Kobi Samoray 4be41bb4b4 NSXv: Cleanup redundant FW rules from VDR
Change-Id: Ida99b5793e9537b581e562fa329d0dc880fc3621
2019-08-28 17:55:38 +03:00

384 lines
16 KiB

# Copyright 2016 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from vmware_nsx.shell.admin.plugins.common import constants
from vmware_nsx.shell.admin.plugins.common import formatters
import vmware_nsx.shell.admin.plugins.common.utils as admin_utils
import vmware_nsx.shell.admin.plugins.nsxv.resources.utils as utils
import vmware_nsx.shell.resources as shell
from neutron_lib.callbacks import registry
from neutron_lib import context as n_context
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from vmware_nsx.common import locking
from vmware_nsx.db import nsxv_db
from vmware_nsx.extensions import routersize
from vmware_nsx.plugins.nsx_v import availability_zones as nsx_az
from vmware_nsx.plugins.nsx_v import md_proxy
from vmware_nsx.plugins.nsx_v.vshield import edge_utils
from vmware_nsx.plugins.nsx_v.vshield import vcns_driver
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def delete_old_edge(context, old_edge_id):
LOG.info("Deleting the old edge: %s", old_edge_id)
# clean it up from the DB
nsxv_db.clean_edge_router_binding(context.session, old_edge_id)
nsxv_db.clean_edge_vnic_binding(context.session, old_edge_id)
with locking.LockManager.get_lock(old_edge_id):
# Delete from NSXv backend
# Note - If we will not delete the edge, but free it - it will be
# immediately used as the new one, So it is better to delete it.
nsxv = utils.get_nsxv_client()
except Exception as e:
LOG.warning("Failed to delete the old edge %(id)s: %(e)s",
{'id': old_edge_id, 'e': e})
# Continue the process anyway
# The edge may have been already deleted at the backend
def _get_router_az_from_plugin_router(router):
# If the router edge was already deployed the availability_zones will
# return the az
az_name = router.get('availability_zones', [''])[0]
if not az_name:
# If it was not deployed - it may be in the creation hints
az_name = router.get('availability_zones_hints', [''])[0]
if not az_name:
# If not - the default az was used.
az_name = nsx_az.DEFAULT_NAME
return az_name
def nsx_recreate_router_edge(old_edge_id):
# init the plugin and edge manager
with utils.NsxVPluginWrapper() as plugin:
nsxv_manager = vcns_driver.VcnsDriver(
edge_manager = edge_utils.EdgeManager(nsxv_manager, plugin)
context = n_context.get_admin_context()
# verify that this is a Router edge
router_ids = edge_manager.get_routers_on_edge(context, old_edge_id)
if not router_ids:
LOG.error("Edge %(edge_id)s is not a router edge",
{'edge_id': old_edge_id})
# all the routers on the same edge have the same type, so it
# is ok to check the type once
example_router = plugin.get_router(context, router_ids[0])
if example_router.get('distributed'):
LOG.error("Recreating a distributed router edge is not "
router_driver = plugin._router_managers.get_tenant_router_driver(
context, example_router['router_type'])
# load all the routers before deleting their binding
routers = []
for router_id in router_ids:
routers.append(plugin.get_router(context, router_id))
# delete the backend edge and all the relevant DB entries
delete_old_edge(context, old_edge_id)
# Go over all the relevant routers
for router in routers:
router_id = router['id']
az_name = _get_router_az_from_plugin_router(router)
# clean up other objects related to this router
if plugin.metadata_proxy_handler:
md_proxy = plugin.get_metadata_proxy_handler(az_name)
md_proxy.cleanup_router_edge(context, router_id)
# attach the router to a new edge
appliance_size = router.get(routersize.ROUTER_SIZE)
router_driver.attach_router(context, router_id,
{'router': router},
# find out who is the new edge to print it
new_edge_id = router_driver._get_edge_id_or_raise(
context, router_id)
LOG.info("Router %(router)s was attached to edge %(edge)s",
{'router': router_id, 'edge': new_edge_id})
def nsx_recreate_router(router_id):
# init the plugin and edge manager
with utils.NsxVPluginWrapper() as plugin:
context = n_context.get_admin_context()
router = plugin.get_router(context, router_id)
if router.get('distributed'):
LOG.error("Recreating a distributed router is not supported")
router_driver = plugin._router_managers.get_tenant_router_driver(
context, router['router_type'])
# Check if it is already attached to an edge
binding = nsxv_db.get_nsxv_router_binding(context.session,
if binding:
old_edge_id = binding['edge_id']
# detach the router from this edge
LOG.info("Detaching the router from edge %s", old_edge_id)
router_driver.detach_router(context, router_id,
{'router': router})
# attach the router to a new edge
appliance_size = router.get(routersize.ROUTER_SIZE)
router_driver.attach_router(context, router_id,
{'router': router},
# find out who is the new edge to print it
new_edge_id = router_driver._get_edge_id_or_raise(
context, router_id)
LOG.info("Router %(router)s was attached to edge %(edge)s",
{'router': router_id, 'edge': new_edge_id})
def nsx_recreate_router_or_edge(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs):
"""Recreate a router edge with all the data on a new NSXv edge"""
if not kwargs.get('property'):
LOG.error("Need to specify edge-id or router-id parameter")
# input validation
properties = admin_utils.parse_multi_keyval_opt(kwargs['property'])
old_edge_id = properties.get('edge-id')
router_id = properties.get('router-id')
if (not old_edge_id and not router_id) or (old_edge_id and router_id):
