Due to a recent upstream change, tempest project switched to using in-tree tempest lib instead of tempest_lib. We need to change our NSX tempest plugin test to use in-tree tempest lib too. Upstream change: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/284911 Fixes-Bug: #1552453 Change-Id: I522d234d948f5b7a6f70dec69c98c44eb5d7582f
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import time
from tempest.lib.common.utils import misc as misc_utils
from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
from tempest import exceptions
from vmware_nsx_tempest.services import network_client_base as base
POOL_RID = 'pools'
VIP_RID = 'vips'
HEALTHMONITOR_RID = 'health_monitors'
MEMBER_RID = 'members'
class LoadBalancerV1Client(base.BaseNetworkClient):
def _list_lb(self, lb_resource, **filters):
resource_name_s, resource_name_p = _g_resource_namelist(lb_resource)
req_uri = '/lb/%s' % (resource_name_p)
return self.list_resources(req_uri, **filters)
def _show_lb(self, lb_resource, resource_id, **fields):
resource_name_s, resource_name_p = _g_resource_namelist(lb_resource)
req_uri = '/lb/%s/%s' % (resource_name_p, resource_id)
return self.show_resource(req_uri, **fields)
def _delete_lb(self, lb_resource, resource_id):
resource_name_s, resource_name_p = _g_resource_namelist(lb_resource)
req_uri = '/lb/%s/%s' % (resource_name_p, resource_id)
return self.delete_resource(req_uri)
def _create_lb(self, lb_resource, **kwargs):
resource_name_s, resource_name_p = _g_resource_namelist(lb_resource)
req_uri = '/lb/%s' % (resource_name_p)
post_body = {resource_name_s: kwargs}
return self.create_resource(req_uri, post_body)
def _update_lb(self, lb_resource, resource_id, **kwargs):
resource_name_s, resource_name_p = _g_resource_namelist(lb_resource)
req_uri = '/lb/%s/%s' % (resource_name_p, resource_id)
post_body = {resource_name_s: kwargs}
return self.update_resource(req_uri, post_body)
def show_agent_hosting_pool(self, pool_id):
"""Get loadbalancer agent hosting a pool."""
req_uri = "/lb/pools/%s/loadbalancer-agent" % (pool_id)
return self.show_resource(req_uri)
def associate_health_monitor_with_pool(self, health_monitor_id, pool_id):
"""Create a mapping between a health monitor and a pool."""
post_body = {'health_monitor': {'id': health_monitor_id}}
req_uri = '/lb/pools/%s/%s' % (pool_id, HEALTHMONITOR_RID)
return self.create_resource(req_uri, post_body)
def create_health_monitor(self, **kwargs):
"""Create a health monitor."""
create_kwargs = dict(
type=kwargs.pop('type', 'TCP'),
max_retries=kwargs.pop('nax_retries', 3),
timeout=kwargs.pop('timeout', 1),
delay=kwargs.pop('delay', 4),
return self._create_lb(HEALTHMONITOR_RID, **create_kwargs)
def delete_health_monitor(self, health_monitor_id):
"""Delete a given health monitor."""
return self._delete_lb(HEALTHMONITOR_RID, health_monitor_id)
def disassociate_health_monitor_with_pool(self, health_monitor_id,
"""Remove a mapping from a health monitor to a pool."""
req_uri = ('/lb/pools/%s/%s/%s'
% (pool_id, HEALTHMONITOR_RID, health_monitor_id))
return self.delete_resource(req_uri)
def list_health_monitors(self, **filters):
"""List health monitors that belong to a given tenant."""
return self._list_lb(HEALTHMONITOR_RID, **filters)
def show_health_monitor(self, health_monitor_id):
"""Show information of a given health monitor."""
return self._show_lb(HEALTHMONITOR_RID, health_monitor_id)
def update_health_monitor(self, health_monitor_id,
show_then_update=False, **kwargs):
"""Update a given health monitor."""
body = (self.show_health_monitor(health_monitor_id)['health_monitor']
if show_then_update else {})
return self._update_lb(HEALTHMONITOR_RID,
health_monitor_id, **body)
# tempest create_member(self,protocol_port, pool, ip_version)
# we use pool_id
def create_member(self, protocol_port, pool_id,
ip_version=4, **kwargs):
"""Create a member."""
create_kwargs = dict(
address=("fd00:abcd" if ip_version == 6 else ""),
return self._create_lb(MEMBER_RID, **create_kwargs)
def delete_member(self, member_id):
"""Delete a given member."""
return self._delete_lb(MEMBER_RID, member_id)
def list_members(self, **filters):
"""List members that belong to a given tenant."""
return self._list_lb(MEMBER_RID, **filters)
def show_member(self, member_id):
"""Show information of a given member."""
return self._show_lb(MEMBER_RID, member_id)
def update_member(self, member_id,
show_then_update=False, **kwargs):
"""Update a given member."""
body = (self.show_member(member_id)['member']
if show_then_update else {})
return self._update_lb(MEMBER_RID, member_id, **body)
def create_pool(self, name, lb_method, protocol, subnet_id,
"""Create a pool."""
