Monty Taylor be1211e4ce Split out pip requires and aligned tox file.
Align tox.ini file with standards.
Align setup.py with openstack-common standards.

Change-Id: I333bbd66648c865a5c97ec2661359ab849274446
2012-03-14 23:20:22 -07:00

42 lines
1.0 KiB

envlist = py26,py27,pep8
setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir}
deps = -r{toxinidir}/tools/pip-requires
commands = nosetests --where=quantum/tests/unit {posargs}
deps = pep8
commands = pep8 --repeat --show-source quantum setup.py
commands = {posargs}
commands = nosetests --with-coverage --cover-html --cover-erase --cover-package=quantum {posargs}
downloadcache = ~/cache/pip
basepython = python2.6
deps = file://{toxinidir}/.cache.bundle
basepython = python2.7
deps = file://{toxinidir}/.cache.bundle
deps = file://{toxinidir}/.cache.bundle
commands = pep8 --repeat --show-source quantum setup.py
deps = file://{toxinidir}/.cache.bundle
commands = nosetests --where=quantum/tests/unit --cover-erase --cover-package=quantum --with-xcoverage {posargs}
deps = file://{toxinidir}/.cache.bundle
commands = {posargs}