- API extension - abstract base class for plugin - some new validators were added to quantum/api/v2/attributes.py Implements: blueprint lbaas-restapi-tenant Change-Id: Ic2fd4debc4969389b395ce7352ab208c6854018b
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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (c) 2012 OpenStack, LLC.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import netaddr
import re
from quantum.common import exceptions as q_exc
from quantum.openstack.common import log as logging
from quantum.openstack.common import uuidutils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Defining a constant to avoid repeating string literal in several modules
SHARED = 'shared'
def _verify_dict_keys(expected_keys, target_dict):
if not isinstance(target_dict, dict):
msg = _("Invalid input. %s must be a dictionary.") % target_dict
return msg
provided_keys = target_dict.keys()
if set(expected_keys) != set(provided_keys):
msg = (_("Expected keys not found. Expected: %(expected_keys)s "
"Provided: %(provided_keys)s") % locals())
return msg
def is_attr_set(attribute):
return not (attribute is None or attribute is ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED)
def _validate_values(data, valid_values=None):
if data not in valid_values:
msg = _("'%(data)s' is not in %(valid_values)s") % locals()
LOG.debug("validate_values: %s", msg)
return msg
def _validate_string(data, max_len=None):
if not isinstance(data, basestring):
msg = _("'%s' is not a valid string") % data
LOG.debug("validate_string: %s", msg)
return msg
if max_len is not None and len(data) > max_len:
msg = _("'%(data)s' exceeds maximum length of %(max_len)s") % locals()
LOG.debug("validate_string: %s", msg)
return msg
def _validate_range(data, valid_values=None):
min_value = valid_values[0]
max_value = valid_values[1]
if not min_value <= data <= max_value:
msg = _("'%(data)s' is not in range %(min_value)s through "
"%(max_value)s") % locals()
LOG.debug("validate_range: %s", msg)
return msg
def _validate_mac_address(data, valid_values=None):
except Exception:
msg = _("'%s' is not a valid MAC address") % data
LOG.debug("validate_mac_address: %s", msg)
return msg
def _validate_ip_address(data, valid_values=None):
except Exception:
msg = _("'%s' is not a valid IP address") % data
LOG.debug("validate_ip_address: %s", msg)
return msg
def _validate_ip_pools(data, valid_values=None):
"""Validate that start and end IP addresses are present
In addition to this the IP addresses will also be validated
if not isinstance(data, list):
msg = _("'%s' is not a valid IP pool") % data
LOG.debug("validate_ip_pools: %s", msg)
return msg
expected_keys = ['start', 'end']
for ip_pool in data:
msg = _verify_dict_keys(expected_keys, ip_pool)
if msg:
LOG.debug("validate_ip_pools: %s", msg)
return msg
for k in expected_keys:
msg = _validate_ip_address(ip_pool[k])
if msg:
LOG.debug("validate_ip_pools: %s", msg)
return msg
def _validate_fixed_ips(data, valid_values=None):
if not isinstance(data, list):
msg = _("'%s' is not a valid fixed IP") % data
LOG.debug("validate_fixed_ips: %s", msg)
return msg
ips = []
for fixed_ip in data:
if 'ip_address' in fixed_ip:
# Ensure that duplicate entries are not set - just checking IP
# suffices. Duplicate subnet_id's are legitimate.
fixed_ip_address = fixed_ip['ip_address']
if fixed_ip_address in ips:
msg = _("Duplicate entry %s") % fixed_ip
msg = _validate_ip_address(fixed_ip_address)
if msg:
LOG.debug("validate_fixed_ips: %s", msg)
return msg
if 'subnet_id' in fixed_ip:
msg = _validate_uuid(fixed_ip['subnet_id'])
if msg:
LOG.debug("validate_fixed_ips: %s", msg)
return msg
def _validate_nameservers(data, valid_values=None):
if not hasattr(data, '__iter__'):
msg = _("'%s' is not a valid nameserver") % data
LOG.debug("validate_nameservers: %s", msg)
return msg
ips = []
for ip in data:
msg = _validate_ip_address(ip)
if msg:
# This may be a hostname
msg = _validate_regex(ip, HOSTNAME_PATTERN)
if msg:
msg = _("'%s' is not a valid nameserver") % ip
LOG.debug("validate_nameservers: %s", msg)
return msg
if ip in ips:
msg = _("Duplicate nameserver %s") % ip
LOG.debug("validate_nameservers: %s", msg)
return msg
def _validate_hostroutes(data, valid_values=None):
if not isinstance(data, list):
msg = _("'%s' is not a valid hostroute") % data
LOG.debug("validate_hostroutes: %s", msg)
return msg
