If more than one port is added or removed simultaneously, port db entry have status BUILD or DOWN and pass to ACTIVE when agent have finish to configured it. l2-pop mechanism driver use events port pass to ACTIVE or DOWN to send fdb entries. In case of port is the first or the last network port on an agent, the flooding entry need to be add or removed. This patch fix the method to determine how many ports are active on a agent by adding filter on status port to be ACTIVE. Closes-bug: #1263881 Change-Id: I9c1f8bd69dee37bc01a5d42327aa5f737998c5aa
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# Copyright (c) 2013 OpenStack Foundation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Sylvain Afchain, eNovance SAS
# @author: Francois Eleouet, Orange
# @author: Mathieu Rohon, Orange
from oslo.config import cfg
from neutron.common import constants as const
from neutron import context as n_context
from neutron.db import api as db_api
from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging
from neutron.plugins.ml2 import driver_api as api
from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.l2pop import config # noqa
from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.l2pop import db as l2pop_db
from neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.l2pop import rpc as l2pop_rpc
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class L2populationMechanismDriver(api.MechanismDriver,
def initialize(self):
LOG.debug(_("Experimental L2 population driver"))
self.rpc_ctx = n_context.get_admin_context_without_session()
def _get_port_fdb_entries(self, port):
return [[port['mac_address'],
ip['ip_address']] for ip in port['fixed_ips']]
def delete_port_precommit(self, context):
self.remove_fdb_entries = self._update_port_down(context)
def delete_port_postcommit(self, context):
self.rpc_ctx, self.remove_fdb_entries)
def _get_diff_ips(self, orig, port):
orig_ips = set([ip['ip_address'] for ip in orig['fixed_ips']])
port_ips = set([ip['ip_address'] for ip in port['fixed_ips']])
# check if an ip has been added or removed
orig_chg_ips = orig_ips.difference(port_ips)
port_chg_ips = port_ips.difference(orig_ips)
if orig_chg_ips or port_chg_ips:
return orig_chg_ips, port_chg_ips
def _fixed_ips_changed(self, context, orig, port):
diff_ips = self._get_diff_ips(orig, port)
if not diff_ips:
orig_ips, port_ips = diff_ips
port_infos = self._get_port_infos(context, orig)
if not port_infos:
agent, agent_ip, segment, port_fdb_entries = port_infos
orig_mac_ip = [[port['mac_address'], ip] for ip in orig_ips]
port_mac_ip = [[port['mac_address'], ip] for ip in port_ips]
upd_fdb_entries = {port['network_id']: {agent_ip: {}}}
ports = upd_fdb_entries[port['network_id']][agent_ip]
if orig_mac_ip:
ports['before'] = orig_mac_ip
if port_mac_ip:
ports['after'] = port_mac_ip
self.rpc_ctx, {'chg_ip': upd_fdb_entries})
return True
def update_port_postcommit(self, context):
port = context.current
orig = context.original
if port['status'] == orig['status']:
self._fixed_ips_changed(context, orig, port)
elif port['status'] == const.PORT_STATUS_ACTIVE:
elif port['status'] == const.PORT_STATUS_DOWN:
fdb_entries = self._update_port_down(context)
self.rpc_ctx, fdb_entries)
def _get_port_infos(self, context, port):
agent_host = port['binding:host_id']
if not agent_host:
session = db_api.get_session()
agent = self.get_agent_by_host(session, agent_host)
if not agent:
agent_ip = self.get_agent_ip(agent)
if not agent_ip:
LOG.warning(_("Unable to retrieve the agent ip, check the agent "
segment = context.bound_segment
if not segment:
LOG.warning(_("Port %(port)s updated by agent %(agent)s "
"isn't bound to any segment"),
{'port': port['id'], 'agent': agent})
tunnel_types = self.get_agent_tunnel_types(agent)
if segment['network_type'] not in tunnel_types:
fdb_entries = self._get_port_fdb_entries(port)
return agent, agent_ip, segment, fdb_entries
def _update_port_up(self, context):
port_context = context.current
port_infos = self._get_port_infos(context, port_context)
if not port_infos:
agent, agent_ip, segment, port_fdb_entries = port_infos
agent_host = port_context['binding:host_id']
network_id = port_context['network_id']
session = db_api.get_session()
agent_active_ports = self.get_agent_network_active_port_count(
session, agent_host, network_id)
other_fdb_entries = {network_id:
{'segment_id': segment['segmentation_id'],
'network_type': segment['network_type'],
'ports': {agent_ip: []}}}
if agent_active_ports == 1 or (
self.get_agent_uptime(agent) < cfg.CONF.l2pop.agent_boot_time):
# First port activated on current agent in this network,
# we have to provide it with the whole list of fdb entries
agent_fdb_entries = {network_id:
{'segment_id': segment['segmentation_id'],
'network_type': segment['network_type'],
'ports': {}}}
ports = agent_fdb_entries[network_id]['ports']
network_ports = self.get_network_ports(session, network_id)
for network_port in network_ports:
binding, agent = network_port
if agent.host == agent_host:
ip = self.get_agent_ip(agent)
if not ip:
LOG.debug(_("Unable to retrieve the agent ip, check "
"the agent %(agent_host)s configuration."),
{'agent_host': agent.host})
agent_ports = ports.get(ip, [const.FLOODING_ENTRY])
agent_ports += self._get_port_fdb_entries(binding.port)
ports[ip] = agent_ports
# And notify other agents to add flooding entry
if ports.keys():
self.rpc_ctx, agent_fdb_entries, agent_host)
# Notify other agents to add fdb rule for current port
other_fdb_entries[network_id]['ports'][agent_ip] += port_fdb_entries
def _update_port_down(self, context):
port_context = context.current
port_infos = self._get_port_infos(context, port_context)
if not port_infos:
agent, agent_ip, segment, port_fdb_entries = port_infos
agent_host = port_context['binding:host_id']
network_id = port_context['network_id']
session = db_api.get_session()
agent_active_ports = self.get_agent_network_active_port_count(
session, agent_host, network_id)
other_fdb_entries = {network_id:
{'segment_id': segment['segmentation_id'],
'network_type': segment['network_type'],
'ports': {agent_ip: []}}}
if agent_active_ports == 1:
# Agent is removing its last activated port in this network,
# other agents needs to be notified to delete their flooding entry.
# Notify other agents to remove fdb rule for current port
fdb_entries = self._get_port_fdb_entries(port_context)
other_fdb_entries[network_id]['ports'][agent_ip] += fdb_entries
return other_fdb_entries