Bob Kukura f28d3c4ce6 Replace openvswitch plugin's VlanMap with vlan_ids DB table.
Fixes bug 1023167.

The openswitch plugin's in-memory VlanMap is replaced with a vlan_ids
DB table similar to that used by the linuxbridge plugin. This will
prevent conflicting VLAN assignments if multiple server replicas are
run, and also sets the stage for phase 2 of the provider-networks BP
implementation that will add support for multiple physical

Unlike with the current linuxbridge plugin, the contents of the
openvswitch plugin's vlan_ids table are properly updated at startup in
case the vlan_min or vlan_max configuration variables have changed.

A new test_ovs_db test case has been added.

The primary key of the vlan_bindings table is changed from the vlan_id
to the network_id, which is now a foreign key, and network deletion is
now properly handled.

The net_id has been removed from the VlanIdInUse exception, requiring
a minor update to the linuxbridge plugin. The new NoNetworksAvailable
exception, with ResourceExhausted as its base class, is returned when
no more VLANs are available.

Change-Id: I65a2347dea5366cc0d15d98a88f40e42e1a45f4c
2012-08-03 17:29:45 -04:00

# -- Background

The Quantum Linux Bridge plugin is a plugin that allows you to manage
connectivity between VMs on hosts that are capable of running a Linux Bridge.

The Quantum Linux Bridge plugin consists of three components:

1) The plugin itself: The plugin uses a database backend (mysql for
   now) to store configuration and mappings that are used by the
   agent.  The mysql server runs on a central server (often the same
   host as nova itself).

2) The quantum service host which will be running quantum.  This can
   be run on the server running nova.

3) An agent which runs on the host and communicates with the host operating
   system. The agent gathers the configuration and mappings from
   the mysql database running on the quantum host.

The sections below describe how to configure and run the quantum
service with the Linux Bridge plugin.

# -- Python library dependencies

   Make sure you have the following package(s) installedi on quantum server
   host as well as any hosts which run the agent:

# -- Nova configuration (controller node)

1) Ensure that the quantum network manager is configured in the
   nova.conf on the node that will be running nova-network.

# -- Nova configuration (compute node(s))

1) Configure the vif driver, and libvirt/vif type


2) If you want a DHCP server to be run for the VMs to acquire IPs,
   add the following flag to your nova.conf file:


(Note: For more details on how to work with Quantum using Nova, i.e. how to create networks and such,
 please refer to the top level Quantum README which points to the relevant documentation.)

# -- Quantum configuration

Make the Linux Bridge plugin the current quantum plugin

- edit quantum.conf and change the core_plugin according to the API version
V1: "core_plugin = quantum.plugins.linuxbridge.LinuxBridgePlugin.LinuxBridgePlugin"
V2: "core_plugin = quantum.plugins.linuxbridge.lb_quantum_plugin.LinuxBridgePluginV2"

# -- Database config.

(Note: The plugin ships with a default SQLite in-memory database configuration,
 and can be used to run tests without performing the suggested DB config below.)

The Linux Bridge quantum plugin requires access to a mysql database in order
to store configuration and mappings that will be used by the agent.  Here is
how to set up the database on the host that you will be running the quantum
service on.

MySQL should be installed on the host, and all plugins and clients
must be configured with access to the database.

To prep mysql, run:

$ mysql -u root -p -e "create database quantum_linux_bridge"

# log in to mysql service
$ mysql -u root -p
# The Linux Bridge Quantum agent running on each compute node must be able to
# make a mysql connection back to the main database server.
mysql> GRANT USAGE ON *.* to root@'yourremotehost' IDENTIFIED BY 'newpassword';
# force update of authorization changes

(Note: If the remote connection fails to MySQL, you might need to add the IP address,
 and/or fully-qualified hostname, and/or unqualified hostname in the above GRANT sql
 command. Also, you might need to specify "ALL" instead of "USAGE".)

# -- Plugin configuration

- Edit the configuration file:
  Make sure it matches your mysql configuration.  This file must be updated
  with the addresses and credentials to access the database.

  Note: debug and logging information should be updated in etc/quantum.conf

  Note: When running the tests, set the connection type to sqlite, and when
  actually running the server set it to mysql. At any given time, only one
  of these should be active in the conf file (you can comment out the other).

- Remember to change the interface configuration to indicate the correct
  ethernet interface on that particular host which is being used to participate
  in the Quantum networks. This configuration has to be applied on each host
  on which the agent runs.

# -- Agent configuration

- Edit the configuration file:

- Copy quantum/plugins/linuxbridge/agent/
  and etc/quantum/plugins/linuxbridge/linuxbridge_conf.ini
  to the compute node.

- Copy the quantum.conf file to the compute node

  Note: debug and logging information should be updated in etc/quantum.conf

$ Run the following:
  python --config-file quantum.conf 
                                      --config-file linuxbridge_conf.ini

  Note that the the user running the agent must have sudo priviliges
  to run various networking commands. Also, the agent can be
  configured to use quantum-rootwrap, limiting what commands it can
  run via sudo. See for
  details on rootwrap.

  As an alternative to coping the agent python file, if quantum is
  installed on the compute node, the agent can be run as

# -- Running Tests

(Note: The plugin ships with a default SQLite in-memory database configuration,
 and can be used to run tests out of the box. Alternatively you can perform the
 DB configuration for a persistent database as mentioned in the Database
 Configuration section.)

- To run tests related to the Plugin and the VLAN management (run the
  following from the top level Quantum directory):
  PLUGIN_DIR=quantum/plugins/linuxbridge ./ -N

- The above will not however run the tests for the agent (which deals
  with creating the bridge and interfaces). To run the agent tests, run the
  following from the top level Quantum directory:
  sudo PLUGIN_DIR=quantum/plugins/linuxbridge ./ -N tests.unit._test_linuxbridgeAgent

  (Note: To run the agent tests you should have the environment setup as
   indicated in the Agent Configuration, and also have the necessary dependencies