Dan Wendlandt 56ab50beaf Linux Agent improvements for L3
prereq for bp quantum-l3-fw-nat

- make init_l3 take cidrs, rather than assuming an augmented port object
- make namespace for agent operations optional and allow the namespace
name to be configured.
- allow plug() operation to take an optional bridge parameter indicating
which bridge to plug into
- add namespace support for iptables manager
- make OVS plug() set the IP address, etc. of a device even if it already

Change-Id: Id4fec9bf7cda30c45b94eccd25e9e54dc5af97b7
2012-08-12 14:14:07 -07:00

209 lines
8.3 KiB

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2011 Nicira Networks, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Somik Behera, Nicira Networks, Inc.
# @author: Brad Hall, Nicira Networks, Inc.
# @author: Dan Wendlandt, Nicira Networks, Inc.
# @author: Dave Lapsley, Nicira Networks, Inc.
import logging
import shlex
import signal
import subprocess
from quantum.agent.linux import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class VifPort:
def __init__(self, port_name, ofport, vif_id, vif_mac, switch):
self.port_name = port_name
self.ofport = ofport
self.vif_id = vif_id
self.vif_mac = vif_mac
self.switch = switch
def __str__(self):
return ("iface-id=" + self.vif_id + ", vif_mac=" +
self.vif_mac + ", port_name=" + self.port_name +
", ofport=" + str(self.ofport) + ", bridge_name = " +
class OVSBridge:
def __init__(self, br_name, root_helper):
self.br_name = br_name
self.root_helper = root_helper
def run_vsctl(self, args):
full_args = ["ovs-vsctl", "--timeout=2"] + args
return utils.execute(full_args, root_helper=self.root_helper)
def reset_bridge(self):
self.run_vsctl(["--", "--if-exists", "del-br", self.br_name])
self.run_vsctl(["add-br", self.br_name])
def delete_port(self, port_name):
self.run_vsctl(["--", "--if-exists", "del-port", self.br_name,
def set_db_attribute(self, table_name, record, column, value):
args = ["set", table_name, record, "%s=%s" % (column, value)]
def clear_db_attribute(self, table_name, record, column):
args = ["clear", table_name, record, column]
def run_ofctl(self, cmd, args):
full_args = ["ovs-ofctl", cmd, self.br_name] + args
return utils.execute(full_args, root_helper=self.root_helper)
def count_flows(self):
flow_list = self.run_ofctl("dump-flows", []).split("\n")[1:]
return len(flow_list) - 1
def remove_all_flows(self):
self.run_ofctl("del-flows", [])
def get_port_ofport(self, port_name):
return self.db_get_val("Interface", port_name, "ofport")
def get_datapath_id(self):
return self.db_get_val('Bridge',
self.br_name, 'datapath_id').strip('"')
def _build_flow_expr_arr(self, **kwargs):
flow_expr_arr = []
is_delete_expr = kwargs.get('delete', False)
if not is_delete_expr:
prefix = ("hard_timeout=%s,idle_timeout=%s,priority=%s" %
(kwargs.get('hard_timeout', '0'),
kwargs.get('idle_timeout', '0'),
kwargs.get('priority', '1')))
elif 'priority' in kwargs:
raise Exception("Cannot match priority on flow deletion")
in_port = ('in_port' in kwargs and ",in_port=%s" %
kwargs['in_port'] or '')
dl_type = ('dl_type' in kwargs and ",dl_type=%s" %
kwargs['dl_type'] or '')
dl_vlan = ('dl_vlan' in kwargs and ",dl_vlan=%s" %
kwargs['dl_vlan'] or '')
dl_src = 'dl_src' in kwargs and ",dl_src=%s" % kwargs['dl_src'] or ''
dl_dst = 'dl_dst' in kwargs and ",dl_dst=%s" % kwargs['dl_dst'] or ''
