# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # # Copyright 2011 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # @author: Edgar Magana, Cisco Systems # """ Network Library to insert services using Quantum APIs Currently has four functionalities: 1. insert_inpath_service 2. delete_service 3. connect_vm 4. disconnect_vm """ import logging import logging.handlers from optparse import OptionParser import os import re import subprocess import sys from quantum.plugins.cisco.common import cisco_constants as const from quantum.plugins.cisco.db import api as db from quantum.plugins.cisco.db import l2network_db as l2db from quantum.plugins.cisco.db import services_db as sdb from quantum.plugins.cisco.services import services_constants as servconts from quantum.plugins.cisco.services import services_logistics as servlogcs from quantumclient import Client LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def insert_inpath_service(tenant_id, service_image_id, management_net_name, northbound_net_name, southbound_net_name, *args): """Inserting a network service between two networks""" print ("Creating Network for Services and Servers") service_logic = servlogcs.ServicesLogistics() net_list = {} multiport_net_list = [] networks_name_list = [management_net_name, northbound_net_name, southbound_net_name] client = Client(HOST, PORT, USE_SSL, format='json', tenant=tenant_id) for net in networks_name_list: data = {servconts.NETWORK: {servconts.NAME: net}} net_list[net] = client.create_network(data) net_list[net][servconts.PORTS] = [] LOG.debug("Network %s Created with ID: %s " % ( net, net_list[net][servconts.NETWORK][servconts.ID])) print "Completed" print ("Creating Ports on Services and Server Networks") LOG.debug("Operation 'create_port' executed.") if not service_logic.verify_plugin(const.UCS_PLUGIN): for net in networks_name_list: net_list[net][servconts.PORTS].append (client.create_port (net_list[net][servconts.NETWORK][servconts.ID])) LOG.debug("Operation 'create_port' executed.") else: for net in networks_name_list: nets = net_list[net][servconts.NETWORK][servconts.ID] multiport_net_list.append(nets) data = create_multiport(tenant_id, multiport_net_list) net_idx = 0 for net in networks_name_list: port_id = data[servconts.PORTS][net_idx][servconts.ID] net_list[net][servconts.PORTS].append(port_id) LOG.debug("Port UUID: %s on network: %s" % (data[servconts.PORTS][net_idx][servconts.ID], net)) net_idx = net_idx + 1 print "Completed" try: create_vm_args = [] create_vm_args.append(servconts.CREATE_VM_CMD) create_vm_args.append(service_image_id) print ("Creating VM with image: %s" % (service_image_id)) process = subprocess.Popen(create_vm_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) result = process.stdout.readlines() tokens = re.search("i-[a-f0-9]*", str(result[1])) service_vm_name = tokens.group(0) print ("Image: %s instantiated successfully" % (service_vm_name)) except Exception as exc: print exc service_logic.image_status(service_vm_name) print "Completed" print "Attaching Ports To VM Service interfaces" try: idx = 0 for net in networks_name_list: network_id = net_list[net][servconts.NETWORK][servconts.ID] port_id = net_list[net][servconts.PORTS][idx] attachment = client.show_port_attachment(network_id, port_id) attachment = attachment[servconts.ATTACHMENT][servconts.ID][:36] LOG.debug(("Plugging virtual interface: %s of VM %s" "into port: %s on network: %s") % (attachment, service_vm_name, port_id, net)) attach_data = {servconts.ATTACHMENT: {servconts.ID: '%s' % attachment}} client.attach_resource(network_id, port_id, attach_data) except Exception as exc: print exc print "Completed" try: LOG.debug("Registering Service in DB") l2db.initialize() for uuid_net in db.network_id(networks_name_list[0]): mngnet_id = str(uuid_net.uuid) for uuid_net in db.network_id(networks_name_list[1]): nbnet_id = str(uuid_net.uuid) for uuid_net in db.network_id(networks_name_list[2]): sbnet_id = str(uuid_net.uuid) sdb.add_services_binding(service_vm_name, mngnet_id, nbnet_id, sbnet_id) except Exception as exc: print exc def delete_service(tenant_id, service_instance_id, *args): """ Removes a service and all the network configuration """ l2db.initialize() print ("Terminating Service VM") service_logic = servlogcs.ServicesLogistics() vms_list = [] vms_list.append(servconts.DELETE_VM_CMD) vms_list.append(service_instance_id) if not service_logic.image_exist(service_instance_id): print ("Service VM does not exist") sys.exit() result = subprocess.call(vms_list) service_logic.image_shutdown_verification(service_instance_id) client = Client(HOST, PORT, USE_SSL, format='json', tenant=tenant_id) service_nets = sdb.get_service_bindings(service_instance_id) print ("Terminating Ports and Networks") network_name = db.network_get(service_nets.mngnet_id) port_id_net = db.port_list(service_nets.mngnet_id) for ports_uuid in port_id_net: client.delete_port(service_nets.mngnet_id, ports_uuid.uuid) client.delete_network(service_nets.mngnet_id) network_name = db.network_get(service_nets.nbnet_id) port_id_net = db.port_list(service_nets.nbnet_id) for ports_uuid in port_id_net: client.delete_port(service_nets.nbnet_id, ports_uuid.uuid) client.delete_network(service_nets.nbnet_id) network_name = db.network_get(service_nets.sbnet_id) port_id_net = db.port_list(service_nets.sbnet_id) for ports_uuid in port_id_net: client.delete_port(service_nets.sbnet_id, ports_uuid.uuid) client.delete_network(service_nets.sbnet_id) service_list = sdb.remove_services_binding(service_instance_id) print ("Configuration Removed Successfully") def disconnect_vm(vm_instance_id, *args): """ Deletes VMs and Port connection """ l2db.initialize() print ("Terminating Service VM") service_logic = servlogcs.ServicesLogistics() vms_list = [] vms_list.append(servconts.DELETE_VM_CMD) vms_list.append(vm_instance_id) result = subprocess.call(vms_list) service_logic.image_shutdown_verification(vm_instance_id) print ("VM Server Off") def connect_vm(tenant_id, vm_image_id, service_instance_id, *args): """ Starts a VMs and is connected to southbound network """ l2db.initialize() client = Client(HOST, PORT, USE_SSL, format='json', tenant=tenant_id) print ("Connecting %s to Service %s " % (vm_image_id, service_instance_id)) service_logic = servlogcs.ServicesLogistics() service_nets = sdb.get_service_bindings(service_instance_id) client.create_port(service_nets.mngnet_id) client.create_port(service_nets.nbnet_id) sb_port_id = client.create_port(service_nets.sbnet_id) LOG.debug("Operation 'create_port' executed.") new_port_id = sb_port_id[servconts.PORT][servconts.ID] try: create_vm_args = [] create_vm_args.append(servconts.CREATE_VM_CMD) create_vm_args.append(vm_image_id) print ("Creating VM with image: %s" % (vm_image_id)) process = subprocess.Popen(create_vm_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) result = process.stdout.readlines() tokens = re.search("i-[a-f0-9]*", str(result[1])) vm_name = tokens.group(0) print ("Image: %s instantiated successfully" % (vm_name)) except Exception as exc: print exc service_logic.image_status(vm_name) print "Completed" print "Attaching Ports To VM Service interfaces" south_net = service_nets.sbnet_id attachment = client.show_port_attachment(south_net, new_port_id) attachment = attachment[servconts.ATTACHMENT][servconts.ID][:36] LOG.debug(("Plugging virtual interface: %s of VM %s " "into port: %s on network: %s") % (attachment, vm_name, new_port_id, service_nets.sbnet_id)) attach_data = {servconts.ATTACHMENT: {servconts.ID: '%s' % attachment}} client.attach_resource(service_nets.sbnet_id, new_port_id, attach_data) print ("Connect VM Ended") def create_multiport(tenant_id, networks_list, *args): """Creates ports on a single host""" ports_info = {'multiport': {'status': 'ACTIVE', 'net_id_list': networks_list, 'ports_desc': {'key': 'value'}}} request_url = "/multiport" client = Client(HOST, PORT, USE_SSL, format='json', tenant=tenant_id, action_prefix=servconts.ACTION_PREFIX_CSCO) data = client.do_request('POST', request_url, body=ports_info) return data def build_args(cmd, cmdargs, arglist): """Building the list of args for a particular CLI""" args = [] orig_arglist = arglist[:] try: for cmdarg in cmdargs: args.append(arglist[0]) del arglist[0] except: LOG.debug("Not enough arguments for \"%s\" (expected: %d, got: %d)" % (cmd, len(cmdargs), len(orig_arglist))) print "Service Insertion Usage:\n %s %s" % ( cmd, " ".join(["<%s>" % y for y in SERVICE_COMMANDS[cmd]["args"]])) sys.exit() if len(arglist) > 0: LOG.debug("Too many arguments for \"%s\" (expected: %d, got: %d)" % (cmd, len(cmdargs), len(orig_arglist))) print "Service Insertion Usage:\n %s %s" % ( cmd, " ".join(["<%s>" % y for y in SERVICE_COMMANDS[cmd]["args"]])) sys.exit() return args SERVICE_COMMANDS = { "insert_inpath_service": { "func": insert_inpath_service, "args": ["tenant_id", "service_image_id", "management_net_name", "northbound_net_name", "southbound_net_name"], }, "delete_service": { "func": delete_service, "args": ["tenant_id", "service_instance_id"], }, "connect_vm": { "func": connect_vm, "args": ["tenant_id", "vm_image_id", "service_instance_id"], }, "disconnect_vm": { "func": disconnect_vm, "args": ["vm_instance_id"], }, } if __name__ == "__main__": os.system("clear") usagestr = "Usage: %prog [OPTIONS] [args]" PARSER = OptionParser(usage=usagestr) PARSER.add_option("-H", "--host", dest="host", type="string", default="", help="ip address of api host") PARSER.add_option("-p", "--port", dest="port", type="int", default=9696, help="api port") PARSER.add_option("-s", "--ssl", dest="ssl", action="store_true", default=False, help="use ssl") PARSER.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", default=False, help="turn on verbose logging") PARSER.add_option("-f", "--logfile", dest="logfile", type="string", default="syslog", help="log file path") options, args = PARSER.parse_args() if options.verbose: LOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: LOG.setLevel(logging.WARN) if options.logfile == "syslog": LOG.addHandler(logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address='/dev/log')) else: LOG.addHandler(logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler(options.logfile)) os.chmod(options.logfile, 0644) service_logic = servlogcs.ServicesLogistics() HOST = options.host PORT = options.port USE_SSL = options.ssl CMD = args[0] args = build_args(CMD, SERVICE_COMMANDS[CMD]["args"], args[1:]) SERVICE_COMMANDS[CMD]["func"](*args) sys.exit(0)