Also remove extra address pairs in api_replay, since its only a warning at the moment. Change-Id: I31259738f69ce89c08adc0b24c4807a269460be8
334 lines
11 KiB
334 lines
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# Copyright 2013 VMware, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import inspect
import re
from distutils import version
import functools
import hashlib
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
import eventlet
import tenacity
from tenacity import _utils as tenacity_utils
from neutron._i18n import _
from neutron import version as n_version
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import provider_net
from neutron_lib.api import validators
from neutron_lib import constants
from neutron_lib import exceptions as n_exc
from oslo_context import context as common_context
from oslo_log import log
from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import nsx_constants as v3_const
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
NEUTRON_VERSION = n_version.version_info.release_string()
# Allowed network types for the NSX Plugin
class NetworkTypes(object):
"""Allowed provider network types for the NSX Plugin."""
L3_EXT = 'l3_ext'
STT = 'stt'
GRE = 'gre'
FLAT = 'flat'
VLAN = 'vlan'
BRIDGE = 'bridge'
PORTGROUP = 'portgroup'
LOCAL = 'local'
# Allowed network types for the NSX-v Plugin
class NsxVNetworkTypes(object):
"""Allowed provider network types for the NSX-v Plugin."""
FLAT = 'flat'
VLAN = 'vlan'
VXLAN = 'vxlan'
PORTGROUP = 'portgroup'
# Allowed network types for the NSXv3 and NSX-Policy Plugin
class NsxV3NetworkTypes(object):
"""Allowed provider network types for the NSXv3 Plugin."""
FLAT = 'flat'
VLAN = 'vlan'
GENEVE = 'geneve'
NSX_NETWORK = 'nsx-net'
def is_nsx_version_1_1_0(nsx_version):
return (version.LooseVersion(nsx_version) >=
def is_nsx_version_2_0_0(nsx_version):
return (version.LooseVersion(nsx_version) >=
def is_nsx_version_2_1_0(nsx_version):
return (version.LooseVersion(nsx_version) >=
def is_nsx_version_2_4_0(nsx_version):
return (version.LooseVersion(nsx_version) >=
def is_nsx_version_2_5_0(nsx_version):
return (version.LooseVersion(nsx_version) >=
def is_nsx_version_3_0_0(nsx_version):
return (version.LooseVersion(nsx_version) >=
def is_nsx_version_3_1_0(nsx_version):
return (version.LooseVersion(nsx_version) >=
def is_nsxv_version_6_2(nsx_version):
return (version.LooseVersion(nsx_version) >=
def is_nsxv_version_6_3(nsx_version):
return (version.LooseVersion(nsx_version) >=
def is_nsxv_version_6_4_6(nsx_version):
return (version.LooseVersion(nsx_version) >=
def is_nsxv_version_6_4_9(nsx_version):
return (version.LooseVersion(nsx_version) >=
def is_nsxv_dhcp_binding_supported(nsx_version):
return ((version.LooseVersion(nsx_version) >=
version.LooseVersion('6.3.3')) or
(version.LooseVersion(nsx_version) >=
version.LooseVersion('6.2.8') and
version.LooseVersion(nsx_version) <
def get_tags(**kwargs):
tags = ([dict(tag=value, scope=key)
for key, value in kwargs.items()])
tags.append({"tag": NEUTRON_VERSION, "scope": "quantum"})
return sorted(tags, key=lambda x: x['tag'])
def device_id_to_vm_id(device_id, obfuscate=False):
# device_id can be longer than 40 characters, for example
# a device_id for a dhcp port is like the following:
# dhcp83b5fdeb-e3b4-5e18-ac5f-55161...80747326-47d7-46c2-a87a-cf6d5194877c
# To fit it into an NSX tag we need to hash it, however device_id
# used for ports associated to VM's are small enough so let's skip the
# hashing
if len(device_id) > MAX_DISPLAY_NAME_LEN or obfuscate:
return hashlib.sha1(device_id.encode()).hexdigest()
return device_id or "N/A"
def check_and_truncate(display_name):
if (validators.is_attr_set(display_name) and
len(display_name) > MAX_DISPLAY_NAME_LEN):
LOG.debug("Specified name:'%s' exceeds maximum length. "
"It will be truncated on NSX", display_name)
return display_name[:MAX_DISPLAY_NAME_LEN]
return display_name or ''
def normalize_xml(data):
data = data.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
return et.fromstring(data)
def _get_bad_request_error_code(e):
"""Get the error code out of the exception"""
desc = normalize_xml(e.response)
return int(desc.find('errorCode').text)
except Exception:
def _log_before_retry(retry_state):
"""Before call strategy that logs to some logger the attempt."""
