 'icmp': if rule.get('icmp_type'): service['icmpType'] = rule['icmp_type'] else: service['icmpType'] = 'any' if rule.get('ruleId'): vcns_rule['ruleId'] = rule.get('ruleId') if service: vcns_rule['application'] = { 'service': [service] } if index: vcns_rule['ruleTag'] = index return vcns_rule def _restore_firewall_rule(self, context, edge_id, rule): fw_rule = {} rule_binding = nsxv_db.get_nsxv_edge_firewallrule_binding_by_vseid( context.session, edge_id, rule['ruleId']) if rule_binding: fw_rule['id'] = rule_binding['rule_id'] fw_rule['ruleId'] = rule['ruleId'] if rule.get('source'): src = rule['source'] fw_rule['source_ip_address'] = src['ipAddress'] fw_rule['source_vnic_groups'] = src['vnicGroupId'] if rule.get('destination'): dest = rule['destination'] fw_rule['destination_ip_address'] = dest['ipAddress'] fw_rule['destination_vnic_groups'] = dest['vnicGroupId'] if 'application' in rule and 'service' in rule['application']: service = rule['application']['service'][0] fw_rule['protocol'] = service['protocol'] if service.get('sourcePort'): fw_rule['source_port'] = self._get_port_range( service['sourcePort'][0], service['sourcePort'][-1]) if service.get('destination_port'): fw_rule['destination_port'] = self._get_port_range( service['port'][0], service['port'][-1]) fw_rule['action'] = self._restore_firewall_action(rule['action']) fw_rule['enabled'] = rule['enabled'] if rule.get('name'): fw_rule['name'] = rule['name'] if rule.get('description'): fw_rule['description'] = rule['description'] return fw_rule def _convert_firewall(self, firewall, allow_external=False): ruleTag = 1 vcns_rules = [] for rule in firewall['firewall_rule_list']: tag = rule.get('ruleTag', ruleTag) vcns_rule = self._convert_firewall_rule(rule, tag) vcns_rules.append(vcns_rule) if not rule.get('ruleTag'): ruleTag += 1 if allow_external: # Add the allow-external rule with the latest tag vcns_rules.append({'name': FWAAS_ALLOW_EXT_RULE_NAME, 'action': "accept", 'enabled': True, 'destination': {'vnicGroupId': ["external"]}, 'ruleTag': ruleTag}) return { 'featureType': "firewall_4.0", 'globalConfig': {'tcpTimeoutEstablished': 7200}, 'firewallRules': { 'firewallRules': vcns_rules}} def _restore_firewall(self, context, edge_id, response): res = {} res['firewall_rule_list'] = [] for rule in response['firewallRules']['firewallRules']: if rule.get('ruleType') == 'default_policy': continue firewall_rule = self._restore_firewall_rule(context, edge_id, rule) res['firewall_rule_list'].append({'firewall_rule': firewall_rule}) return res def _get_firewall(self, edge_id): try: return self.vcns.get_firewall(edge_id)[1] except vcns_exc.VcnsApiException as e: LOG.exception("Failed to get firewall with edge " "id: %s", edge_id) raise e def _get_firewall_rule_next(self, context, edge_id, rule_vseid): # Return the firewall rule below 'rule_vseid' fw_cfg = self._get_firewall(edge_id) for i in range(len(fw_cfg['firewallRules']['firewallRules'])): rule_cur = fw_cfg['firewallRules']['firewallRules'][i] if str(rule_cur['ruleId']) == rule_vseid: if (i + 1) == len(fw_cfg['firewallRules']['firewallRules']): return None else: return fw_cfg['firewallRules']['firewallRules'][i + 1] def get_firewall_rule(self, context, id, edge_id): rule_map = nsxv_db.get_nsxv_edge_firewallrule_binding( context.session, id, edge_id) if rule_map is None: msg = _("No rule id:%s found in the edge_firewall_binding") % id LOG.error(msg) raise vcns_exc.VcnsNotFound( resource='vcns_firewall_rule_bindings', msg=msg) vcns_rule_id = rule_map.rule_vseid try: response = self.vcns.get_firewall_rule( edge_id, vcns_rule_id)[1] except vcns_exc.VcnsApiException as e: LOG.exception("Failed to get firewall rule: %(rule_id)s " "with edge_id: %(edge_id)s", { 'rule_id': id, 'edge_id': edge_id}) raise e return self._restore_firewall_rule(context, edge_id, response) def get_firewall(self, context, edge_id): response = self._get_firewall(edge_id) return self._restore_firewall(context, edge_id, response) def delete_firewall(self, context, edge_id): try: self.vcns.delete_firewall(edge_id) except vcns_exc.VcnsApiException as e: LOG.exception("Failed to delete firewall " "with edge_id:%s", edge_id) raise e nsxv_db.cleanup_nsxv_edge_firewallrule_binding( context.session, edge_id) def update_firewall_rule(self, context, id, edge_id, firewall_rule): rule_map = nsxv_db.get_nsxv_edge_firewallrule_binding( context.session, id, edge_id) vcns_rule_id = rule_map.rule_vseid fwr_req = self._convert_firewall_rule(firewall_rule) try: self.vcns.update_firewall_rule(edge_id, vcns_rule_id, fwr_req) except vcns_exc.VcnsApiException: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.exception("Failed to update firewall rule: " "%(rule_id)s " "with edge_id: %(edge_id)s", {'rule_id': id, 'edge_id': edge_id}) def