Sukhdev 762e909cbd Arista Layer 3 Sevice Plugin
This sevice plugin implements routing functions on Arista HW.

Change-Id: Ide411540254db015167111defee7d8c6c1c27347
Implements: blueprint arista-l3-service-plugin
2014-08-19 15:08:09 -07:00

458 lines
18 KiB

# Copyright 2014 Arista Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Sukhdev Kapur, Arista Networks, Inc.
import hashlib
import socket
import struct
import jsonrpclib
from oslo.config import cfg
from neutron import context as nctx
from neutron.db import db_base_plugin_v2
from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging
from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.arista import exceptions as arista_exc
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
EOS_UNREACHABLE_MSG = _('Unable to reach EOS')
VIRTUAL_ROUTER_MAC = '00:11:22:33:44:55'
IPV4_BITS = 32
IPV6_BITS = 128
router_in_vrf = {
'router': {'create': ['vrf definition {0}',
'rd {1}',
'delete': ['no vrf definition {0}']},
'interface': {'add': ['ip routing vrf {1}',
'vlan {0}',
'interface vlan {0}',
'vrf forwarding {1}',
'ip address {2}'],
'remove': ['no interface vlan {0}']}}
router_in_default_vrf = {
'router': {'create': [], # Place holder for now.
'delete': []}, # Place holder for now.
'interface': {'add': ['ip routing',
'vlan {0}',
'interface vlan {0}',
'ip address {2}'],
'remove': ['no interface vlan {0}']}}
router_in_default_vrf_v6 = {
'router': {'create': [],
'delete': []},
'interface': {'add': ['ipv6 unicast-routing',
'vlan {0}',
'interface vlan {0}',
'ipv6 enable',
'ipv6 address {2}'],
'remove': ['no interface vlan {0}']}}
additional_cmds_for_mlag = {
'router': {'create': ['ip virtual-router mac-address {0}'],
'delete': ['no ip virtual-router mac-address']},
'interface': {'add': ['ip virtual-router address {0}'],
'remove': []}}
additional_cmds_for_mlag_v6 = {
'router': {'create': [],
'delete': []},
'interface': {'add': ['ipv6 virtual-router address {0}'],
'remove': []}}
class AristaL3Driver(object):
"""Wraps Arista JSON RPC.
All communications between Neutron and EOS are over JSON RPC.
EOS - operating system used on Arista hardware
Command API - JSON RPC API provided by Arista EOS
def __init__(self):
self._servers = []
self._hosts = []
self.interfaceDict = None
host = cfg.CONF.l3_arista.primary_l3_host
self.mlag_configured = cfg.CONF.l3_arista.mlag_config
self.use_vrf = cfg.CONF.l3_arista.use_vrf
if self.mlag_configured:
host = cfg.CONF.l3_arista.secondary_l3_host
self._additionalRouterCmdsDict = additional_cmds_for_mlag['router']
self._additionalInterfaceCmdsDict = (
if self.use_vrf:
self.routerDict = router_in_vrf['router']
self.interfaceDict = router_in_vrf['interface']
self.routerDict = router_in_default_vrf['router']
self.interfaceDict = router_in_default_vrf['interface']
def _eapi_host_url(self, host):
user = cfg.CONF.l3_arista.primary_l3_host_username
pwd = cfg.CONF.l3_arista.primary_l3_host_password
eapi_server_url = ('https://%s:%s@%s/command-api' %
(user, pwd, host))
return eapi_server_url
def _validate_config(self):
if cfg.CONF.l3_arista.get('primary_l3_host') == '':
msg = _('Required option primary_l3_host is not set')
raise arista_exc.AristaSevicePluginConfigError(msg=msg)
if cfg.CONF.l3_arista.get('mlag_config'):
if cfg.CONF.l3_arista.get('use_vrf'):
#This is invalid/unsupported configuration
msg = _('VRFs are not supported MLAG config mode')
raise arista_exc.AristaSevicePluginConfigError(msg=msg)
if cfg.CONF.l3_arista.get('secondary_l3_host') == '':
msg = _('Required option secondary_l3_host is not set')
raise arista_exc.AristaSevicePluginConfigError(msg=msg)
if cfg.CONF.l3_arista.get('primary_l3_host_username') == '':
msg = _('Required option primary_l3_host_username is not set')
raise arista_exc.AristaSevicePluginConfigError(msg=msg)
def create_router_on_eos(self, router_name, rdm, server):
"""Creates a router on Arista HW Device.
