In migration 1341ed32cc1e_nvp_netbinding_update Enum type had been changed incorrectly from ('flat', 'vlan', 'stt', 'gre') to ('flat', 'vlan', 'stt', 'gre', 'l3_ext') for PostgeSQL. The same problem is taken place for vlan_type in migrations 38fc1f6789f8_cisco_n1kv_overlay from ('vlan', 'vxlan', 'trunk', 'multi-segment') to ('vlan', 'overlay', 'trunk', 'multi-segment') and in 46a0efbd8f0_cisco_n1kv_multisegm from ('vlan', 'vxlan') to ('vlan', 'vxlan', 'trunk', 'multi-segment'). In this change request was added separate method for changing Enum type for PostgreSQL. Closes-bug: #1301396 Change-Id: I27197fb7405630a55178be8516a4b62bd135e05c
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# Copyright 2012 New Dream Network, LLC (DreamHost)
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Mark McClain, DreamHost
from alembic import op
import sqlalchemy as sa
OVS_PLUGIN = ('neutron.plugins.openvswitch.ovs_neutron_plugin'
CISCO_PLUGIN = 'neutron.plugins.cisco.network_plugin.PluginV2'
def should_run(active_plugins, migrate_plugins):
if '*' in migrate_plugins:
return True
if (CISCO_PLUGIN not in migrate_plugins and
OVS_PLUGIN in migrate_plugins):
return set(active_plugins) & set(migrate_plugins)
def alter_enum(table, column, enum_type, nullable):
bind = op.get_bind()
engine = bind.engine
if engine.name == 'postgresql':
values = {'table': table,
'column': column,
'name': enum_type.name}
op.execute("ALTER TYPE %(name)s RENAME TO old_%(name)s" % values)
enum_type.create(bind, checkfirst=False)
op.execute("ALTER TABLE %(table)s RENAME COLUMN %(column)s TO "
"old_%(column)s" % values)
op.add_column(table, sa.Column(column, enum_type, nullable=nullable))
op.execute("UPDATE %(table)s SET %(column)s = "
"old_%(column)s::text::%(name)s" % values)
op.execute("ALTER TABLE %(table)s DROP COLUMN old_%(column)s" % values)
op.execute("DROP TYPE old_%(name)s" % values)
op.alter_column(table, column, type_=enum_type,