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608 lines
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# Copyright 2012 Nicira Networks, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Somik Behera, Nicira Networks, Inc.
# @author: Brad Hall, Nicira Networks, Inc.
import ConfigParser
import logging
import os
import sys
import NvpApiClient
import nvplib
from quantum.common import exceptions as exception
from quantum.plugins.nicira.nicira_nvp_plugin.api_client.client_eventlet \
import (
from quantum.plugins.nicira.nicira_nvp_plugin.api_client.request_eventlet \
import (
LOG = logging.getLogger("QuantumPlugin")
CONFIG_FILE = "nvp.ini"
if os.environ.get('QUANTUM_HOME', None):
CONFIG_FILE_PATHS.append('%s/etc' % os.environ['QUANTUM_HOME'])
def initConfig(cfile=None):
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
if cfile is None:
if os.path.exists(CONFIG_FILE):
cfile = find_config(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
if cfile is None:
raise Exception("Configuration file \"%s\" doesn't exist" % (cfile))
LOG.info("Using configuration file: %s" % cfile)
LOG.debug("Config: %s" % config)
return config
def find_config(basepath):
LOG.info("Looking for %s in %s" % (CONFIG_FILE, basepath))
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(basepath, followlinks=True):
if CONFIG_FILE in files:
return os.path.join(root, CONFIG_FILE)
for alternate_path in CONFIG_FILE_PATHS:
p = os.path.join(alternate_path, CONFIG_FILE)
if os.path.exists(p):
return p
return None
def parse_config(config):
"""Backwards compatible parsing.
:param config: ConfigParser object initilized with nvp.ini.
:returns: A tuple consisting of a control cluster object and a
plugin_config variable.
raises: In general, system exceptions are not caught but are propagated
up to the user. Config parsing is still very lightweight.
At some point, error handling needs to be significantly
enhanced to provide user friendly error messages, clean program
exists, rather than exceptions propagated to the user.
# Extract plugin config parameters.
failover_time = config.get('NVP', 'failover_time')
except ConfigParser.NoOptionError, e:
failover_time = str(DEFAULT_FAILOVER_TIME)
concurrent_connections = config.get('NVP', 'concurrent_connections')
except ConfigParser.NoOptionError, e:
concurrent_connections = str(DEFAULT_CONCURRENT_CONNECTIONS)
plugin_config = {
'failover_time': failover_time,
'concurrent_connections': concurrent_connections,
LOG.info('parse_config(): plugin_config == "%s"' % plugin_config)
cluster = NVPCluster('cluster1')
# Extract connection information.
defined_connections = config.get('NVP', 'NVP_CONTROLLER_CONNECTIONS')
for conn_key in defined_connections.split():
args = [config.get('NVP', 'DEFAULT_TZ_UUID')]
args.extend(config.get('NVP', conn_key).split(':'))
except Exception, e:
LOG.fatal('Invalid connection parameters: %s' % str(e))
return cluster, plugin_config
except Exception, e:
LOG.info('No new style connections defined: %s' % e)
# Old style controller specification.
args = [config.get('NVP', k) for k in CONFIG_KEYS]
except Exception, e:
LOG.fatal('Invalid connection parameters.')
return cluster, plugin_config
class NVPCluster(object):
"""Encapsulates controller connection and api_client.
Initialized within parse_config().
Accessed within the NvpPlugin class.
Each element in the self.controllers list is a dictionary that
contains the following keys:
ip, port, user, password, default_tz_uuid
There may be some redundancy here, but that has been done to provide
future flexibility.
def __init__(self, name):
self._name = name
self.controllers = []
self.api_client = None
def __repr__(self):
ss = ['{ "NVPCluster": [']
ss.append('{ "name" : "%s" }' % self.name)
for c in self.controllers:
ss.append('] }')
return ''.join(ss)
def add_controller(self, default_tz_uuid, ip, port, user, password,
"""Add a new set of controller parameters.
:param ip: IP address of controller.
:param port: port controller is listening on.
:param user: user name.