:param router_name: globally unique identifier for router/VRF
:param rdm: A value generated by hashing router name
:param server: Server endpoint on the Arista switch to be configured
cmds = []
rd = "%s:%s" % (rdm, rdm)
for c in self.routerDict['create']:
cmds.append(c.format(router_name, rd))
if self.mlag_configured:
for c in self._additionalRouterCmdsDict['create']:
self._run_openstack_l3_cmds(cmds, server)
def delete_router_from_eos(self, router_name, server):
"""Deletes a router from Arista HW Device.
:param router_name: globally unique identifier for router/VRF
:param server: Server endpoint on the Arista switch to be configured
cmds = []
for c in self.routerDict['delete']:
if self.mlag_configured:
for c in self._additionalRouterCmdsDict['delete']:
self._run_openstack_l3_cmds(cmds, server)
def _select_dicts(self, ipv):
if self.use_vrf:
self.interfaceDict = router_in_vrf['interface']
if ipv == 6:
#for IPv6 use IPv6 commmands
self.interfaceDict = router_in_default_vrf_v6['interface']
self._additionalInterfaceCmdsDict = (
self.interfaceDict = router_in_default_vrf['interface']
self._additionalInterfaceCmdsDict = (
def add_interface_to_router(self, segment_id,
router_name, gip, router_ip, mask, server):
"""Adds an interface to existing HW router on Arista HW device.
:param segment_id: VLAN Id associated with interface that is added
:param router_name: globally unique identifier for router/VRF
:param gip: Gateway IP associated with the subnet
:param router_ip: IP address of the router
:param mask: subnet mask to be used
:param server: Server endpoint on the Arista switch to be configured
if not segment_id:
segment_id = DEFAULT_VLAN
cmds = []
for c in self.interfaceDict['add']:
if self.mlag_configured:
ip = router_ip
ip = gip + '/' + mask
cmds.append(c.format(segment_id, router_name, ip))
if self.mlag_configured:
for c in self._additionalInterfaceCmdsDict['add']:
self._run_openstack_l3_cmds(cmds, server)
def delete_interface_from_router(self, segment_id, router_name, server):
"""Deletes an interface from existing HW router on Arista HW device.
:param segment_id: VLAN Id associated with interface that is added
:param router_name: globally unique identifier for router/VRF
:param server: Server endpoint on the Arista switch to be configured
if not segment_id:
segment_id = DEFAULT_VLAN
cmds = []
for c in self.interfaceDict['remove']:
self._run_openstack_l3_cmds(cmds, server)
def create_router(self, context, tenant_id, router):
"""Creates a router on Arista Switch.
Deals with multiple configurations - such as Router per VRF,
a router in default VRF, Virtual Router in MLAG configurations
if router:
router_name = self._arista_router_name(tenant_id, router['name'])
rdm = str(int(hashlib.sha256(router_name).hexdigest(),
16) % 6553)
for s in self._servers:
self.create_router_on_eos(router_name, rdm, s)
def delete_router(self, context, tenant_id, router_id, router):
"""Deletes a router from Arista Switch."""
if router:
for s in self._servers:
tenant_id, router['name']), s)
def update_router(self, context, router_id, original_router, new_router):
"""Updates a router which is already created on Arista Switch.
TODO: (Sukhdev) - to be implemented in next release.
def add_router_interface(self, context, router_info):
"""Adds an interface to a router created on Arista HW router.
This deals with both IPv6 and IPv4 configurations.
if router_info:
cidr = router_info['cidr']
subnet_mask = cidr.split('/')[1]
router_name = self._arista_router_name(router_info['tenant_id'],
if self.mlag_configured:
# For MLAG, we send a specific IP address as opposed to cidr
# For now, we are using x.x.x.253 and x.x.x.254 as virtual IP
for i, server in enumerate(self._servers):
#get appropriate virtual IP address for this router
router_ip = self._get_router_ip(cidr, i,
router_ip, subnet_mask,
for s in self._servers:
None, subnet_mask, s)
def remove_router_interface(self, context, router_info):
"""Removes previously configured interface from router on Arista HW.
This deals with both IPv6 and IPv4 configurations.
if router_info:
router_name = self._arista_router_name(router_info['tenant_id'],
for s in self._servers:
router_name, s)
def _run_openstack_l3_cmds(self, commands, server):
"""Execute/sends a CAPI (Command API) command to EOS.
In this method, list of commands is appended with prefix and
postfix commands - to make is understandble by EOS.
:param commands : List of command to be executed on EOS.