nw_src = 'nw_src' in kwargs and ",nw_src=%s" % kwargs['nw_src'] or ''
nw_dst = 'nw_dst' in kwargs and ",nw_dst=%s" % kwargs['nw_dst'] or ''
tun_id = 'tun_id' in kwargs and ",tun_id=%s" % kwargs['tun_id'] or ''
proto = 'proto' in kwargs and ",%s" % kwargs['proto'] or ''
ip = ('nw_src' in kwargs or 'nw_dst' in kwargs) and ',ip' or ''
match = (in_port + dl_type + dl_vlan + dl_src + dl_dst +
(ip or proto) + nw_src + nw_dst + tun_id)
if match:
match = match[1:] # strip leading comma
return flow_expr_arr
def add_flow(self, **kwargs):
if "actions" not in kwargs:
raise Exception("must specify one or more actions")
if "priority" not in kwargs:
kwargs["priority"] = "0"
flow_expr_arr = self._build_flow_expr_arr(**kwargs)
flow_expr_arr.append("actions=%s" % (kwargs["actions"]))
flow_str = ",".join(flow_expr_arr)
self.run_ofctl("add-flow", [flow_str])
def delete_flows(self, **kwargs):
kwargs['delete'] = True
flow_expr_arr = self._build_flow_expr_arr(**kwargs)
if "actions" in kwargs:
flow_expr_arr.append("actions=%s" % (kwargs["actions"]))
flow_str = ",".join(flow_expr_arr)
self.run_ofctl("del-flows", [flow_str])
def add_tunnel_port(self, port_name, remote_ip):
self.run_vsctl(["add-port", self.br_name, port_name])
self.set_db_attribute("Interface", port_name, "type", "gre")
self.set_db_attribute("Interface", port_name, "options:remote_ip",
self.set_db_attribute("Interface", port_name, "options:in_key", "flow")
self.set_db_attribute("Interface", port_name, "options:out_key",
return self.get_port_ofport(port_name)
def add_patch_port(self, local_name, remote_name):
self.run_vsctl(["add-port", self.br_name, local_name])
self.set_db_attribute("Interface", local_name, "type", "patch")
self.set_db_attribute("Interface", local_name, "options:peer",
return self.get_port_ofport(local_name)
def db_get_map(self, table, record, column):
str = self.run_vsctl(["get", table, record, column]).rstrip("\n\r")
return self.db_str_to_map(str)
def db_get_val(self, table, record, column):
return self.run_vsctl(["get", table, record, column]).rstrip("\n\r")
def db_str_to_map(self, full_str):
list = full_str.strip("{}").split(", ")
ret = {}
for e in list:
if e.find("=") == -1:
arr = e.split("=")
ret[arr[0]] = arr[1].strip("\"")
return ret
def get_port_name_list(self):
res = self.run_vsctl(["list-ports", self.br_name])
return res.split("\n")[0:-1]
def get_port_stats(self, port_name):
return self.db_get_map("Interface", port_name, "statistics")
def get_xapi_iface_id(self, xs_vif_uuid):
return utils.execute(["xe", "vif-param-get", "param-name=other-config",
"uuid=%s" % xs_vif_uuid],
# returns a VIF object for each VIF port
def get_vif_ports(self):
edge_ports = []
port_names = self.get_port_name_list()
for name in port_names:
external_ids = self.db_get_map("Interface", name, "external_ids")
ofport = self.db_get_val("Interface", name, "ofport")
if "iface-id" in external_ids and "attached-mac" in external_ids:
p = VifPort(name, ofport, external_ids["iface-id"],
external_ids["attached-mac"], self)
elif ("xs-vif-uuid" in external_ids and
"attached-mac" in external_ids):
# if this is a xenserver and iface-id is not automatically
# synced to OVS from XAPI, we grab it from XAPI directly
iface_id = self.get_xapi_iface_id(external_ids["xs-vif-uuid"])
p = VifPort(name, ofport, iface_id,
external_ids["attached-mac"], self)
return edge_ports