# Copyright 2013 New Dream Network, LLC (DreamHost) # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # @author: Mark McClain, DreamHost import os import shutil import socket import netaddr from oslo.config import cfg from neutron.agent.common import config from neutron.agent.linux import ip_lib from neutron.agent.linux import utils from neutron.common import exceptions from neutron.common import utils as n_utils from neutron.openstack.common import excutils from neutron.openstack.common import importutils from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging from neutron.plugins.common import constants from neutron.services.loadbalancer.agent import agent_device_driver from neutron.services.loadbalancer import constants as lb_const from neutron.services.loadbalancer.drivers.haproxy import cfg as hacfg LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) NS_PREFIX = 'qlbaas-' DRIVER_NAME = 'haproxy_ns' STATE_PATH_DEFAULT = '$state_path/lbaas' USER_GROUP_DEFAULT = 'nogroup' OPTS = [ cfg.StrOpt( 'loadbalancer_state_path', default=STATE_PATH_DEFAULT, help=_('Location to store config and state files'), deprecated_opts=[cfg.DeprecatedOpt('loadbalancer_state_path', group='DEFAULT')], ), cfg.StrOpt( 'user_group', default=USER_GROUP_DEFAULT, help=_('The user group'), deprecated_opts=[cfg.DeprecatedOpt('user_group', group='DEFAULT')], ), cfg.IntOpt( 'send_gratuitous_arp', default=3, help=_('When delete and re-add the same vip, send this many ' 'gratuitous ARPs to flush the ARP cache in the Router. ' 'Set it below or equal to 0 to disable this feature.'), ) ] cfg.CONF.register_opts(OPTS, 'haproxy') class HaproxyNSDriver(agent_device_driver.AgentDeviceDriver): def __init__(self, conf, plugin_rpc): self.conf = conf self.root_helper = config.get_root_helper(conf) self.state_path = conf.haproxy.loadbalancer_state_path try: vif_driver = importutils.import_object(conf.interface_driver, conf) except ImportError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): msg = (_('Error importing interface driver: %s') % conf.interface_driver) LOG.error(msg) self.vif_driver = vif_driver self.plugin_rpc = plugin_rpc self.pool_to_port_id = {} @classmethod def get_name(cls): return DRIVER_NAME def create(self, logical_config): pool_id = logical_config['pool']['id'] namespace = get_ns_name(pool_id) self._plug(namespace, logical_config['vip']['port']) self._spawn(logical_config) def update(self, logical_config): pool_id = logical_config['pool']['id'] pid_path = self._get_state_file_path(pool_id, 'pid') extra_args = ['-sf'] extra_args.extend(p.strip() for p in open(pid_path, 'r')) self._spawn(logical_config, extra_args) def _spawn(self, logical_config, extra_cmd_args=()): pool_id = logical_config['pool']['id'] namespace = get_ns_name(pool_id) conf_path = self._get_state_file_path(pool_id, 'conf') pid_path = self._get_state_file_path(pool_id, 'pid') sock_path = self._get_state_file_path(pool_id, 'sock') user_group = self.conf.haproxy.user_group hacfg.save_config(conf_path, logical_config, sock_path, user_group) cmd = ['haproxy', '-f', conf_path, '-p', pid_path] cmd.extend(extra_cmd_args) ns = ip_lib.IPWrapper(self.root_helper, namespace) ns.netns.execute(cmd) # remember the pool<>port mapping self.pool_to_port_id[pool_id] = logical_config['vip']['port']['id'] @n_utils.synchronized('haproxy-driver') def undeploy_instance(self, pool_id, cleanup_namespace=False): namespace = get_ns_name(pool_id) ns = ip_lib.IPWrapper(self.root_helper, namespace) pid_path = self._get_state_file_path(pool_id, 'pid') # kill the process kill_pids_in_file(self.root_helper, pid_path) # unplug the ports if pool_id in self.pool_to_port_id: self._unplug(namespace, self.pool_to_port_id[pool_id]) # delete all devices from