if retry_state.attempt_number > 1:
LOG.warning("Retrying call to '%(func)s' for the %(num)s time",
{'func': tenacity_utils.get_callback_name(
'num': tenacity_utils.to_ordinal(
def _get_args_from_frame(frames, frame_num):
if len(frames) > frame_num and frames[frame_num] and frames[frame_num][0]:
# pylint: disable=deprecated-method
argvalues = inspect.getargvalues(frames[frame_num][0])
# pylint: disable=deprecated-method
formated_args = inspect.formatargvalues(*argvalues)
# remove the first 'self' arg from the log as it adds no information
formated_args = re.sub(r'\(self=.*?, ', "(", formated_args)
return formated_args
def _log_after_retry(retry_state):
"""After call strategy that logs to some logger the finished attempt."""
# Using inspect to get arguments of the relevant call
frames = inspect.trace()
# Look at frame #2 first because of the internal functions _do_X
formated_args = _get_args_from_frame(frames, 2)
if not formated_args:
formated_args = _get_args_from_frame(frames, 1)
if not formated_args:
formated_args = "Unknown"
LOG.warning("Finished retry of %(func)s for the %(num)s time after "
"%(time)0.3f(s) with args: %(args)s",
{'func': tenacity_utils.get_callback_name(retry_state.fn),
'num': tenacity_utils.to_ordinal(retry_state.attempt_number),
'time': retry_state.seconds_since_start,
'args': formated_args})
def retry_upon_exception_exclude_error_codes(
exc, excluded_errors, delay, max_delay, max_attempts):
"""Retry with the configured exponential delay, unless the exception error
code is in the given list
def retry_if_not_error_codes(e):
# return True only for BadRequests without error codes or with error
# codes not in the exclude list
if isinstance(e, exc):
error_code = _get_bad_request_error_code(e)
if error_code and error_code not in excluded_errors:
return True
return False
return tenacity.retry(reraise=True,
multiplier=delay, max=max_delay),
before=_log_before_retry, after=_log_after_retry)
def retry_upon_exception(exc, delay, max_delay, max_attempts):
return tenacity.retry(reraise=True,
multiplier=delay, max=max_delay),
before=_log_before_retry, after=_log_after_retry)
def read_file(path):
with open(path) as file:
return file.read().strip()
except IOError as e:
LOG.error("Error while opening file "
"%(path)s: %(err)s", {'path': path, 'err': str(e)})
def get_name_and_uuid(name, uuid, tag=None, maxlen=80):
short_uuid = '_' + uuid[:5] + '...' + uuid[-5:]
maxlen = maxlen - len(short_uuid)
if tag:
maxlen = maxlen - len(tag) - 1
return name[:maxlen] + '_' + tag + short_uuid
return name[:maxlen] + short_uuid
def is_ipv4_ip_address(addr):
def _valid_part(part):
int_part = int(part)
if int_part < 0 or int_part > 255:
return False
return True
except ValueError:
return False
parts = str(addr).split('.')
if len(parts) != 4:
return False
for ip_part in parts:
if not _valid_part(ip_part):
return False
return True
def is_port_dhcp_configurable(port):
owner = port.get('device_owner')
return (owner and
not owner.startswith(constants.DEVICE_OWNER_NETWORK_PREFIX))
def spawn_n(func, *args, **kwargs):
"""Passthrough method for eventlet.spawn_n.
This utility exists so that it can be stubbed for testing without
interfering with the service spawns.
It will also grab the context from the threadlocal store and add it to
the store on the new thread. This allows for continuity in logging the
context when using this method to spawn a new thread.
_context = common_context.get_current()
def context_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# NOTE: If update_store is not called after spawn_n it won't be
# available for the logger to pull from threadlocal storage.
if _context is not None:
func(*args, **kwargs)
eventlet.spawn_n(context_wrapper, *args, **kwargs)
def raise_if_updates_provider_attributes(attrs):
"""Raise exception if provider attributes are present.
This method is used for plugins that do not support updating provider
network attributes.
if any(validators.is_attr_set(attrs.get(a))
for a in provider_net.ATTRIBUTES):
msg = _("Plugin does not support updating provider attributes")
raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)