# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_config import cfg from tempest import config scenario_group = config.scenario_group ScenarioGroup = [ cfg.FloatOpt('waitfor_disassoc', default=15.0, help="Wait for seconds after disassociation."), cfg.FloatOpt('waitfor_assoc', default=5.0, help="Waitfor seconds after association."), cfg.FloatOpt('waitfor_connectivity', default=120.0, help="Wait for seconds to become connected."), cfg.ListOpt('outside_world_servers', default=["", ""], help="List of servers reside outside of openstack env." " which is used to test default gateway behavior" " when VMs are under logical routers," " & DNS are local to provider's settings."), cfg.DictOpt('flat_alloc_pool_dict', default={}, help=" Define flat network ip range." " required attributes are gateway, start, end" " and cidr. Example value: gateway:," " start:,end:,cidr="), ] network_group = config.network_group NetworkGroup = [ cfg.StrOpt('l2gw_switch', default='', help="Distributed Virtual Portgroup to create VLAN port."), cfg.DictOpt('l2gw_switch_dict', default={}, help="dict version of l2gw_switch:" "device_name:,interfaces:,segmentation_id:,"), ] nsxv_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='nsxv', title="NSX-v Configuration Options") NSXvGroup = [ cfg.StrOpt('manager_uri', default='', help="NSX-v manager ip address"), cfg.StrOpt('user', default='admin', help="NSX-v manager username"), cfg.StrOpt('password', default='default', help="NSX-v manager password"), cfg.StrOpt('vdn_scope_id', default='vdnscope-1', help="NSX-v vdn scope id"), cfg.DictOpt('flat_alloc_pool_dict', default={}, help=" Define flat network ip range." " required attributes are gateway, start, end" " and cidr. Example value: gateway:," " start:,end:,cidr="), cfg.StrOpt('vlan_physical_network', default='', help="physval_network to create vlan."), cfg.IntOpt('provider_vlan_id', default=888, help="The default vlan_id for admin vlan."), ] l2gw_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='l2gw', title="l2-gateway Configuration Options") L2gwGroup = [ cfg.DictOpt('vlan_subnet_ipv4_dict', default={}, help="Tenant's VLAN subnet cdir to connect to l2gw/VXLAN." " Example: cidr=,start:" " ,end:,gateway="), cfg.StrOpt('device_one_vlan', default="", help="l2g2 device with one VLAN" " l2gw-1::dvportgroup-14420|3845"), cfg.StrOpt('device_multiple_vlans', default="", help="l2gw device with multiple VLANs" " l2gw-x::dvportgroup-14429|3880#3381#3382"), cfg.StrOpt('multiple_interfaces_multiple_vlans', default="", help="l2gw multiple devices, interface has multiple VLANs" " m-ifs::dvportgroup-144|138#246;dvportgroup-155|339"), ] nsxv3_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='nsxv3', title="NSXv3 Configuration Options") NSXv3Group = [ cfg.StrOpt('nsx_manager', default='', help="NSX manager IP address"), cfg.StrOpt('nsx_user', default='admin', help="NSX manager username"), cfg.StrOpt('nsx_password', default='default', help="NSX manager password"), ]