Akihiro Motoki 4741a1d649 NEC plugin: delete old OFC ID mapping tables
Before Grizzly release, data format of OFC ID mapping tables was changed
and there are two types of ID mapping tables for old and new format.
This commit migrate data from old mapping tables into new tables,
drop old mapping tables and remove the logic handling the old tables.

In the db migration scripts, built-in compiler of sqlalchemy does not
support "INSERT INTO table (col1, col2,...) (SELECT ....)" format,
so a custom sqlalchemy.expression compiling method is defined.

Closes-Bug: #1286733
Change-Id: I7dae6b728ab9e10f1dc5d63418a69ee4c26354ea
2014-03-06 08:29:52 +00:00

251 lines
9.1 KiB

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2012 NEC Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Ryota MIBU
# @author: Akihiro MOTOKI
from neutron.openstack.common import uuidutils
from neutron.plugins.nec.common import ofc_client
from neutron.plugins.nec import ofc_driver_base
class TremaDriverBase(ofc_driver_base.OFCDriverBase):
"""Common class for Trema (Sliceable Switch) Drivers."""
networks_path = "/networks"
network_path = "/networks/%s"
router_supported = False
def __init__(self, conf_ofc):
# Trema sliceable REST API does not support HTTPS
self.client = ofc_client.OFCClient(host=conf_ofc.host,
def _get_network_id(self, ofc_network_id):
# ofc_network_id : /networks/<network-id>
return ofc_network_id.split('/')[2]
def _get_tenant_id(self, tenant_id):
# Trema does not use tenant_id, but it returns
# /tenants/<tenant_id> format to keep consistency with PFC driver.
return '/tenants/' + tenant_id
def create_tenant(self, description, tenant_id=None):
return self._get_tenant_id(tenant_id or uuidutils.generate_uuid())
def update_tenant(self, ofc_tenant_id, description):
def delete_tenant(self, ofc_tenant_id):
def create_network(self, ofc_tenant_id, description, network_id=None):
ofc_network_id = network_id or uuidutils.generate_uuid()
body = {'id': ofc_network_id, 'description': description}
self.client.post(self.networks_path, body=body)
return self.network_path % ofc_network_id
def delete_network(self, ofc_network_id):
return self.client.delete(ofc_network_id)
class TremaFilterDriverMixin(object):
"""Trema (Sliceable Switch) PacketFilter Driver Mixin."""
filters_path = "/filters"
filter_path = "/filters/%s"
def filter_supported(cls):
return True
def create_filter(self, ofc_network_id, filter_dict,
portinfo=None, filter_id=None, apply_ports=None):
if filter_dict['action'].upper() in ["ACCEPT", "ALLOW"]:
ofc_action = "ALLOW"
elif filter_dict['action'].upper() in ["DROP", "DENY"]:
ofc_action = "DENY"
body = {'priority': filter_dict['priority'],
'slice': self._get_network_id(ofc_network_id),
'action': ofc_action}
ofp_wildcards = ["dl_vlan", "dl_vlan_pcp", "nw_tos"]
if portinfo:
body['in_datapath_id'] = portinfo.datapath_id
body['in_port'] = portinfo.port_no
body['wildcards'] = "in_datapath_id"
if filter_dict['src_mac']:
body['dl_src'] = filter_dict['src_mac']
if filter_dict['dst_mac']:
body['dl_dst'] = filter_dict['dst_mac']
if filter_dict['src_cidr']:
body['nw_src'] = filter_dict['src_cidr']
if filter_dict['dst_cidr']:
body['nw_dst'] = filter_dict['dst_cidr']
if filter_dict['protocol']:
if filter_dict['protocol'].upper() == "ICMP":
body['dl_type'] = "0x800"
body['nw_proto'] = hex(1)
elif filter_dict['protocol'].upper() == "TCP":
body['dl_type'] = "0x800"
body['nw_proto'] = hex(6)
elif filter_dict['protocol'].upper() == "UDP":
body['dl_type'] = "0x800"
body['nw_proto'] = hex(17)
elif filter_dict['protocol'].upper() == "ARP":