:param password: user password.
:param request_timeout: timeout for an entire API request.
:param http_timeout: timeout for a connect to a controller.
:param retries: maximum number of request retries.
:param redirects: maximum number of server redirect responses to
:param default_tz_uuid: default transport zone uuid.
keys = ['ip', 'port', 'user', 'password', 'default_tz_uuid']
controller_dict = dict([(k, locals()[k]) for k in keys])
int_keys = ['request_timeout', 'http_timeout', 'retries', 'redirects']
for k in int_keys:
controller_dict[k] = int(locals()[k])
def get_controller(self, idx):
return self.controllers[idx]
def name(self):
return self._name
def name(self, val=None):
self._name = val
def host(self):
return self.controllers[0]['ip']
def port(self):
return self.controllers[0]['port']
def user(self):
return self.controllers[0]['user']
def password(self):
return self.controllers[0]['password']
def request_timeout(self):
return self.controllers[0]['request_timeout']
def http_timeout(self):
return self.controllers[0]['http_timeout']
def retries(self):
return self.controllers[0]['retries']
def redirects(self):
return self.controllers[0]['redirects']
def default_tz_uuid(self):
return self.controllers[0]['default_tz_uuid']
class NvpPlugin(object):
NvpPlugin is a Quantum plugin that provides L2 Virtual Network
functionality using NVP.
supported_extension_aliases = ["portstats"]
def __init__(self, configfile=None, loglevel=None, cli=False):
if loglevel:
config = initConfig(configfile)
self.controller, self.plugin_config = parse_config(config)
c = self.controller
api_providers = [(x['ip'], x['port'], True) for x in c.controllers]
c.api_client = NvpApiClient.NVPApiHelper(
api_providers, c.user, c.password,
request_timeout=c.request_timeout, http_timeout=c.http_timeout,
retries=c.retries, redirects=c.redirects,
# For testing..
self.api_client = self.controller.api_client
def get_all_networks(self, tenant_id, **kwargs):
Returns a dictionary containing all <network_uuid, network_name> for
the specified tenant.
:returns: a list of mapping sequences with the following signature:
[{'net-id': uuid that uniquely identifies
the particular quantum network,
'net-name': a human-readable name associated
with network referenced by net-id
{'net-id': uuid that uniquely identifies the
particular quantum network,
'net-name': a human-readable name associated
with network referenced by net-id
:raises: None
networks = nvplib.get_all_networks(self.controller, tenant_id, [])
LOG.debug("get_all_networks() completed for tenant %s: %s" %
(tenant_id, networks))
return networks
def create_network(self, tenant_id, net_name, **kwargs):
Creates a new Virtual Network, and assigns it a symbolic name.
:returns: a sequence of mappings with the following signature:
{'net-id': uuid that uniquely identifies the
particular quantum network,
'net-name': a human-readable name associated
with network referenced by net-id
kwargs["controller"] = self.controller
return nvplib.create_network(tenant_id, net_name, **kwargs)
def create_custom_network(self, tenant_id, net_name, transport_zone,
return self.create_network(tenant_id, net_name,
def delete_network(self, tenant_id, netw_id):
Deletes the network with the specified network identifier
belonging to the specified tenant.
:returns: a sequence of mappings with the following signature:
{'net-id': uuid that uniquely identifies the
particular quantum network
:raises: exception.NetworkInUse
:raises: exception.NetworkNotFound
if not nvplib.check_tenant(self.controller, netw_id, tenant_id):
raise exception.NetworkNotFound(net_id=netw_id)
nvplib.delete_network(self.controller, netw_id)
LOG.debug("delete_network() completed for tenant: %s" % tenant_id)
return {'net-id': netw_id}
def get_network_details(self, tenant_id, netw_id):
Retrieves a list of all the remote vifs that
are attached to the network.
