Gary Kotton 7dde4283b7 NSX: make use of neutron_lib constants
Commit 87a79256c494c36f2d9597313f430b24c0110161 added neutron_lib
for shared constants. This patch moves us to make use of the
aforementioned library.

Change-Id: I9f541602a2c321c56f4d99c3ddf5a3f4b7e07ffe
2016-02-29 00:04:28 -08:00

183 lines
7.4 KiB

# Copyright 2014 VMware, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from neutron.common import exceptions as n_exc
from neutron.extensions import external_net
from neutron_lib import constants as const
from oslo_log import log as logging
from vmware_nsx._i18n import _, _LE
from vmware_nsx.common import exceptions as p_exc
from vmware_nsx.dhcp_meta import nsx
from vmware_nsx.dhcp_meta import rpc
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class DhcpMetadataBuilder(object):
def __init__(self, plugin, agent_notifier):
self.plugin = plugin
self.notifier = agent_notifier
def dhcp_agent_get_all(self, context, network_id):
"""Return the agents managing the network."""
return self.plugin.list_dhcp_agents_hosting_network(
context, network_id)['agents']
def dhcp_port_get_all(self, context, network_id):
"""Return the dhcp ports allocated for the network."""
filters = {
'network_id': [network_id],
'device_owner': [const.DEVICE_OWNER_DHCP]
return self.plugin.get_ports(context, filters=filters)
def router_id_get(self, context, subnet=None):
"""Return the router and interface used for the subnet."""
if not subnet:
network_id = subnet['network_id']
filters = {
'network_id': [network_id],
'device_owner': [const.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF]
ports = self.plugin.get_ports(context, filters=filters)
for port in ports:
if port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id'] == subnet['id']:
return port['device_id']
def metadata_deallocate(self, context, router_id, subnet_id):
"""Deallocate metadata services for the subnet."""
interface = {'subnet_id': subnet_id}
self.plugin.remove_router_interface(context, router_id, interface)
def metadata_allocate(self, context, router_id, subnet_id):
"""Allocate metadata resources for the subnet via the router."""
interface = {'subnet_id': subnet_id}
self.plugin.add_router_interface(context, router_id, interface)
def dhcp_deallocate(self, context, network_id, agents, ports):
"""Deallocate dhcp resources for the network."""
for agent in agents:
context, agent['id'], network_id)
for port in ports:
self.plugin.delete_port(context, port['id'])
except n_exc.PortNotFound:
LOG.error(_LE('Port %s is already gone'), port['id'])
def dhcp_allocate(self, context, network_id, subnet):
"""Allocate dhcp resources for the subnet."""
# Create LSN resources
network_data = {'id': network_id}
nsx.handle_network_dhcp_access(self.plugin, context,
network_data, 'create_network')
if subnet:
subnet_data = {'subnet': subnet}
self.notifier.notify(context, subnet_data, 'subnet.create.end')
# Get DHCP host and metadata entries created for the LSN
port = {
'network_id': network_id,
'fixed_ips': [{'subnet_id': subnet['id']}]
self.notifier.notify(context, {'port': port}, 'port.update.end')
class MigrationManager(object):
def __init__(self, plugin, lsn_manager, agent_notifier):
self.plugin = plugin
self.manager = lsn_manager
self.builder = DhcpMetadataBuilder(plugin, agent_notifier)
def validate(self, context, network_id):
"""Validate and return subnet's dhcp info for migration."""
network = self.plugin.get_network(context, network_id)
if self.manager.lsn_exists(context, network_id):
reason = _("LSN already exist")
raise p_exc.LsnMigrationConflict(net_id=network_id, reason=reason)
if network[external_net.EXTERNAL]:
reason = _("Cannot migrate an external network")
raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='network', msg=reason)
filters = {'network_id': [network_id]}
subnets = self.plugin.get_subnets(context, filters=filters)
count = len(subnets)
if count == 0:
return None
elif count == 1 and subnets[0]['cidr'] == rpc.METADATA_SUBNET_CIDR:
reason = _("Cannot migrate a 'metadata' network")
raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='network', msg=reason)
elif count > 1:
reason = _("Unable to support multiple subnets per network")
raise p_exc.LsnMigrationConflict(net_id=network_id, reason=reason)
return subnets[0]
def migrate(self, context, network_id, subnet=None):
"""Migrate subnet resources to LSN."""
router_id = self.builder.router_id_get(context, subnet)
if router_id and subnet:
# Deallocate resources taken for the router, if any
self.builder.metadata_deallocate(context, router_id, subnet['id'])
if subnet:
# Deallocate reources taken for the agent, if any
agents = self.builder.dhcp_agent_get_all(context, network_id)
ports = self.builder.dhcp_port_get_all(context, network_id)
self.builder.dhcp_deallocate(context, network_id, agents, ports)
# (re)create the configuration for LSN
self.builder.dhcp_allocate(context, network_id, subnet)
if router_id and subnet:
# Allocate resources taken for the router, if any
self.builder.metadata_allocate(context, router_id, subnet['id'])
def report(self, context, network_id, subnet_id=None):
"""Return a report of the dhcp and metadata resources in use."""
if subnet_id:
lsn_id, lsn_port_id = self.manager.lsn_port_get(
context, network_id, subnet_id, raise_on_err=False)
filters = {'network_id': [network_id]}
subnets = self.plugin.get_subnets(context, filters=filters)
if subnets:
lsn_id, lsn_port_id = self.manager.lsn_port_get(
context, network_id, subnets[0]['id'], raise_on_err=False)
lsn_id = self.manager.lsn_get(context, network_id,
lsn_port_id = None
if lsn_id:
ports = [lsn_port_id] if lsn_port_id else []
report = {
'type': 'lsn',
'services': [lsn_id],
'ports': ports
agents = self.builder.dhcp_agent_get_all(context, network_id)
ports = self.builder.dhcp_port_get_all(context, network_id)
report = {
'type': 'agent',
'services': [a['id'] for a in agents],
'ports': [p['id'] for p in ports]
return report