delete_firewall_rule(self, context, id, edge_id): rule_map = nsxv_db.get_nsxv_edge_firewallrule_binding( context.session, id, edge_id) vcns_rule_id = rule_map.rule_vseid try: self.vcns.delete_firewall_rule(edge_id, vcns_rule_id) except vcns_exc.VcnsApiException: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.exception("Failed to delete firewall rule: " "%(rule_id)s " "with edge_id: %(edge_id)s", {'rule_id': id, 'edge_id': edge_id}) nsxv_db.delete_nsxv_edge_firewallrule_binding( context.session, id) def _add_rule_above(self, context, ref_rule_id, edge_id, firewall_rule): rule_map = nsxv_db.get_nsxv_edge_firewallrule_binding( context.session, ref_rule_id, edge_id) ref_vcns_rule_id = rule_map.rule_vseid fwr_req = self._convert_firewall_rule(firewall_rule) try: header = self.vcns.add_firewall_rule_above( edge_id, ref_vcns_rule_id, fwr_req)[0] except vcns_exc.VcnsApiException: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.exception("Failed to add firewall rule above: " "%(rule_id)s with edge_id: %(edge_id)s", {'rule_id': ref_vcns_rule_id, 'edge_id': edge_id}) objuri = header['location'] fwr_vseid = objuri[objuri.rfind("/") + 1:] map_info = { 'rule_id': firewall_rule['id'], 'rule_vseid': fwr_vseid, 'edge_id': edge_id} nsxv_db.add_nsxv_edge_firewallrule_binding( context.session, map_info) def _add_rule_below(self, context, ref_rule_id, edge_id, firewall_rule): rule_map = nsxv_db.get_nsxv_edge_firewallrule_binding( context.session, ref_rule_id, edge_id) ref_vcns_rule_id = rule_map.rule_vseid fwr_vse_next = self._get_firewall_rule_next( context, edge_id, ref_vcns_rule_id) fwr_req = self._convert_firewall_rule(firewall_rule) if fwr_vse_next: ref_vcns_rule_id = fwr_vse_next['ruleId'] try: header = self.vcns.add_firewall_rule_above( edge_id, int(ref_vcns_rule_id), fwr_req)[0] except vcns_exc.VcnsApiException: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.exception("Failed to add firewall rule above: " "%(rule_id)s with edge_id: %(edge_id)s", {'rule_id': ref_vcns_rule_id, 'edge_id': edge_id}) else: # append the rule at the bottom try: header = self.vcns.add_firewall_rule( edge_id, fwr_req)[0] except vcns_exc.VcnsApiException: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.exception("Failed to append a firewall rule" "with edge_id: %s", edge_id) objuri = header['location'] fwr_vseid = objuri[objuri.rfind("/") + 1:] map_info = { 'rule_id': firewall_rule['id'], 'rule_vseid': fwr_vseid, 'edge_id': edge_id } nsxv_db.add_nsxv_edge_firewallrule_binding( context.session, map_info) def insert_rule(self, context, rule_info, edge_id, fwr): if rule_info.get('insert_before'): self._add_rule_above( context, rule_info['insert_before'], edge_id, fwr) elif rule_info.get('insert_after'): self._add_rule_below( context, rule_info['insert_after'], edge_id, fwr) else: msg = _("Can't execute insert rule operation " "without reference rule_id") raise vcns_exc.VcnsBadRequest(resource='firewall_rule', msg=msg) def update_firewall(self, edge_id, firewall, context, allow_external=True): config = self._convert_firewall(firewall, allow_external=allow_external) try: self.vcns.update_firewall(edge_id, config) except vcns_exc.VcnsApiException: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): LOG.exception("Failed to update firewall " "with edge_id: %s", edge_id) vcns_fw_config = self._get_firewall(edge_id) nsxv_db.cleanup_nsxv_edge_firewallrule_binding( context.session, edge_id) self._create_rule_id_mapping( context, edge_id, firewall, vcns_fw_config) def _create_rule_id_mapping( self, context, edge_id, firewall, vcns_fw): for rule in vcns_fw['firewallRules']['firewallRules']: if rule.get('ruleTag'): index = rule['ruleTag'] - 1 # TODO(linb):a simple filter of the retrieved rules which may # be created by other operations unintentionally if index < len(firewall['firewall_rule_list']): rule_vseid = rule['ruleId'] rule_id = firewall['firewall_rule_list'][index].get('id') if rule_id: map_info = { 'rule_id': rule_id, 'rule_vseid': rule_vseid, 'edge_id': edge_id } nsxv_db.add_nsxv_edge_firewallrule_binding( context.session, map_info) def get_icmp_echo_application_ids(self): # check cached list first # (if backend version changes, neutron should be restarted) if self._icmp_echo_application_ids: return self._icmp_echo_application_ids self._icmp_echo_application_ids = self.get_application_ids( ['ICMP Echo', 'IPv6-ICMP Echo']) if not self._icmp_echo_application_ids: raise nsx_exc.NsxResourceNotFound( res_name='ICMP Echo', res_id='') return self._icmp_echo_application_ids def get_application_ids(self, application_names): results = self.vcns.list_applications() application_ids = [] for result in results: for name in application_names: if result['name'] == name: application_ids.append(result['objectId']) return application_ids