blueprint ovs-driver-extention This patch implements the blueprint ovs-driver-extention https://blueprints.launchpad.net/quantum/+spec/ovs-driver-extension This patch factors out ovs common logic from ovs plugin into ovscommon and adds Ryu NOS plugin. This patch enhances ovs plugin for generic OVS controller support and This patch is to add ofp controller support to OVS. Store ofp controller address in ovs quantum data base. - nova firewall_driver - nova linuxnet_interface_driver There may be ports unmanaged by nova/quantum. Those ports are used to connect vm to outside of physical machine. They needs special care. --- Changes 12 -> 13: - rebased to 543e150d6dc9144ebcc588b7d2bd66374a107730 changed files are only MANIFEST.in, setup.py, tools/pip-requres Changes 11 -> 12: - ryu agent eliminated from quantum.common import exceptions as exc - ryu.db.api eliminated ofp_has_servers - ryu.nova eliminated from quantum.plugins.ryu.nova import ovs_utils and eliminate ovs_utils Chnages 10 -> 11: - rebased to a945d1a30478c644d307c77a8a85f3a08e5a834e - more Maru's review - setup.py: fix setup() argument This isn't directly related to ryu plugin though - improve fake ini file when unit test remove fake ini file after unit tests. use StringIO when no file is required. - LOG: don't use % Chnages 8 -> 9 -> 10: - minor fixes: forgot to commit some hunks Chnages 7 -> 8: - rebased to d6bf2b76162ba806b2ad1f636f6273e47e03a117 - catch up d6bf2b76162ba806b2ad1f636f6273e47e03a117 change introduced bin/quantum_ryu_agent - addressed Maru's review - avoid custom patching, use mock for test and added mox and mock to pip-requires - more pep8 - avoid \ for line continuation - avoid single char variables - db.api: first() -> one() - utilize implicit conversion var is not None -> var - and more... Changes 6 -> 7: - update comment in ryu/run_tests.py - make unit tests pass without ryu installed i.e. PLUGIN_DIR=quantum/plugins/ryu/ ./run_tests.sh works now Chages 5 -> 6: - remove comment Change 4 -> 5: - eliminate relative imports - copyright - doc string - naming (s/CONF_FILE/conf_file/g) - add " check to ryu/nova/ovs_utils - ryu/nova/linux_net: comment - ryu agent: eliminated unused methods - updated ryu/README: add http://www.osrg.net/ryu/using_with_openstack.html - added unit tests Changes 3 -> 4: - reflected Dan's review - on-OVS in ryu.ini - update @author - some naming Changes 2 -> 3: - rebased to 04d144ae0b2ad5618847d1784cea48a08d53a46a - abandoned to share code and duplicated codes from openvswitch plugin for ovs plugin stability. - dropped setup_ryu.sh and added README - update nova driver to catch up upstream change (gflags -> cfg) Changes 1 -> 2: - unbreak openvswtich unit test - MANIFEST.in Changes 3 -> new 1: - rebased to 1eb3c693b5f6f3f301047100c36c7915434f8be7 - factor out common loginc from openvswitch plugin into ovscommon - Introduced a new independent ryu plugin - try new review due to the previous effort was marked abandoned. > https://review.openstack.org/#change,3055 > Change-Id: I17801a7a74d4087838a8a26c1b1f97f28c2dcef3 Changes: - rebased to 9c5c2caef13fa58234987527ab6caff829a37050 - some clean ups Signed-off-by: Isaku Yamahata <yamahata@valinux.co.jp> Change-Id: Ia9fe87525cebccc87b7c18a533f48607272cd97f
# -- Welcome! You have come across a cloud computing network fabric controller. It has identified itself as "Quantum." It aims to tame your (cloud) networking! # -- External Resources: The homepage for Quantum is: http://launchpad.net/quantum . Use this site for downloading the latest code, asking for help, and filing bugs. The latest and most in-depth documentation on how to use Quantum is available at: http://docs.openstack.org . This includes: Quantum Administrator Guide http://docs.openstack.org/incubation/openstack-network/admin/content/ Quantum API Reference: http://docs.openstack.org/incubation/openstack-network/developer/quantum-api-1.0/content/ The start of some developer documentation is available at: http://wiki.openstack.org/QuantumDevelopment For help using or hacking on Quantum, you can send mail to netstack@lists.launchpad.net .