:param server: Server endpoint on the Arista switch to be configured
command_start = ['enable', 'configure']
command_end = ['exit']
full_command = command_start + commands + command_end
LOG.info(_('Executing command on Arista EOS: %s'), full_command)
# this returns array of return values for every command in
# full_command list
ret = server.runCmds(version=1, cmds=full_command)
LOG.info(_('Results of execution on Arista EOS: %s'), ret)
except Exception:
msg = (_('Error occured while trying to execute '
'commands %(cmd)s on EOS %(host)s') %
{'cmd': full_command, 'host': server})
raise arista_exc.AristaServicePluginRpcError(msg=msg)
def _arista_router_name(self, tenant_id, name):
# Use a unique name so that OpenStack created routers/SVIs
# can be distinguishged from the user created routers/SVIs
# on Arista HW.
return 'OS' + '-' + tenant_id + '-' + name
def _get_binary_from_ipv4(self, ip_addr):
return struct.unpack("!L", socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET,
def _get_binary_from_ipv6(self, ip_addr):
hi, lo = struct.unpack("!QQ", socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6,
return (hi << 64) | lo
def _get_ipv4_from_binary(self, bin_addr):
return socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, struct.pack("!L", bin_addr))
def _get_ipv6_from_binary(self, bin_addr):
hi = bin_addr >> 64
lo = bin_addr & 0xFFFFFFFF
return socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, struct.pack("!QQ", hi, lo))
def _get_router_ip(self, cidr, ip_count, ip_ver):
""" For a given IP subnet and IP version type, generate IP for router.
This method takes the network address (cidr) and selects an
IP address that should be assigned to virtual router running
on multiple switches. It uses upper addresses in a subnet address
as IP for the router. Each instace of the router, on each switch,
requires uniqe IP address. For example in IPv4 case, on a 255
subnet, it will pick X.X.X.254 as first addess, X.X.X.253 for next,
and so on.
start_ip = MLAG_SWITCHES + ip_count
network_addr, prefix = cidr.split('/')
if ip_ver == 4:
bits = IPV4_BITS
ip = self._get_binary_from_ipv4(network_addr)
elif ip_ver == 6:
bits = IPV6_BITS
ip = self._get_binary_from_ipv6(network_addr)
mask = (pow(2, bits) - 1) << (bits - int(prefix))
network_addr = ip & mask
router_ip = pow(2, bits - int(prefix)) - start_ip
router_ip = network_addr | router_ip
if ip_ver == 4:
return self._get_ipv4_from_binary(router_ip) + '/' + prefix
return self._get_ipv6_from_binary(router_ip) + '/' + prefix
class NeutronNets(db_base_plugin_v2.NeutronDbPluginV2):
"""Access to Neutron DB.
Provides access to the Neutron Data bases for all provisioned
networks as well ports. This data is used during the synchronization
of DB between ML2 Mechanism Driver and Arista EOS
Names of the networks and ports are not stored in Arista repository
They are pulled from Neutron DB.
def __init__(self):
self.admin_ctx = nctx.get_admin_context()
def get_all_networks_for_tenant(self, tenant_id):
filters = {'tenant_id': [tenant_id]}
return super(NeutronNets,
self).get_networks(self.admin_ctx, filters=filters) or []
def get_all_ports_for_tenant(self, tenant_id):
filters = {'tenant_id': [tenant_id]}
return super(NeutronNets,
self).get_ports(self.admin_ctx, filters=filters) or []
def _get_network(self, tenant_id, network_id):
filters = {'tenant_id': [tenant_id],
'id': [network_id]}
return super(NeutronNets,
self).get_networks(self.admin_ctx, filters=filters) or []
def get_subnet_info(self, subnet_id):
subnet = self.get_subnet(subnet_id)
return subnet
def get_subnet_ip_version(self, subnet_id):
subnet = self.get_subnet(subnet_id)
return subnet['ip_version']
def get_subnet_gateway_ip(self, subnet_id):
subnet = self.get_subnet(subnet_id)
return subnet['gateway_ip']
def get_subnet_cidr(self, subnet_id):
subnet = self.get_subnet(subnet_id)
return subnet['cidr']
def get_network_id(self, subnet_id):
subnet = self.get_subnet(subnet_id)
return subnet['network_id']
def get_network_id_from_port_id(self, port_id):
port = self.get_port(port_id)
return port['network_id']
def get_subnet(self, subnet_id):
return super(NeutronNets,
self).get_subnet(self.admin_ctx, subnet_id) or []
def get_port(self, port_id):
return super(NeutronNets,
self).get_port(self.admin_ctx, port_id) or []