namespace; # used when deleting orphans and port_id is not known for pool_id if cleanup_namespace: for device in ns.get_devices(exclude_loopback=True): self.vif_driver.unplug(device.name, namespace=namespace) # remove the configuration directory conf_dir = os.path.dirname(self._get_state_file_path(pool_id, '')) if os.path.isdir(conf_dir): shutil.rmtree(conf_dir) ns.garbage_collect_namespace() def exists(self, pool_id): namespace = get_ns_name(pool_id) root_ns = ip_lib.IPWrapper(self.root_helper) socket_path = self._get_state_file_path(pool_id, 'sock', False) if root_ns.netns.exists(namespace) and os.path.exists(socket_path): try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(socket_path) return True except socket.error: pass return False def get_stats(self, pool_id): socket_path = self._get_state_file_path(pool_id, 'sock', False) TYPE_BACKEND_REQUEST = 2 TYPE_SERVER_REQUEST = 4 if os.path.exists(socket_path): parsed_stats = self._get_stats_from_socket( socket_path, entity_type=TYPE_BACKEND_REQUEST | TYPE_SERVER_REQUEST) pool_stats = self._get_backend_stats(parsed_stats) pool_stats['members'] = self._get_servers_stats(parsed_stats) return pool_stats else: LOG.warn(_('Stats socket not found for pool %s'), pool_id) return {} def _get_backend_stats(self, parsed_stats): TYPE_BACKEND_RESPONSE = '1' for stats in parsed_stats: if stats.get('type') == TYPE_BACKEND_RESPONSE: unified_stats = dict((k, stats.get(v, '')) for k, v in hacfg.STATS_MAP.items()) return unified_stats return {} def _get_servers_stats(self, parsed_stats): TYPE_SERVER_RESPONSE = '2' res = {} for stats in parsed_stats: if stats.get('type') == TYPE_SERVER_RESPONSE: res[stats['svname']] = { lb_const.STATS_STATUS: (constants.INACTIVE if stats['status'] == 'DOWN' else constants.ACTIVE), lb_const.STATS_HEALTH: stats['check_status'], lb_const.STATS_FAILED_CHECKS: stats['chkfail'] } return res def _get_stats_from_socket(self, socket_path, entity_type): try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(socket_path) s.send('show stat -1 %s -1\n' % entity_type) raw_stats = '' chunk_size = 1024 while True: chunk = s.recv(chunk_size) raw_stats += chunk if len(chunk) < chunk_size: break return self._parse_stats(raw_stats) except socket.error as e: LOG.warn(_('Error while connecting to stats socket: %s'), e) return {} def _parse_stats(self, raw_stats): stat_lines = raw_stats.splitlines() if len(stat_lines) < 2: return [] stat_names = [name.strip('# ') for name in stat_lines[0].split(',')] res_stats = [] for raw_values in stat_lines[1:]: if not raw_values: continue stat_values = [value.strip() for value in raw_values.split(',')] res_stats.append(dict(zip(stat_names, stat_values))) return res_stats def _get_state_file_path(self, pool_id, kind, ensure_state_dir=True): """Returns the file name for a given kind of config file.""" confs_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(self.state_path)) conf_dir = os.path.join(confs_dir, pool_id) if ensure_state_dir: if not os.path.isdir(conf_dir): os.makedirs(conf_dir, 0o755) return os.path.join(conf_dir, kind) def _plug(self, namespace, port, reuse_existing=True): self.plugin_rpc.plug_vip_port(port['id']) interface_name = self.vif_driver.get_device_name(Wrap(port)) if ip_lib.device_exists(interface_name, self.root_helper, namespace): if not reuse_existing: raise exceptions.PreexistingDeviceFailure( dev_name=interface_name ) else: self.vif_driver.plug( port['network_id'], port['id'], interface_name, port['mac_address'], namespace=namespace ) cidrs = [ '%s/%s' % (ip['ip_address'], netaddr.IPNetwork(ip['subnet']['cidr']).prefixlen) for ip in port['fixed_ips'] ] self.vif_driver.init_l3(interface_name, cidrs, namespace=namespace) gw_ip = port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet'].get('gateway_ip') if not gw_ip: host_routes = port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet'].get('host_routes', []) for host_route in host_routes: if host_route['destination'] == "": gw_ip = host_route['nexthop'] break if gw_ip: cmd = ['route', 'add', 'default', 'gw', gw_ip] ip_wrapper = ip_lib.IPWrapper(self.root_helper, namespace=namespace) ip_wrapper.netns.execute(cmd, check_exit_code=False) # When delete and re-add the same vip, we need to # send gratuitous ARP to flush the ARP cache in the Router. gratuitous_arp = self.conf.haproxy.send_gratuitous_arp if gratuitous_arp > 0: for ip in port['fixed_ips']: cmd_arping = ['arping', '-U', '-I', interface_name, '-c', gratuitous_arp, ip['ip_address']] ip_wrapper.netns.execute(cmd_arping, check_exit_code=False) def _unplug(self, namespace, port_id): port_stub = {'id': port_id} self.plugin_rpc.unplug_vip_port(port_id) interface_name = self.vif_driver.get_device_name(Wrap(port_stub)) self.vif_driver.unplug(interface_name, namespace=namespace) @n_utils.synchronized('haproxy-driver') def deploy_instance(self, logical_config): # do actual deploy only if vip and pool are configured and active if (not logical_config or 'vip' not in logical_config or (logical_config['vip']['status'] not in constants.ACTIVE_PENDING_STATUSES) or not logical_config['vip']['admin_state_up'] or (logical_config['pool']['status'] not in constants.ACTIVE_PENDING_STATUSES) or not logical_config['pool']['admin_state_up']): return if self.exists(logical_config['pool']['id']): self.update(logical_config) else: self.create(logical_config) def _refresh_device(self, pool_id): logical_config = self.plugin_rpc.get_logical_device(pool_id) self.deploy_instance(logical_config) def create_vip(self, vip): self._refresh_device(vip['pool_id']) def update_vip(self, old_vip, vip): self._refresh_device(vip['pool_id']) def delete_vip(self, vip): self.undeploy_instance(vip['pool_id']) def create_pool(self, pool): # nothing to do here because a pool needs a vip to be useful pass def update_pool(self, old_pool, pool): self._refresh_device(pool['id']) def delete_pool(self, pool): # delete_pool may be called before vip deletion in case # pool's admin state set to down if self.exists(pool['id']): self.undeploy_instance(pool['id']) def create_member(self, member): self._refresh_device(member['pool_id']) def update_member(self, old_member, member): self._refresh_device(member['pool_id']) def delete_member(self, member): self._refresh_device(member['pool_id']) def create_pool_health_monitor(self, health_monitor, pool_id): self._refresh_device(pool_id) def update_pool_health_monitor(self, old_health_monitor, health_monitor, pool_id): self._refresh_device(pool_id) def delete_pool_health_monitor(self, health_monitor, pool_id): self._refresh_device(pool_id) def remove_orphans(self, known_pool_ids): if not os.path.exists(self.state_path): return orphans = (pool_id for pool_id in os.listdir(self.state_path) if pool_id not in known_pool_ids) for pool_id in orphans: if self.exists(pool_id): self.undeploy_instance(pool_id, cleanup_namespace=True) # NOTE (markmcclain) For compliance with interface.py which expects objects class Wrap(object): """A light attribute wrapper for compatibility with the interface lib.""" def __init__(self, d): self.__dict__.update(d) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.__dict__[key] def get_ns_name(namespace_id): return NS_PREFIX + namespace_id def kill_pids_in_file(root_helper, pid_path): if os.path.exists(pid_path): with open(pid_path, 'r') as pids: for pid in pids: pid = pid.strip() try: utils.execute(['kill', '-9', pid], root_helper) except RuntimeError: LOG.exception( _('Unable to kill haproxy process: %s'), pid )