# Copyright 2014 Mellanox Technologies, Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import re from neutron.agent.linux import ip_lib from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging from neutron.plugins.sriovnicagent.common import exceptions as exc LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PciDeviceIPWrapper(ip_lib.IPWrapper): """Wrapper class for ip link commands. wrapper for getting/setting pci device details using ip link... """ VF_PATTERN = "^vf(\s+)(?P\d+)(\s+)" MAC_PATTERN = "MAC(\s+)(?P[a-fA-F0-9:]+)," STATE_PATTERN = "(\s+)link-state(\s+)(?P\w+)" ANY_PATTERN = "(.*)," VF_LINE_FORMAT = VF_PATTERN + MAC_PATTERN + ANY_PATTERN + STATE_PATTERN VF_DETAILS_REG_EX = re.compile(VF_LINE_FORMAT) class LinkState: ENABLE = "enable" DISABLE = "disable" def __init__(self, dev_name, root_helper=None): super(ip_lib.IPWrapper, self).__init__(root_helper=root_helper) self.dev_name = dev_name def get_assigned_macs(self, vf_list): """Get assigned mac addresses for vf list. @param vf_list: list of vf indexes @return: list of assigned mac addresses """ try: out = self._execute('', "link", ("show", self.dev_name), self.root_helper) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(_("Failed executing ip command")) raise exc.IpCommandError(dev_name=self.dev_name, reason=str(e)) vf_lines = self._get_vf_link_show(vf_list, out) vf_details_list = [] if vf_lines: for vf_line in vf_lines: vf_details = self._parse_vf_link_show(vf_line) if vf_details: vf_details_list.append(vf_details) return [details.get("MAC") for details in vf_details_list] def get_vf_state(self, vf_index): """Get vf state {True/False} @param vf_index: vf index @todo: Handle "auto" state """ try: out = self._execute('', "link", ("show", self.dev_name), self.root_helper) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(_("Failed executing ip command")) raise exc.IpCommandError(dev_name=self.dev_name, reason=str(e)) vf_lines = self._get_vf_link_show([vf_index], out) if vf_lines: vf_details = self._parse_vf_link_show(vf_lines[0]) if vf_details: state = vf_details.get("link-state", self.LinkState.DISABLE) if state != self.LinkState.DISABLE: return True return False def set_vf_state(self, vf_index, state): """sets vf state. @param vf_index: vf index @param state: required state {True/False} """ status_str = self.LinkState.ENABLE if state else \ self.LinkState.DISABLE try: self._execute('', "link", ("set", self.dev_name, "vf", str(vf_index), "state", status_str), self.root_helper) except Exception as e: LOG.exception(_("Failed executing ip command")) raise exc.IpCommandError(dev_name=self.dev_name, reason=str(e)) def _get_vf_link_show(self, vf_list, link_show_out): """Get link show output for VFs get vf link show command output filtered by given vf list @param vf_list: list of vf indexes @param link_show_out: link show command output @return: list of output rows regarding given vf_list """ vf_lines = [] for line in link_show_out.split("\n"): line = line.strip() if line.startswith("vf"): details = line.split() index = int(details[1]) if index in vf_list: vf_lines.append(line) if not vf_lines: LOG.warning(_("Cannot find vfs %(vfs)s in device %(dev_name)s"), {'vfs': vf_list, 'dev_name': self.dev_name}) return vf_lines def _parse_vf_link_show(self, vf_line): """Parses vf link show command output line. @param vf_line: link show vf line """ vf_details = {} pattern_match = self.VF_DETAILS_REG_EX.match(vf_line) if pattern_match: vf_details["vf"] = int(pattern_match.group("vf_index")) vf_details["MAC"] = pattern_match.group("mac") vf_details["link-state"] = pattern_match.group("state") else: LOG.warning(_("failed to parse vf link show line %(line)s: " "for %(device)s"), {'line': vf_line, 'device': self.dev_name}) return vf_details