1.Upgrade pylint to 2.4.4, add exclusions to the tests, and fix some lint errors in the code 2. Fix user creation with GRANT in MySQL 8.0(Ubuntu Focal) In Ubuntu Bionic (18.04) mysql 5.7 version used to create the user implicitly when using using the GRANT. Ubuntu Focal (20.04) has mysql 8.0 and with mysql 8.0 there is no implicit user creation with GRANT. We need to create the user first before using GRANT command. See also commit I97b0dcbb88c6ef7c22e3c55970211bed792bbd0d 3. Remove fwaas from the zuul.yaml 4. Remove DB migration test which is failing ue to FWaaS migration with py38 5. Fix cover tests python version in .tox 6. fix requirememnts Change-Id: I22654a5d5ccaad3185ae3365a90afba1ce870695
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247 lines
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# Copyright 2017 VMware, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import getopt
import logging
import re
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
from keystoneauth1 import identity
from keystoneauth1 import session
import libvirt
from neutronclient.v2_0 import client
import nova.conf
CONF = nova.conf.CONF
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def usage():
print("python nsx_instance_if_migrate.py --username=<username> "
"--password=<password> --project=<project> "
"--auth-url=<keystone auth URL> "
"[--project-domain-id=<project domain>] "
"[--user-domain-id=<user domain>] "
"[--machine-type=<migrated machine type] "
"[--logfile=<log file>] "
"[--nsx-bridge=<NSX managed vSwitch>]\n\n"
"Convert libvirt interface definitions on a KVM host, to NSX "
"managed vSwitch definitions\n\n"
" username: Admin user's username\n"
" password: Admin user's password\n"
" keystone auth URL: URL to keystone's authentication service\n"
" project domain: Keystone project domain\n"
" user domain: Keystone user domain\n"
" migrated machine type: Overwrites libvirt's machine type\n"
" log file: Output log of the command execution\n"
" NSX managed vSwitch: vSwitch on host, managed by NSX\n\n")
def get_opts():
opts = {}
o = []
p = re.compile('^-+')
o, a = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'h', ['help',
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
for opt, val in o:
if opt in ('h', 'help'):
opts[p.sub('', opt)] = val
for mandatory_key in ['username', 'password', 'project', 'auth-url']:
if opts.get(mandatory_key) is None:
LOG.error("%s must be specified!", mandatory_key)
return opts
def xmltag_text_get(obj, tag_name):
tag_obj = obj.find(tag_name)
if tag_obj is not None:
return tag_obj.text
def xmltag_attr_get(obj, tag, attr):
tag_obj = obj.find(tag)
if tag_obj is not None:
return tag_obj.get(attr)
def xmltag_set(elem, tag, **kwargs):
sub_elem = elem.find(tag)
if sub_elem is None:
sub_elem = et.SubElement(elem, tag)
for attr in kwargs.keys():
sub_elem.set(attr, kwargs.get(attr))
return sub_elem
def iface_migrate(neutron, instance_name, iface, nsx_switch):
iface.set('type', 'bridge')
xmltag_set(iface, 'source', bridge=nsx_switch)
virt_port = xmltag_set(iface, 'virtualport', type='openvswitch')
instance_mac = xmltag_attr_get(iface, 'mac', 'address')
if instance_mac is None:
LOG.error("Couldn't find MAC address for instance %s", instance_name)
ports = neutron.list_ports(fields=['id'], mac_address=instance_mac)
if len(ports['ports']) != 1:
LOG.error('For instance %(vm)s, invalid ports received from neutron: '
'%(ports)s', {'vm': instance_name, 'ports': ports})
neutron_port_id = ports['ports'][0]['id']
xmltag_set(virt_port, 'parameters', interfaceid=neutron_port_id)
xmltag_set(iface, 'driver', name='qemu')
tap_dev = xmltag_attr_get(iface, 'target', 'dev')
if tap_dev is None:
LOG.error("For instance %(vm)s, couldn't find tap device for "
"interface", instance_name)
# remove script tag if found
script_tag = iface.find('script')
if script_tag is not None:
def is_valid_os_data(libvirt_conn, os_type, os_arch, os_machine):
caps_xml = libvirt_conn.getCapabilities()
caps_root = et.fromstring(caps_xml)
for guest_tag in caps_root.findall('guest'):
if (xmltag_text_get(guest_tag, 'os_type') == os_type and
xmltag_attr_get(guest_tag, 'arch', 'name') == os_arch):
for machine_tag in guest_tag.find('arch').findall('machine'):
if machine_tag.text == os_machine:
return True
return False
def instance_migrate(libvirt_conn, neutron, instance, machine_type,
xml = instance.XMLDesc()
root = et.fromstring(xml)
instance_name = xmltag_text_get(root, 'name')
if instance_name is None:
LOG.error("Couldn't find instance name in XML")
instance_uuid = xmltag_text_get(root, 'uuid')
if instance_uuid is None:
LOG.error("Couldn't find UUID for instance %s", instance_name)
# Validate that os is supported by hypervisor
os_tag = root.find('os')
if os_tag is None:
LOG.error("Couldn't find OS tag for instance %s", instance_name)
type_tag = os_tag.find('type')
if not is_valid_os_data(libvirt_conn, type_tag.text, type_tag.get('arch'),
LOG.error("Instance %s OS data is invalid or not supported by "
"hypervisor", instance_name)
if machine_type is not None:
type_tag.set('machine', machine_type)
devs = root.find('devices')
ifaces = devs.findall('interface')
if not ifaces:
LOG.error('No interfaces to migrate for instance %s', instance_name)
for iface in ifaces:
iface_migrate(neutron, instance_name, iface, nsx_switch)
LOG.info('Migrated instance %(vm)s (%(uuid)s) successfully!',
{'vm': instance_name, 'uuid': instance_uuid})
def main():
opts = get_opts()
if opts.get('logfile'):
f_handler = logging.FileHandler(opts.get('logfile'))
f_formatter = logging.Formatter(
'%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
conn = libvirt.open('qemu:///system')
if conn is None:
LOG.error('Failed to connect to libvirt')
auth = identity.Password(username=opts['username'],
if auth is None:
LOG.error('Failed to authenticate with keystone')
sess = session.Session(auth=auth)
if sess is None:
LOG.error('Failed to create keystone session')
neutron = client.Client(session=sess)
if neutron is None:
LOG.error('Failed to create neutron session')
instances = conn.listAllDomains()
if not instances:
LOG.error('No instances to migrate')
for instance in instances:
instance_migrate(conn, neutron, instance, opts.get('machine-type'),
opts.get('nsx-bridge', CONF.neutron.ovs_bridge))
except Exception as e:
LOG.error('Failed to migrate instance with exception %s', e)
if __name__ == "__main__":