Additional actions will be added with nsxlib support Depends-on: I10a3f691b33e37e1cd8ec8094f4bfa89d7a96f35 Change-Id: I92fff433646202a0245c1cef9630173fe245a296
900 lines
41 KiB
900 lines
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# Copyright 2018 VMware, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import netaddr
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from six import moves
from neutron.db import l3_db
from neutron.extensions import securitygroup as ext_sg
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import allowedaddresspairs as addr_apidef
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import external_net as extnet_apidef
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import port_security as psec
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import portbindings as pbin
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import provider_net as pnet
from neutron_lib.api import validators
from neutron_lib import constants
from neutron_lib.db import api as db_api
from neutron_lib.db import utils as db_utils
from neutron_lib import exceptions as n_exc
from neutron_lib.exceptions import allowedaddresspairs as addr_exc
from neutron_lib.exceptions import port_security as psec_exc
from neutron_lib.plugins import utils as plugin_utils
from neutron_lib.services.qos import constants as qos_consts
from neutron_lib.utils import net as nl_net_utils
from vmware_nsx.common import exceptions as nsx_exc
from vmware_nsx.common import nsx_constants
from vmware_nsx.common import utils
from vmware_nsx.db import db as nsx_db
from vmware_nsx.db import extended_security_group as extended_sec
from vmware_nsx.db import nsx_portbindings_db as pbin_db
from vmware_nsx.extensions import maclearning as mac_ext
from vmware_nsx.extensions import providersecuritygroup as provider_sg
from vmware_nsx.extensions import secgroup_rule_local_ip_prefix as sg_prefix
from vmware_nsx.plugins.common import plugin
from vmware_nsx.services.qos.common import utils as qos_com_utils
from vmware_nsx.services.vpnaas.nsxv3 import ipsec_utils
from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import exceptions as nsx_lib_exc
from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import nsx_constants as nsxlib_consts
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class NsxPluginV3Base(plugin.NsxPluginBase,
"""Common methods for NSX-V3 plugins (NSX-V3 & Policy)"""
def __init__(self):
super(NsxPluginV3Base, self).__init__()
plugin_cfg = getattr(cfg.CONF, self.cfg_group)
self._network_vlans = plugin_utils.parse_network_vlan_ranges(
def _get_interface_network(self, context, interface_info):
is_port, is_sub = self._validate_interface_info(interface_info)
if is_port:
net_id = self.get_port(context,
elif is_sub:
net_id = self.get_subnet(context,
return net_id
def _fix_sg_rule_dict_ips(self, sg_rule):
# is not a valid entry for local and remote so we need
# to change this to None
if (sg_rule.get('remote_ip_prefix') and
sg_rule['remote_ip_prefix'] = None
if (sg_rule.get(sg_prefix.LOCAL_IP_PREFIX) and
validators.is_attr_set(sg_rule[sg_prefix.LOCAL_IP_PREFIX]) and
sg_rule[sg_prefix.LOCAL_IP_PREFIX] = None
def _validate_interface_address_scope(self, context,
router_db, interface_info):
gw_network_id = (router_db.gw_port.network_id if router_db.gw_port
else None)
subnet = self.get_subnet(context, interface_info['subnet_ids'][0])
if not router_db.enable_snat and gw_network_id:
context.elevated(), router_db.id, gw_network_id, subnet['id'])
def _validate_ipv4_address_pairs(self, address_pairs):
for pair in address_pairs:
ip = pair.get('ip_address')
if not utils.is_ipv4_ip_address(ip):
raise nsx_exc.InvalidIPAddress(ip_address=ip)
def _create_port_address_pairs(self, context, port_data):
(port_security, has_ip) = self._determine_port_security_and_has_ip(
context, port_data)
address_pairs = port_data.get(addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS)
if validators.is_attr_set(address_pairs):
if not port_security:
raise addr_exc.AddressPairAndPortSecurityRequired()
self._process_create_allowed_address_pairs(context, port_data,