:returns: a sequence of mappings with the following signature:
{'net-id': uuid that uniquely identifies the
particular quantum network
'net-name': a human-readable name associated
with network referenced by net-id
'net-ifaces': ['vif1_on_network_uuid',
:raises: exception.NetworkNotFound
:raises: exception.QuantumException
if not nvplib.check_tenant(self.controller, netw_id, tenant_id):
raise exception.NetworkNotFound(net_id=netw_id)
result = None
remote_vifs = []
switch = netw_id
lports = nvplib.query_ports(self.controller, switch,
for port in lports:
relation = port["_relations"]
vic = relation["LogicalPortAttachment"]
if "vif_uuid" in vic:
if not result:
result = nvplib.get_network(self.controller, switch)
d = {
"net-id": netw_id,
"net-ifaces": remote_vifs,
"net-name": result["display_name"],
"net-op-status": "UP",
LOG.debug("get_network_details() completed for tenant %s: %s" %
(tenant_id, d))
return d
def update_network(self, tenant_id, netw_id, **kwargs):
Updates the properties of a particular Virtual Network.
:returns: a sequence of mappings representing the new network
attributes, with the following signature:
{'net-id': uuid that uniquely identifies the
particular quantum network
'net-name': the new human-readable name
associated with network referenced by net-id
:raises: exception.NetworkNotFound
if not nvplib.check_tenant(self.controller, netw_id, tenant_id):
raise exception.NetworkNotFound(net_id=netw_id)
result = nvplib.update_network(self.controller, netw_id, **kwargs)
LOG.debug("update_network() completed for tenant: %s" % tenant_id)
return {
'net-id': netw_id,
'net-name': result["display_name"],
'net-op-status': "UP",
def get_all_ports(self, tenant_id, netw_id, **kwargs):
Retrieves all port identifiers belonging to the
specified Virtual Network.
:returns: a list of mapping sequences with the following signature:
[{'port-id': uuid representing a particular port
on the specified quantum network
{'port-id': uuid representing a particular port
on the specified quantum network
:raises: exception.NetworkNotFound
ids = []
filters = kwargs.get("filter_opts") or {}
if not nvplib.check_tenant(self.controller, netw_id, tenant_id):
raise exception.NetworkNotFound(net_id=netw_id)
LOG.debug("Getting logical ports on lswitch: %s" % netw_id)
lports = nvplib.query_ports(self.controller, netw_id, fields="uuid",
for port in lports:
ids.append({"port-id": port["uuid"]})
# Delete from the filter so that Quantum doesn't attempt to filter on
# this too
if filters and "attachment" in filters:
del filters["attachment"]
LOG.debug("get_all_ports() completed for tenant: %s" % tenant_id)
LOG.debug("returning port listing:")
return ids
def create_port(self, tenant_id, netw_id, port_init_state=None, **params):
Creates a port on the specified Virtual Network.
:returns: a mapping sequence with the following signature:
{'port-id': uuid representing the created port
on specified quantum network
:raises: exception.NetworkNotFound
:raises: exception.StateInvalid
if not nvplib.check_tenant(self.controller, netw_id, tenant_id):
raise exception.NetworkNotFound(net_id=netw_id)
params["controller"] = self.controller
if not nvplib.check_tenant(self.controller, netw_id, tenant_id):
raise exception.NetworkNotFound(net_id=netw_id)
result = nvplib.create_port(tenant_id, netw_id, port_init_state,
d = {
"port-id": result["uuid"],
"port-op-status": result["port-op-status"],
LOG.debug("create_port() completed for tenant %s: %s" % (tenant_id, d))
return d
def update_port(self, tenant_id, netw_id, portw_id, **params):
Updates the properties of a specific port on the
specified Virtual Network.