LOG.error("Need to specify edge-id or router-id parameter")
if old_edge_id:
LOG.info("ReCreating NSXv Router Edge: %s", old_edge_id)
return nsx_recreate_router_edge(old_edge_id)
LOG.info("ReCreating NSXv Router: %s", router_id)
return nsx_recreate_router(router_id)
def migrate_distributed_routers_dhcp(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs):
context = n_context.get_admin_context()
nsxv = utils.get_nsxv_client()
with utils.NsxVPluginWrapper() as plugin:
nsxv_manager = vcns_driver.VcnsDriver(
edge_manager = edge_utils.EdgeManager(nsxv_manager, plugin)
routers = plugin.get_routers(context)
for router in routers:
if router.get('distributed', False):
binding = nsxv_db.get_nsxv_router_binding(context.session,
if binding:
edge_id = binding['edge_id']
with locking.LockManager.get_lock(edge_id):
route_obj = nsxv.get_routes(edge_id)[1]
routes = route_obj.get('staticRoutes', {}
).get('staticRoutes', [])
new_routes = [route for route in routes if route.get(
'network') != '']
route_obj['staticRoutes']['staticRoutes'] = new_routes
nsxv.update_routes(edge_id, route_obj)
_update_vdr_fw_config(nsxv, edge_id)
plr_id = edge_manager.get_plr_by_tlr_id(context,
if plr_id:
binding = nsxv_db.get_nsxv_router_binding(
context.session, plr_id)
if binding:
_update_vdr_fw_config(nsxv, binding['edge_id'])
def _update_vdr_fw_config(nsxv, edge_id):
fw_config = nsxv.get_firewall(edge_id)[1]
md_rule_names = [rule['name'] for rule in md_proxy.get_router_fw_rules()]
fw_rules = fw_config.get('firewallRules', {}).get('firewallRules', [])
if fw_rules:
fw_rules = [rule for rule in fw_rules
if rule['name'] not in md_rule_names]
fw_config['firewallRules']['firewallRules'] = fw_rules
nsxv.update_firewall(edge_id, fw_config)
def is_router_conflicting_on_edge(context, driver, router_id):
edge_id = edge_utils.get_router_edge_id(context, router_id)
if not edge_id:
return False
conflict_routers) = driver._get_available_and_conflicting_ids(
context, router_id)
for conf_router in conflict_routers:
conf_edge_id = edge_utils.get_router_edge_id(context, conf_router)
if conf_edge_id == edge_id:
LOG.info("Router %(rtr)s on edge %(edge)s is conflicting with "
"another router and will be moved",
{'rtr': router_id, 'edge': edge_id})
return True
return False
def redistribute_routers(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs):
"""If any of the shared routers are on a conflicting edge move them"""
context = n_context.get_admin_context()
with utils.NsxVPluginWrapper() as plugin:
router_driver = plugin._router_managers.get_tenant_router_driver(
context, 'shared')
routers = plugin.get_routers(context)
for router in routers:
if (not router.get('distributed', False) and
router.get('router_type') == 'shared' and
context, router_driver, router['id'])):
router_driver.detach_router(context, router['id'], router)
router_driver.attach_router(context, router['id'], router)
def list_orphaned_vnics(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs):
"""List router orphaned router vnics where the port was deleted"""
orphaned_vnics = get_orphaned_vnics()
if not orphaned_vnics:
LOG.info("No orphaned router vnics found")
headers = ['edge_id', 'vnic_index', 'tunnel_index', 'network_id']
orphaned_vnics, headers))
def get_orphaned_vnics():
orphaned_vnics = []
context = n_context.get_admin_context()
vnic_binds = nsxv_db.get_edge_vnic_bindings_with_networks(
with utils.NsxVPluginWrapper() as plugin:
for vnic_bind in vnic_binds:
edge_id = vnic_bind['edge_id']
# check if this is a router edge by the router bindings table
router_bindings = nsxv_db.get_nsxv_router_bindings_by_edge(
context.session, edge_id)
if not router_bindings:
# Only log it. this is a different type of orphaned
LOG.warning("Router bindings for vnic %s not found", vnic_bind)
router_ids = [b['router_id'] for b in router_bindings]
routers = plugin.get_routers(context,
filters={'id': router_ids})
if routers:
interface_found = False
# check if any of those routers is attached to this network
for router in routers:
if plugin._get_router_interface_ports_by_network(
context, router['id'], vnic_bind['network_id']):
interface_found = True
if not interface_found:
# for later deleting the interface we need to know if this
# is a distributed router.
# All the routers on the same edge are of the same type,
# so we can check the first one.
vnic_bind['distributed'] = routers[0].get('distributed')
return orphaned_vnics
def clean_orphaned_vnics(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs):
"""List router orphaned router vnics where the port was deleted"""
orphaned_vnics = get_orphaned_vnics()
if not orphaned_vnics:
LOG.info("No orphaned router vnics found")
headers = ['edge_id', 'vnic_index', 'tunnel_index', 'network_id']
orphaned_vnics, headers))
user_confirm = admin_utils.query_yes_no("Do you want to delete "
"orphaned vnics",
if not user_confirm:
LOG.info("NSXv vnics deletion aborted by user")
context = n_context.get_admin_context()
with utils.NsxVPluginWrapper() as plugin:
nsxv_manager = vcns_driver.VcnsDriver(
for vnic in orphaned_vnics:
if not vnic['distributed']:
vnic['edge_id'], vnic['vnic_index'])
except Exception as e:
LOG.error("Failed to delete vnic from NSX: %s", e)
context.session, vnic['edge_id'], vnic['network_id'])
vnic['edge_id'], vnic['vnic_index'])
except Exception as e:
LOG.error("Failed to delete vnic from NSX: %s", e)
context.session, vnic['edge_id'], vnic['network_id'])