expected_keys = ['destination', 'nexthop']
hostroutes = []
for hostroute in data:
msg = _verify_dict_keys(expected_keys, hostroute)
if msg:
LOG.debug("validate_hostroutes: %s", msg)
return msg
msg = _validate_subnet(hostroute['destination'])
if msg:
LOG.debug("validate_hostroutes: %s", msg)
return msg
msg = _validate_ip_address(hostroute['nexthop'])
if msg:
LOG.debug("validate_hostroutes: %s", msg)
return msg
if hostroute in hostroutes:
msg = _("Duplicate hostroute %s") % hostroute
LOG.debug("validate_hostroutes: %s", msg)
return msg
def _validate_ip_address_or_none(data, valid_values=None):
if data is None:
return None
return _validate_ip_address(data, valid_values)
def _validate_subnet(data, valid_values=None):
if len(data.split('/')) == 2:
except Exception:
msg = _("'%s' is not a valid IP subnet") % data
LOG.debug("validate_subnet: %s", msg)
return msg
def _validate_regex(data, valid_values=None):
if re.match(valid_values, data):
except TypeError:
msg = _("'%s' is not a valid input") % data
LOG.debug("validate_regex: %s", msg)
return msg
def _validate_uuid(data, valid_values=None):
if not uuidutils.is_uuid_like(data):
msg = _("'%s' is not a valid UUID") % data
LOG.debug("validate_uuid: %s", msg)
return msg
def _validate_uuid_or_none(data, valid_values=None):
if data is not None:
return _validate_uuid(data)
def _validate_uuid_list(data, valid_values=None):
if not isinstance(data, list):
msg = _("'%s' is not a list") % data
LOG.debug("validate_uuid_list: %s", msg)
return msg
for item in data:
msg = _validate_uuid(item)
if msg:
LOG.debug("validate_uuid_list: %s", msg)
return msg
if len(set(data)) != len(data):
msg = _("Duplicate items in the list: %s") % ', '.join(data)
LOG.debug("validate_uuid_list: %s", msg)
return msg
def _validate_dict(data, valid_values=None):
if not isinstance(data, dict):
msg = _("'%s' is not a dictionary") % data
LOG.debug("validate_dict: %s", msg)
return msg
def _validate_non_negative(data, valid_values=None):
data = int(data)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
msg = _("'%s' is not an integer") % data
LOG.debug("validate_non_negative: %s", msg)
return msg
if data < 0:
msg = _("'%s' should be non-negative") % data
LOG.debug("validate_non_negative: %s", msg)
return msg
def convert_to_boolean(data):
if isinstance(data, basestring):
val = data.lower()
if val == "true" or val == "1":
return True
if val == "false" or val == "0":
return False
elif isinstance(data, bool):
return data
elif isinstance(data, int):
if data == 0:
return False
elif data == 1:
return True
msg = _("'%s' cannot be converted to boolean") % data
raise q_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
def convert_to_int(data):
return int(data)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
msg = _("'%s' is not a integer") % data
raise q_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
def convert_kvp_str_to_list(data):
"""Convert a value of the form 'key=value' to ['key', 'value'].
:raises: q_exc.InvalidInput if any of the strings are malformed
(e.g. do not contain a key).
kvp = [x.strip() for x in data.split('=', 1)]
if len(kvp) == 2 and kvp[0]:
return kvp
msg = _("'%s' is not of the form <key>=[value]") % data
raise q_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
def convert_kvp_list_to_dict(kvp_list):
"""Convert a list of 'key=value' strings to a dict.
:raises: q_exc.InvalidInput if any of the strings are malformed
(e.g. do not contain a key) or if any
of the keys appear more than once.
if kvp_list == ['True']:
# No values were provided (i.e. '--flag-name')
return {}
kvp_map = {}
for kvp_str in kvp_list:
key, value = convert_kvp_str_to_list(kvp_str)
kvp_map.setdefault(key, set())
return dict((x, list(y)) for x, y in kvp_map.iteritems())
def convert_none_to_empty_list(value):
return [] if value is None else value
def convert_to_list(data):
if data is None:
return []
elif hasattr(data, '__iter__'):
return list(data)
return [data]
HOSTNAME_PATTERN = ("(?=^.{1,254}$)(^(?:(?!\d+\.|-)[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]"
HEX_ELEM = '[0-9A-Fa-f]'
UUID_PATTERN = '-'.join([HEX_ELEM + '{8}', HEX_ELEM + '{4}',
HEX_ELEM + '{4}', HEX_ELEM + '{4}',
HEX_ELEM + '{12}'])
# Note: In order to ensure that the MAC address is unicast the first byte
# must be even.
MAC_PATTERN = "^%s[aceACE02468](:%s{2}){5}$" % (HEX_ELEM, HEX_ELEM)
