Support DHCP relay by configuring the relay service per network availability zone, or globally. When a router interface port is created, the relay service will be added to it. DHCP traffic on the subnet will go through the DHCP server configured in the dhcp relay service on the NSX, if it is connected to the router. Also add admin utility to update exsiting router ports when the dhcp relay configuration changes. A future patch will take care of firewall rules allowint the dhcp traffic. Change-Id: I626b3377e71c269600a47b3bd805eed9d58bad82
Devstack external plugin
Add and set the following in your local.conf/localrc file:
enable_plugin vmware-nsx https://git.openstack.org/openstack/vmware-nsx
For Nsx-mh:
PUBLIC_BRIDGE # bridge used for external connectivity, typically br-ex NSX_GATEWAY_NETWORK_INTERFACE # interface used to communicate with the NSX Gateway NSX_GATEWAY_NETWORK_CIDR # CIDR to configure $PUBLIC_BRIDGE, e.g.
For Nsx-v:
NSXV_MANAGER_URI # URL for NSXv manager (e.g - https://management_ip). NSXV_USER # NSXv username. NSXV_PASSWORD # NSXv password. NSXV_CLUSTER_MOID # clusters ids containing OpenStack hosts. NSXV_DATACENTER_MOID # datacenter id for edge deployment. NSXV_RESOURCE_POOL_ID # resource-pool id for edge deployment. NSXV_AVAILABILITY_ZONES # alternative resource-pools/data stores ids/edge_ha for edge deployment NSXV_DATASTORE_ID # datastore id for edge deployment. NSXV_EXTERNAL_NETWORK # id of logic switch for physical network connectivity. NSXV_VDN_SCOPE_ID # network scope id for VXLAN virtual-wires. NSXV_DVS_ID # Dvs id for VLAN based networks. NSXV_BACKUP_POOL # backup edge pools management range, # <edge_type>:[edge_size]:<minimum_pooled_edges>:<maximum_pooled_edges>. # edge_type:'service'(service edge) or 'vdr'(distributed edge). # edge_size: 'compact', 'large'(by default), 'xlarge' or 'quadlarge'.
# To enable the metadata service, the following variables should be also set: NSXV_MGT_NET_PROXY_IPS # management network IP address for metadata proxy. NSXV_MGT_NET_PROXY_NETMASK # management network netmask for metadata proxy. NSXV_NOVA_METADATA_IPS # IP addresses used by Nova metadata service. NSXV_NOVA_METADATA_PORT # TCP Port used by Nova metadata server. NSXV_MGT_NET_MOID # Network ID for management network connectivity