port_data[addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS] = []
def _provider_sgs_specified(self, port_data):
# checks if security groups were updated adding/modifying
# security groups, port security is set and port has ip
provider_sgs_specified = (validators.is_attr_set(
port_data.get(provider_sg.PROVIDER_SECURITYGROUPS)) and
port_data.get(provider_sg.PROVIDER_SECURITYGROUPS) != [])
return provider_sgs_specified
def _create_port_preprocess_security(
self, context, port, port_data, neutron_db, is_ens_tz_port):
(port_security, has_ip) = self._determine_port_security_and_has_ip(
context, port_data)
port_data[psec.PORTSECURITY] = port_security
# No port security is allowed if the port belongs to an ENS TZ
if (port_security and is_ens_tz_port and
not self._ens_psec_supported()):
raise nsx_exc.NsxENSPortSecurity()
context, port_data, neutron_db)
# allowed address pair checks
self._create_port_address_pairs(context, port_data)
if port_security and has_ip:
self._ensure_default_security_group_on_port(context, port)
(sgids, psgids) = self._get_port_security_groups_lists(
context, port)
elif (self._check_update_has_security_groups({'port': port_data}) or
self._provider_sgs_specified(port_data) or
self._get_provider_security_groups_on_port(context, port)):
LOG.error("Port has conflicting port security status and "
"security groups")
raise psec_exc.PortSecurityAndIPRequiredForSecurityGroups()
sgids = psgids = []
port_data[ext_sg.SECURITYGROUPS] = (
self._get_security_groups_on_port(context, port))
return port_security, has_ip, sgids, psgids
def _should_validate_port_sec_on_update_port(self, port_data):
# Need to determine if we skip validations for port security.
# This is the edge case when the subnet is deleted.
# This should be called prior to deleting the fixed ip from the
# port data
for fixed_ip in port_data.get('fixed_ips', []):
if 'delete_subnet' in fixed_ip:
return False
return True
def _update_port_preprocess_security(
self, context, port, id, updated_port, is_ens_tz_port,
validate_port_sec=True, direct_vnic_type=False):
delete_addr_pairs = self._check_update_deletes_allowed_address_pairs(
has_addr_pairs = self._check_update_has_allowed_address_pairs(port)
has_security_groups = self._check_update_has_security_groups(port)
delete_security_groups = self._check_update_deletes_security_groups(
# populate port_security setting
port_data = port['port']
if psec.PORTSECURITY not in port_data:
updated_port[psec.PORTSECURITY] = \
self._get_port_security_binding(context, id)
has_ip = self._ip_on_port(updated_port)
# validate port security and allowed address pairs
if not updated_port[psec.PORTSECURITY]:
# has address pairs in request
if has_addr_pairs:
raise addr_exc.AddressPairAndPortSecurityRequired()
elif not delete_addr_pairs:
# check if address pairs are in db
updated_port[addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS] = (
self.get_allowed_address_pairs(context, id))
if updated_port[addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS]:
raise addr_exc.AddressPairAndPortSecurityRequired()
if delete_addr_pairs or has_addr_pairs:
# delete address pairs and read them in
self._delete_allowed_address_pairs(context, id)
context, updated_port,
if updated_port[psec.PORTSECURITY] and psec.PORTSECURITY in port_data:
# No port security is allowed if the port belongs to an ENS TZ
if is_ens_tz_port and not self._ens_psec_supported():
raise nsx_exc.NsxENSPortSecurity()
# No port security is allowed if the port has a direct vnic type
if direct_vnic_type:
err_msg = _("Security features are not supported for "
"ports with direct/direct-physical VNIC type")
raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg)
# checks if security groups were updated adding/modifying
# security groups, port security is set and port has ip
provider_sgs_specified = self._provider_sgs_specified(updated_port)
if (validate_port_sec and
not (has_ip and updated_port[psec.PORTSECURITY])):
if has_security_groups or provider_sgs_specified:
LOG.error("Port has conflicting port security status and "
"security groups")
raise psec_exc.PortSecurityAndIPRequiredForSecurityGroups()