body['dl_type'] = "0x806"
body['nw_proto'] = filter_dict['protocol']
if 'dl_type' in body:
elif filter_dict['eth_type']:
body['dl_type'] = filter_dict['eth_type']
if filter_dict['src_port']:
body['tp_src'] = hex(filter_dict['src_port'])
if filter_dict['dst_port']:
body['tp_dst'] = hex(filter_dict['dst_port'])
ofc_filter_id = filter_id or uuidutils.generate_uuid()
body['id'] = ofc_filter_id
body['ofp_wildcards'] = ','.join(ofp_wildcards)
self.client.post(self.filters_path, body=body)
return self.filter_path % ofc_filter_id
def delete_filter(self, ofc_filter_id):
return self.client.delete(ofc_filter_id)
class TremaPortBaseDriver(TremaDriverBase, TremaFilterDriverMixin):
"""Trema (Sliceable Switch) Driver for port base binding.
TremaPortBaseDriver uses port base binding.
Ports are identified by datapath_id, port_no and vlan_id.
ports_path = "%(network)s/ports"
port_path = "%(network)s/ports/%(port)s"
def create_port(self, ofc_network_id, portinfo,
port_id=None, filters=None):
ofc_port_id = port_id or uuidutils.generate_uuid()
path = self.ports_path % {'network': ofc_network_id}
body = {'id': ofc_port_id,
'datapath_id': portinfo.datapath_id,
'port': str(portinfo.port_no),
'vid': str(portinfo.vlan_id)}
self.client.post(path, body=body)
return self.port_path % {'network': ofc_network_id,
'port': ofc_port_id}
def delete_port(self, ofc_port_id):
return self.client.delete(ofc_port_id)
class TremaPortMACBaseDriver(TremaDriverBase, TremaFilterDriverMixin):
"""Trema (Sliceable Switch) Driver for port-mac base binding.
TremaPortBaseDriver uses port-mac base binding.
Ports are identified by datapath_id, port_no, vlan_id and mac.
ports_path = "%(network)s/ports"
port_path = "%(network)s/ports/%(port)s"
attachments_path = "%(network)s/ports/%(port)s/attachments"
attachment_path = "%(network)s/ports/%(port)s/attachments/%(attachment)s"
def create_port(self, ofc_network_id, portinfo, port_id=None,
#NOTE: This Driver create slices with Port-MAC Based bindings on Trema
# Sliceable. It's REST API requires Port Based binding before you
# define Port-MAC Based binding.
ofc_port_id = port_id or uuidutils.generate_uuid()
dummy_port_id = "dummy-%s" % ofc_port_id
path = self.ports_path % {'network': ofc_network_id}
body = {'id': dummy_port_id,
'datapath_id': portinfo.datapath_id,
'port': str(portinfo.port_no),
'vid': str(portinfo.vlan_id)}
self.client.post(path, body=body)
path = self.attachments_path % {'network': ofc_network_id,
'port': dummy_port_id}
body = {'id': ofc_port_id, 'mac': portinfo.mac}
self.client.post(path, body=body)
path = self.port_path % {'network': ofc_network_id,
'port': dummy_port_id}
return self.attachment_path % {'network': ofc_network_id,
'port': dummy_port_id,
'attachment': ofc_port_id}
def delete_port(self, ofc_port_id):
return self.client.delete(ofc_port_id)
class TremaMACBaseDriver(TremaDriverBase):
"""Trema (Sliceable Switch) Driver for mac base binding.
TremaPortBaseDriver uses mac base binding.
Ports are identified by mac.
attachments_path = "%(network)s/attachments"
attachment_path = "%(network)s/attachments/%(attachment)s"
def filter_supported(cls):
return False
def create_port(self, ofc_network_id, portinfo, port_id=None,
ofc_port_id = port_id or uuidutils.generate_uuid()
path = self.attachments_path % {'network': ofc_network_id}
body = {'id': ofc_port_id, 'mac': portinfo.mac}
self.client.post(path, body=body)
return self.attachment_path % {'network': ofc_network_id,
'attachment': ofc_port_id}
def delete_port(self, ofc_port_id):
return self.client.delete(ofc_port_id)