# Copyright 2015 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log from vmware_nsx._i18n import _, _LW from vmware_nsx.common import exceptions as nsx_exc from vmware_nsx.common import nsx_constants from vmware_nsx.common import utils from vmware_nsx.nsxlib.v3 import client LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) def get_edge_cluster(edge_cluster_uuid): resource = "edge-clusters/%s" % edge_cluster_uuid return client.get_resource(resource) @utils.retry_upon_exception_nsxv3(nsx_exc.StaleRevision) def update_resource_with_retry(resource, payload): revised_payload = client.get_resource(resource) for key_name in payload.keys(): revised_payload[key_name] = payload[key_name] return client.update_resource(resource, revised_payload) def delete_resource_by_values(resource, skip_not_found=True, **kwargs): resources_get = client.get_resource(resource) matched_num = 0 for res in resources_get['results']: if utils.dict_match(kwargs, res): LOG.debug("Deleting %s from resource %s", res, resource) delete_resource = resource + "/" + str(res['id']) client.delete_resource(delete_resource) matched_num = matched_num + 1 if matched_num == 0: if skip_not_found: LOG.warning(_LW("No resource in %(res)s matched for values: " "%(values)s"), {'res': resource, 'values': kwargs}) else: err_msg = (_("No resource in %(res)s matched for values: " "%(values)s") % {'res': resource, 'values': kwargs}) raise nsx_exc.ResourceNotFound( manager=client._get_nsx_managers_from_conf(), operation=err_msg) elif matched_num > 1: LOG.warning(_LW("%(num)s resources in %(res)s matched for values: " "%(values)s"), {'num': matched_num, 'res': resource, 'values': kwargs}) def create_logical_switch(display_name, transport_zone_id, tags, replication_mode=nsx_constants.MTEP, admin_state=True, vlan_id=None): # TODO(salv-orlando): Validate Replication mode and admin_state # NOTE: These checks might be moved to the API client library if one that # performs such checks in the client is available resource = 'logical-switches' body = {'transport_zone_id': transport_zone_id, 'replication_mode': replication_mode, 'display_name': display_name, 'tags': tags} if admin_state: body['admin_state'] = nsx_constants.ADMIN_STATE_UP else: body['admin_state'] = nsx_constants.ADMIN_STATE_DOWN if vlan_id: body['vlan'] = vlan_id return client.create_resource(resource, body) @utils.retry_upon_exception_nsxv3(nsx_exc.StaleRevision, max_attempts=cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.retries) def delete_logical_switch(lswitch_id): resource = 'logical-switches/%s?detach=true&cascade=true' % lswitch_id client.delete_resource(resource) def get_logical_switch(logical_switch_id): resource = "logical-switches/%s" % logical_switch_id return client.get_resource(resource) @utils.retry_upon_exception_nsxv3(nsx_exc.StaleRevision, max_attempts=cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.retries) def update_logical_switch(lswitch_id, name=None, admin_state=None, tags=None): resource = "logical-switches/%s" % lswitch_id lswitch = get_logical_switch(lswitch_id) if name is not None: lswitch['display_name'] = name if admin_state is not None: if admin_state: lswitch['admin_state'] = nsx_constants.ADMIN_STATE_UP else: lswitch['admin_state'] = nsx_constants.ADMIN_STATE_DOWN if tags is not None: lswitch['tags'] = tags return client.update_resource(resource, lswitch) def add_nat_rule(logical_router_id, action, translated_network, source_net=None, dest_net=None, enabled=True, rule_priority=None): resource = 'logical-routers/%s/nat/rules' % logical_router_id body = {'action': action, 'enabled': enabled, 'translated_network': translated_network} if source_net: body['match_source_network'] = source_net if dest_net: body['match_destination_network'] = dest_net if rule_priority: body['rule_priority'] = rule_priority return client.create_resource(resource, body) def add_static_route(logical_router_id, dest_cidr, nexthop): resource = 'logical-routers/%s/routing/static-routes' % logical_router_id body = {} if dest_cidr: body['network'] = dest_cidr if nexthop: body['next_hops'] = [{"ip_address": nexthop}] return client.create_resource(resource, body) def delete_static_route(logical_router_id, static_route_id): resource = 'logical-routers/%s/routing/static-routes/%s' % ( logical_router_id, static_route_id) client.delete_resource(resource) def delete_static_route_by_values(logical_router_id, dest_cidr=None, nexthop=None): resource = 'logical-routers/%s/routing/static-routes' % logical_router_id kwargs = {} if dest_cidr: kwargs['network'] = dest_cidr if nexthop: kwargs['next_hops'] = [{"ip_address": nexthop}] return delete_resource_by_values(resource, **kwargs) def delete_nat_rule(logical_router_id, nat_rule_id): resource = 'logical-routers/%s/nat/rules/%s' % (logical_router_id, nat_rule_id) client.delete_resource(resource) def delete_nat_rule_by_values(logical_router_id, **kwargs): resource = 'logical-routers/%s/nat/rules' % logical_router_id return delete_resource_by_values(resource, **kwargs) def update_logical_router_advertisement(logical_router_id, **kwargs): resource = 'logical-routers/%s/routing/advertisement' % logical_router_id return update_resource_with_retry(resource, kwargs) def create_qos_switching_profile(tags, qos_marking=None, dscp=None, name=None, description=None): resource = 'switching-profiles' body = {"resource_type": "QosSwitchingProfile", "tags": tags} # TODO(abhide): Add TrafficShaper configuration. if qos_marking: body["dscp"] = {} body["dscp"]["mode"] = qos_marking.upper() if dscp: body["dscp"]["priority"] = dscp if name: body["display_name"] = name if description: body["description"] = description return client.create_resource(resource, body) def get_qos_switching_profile(profile_id): resource = 'switching-profiles/%s' % profile_id return client.get_resource(resource) def delete_qos_switching_profile(profile_id): resource = 'switching-profiles/%s' % profile_id client.delete_resource(resource) def create_bridge_endpoint(device_name, seg_id, tags): """Create a bridge endpoint on the backend. Create a bridge endpoint resource on a bridge cluster for the L2 gateway network connection. :param device_name: device_name actually refers to the bridge cluster's UUID. :param seg_id: integer representing the VLAN segmentation ID. :param tags: nsx backend specific tags. """ resource = 'bridge-endpoints' body = {'bridge_cluster_id': device_name, 'tags': tags, 'vlan': seg_id} return client.create_resource(resource, body) def delete_bridge_endpoint(bridge_endpoint_id): """Delete a bridge endpoint on the backend. :param bridge_endpoint_id: string representing the UUID of the bridge endpoint to be deleted. """ resource = 'bridge-endpoints/%s' % bridge_endpoint_id client.delete_resource(resource)