# Update did not have security groups passed in. Check
# that port does not have any security groups already on it.
filters = {'port_id': [id]}
security_groups = (
super(NsxPluginV3Base, self)._get_port_security_group_bindings(
context, filters)
if security_groups and not delete_security_groups:
raise psec_exc.PortSecurityPortHasSecurityGroup()
if delete_security_groups or has_security_groups:
# delete the port binding and read it with the new rules.
self._delete_port_security_group_bindings(context, id)
sgids = self._get_security_groups_on_port(context, port)
self._process_port_create_security_group(context, updated_port,
if psec.PORTSECURITY in port['port']:
context, port['port'], updated_port)
return updated_port
def _validate_create_network(self, context, net_data):
"""Validate the parameters of the new network to be created
This method includes general validations that does not depend on
provider attributes, or plugin specific configurations
external = net_data.get(extnet_apidef.EXTERNAL)
is_external_net = validators.is_attr_set(external) and external
with_qos = validators.is_attr_set(
if with_qos:
context, net_data.get(qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID))
if is_external_net:
raise nsx_exc.QoSOnExternalNet()
def _validate_update_network(self, context, id, original_net, net_data):
"""Validate the updated parameters of a network
This method includes general validations that does not depend on
provider attributes, or plugin specific configurations
extern_net = self._network_is_external(context, id)
with_qos = validators.is_attr_set(
# Do not allow QoS on external networks
if with_qos and extern_net:
raise nsx_exc.QoSOnExternalNet()
# Do not support changing external/non-external networks
if (extnet_apidef.EXTERNAL in net_data and
net_data[extnet_apidef.EXTERNAL] != extern_net):
err_msg = _("Cannot change the router:external flag of a network")
raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg)
def _assert_on_illegal_port_with_qos(self, device_owner):
# Prevent creating/update port with QoS policy
# on router-interface/network-dhcp ports.
if ((device_owner == l3_db.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF or
device_owner == constants.DEVICE_OWNER_DHCP)):
err_msg = _("Unable to create or update %s port with a QoS "
"policy") % device_owner
raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg)
def _assert_on_external_net_with_compute(self, port_data):
# Prevent creating port with device owner prefix 'compute'
# on external networks.
device_owner = port_data.get('device_owner')
if (device_owner is not None and
err_msg = _("Unable to update/create a port with an external "
raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg)
def _validate_create_port(self, context, port_data):
self._validate_max_ips_per_port(port_data.get('fixed_ips', []),
is_external_net = self._network_is_external(
context, port_data['network_id'])
qos_selected = validators.is_attr_set(port_data.get(
device_owner = port_data.get('device_owner')
# QoS validations
if qos_selected:
context, port_data.get(qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID))
if is_external_net:
raise nsx_exc.QoSOnExternalNet()
# External network validations:
if is_external_net:
self._assert_on_port_admin_state(port_data, device_owner)
def _assert_on_vpn_port_change(self, port_data):
if port_data['device_owner'] == ipsec_utils.VPN_PORT_OWNER:
msg = _('Can not update/delete VPNaaS port %s') % port_data['id']
raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
def _assert_on_lb_port_fixed_ip_change(self, port_data, orig_dev_own):
if orig_dev_own == constants.DEVICE_OWNER_LOADBALANCERV2:
if "fixed_ips" in port_data and port_data["fixed_ips"]:
msg = _('Can not update Loadbalancer port with fixed IP')
raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
def _assert_on_device_owner_change(self, port_data, orig_dev_own):
"""Prevent illegal device owner modifications
if orig_dev_own == constants.DEVICE_OWNER_LOADBALANCERV2:
if ("allowed_address_pairs" in port_data and
msg = _('Loadbalancer port can not be updated '
'with address pairs')
raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
if 'device_owner' not in port_data:
new_dev_own = port_data['device_owner']
if new_dev_own == orig_dev_own:
err_msg = (_("Changing port device owner '%(orig)s' to '%(new)s' is "
"not allowed") % {'orig': orig_dev_own,
'new': new_dev_own})
# Do not allow changing nova <-> neutron device owners
if ((orig_dev_own.startswith(constants.DEVICE_OWNER_COMPUTE_PREFIX) and
new_dev_own.startswith(constants.DEVICE_OWNER_NETWORK_PREFIX)) or
(orig_dev_own.startswith(constants.DEVICE_OWNER_NETWORK_PREFIX) and
raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg)
# Do not allow removing the device owner in some cases
if orig_dev_own == constants.DEVICE_OWNER_DHCP:
raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg)
def _assert_on_port_sec_change(self, port_data, device_owner):
"""Do not allow enabling port security/mac learning of some ports
Trusted ports are created with port security and mac learning disabled
in neutron, and it should not change.
