Patch 32049 replaced object-oriented wrapped network resources with python method and object reference mechanism, and relys on test framework's teardown mechanism. Partial oo-wrapped mechanism are replaced with methods defined at module network_addon_methods.py, and object referenc method is replaced with python dict/list reference methods. For API tests, their _try_delete_resources are replaced with test_utils.call_and_ignore_notfound_exc config.nsxv.no_router_type added to support running lbaasv2 under upstream environment. Potential issues whith NSX-6.2.3 during this fix: bug#1682911 and bug#1683241 Change-Id: I93a667b85d87644e8cbf27337c7355b338f67982
VMware-NSX package
You have come across the VMware-NSX family of Neutron plugins
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For information on how to contribute to VMware-NSX, please see the contents of the CONTRIBUTING.rst file.