lb_method = lb_method or 'ROUND_ROBIN'
protocol = protocol or 'HTTP'
create_kwargs = dict(
name=name, lb_method=lb_method,
protocol=protocol, subnet_id=subnet_id,
return self._create_lb(POOL_RID, **create_kwargs)
def delete_pool(self, pool_id):
"""Delete a given pool."""
return self._delete_lb(POOL_RID, pool_id)
def list_pools(self, **filters):
"""List pools that belong to a given tenant."""
return self._list_lb(POOL_RID, **filters)
def list_lb_pool_stats(self, pool_id, **filters):
"""Retrieve stats for a given pool."""
req_uri = '/lb/pools/%s/stats' % (pool_id)
return self.list_resources(req_uri, **filters)
def list_pool_on_agents(self, **filters):
"""List the pools on a loadbalancer agent."""
def show_pool(self, pool_id):
"""Show information of a given pool."""
return self._show_lb(POOL_RID, pool_id)
def update_pool(self, pool_id, show_then_update=False, **kwargs):
"""Update a given pool."""
body = (self.show_pool(pool_id)['pool']
if show_then_update else {})
return self._update_lb(POOL_RID, pool_id, **body)
def create_vip(self, pool_id, **kwargs):
"""Create a vip."""
create_kwargs = dict(
protocol=kwargs.pop('protocol', 'HTTP'),
protocol_port=kwargs.pop('protocol_port', 80),
name=kwargs.pop('name', None),
address=kwargs.pop('address', None),
for k in create_kwargs.keys():
if create_kwargs[k] is None:
# subnet_id needed to create vip
return self._create_lb(VIP_RID, **create_kwargs)
def delete_vip(self, vip_id):
"""Delete a given vip."""
return self._delete_lb(VIP_RID, vip_id)
def list_vips(self, **filters):
"""List vips that belong to a given tenant."""
return self._list_lb(VIP_RID, **filters)
def show_vip(self, vip_id):
"""Show information of a given vip."""
return self._show_lb(VIP_RID, vip_id)
def update_vip(self, vip_id, show_then_update=False, **kwargs):
"""Update a given vip."""
body = (self.show_vip(vip_id)['vip']
if show_then_update else {})
return self._update_lb(VIP_RID, vip_id, **body)
# Following 3 methods are specifically to load-balancer V1 client.
# They are being implemented by the pareant tempest.lib.common.rest_client
# with different calling signatures, only id, no resoure_type. Because,
# starting in Liberty release, each resource should have its own client.
# Since V1 is deprecated, we are not going to change it, and
# copy following 2 methods for V1 LB client only.
def wait_for_resource_deletion(self, resource_type, id, client=None):
"""Waits for a resource to be deleted."""
start_time = int(time.time())
while True:
if self.is_resource_deleted(resource_type, id, client=client):
if int(time.time()) - start_time >= self.build_timeout:
raise exceptions.TimeoutException
def is_resource_deleted(self, resource_type, id, client=None):
if client is None:
client = self
method = 'show_' + resource_type
getattr(client, method)(id)
except AttributeError:
raise Exception("Unknown resource type %s " % resource_type)
except lib_exc.NotFound:
return True
return False
def wait_for_resource_status(self, fetch, status, interval=None,
"""This has different calling signature then rest_client.
@summary: Waits for a network resource to reach a status
@param fetch: the callable to be used to query the resource status
@type fecth: callable that takes no parameters and returns the resource
@param status: the status that the resource has to reach
@type status: String
@param interval: the number of seconds to wait between each status
@type interval: Integer
@param timeout: the maximum number of seconds to wait for the resource
to reach the desired status
@type timeout: Integer
if not interval:
interval = self.build_interval
if not timeout:
timeout = self.build_timeout
start_time = time.time()
while time.time() - start_time <= timeout:
resource = fetch()
if resource['status'] == status:
# At this point, the wait has timed out
message = 'Resource %s' % (str(resource))
message += ' failed to reach status %s' % status
message += ' (current: %s)' % resource['status']
message += ' within the required time %s' % timeout
caller = misc_utils.find_test_caller()
if caller:
message = '(%s) %s' % (caller, message)
raise exceptions.TimeoutException(message)
def _g_resource_namelist(lb_resource):
if lb_resource[-1] == 's':
return (lb_resource[:-1], lb_resource)
return (lb_resource, lb_resource + "s")
def destroy_tenant_lb(lbv1_client):
for o in lbv1_client.list_members():
for o in lbv1_client.list_health_monitors():
for o in lbv1_client.list_vips():
for o in lbv1_client.list_pools():
def get_client(client_mgr):
"""create a v1 load balancer client
For itempest user:
from itempest import load_our_solar_system as osn
from vmware_nsx_tempest.services import load_balancer_v1_client
lbv1 = load_balancer_v1_client.get_client(osn.adm.manager)
For tempest user:
lbv1 = load_balancer_v1_client.get_client(cls.os_adm)
manager = getattr(client_mgr, 'manager', client_mgr)
net_client = getattr(manager, 'networks_client')
_params = manager.default_params_with_timeout_values.copy()
except Exception:
_params = {}
client = LoadBalancerV1Client(net_client.auth_provider,
return client