This commit adds support for utilizing the VXLAN tunneling protocol in versions of Open vSwitch >= 1.10. This is configurable and will default to GRE if not configured. As part of this commit, it is possible to configure the UDP port VXLAN will utilize as well. VXLAN and GRE cannot be configured at the same time with this patch. 2 new configuration file options are added to the AGENT section of the config to support this: 'tunnel_type' and 'vxlan_udp_port'. In addition, the agent no longer makes use of enable_tunneling, as this can be determined if tunnel_type is set. Note: The VXLAN functionality utilized here is what is implemented in Open vSwitch itself, and is different than the VXLAN functionality in the upstream Linux kernel. The code validates both the userspace and kernel pieces of OVS to verify if VXLAN functionality can be supported on the running system Implements blueprint ovs-vxlan-lisp-tunnel Change-Id: I45d49d5d6463e574922c7f50d6499c6bdb6c862c
344 lines
14 KiB
344 lines
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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2011 Nicira Networks, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Somik Behera, Nicira Networks, Inc.
# @author: Brad Hall, Nicira Networks, Inc.
# @author: Dan Wendlandt, Nicira Networks, Inc.
# @author: Dave Lapsley, Nicira Networks, Inc.
import re
from quantum.agent.linux import ip_lib
from quantum.agent.linux import utils
from quantum.openstack.common import log as logging
from quantum.plugins.openvswitch.common import constants
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class VifPort:
def __init__(self, port_name, ofport, vif_id, vif_mac, switch):
self.port_name = port_name
self.ofport = ofport
self.vif_id = vif_id
self.vif_mac = vif_mac
self.switch = switch
def __str__(self):
return ("iface-id=" + self.vif_id + ", vif_mac=" +
self.vif_mac + ", port_name=" + self.port_name +
", ofport=" + str(self.ofport) + ", bridge_name =" +
class OVSBridge:
def __init__(self, br_name, root_helper):
self.br_name = br_name
self.root_helper = root_helper
self.re_id = self.re_compile_id()
def re_compile_id(self):
external = 'external_ids\s*'
mac = 'attached-mac="(?P<vif_mac>([a-fA-F\d]{2}:){5}([a-fA-F\d]{2}))"'
iface = 'iface-id="(?P<vif_id>[^"]+)"'
name = 'name\s*:\s"(?P<port_name>[^"]*)"'
port = 'ofport\s*:\s(?P<ofport>-?\d+)'
_re = ('%(external)s:\s{ ( %(mac)s,? | %(iface)s,? | . )* }'
' \s+ %(name)s \s+ %(port)s' % {'external': external,
'mac': mac,
'iface': iface, 'name': name,
'port': port})
return re.compile(_re, re.M | re.X)
def run_vsctl(self, args):
full_args = ["ovs-vsctl", "--timeout=2"] + args
return utils.execute(full_args, root_helper=self.root_helper)
except Exception as e:
LOG.error(_("Unable to execute %(cmd)s. Exception: %(exception)s"),
{'cmd': full_args, 'exception': e})
def reset_bridge(self):
self.run_vsctl(["--", "--if-exists", "del-br", self.br_name])
self.run_vsctl(["add-br", self.br_name])
def add_port(self, port_name):
self.run_vsctl(["--", "--may-exist", "add-port", self.br_name,
return self.get_port_ofport(port_name)
def delete_port(self, port_name):
self.run_vsctl(["--", "--if-exists", "del-port", self.br_name,
def set_db_attribute(self, table_name, record, column, value):
args = ["set", table_name, record, "%s=%s" % (column, value)]
def clear_db_attribute(self, table_name, record, column):
args = ["clear", table_name, record, column]
def run_ofctl(self, cmd, args):
full_args = ["ovs-ofctl", cmd, self.br_name] + args
return utils.execute(full_args, root_helper=self.root_helper)
except Exception as e:
LOG.error(_("Unable to execute %(cmd)s. Exception: %(exception)s"),
{'cmd': full_args, 'exception': e})
def count_flows(self):