# Dictionary that maintains a list of validation functions
validators = {'type:dict': _validate_dict,
'type:fixed_ips': _validate_fixed_ips,
'type:hostroutes': _validate_hostroutes,
'type:ip_address': _validate_ip_address,
'type:ip_address_or_none': _validate_ip_address_or_none,
'type:ip_pools': _validate_ip_pools,
'type:mac_address': _validate_mac_address,
'type:nameservers': _validate_nameservers,
'type:non_negative': _validate_non_negative,
'type:range': _validate_range,
'type:regex': _validate_regex,
'type:string': _validate_string,
'type:subnet': _validate_subnet,
'type:uuid': _validate_uuid,
'type:uuid_or_none': _validate_uuid_or_none,
'type:uuid_list': _validate_uuid_list,
'type:values': _validate_values}
# Note: a default of ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED indicates that an
# attribute is not required, but will be generated by the plugin
# if it is not specified. Particularly, a value of ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED
# is different from an attribute that has been specified with a value of
# None. For example, if 'gateway_ip' is ommitted in a request to
# create a subnet, the plugin will receive ATTR_NOT_SPECIFIED
# and the default gateway_ip will be generated.
# However, if gateway_ip is specified as None, this means that
# the subnet does not have a gateway IP.
# The following is a short reference for understanding attribute info:
# default: default value of the attribute (if missing, the attribute
# becomes mandatory.
# allow_post: the attribute can be used on POST requests.
# allow_put: the attribute can be used on PUT requests.
# validate: specifies rules for validating data in the attribute.
# convert_to: transformation to apply to the value before it is returned
# is_visible: the attribute is returned in GET responses.
# required_by_policy: the attribute is required by the policy engine and
# should therefore be filled by the API layer even if not present in
# request body.
# enforce_policy: the attribute is actively part of the policy enforcing
# mechanism, ie: there might be rules which refer to this attribute.
'networks': {
'id': {'allow_post': False, 'allow_put': False,
'validate': {'type:uuid': None},
'is_visible': True},
'name': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
'validate': {'type:string': None},
'default': '', 'is_visible': True},
'subnets': {'allow_post': False, 'allow_put': False,
'default': [],
'is_visible': True},
'admin_state_up': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
'default': True,
'convert_to': convert_to_boolean,
'is_visible': True},
'status': {'allow_post': False, 'allow_put': False,
'is_visible': True},
'tenant_id': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
'validate': {'type:string': None},
'required_by_policy': True,
'is_visible': True},
SHARED: {'allow_post': True,
'allow_put': True,
'default': False,
'convert_to': convert_to_boolean,
'is_visible': True,
'required_by_policy': True,
'enforce_policy': True},
'ports': {
'id': {'allow_post': False, 'allow_put': False,
'validate': {'type:uuid': None},
'is_visible': True},
'name': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True, 'default': '',
'validate': {'type:string': None},
'is_visible': True},
'network_id': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
'required_by_policy': True,
'validate': {'type:uuid': None},
'is_visible': True},
'admin_state_up': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
'default': True,
'convert_to': convert_to_boolean,
'is_visible': True},
'mac_address': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
'validate': {'type:mac_address': None},
'enforce_policy': True,
'is_visible': True},
'fixed_ips': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
'convert_list_to': convert_kvp_list_to_dict,
'validate': {'type:fixed_ips': None},
'enforce_policy': True,
'is_visible': True},
'device_id': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
'validate': {'type:string': None},
'default': '',
'is_visible': True},
'device_owner': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
'validate': {'type:string': None},
'default': '',
'is_visible': True},
'tenant_id': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
'validate': {'type:string': None},
'required_by_policy': True,
'is_visible': True},
'status': {'allow_post': False, 'allow_put': False,
'is_visible': True},
'subnets': {
'id': {'allow_post': False, 'allow_put': False,
'validate': {'type:uuid': None},
'is_visible': True},
'name': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True, 'default': '',
'validate': {'type:string': None},
'is_visible': True},
'ip_version': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
'convert_to': convert_to_int,
'validate': {'type:values': [4, 6]},
'is_visible': True},
'network_id': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
'required_by_policy': True,
'validate': {'type:uuid': None},
'is_visible': True},
'cidr': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
'validate': {'type:subnet': None},
'is_visible': True},
'gateway_ip': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
'validate': {'type:ip_address_or_none': None},
'is_visible': True},
#TODO(salvatore-orlando): Enable PUT on allocation_pools
'allocation_pools': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
'validate': {'type:ip_pools': None},
'is_visible': True},
'dns_nameservers': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
'convert_to': convert_none_to_empty_list,
'validate': {'type:nameservers': None},
'is_visible': True},
'host_routes': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
'convert_to': convert_none_to_empty_list,
'validate': {'type:hostroutes': None},
'is_visible': True},
'tenant_id': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': False,
'validate': {'type:string': None},
'required_by_policy': True,
'is_visible': True},
'enable_dhcp': {'allow_post': True, 'allow_put': True,
'default': True,
'convert_to': convert_to_boolean,
'is_visible': True},
SHARED: {'allow_post': False,
'allow_put': False,
'default': False,
'convert_to': convert_to_boolean,
'is_visible': False,
'required_by_policy': True,
'enforce_policy': True},
# Associates to each resource its own parent resource
# Resources without parents, such as networks, are not in this list
'ports': {'parent': 'networks', 'identified_by': 'network_id'},
'subnets': {'parent': 'networks', 'identified_by': 'network_id'}