The nsx-v FWaaS driver will add the configured firewall rules to the router edges. Currently there is not support for shared routers. The rules will be edded after the current rules (NAT, LBaaS, external traffic) for exclusive routers edges and distributed routers PLR edged. Change-Id: I82ba90070ef4e739a0b5c4463ef03a807e26adfb
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# Copyright 2017 VMware, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_config import cfg
from neutron.agent.l3 import router_info
from neutron.common import config as neutron_config # noqa
from neutron_fwaas.db.firewall import firewall_db # noqa
from neutron_fwaas.db.firewall import firewall_router_insertion_db \
as fw_r_ins_db
from neutron_fwaas.services.firewall.agents.l3reference \
import firewall_l3_agent
from neutron_lib import context as n_context
from neutron_lib.plugins import directory
class NsxvFwaasCallbacks(firewall_l3_agent.L3WithFWaaS):
"""NSX-V RPC callbacks for Firewall As A Service - V1."""
def __init__(self):
# The super code needs a configuration object with the neutron host
# and an agent_mode, hich our driver doesn't use.
neutron_conf = cfg.CONF
neutron_conf.agent_mode = 'nsx'
super(NsxvFwaasCallbacks, self).__init__(conf=neutron_conf)
def core_plugin(self):
return directory.get_plugin()
# Override functions using the agent_api that is not used by our plugin
def _get_router_ids_for_fw(self, context, fw, to_delete=False):
"""Return the router_ids either from fw dict or tenant routers."""
if self._has_router_insertion_fields(fw):
# it is a new version of plugin
return (fw['del-router-ids'] if to_delete
else fw['add-router-ids'])
return [router['id'] for router in
self._get_routers_in_project(context, fw['tenant_id'])]
def _get_routers_in_project(self, context, project_id):
return self.core_plugin.get_routers(
filters={'tenant_id': [project_id]})
def _router_dict_to_obj(self, r):
# The callbacks expect a router-info object
return router_info.RouterInfo(
None, r['id'], router=r,
def _get_router_info_list_for_tenant(self, router_ids, tenant_id):
"""Returns the list of router info objects on which to apply the fw."""
context = n_context.get_admin_context()
tenant_routers = self._get_routers_in_project(context, tenant_id)
return [self._router_dict_to_obj(ri) for ri in tenant_routers
if ri['id'] in router_ids]
def get_fwaas_rules_for_router(self, context, router, router_id):
"""Return the list of (translated) fwaas rules for this router."""
if not self.fwaas_enabled:
return []
ctx_elevated = context.elevated()
# get all the relevant router info
# ("router" does not have all the fields)
router_data = self.core_plugin.get_router(ctx_elevated, router['id'])
if not router_data:
return []
if router_data.get('distributed'):
# in case of distributed router router['id'] is the id of the
# neutron router
# and router_id is the plr/tlr (the one that is being updated)
if router_id == router['id']:
# Do not add firewall rules on the tlr router.
return []
if router_data.get('router_type') == 'shared':
# Currently there is no FWaaS support for shared routers
return []
# Exclusive router or PLR
fw_id = self._get_router_firewall_id(ctx_elevated, router['id'])
if fw_id:
return self._get_fw_applicable_rules(ctx_elevated, fw_id)
return []
# TODO(asarfaty): add this api to fwaas firewall-router-insertion-db
def _get_router_firewall_id(self, context, router_id):
entry = context.session.query(
if entry:
return entry.fw_id
def _get_fw_applicable_rules(self, context, fw_id):
fw_list = self.fwplugin_rpc.get_firewalls_for_tenant(context)
for fw in fw_list:
if fw['id'] == fw_id:
return self.fwaas_driver.get_firewall_translated_rules(fw)
return []