flow_list = self.run_ofctl("dump-flows", []).split("\n")[1:]
return len(flow_list) - 1
def remove_all_flows(self):
self.run_ofctl("del-flows", [])
def get_port_ofport(self, port_name):
return self.db_get_val("Interface", port_name, "ofport")
def get_datapath_id(self):
return self.db_get_val('Bridge',
self.br_name, 'datapath_id').strip('"')
def _build_flow_expr_arr(self, **kwargs):
flow_expr_arr = []
is_delete_expr = kwargs.get('delete', False)
if not is_delete_expr:
prefix = ("hard_timeout=%s,idle_timeout=%s,priority=%s" %
(kwargs.get('hard_timeout', '0'),
kwargs.get('idle_timeout', '0'),
kwargs.get('priority', '1')))
elif 'priority' in kwargs:
raise Exception(_("Cannot match priority on flow deletion"))
in_port = ('in_port' in kwargs and ",in_port=%s" %
kwargs['in_port'] or '')
dl_type = ('dl_type' in kwargs and ",dl_type=%s" %
kwargs['dl_type'] or '')
dl_vlan = ('dl_vlan' in kwargs and ",dl_vlan=%s" %
kwargs['dl_vlan'] or '')
dl_src = 'dl_src' in kwargs and ",dl_src=%s" % kwargs['dl_src'] or ''
dl_dst = 'dl_dst' in kwargs and ",dl_dst=%s" % kwargs['dl_dst'] or ''
nw_src = 'nw_src' in kwargs and ",nw_src=%s" % kwargs['nw_src'] or ''
nw_dst = 'nw_dst' in kwargs and ",nw_dst=%s" % kwargs['nw_dst'] or ''
tun_id = 'tun_id' in kwargs and ",tun_id=%s" % kwargs['tun_id'] or ''
proto = 'proto' in kwargs and ",%s" % kwargs['proto'] or ''
ip = ('nw_src' in kwargs or 'nw_dst' in kwargs) and ',ip' or ''
match = (in_port + dl_type + dl_vlan + dl_src + dl_dst +
(ip or proto) + nw_src + nw_dst + tun_id)
if match:
match = match[1:] # strip leading comma
return flow_expr_arr
def add_flow(self, **kwargs):
if "actions" not in kwargs:
raise Exception(_("Must specify one or more actions"))
if "priority" not in kwargs:
kwargs["priority"] = "0"
flow_expr_arr = self._build_flow_expr_arr(**kwargs)
flow_expr_arr.append("actions=%s" % (kwargs["actions"]))
flow_str = ",".join(flow_expr_arr)
self.run_ofctl("add-flow", [flow_str])
def delete_flows(self, **kwargs):
kwargs['delete'] = True
flow_expr_arr = self._build_flow_expr_arr(**kwargs)
if "actions" in kwargs:
flow_expr_arr.append("actions=%s" % (kwargs["actions"]))
flow_str = ",".join(flow_expr_arr)
self.run_ofctl("del-flows", [flow_str])
def add_tunnel_port(self, port_name, remote_ip,
self.run_vsctl(["add-port", self.br_name, port_name])
self.set_db_attribute("Interface", port_name, "type", tunnel_type)
if tunnel_type == constants.TYPE_VXLAN:
# Only set the VXLAN UDP port if it's not the default
if vxlan_udp_port != constants.VXLAN_UDP_PORT:
self.set_db_attribute("Interface", port_name,
self.set_db_attribute("Interface", port_name, "options:remote_ip",
self.set_db_attribute("Interface", port_name, "options:in_key", "flow")
self.set_db_attribute("Interface", port_name, "options:out_key",
return self.get_port_ofport(port_name)
def add_patch_port(self, local_name, remote_name):
self.run_vsctl(["add-port", self.br_name, local_name])
self.set_db_attribute("Interface", local_name, "type", "patch")
self.set_db_attribute("Interface", local_name, "options:peer",
return self.get_port_ofport(local_name)
def db_get_map(self, table, record, column):
output = self.run_vsctl(["get", table, record, column])
if output:
str = output.rstrip("\n\r")
return self.db_str_to_map(str)
return {}
def db_get_val(self, table, record, column):
output = self.run_vsctl(["get", table, record, column])
if output:
return output.rstrip("\n\r")
def db_str_to_map(self, full_str):
list = full_str.strip("{}").split(", ")
ret = {}
for e in list:
if e.find("=") == -1:
arr = e.split("=")
ret[arr[0]] = arr[1].strip("\"")
return ret
def get_port_name_list(self):
res = self.run_vsctl(["list-ports", self.br_name])
if res:
return res.strip().split("\n")
return []