:returns: a mapping sequence with the following signature:
{'port-id': uuid representing the
updated port on specified quantum network
'port-state': update port state (UP or DOWN)
:raises: exception.StateInvalid
:raises: exception.PortNotFound
if not nvplib.check_tenant(self.controller, netw_id, tenant_id):
raise exception.NetworkNotFound(net_id=netw_id)
LOG.debug("Update port request: %s" % (params))
params["controller"] = self.controller
result = nvplib.update_port(netw_id, portw_id, **params)
LOG.debug("update_port() completed for tenant: %s" % tenant_id)
port = {
'port-id': portw_id,
'port-state': result["admin_status_enabled"],
'port-op-status': result["port-op-status"],
LOG.debug("returning updated port %s: " % port)
return port
def delete_port(self, tenant_id, netw_id, portw_id):
Deletes a port on a specified Virtual Network,
if the port contains a remote interface attachment,
the remote interface is first un-plugged and then the port
is deleted.
:returns: a mapping sequence with the following signature:
{'port-id': uuid representing the deleted port
on specified quantum network
:raises: exception.PortInUse
:raises: exception.PortNotFound
:raises: exception.NetworkNotFound
if not nvplib.check_tenant(self.controller, netw_id, tenant_id):
raise exception.NetworkNotFound(net_id=netw_id)
nvplib.delete_port(self.controller, netw_id, portw_id)
LOG.debug("delete_port() completed for tenant: %s" % tenant_id)
return {"port-id": portw_id}
def get_port_details(self, tenant_id, netw_id, portw_id):
This method allows the user to retrieve a remote interface
that is attached to this particular port.
:returns: a mapping sequence with the following signature:
{'port-id': uuid representing the port on
specified quantum network
'net-id': uuid representing the particular
quantum network
'attachment': uuid of the virtual interface
bound to the port, None otherwise
:raises: exception.PortNotFound
:raises: exception.NetworkNotFound
if not nvplib.check_tenant(self.controller, netw_id, tenant_id):
raise exception.NetworkNotFound(net_id=netw_id)
port = nvplib.get_port(self.controller, netw_id, portw_id,
state = "ACTIVE" if port["admin_status_enabled"] else "DOWN"
op_status = nvplib.get_port_status(self.controller, netw_id, portw_id)
relation = port["_relations"]
attach_type = relation["LogicalPortAttachment"]["type"]
vif_uuid = "None"
if attach_type == "VifAttachment":
vif_uuid = relation["LogicalPortAttachment"]["vif_uuid"]
d = {
"port-id": portw_id, "attachment": vif_uuid,
"net-id": netw_id, "port-state": state,
"port-op-status": op_status,
LOG.debug("Port details for tenant %s: %s" % (tenant_id, d))
return d
def plug_interface(self, tenant_id, netw_id, portw_id,
Attaches a remote interface to the specified port on the
specified Virtual Network.
:returns: None
:raises: exception.NetworkNotFound
:raises: exception.PortNotFound
:raises: exception.AlreadyAttached
(? should the network automatically unplug/replug)
if not nvplib.check_tenant(self.controller, netw_id, tenant_id):
raise exception.NetworkNotFound(net_id=netw_id)
result = nvplib.plug_interface(self.controller, netw_id,
portw_id, "VifAttachment",
LOG.debug("plug_interface() completed for %s: %s" %
(tenant_id, result))
def unplug_interface(self, tenant_id, netw_id, portw_id):
Detaches a remote interface from the specified port on the
specified Virtual Network.
:returns: None
:raises: exception.NetworkNotFound
:raises: exception.PortNotFound
if not nvplib.check_tenant(self.controller, netw_id, tenant_id):
raise exception.NetworkNotFound(net_id=netw_id)
result = nvplib.unplug_interface(self.controller, netw_id, portw_id)
LOG.debug("unplug_interface() completed for tenant %s: %s" %
(tenant_id, result))
def get_port_stats(self, tenant_id, network_id, port_id):
Returns port statistics for a given port.
"rx_packets": 0,
"rx_bytes": 0,
"tx_errors": 0,
"rx_errors": 0,
"tx_bytes": 0,
"tx_packets": 0
:returns: dict() of stats
:raises: exception.NetworkNotFound
:raises: exception.PortNotFound
if not nvplib.check_tenant(self.controller, network_id, tenant_id):
raise exception.NetworkNotFound(net_id=network_id)
return nvplib.get_port_stats(self.controller, network_id, port_id)