def get_port_stats(self, port_name):
return self.db_get_map("Interface", port_name, "statistics")
def get_xapi_iface_id(self, xs_vif_uuid):
args = ["xe", "vif-param-get", "param-name=other-config",
"param-key=nicira-iface-id", "uuid=%s" % xs_vif_uuid]
return utils.execute(args, root_helper=self.root_helper).strip()
except Exception as e:
LOG.error(_("Unable to execute %(cmd)s. Exception: %(exception)s"),
{'cmd': args, 'exception': e})
# returns a VIF object for each VIF port
def get_vif_ports(self):
edge_ports = []
port_names = self.get_port_name_list()
for name in port_names:
external_ids = self.db_get_map("Interface", name, "external_ids")
ofport = self.db_get_val("Interface", name, "ofport")
if "iface-id" in external_ids and "attached-mac" in external_ids:
p = VifPort(name, ofport, external_ids["iface-id"],
external_ids["attached-mac"], self)
elif ("xs-vif-uuid" in external_ids and
"attached-mac" in external_ids):
# if this is a xenserver and iface-id is not automatically
# synced to OVS from XAPI, we grab it from XAPI directly
iface_id = self.get_xapi_iface_id(external_ids["xs-vif-uuid"])
p = VifPort(name, ofport, iface_id,
external_ids["attached-mac"], self)
return edge_ports
def get_vif_port_set(self):
edge_ports = set()
port_names = self.get_port_name_list()
for name in port_names:
external_ids = self.db_get_map("Interface", name, "external_ids")
if "iface-id" in external_ids and "attached-mac" in external_ids:
elif ("xs-vif-uuid" in external_ids and
"attached-mac" in external_ids):
# if this is a xenserver and iface-id is not automatically
# synced to OVS from XAPI, we grab it from XAPI directly
iface_id = self.get_xapi_iface_id(external_ids["xs-vif-uuid"])
return edge_ports
def get_vif_port_by_id(self, port_id):
args = ['--', '--columns=external_ids,name,ofport',
'find', 'Interface',
'external_ids:iface-id="%s"' % port_id]
result = self.run_vsctl(args)
if not result:
match = self.re_id.search(result)
vif_mac = match.group('vif_mac')
vif_id = match.group('vif_id')
port_name = match.group('port_name')
ofport = int(match.group('ofport'))
return VifPort(port_name, ofport, vif_id, vif_mac, self)
except Exception as e:
LOG.info(_("Unable to parse regex results. Exception: %s"), e)
def delete_ports(self, all_ports=False):
if all_ports:
port_names = self.get_port_name_list()
port_names = (port.port_name for port in self.get_vif_ports())
for port_name in port_names:
def get_local_port_mac(self):
"""Retrieve the mac of the bridge's local port."""
address = ip_lib.IPDevice(self.br_name, self.root_helper).link.address
if address:
return address
msg = _('Unable to determine mac address for %s') % self.br_name
raise Exception(msg)
def get_bridge_for_iface(root_helper, iface):
args = ["ovs-vsctl", "--timeout=2", "iface-to-br", iface]
return utils.execute(args, root_helper=root_helper).strip()
except Exception:
LOG.exception(_("Interface %s not found."), iface)
return None
def get_bridges(root_helper):
args = ["ovs-vsctl", "--timeout=2", "list-br"]
return utils.execute(args, root_helper=root_helper).strip().split("\n")
except Exception as e:
LOG.exception(_("Unable to retrieve bridges. Exception: %s"), e)
return []
def get_installed_ovs_usr_version(root_helper):
args = ["ovs-vsctl", "--version"]
cmd = utils.execute(args, root_helper=root_helper)
ver = re.findall("\d+\.\d+", cmd)[0]
return ver
except Exception:
LOG.exception(_("Unable to retrieve OVS userspace version."))
def get_installed_ovs_klm_version():
args = ["modinfo", "openvswitch"]
cmd = utils.execute(args)
for line in cmd.split('\n'):
if 'version: ' in line and not 'srcversion' in line:
ver = re.findall("\d+\.\d+", line)
return ver[0]
except Exception:
LOG.exception(_("Unable to retrieve OVS kernel module version."))