if nl_net_utils.is_port_trusted({'device_owner': device_owner}):
if port_data.get(psec.PORTSECURITY) is True:
err_msg = _("port_security_enabled=True is not supported for "
"trusted ports")
raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg)
mac_learning = port_data.get(mac_ext.MAC_LEARNING)
if (validators.is_attr_set(mac_learning) and mac_learning is True):
err_msg = _("mac_learning_enabled=True is not supported for "
"trusted ports")
raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg)
def _validate_update_port(self, context, id, original_port, port_data):
qos_selected = validators.is_attr_set(port_data.get
is_external_net = self._network_is_external(
context, original_port['network_id'])
device_owner = (port_data['device_owner']
if 'device_owner' in port_data
else original_port.get('device_owner'))
# QoS validations
if qos_selected:
context, port_data.get(qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID))
if is_external_net:
raise nsx_exc.QoSOnExternalNet()
# External networks validations:
if is_external_net:
# Device owner validations:
orig_dev_owner = original_port.get('device_owner')
self._assert_on_device_owner_change(port_data, orig_dev_owner)
self._assert_on_port_admin_state(port_data, device_owner)
self._assert_on_port_sec_change(port_data, device_owner)
port_data.get('fixed_ips', []), device_owner)
self._assert_on_lb_port_fixed_ip_change(port_data, orig_dev_owner)
def _get_dhcp_port_name(self, net_name, net_id):
return utils.get_name_and_uuid('%s-%s' % ('dhcp',
net_name or 'network'),
def _build_port_name(self, context, port_data):
device_owner = port_data.get('device_owner')
device_id = port_data.get('device_id')
if device_owner == l3_db.DEVICE_OWNER_ROUTER_INTF and device_id:
router = self._get_router(context, device_id)
name = utils.get_name_and_uuid(
router['name'] or 'router', port_data['id'], tag='port')
elif device_owner == constants.DEVICE_OWNER_DHCP:
network = self.get_network(context, port_data['network_id'])
name = self._get_dhcp_port_name(network['name'],
elif device_owner.startswith(constants.DEVICE_OWNER_COMPUTE_PREFIX):
name = utils.get_name_and_uuid(
port_data['name'] or 'instance-port', port_data['id'])
name = port_data['name']
return name
def _validate_external_net_create(self, net_data, default_tier0_router,
"""Validate external network configuration
Returns a tuple of:
- Boolean is provider network (always True)
- Network type (always L3_EXT)
- tier 0 router id
- vlan id
if not validators.is_attr_set(net_data.get(pnet.PHYSICAL_NETWORK)):
tier0_uuid = default_tier0_router
tier0_uuid = net_data[pnet.PHYSICAL_NETWORK]
if ((validators.is_attr_set(net_data.get(pnet.NETWORK_TYPE)) and
net_data.get(pnet.NETWORK_TYPE) != utils.NetworkTypes.L3_EXT and
net_data.get(pnet.NETWORK_TYPE) != utils.NetworkTypes.LOCAL) or
msg = (_("External network cannot be created with %s provider "
"network or segmentation id") %
raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
if tier0_validator:
return (True, utils.NetworkTypes.L3_EXT, tier0_uuid, 0)
def _extend_network_dict_provider(self, context, network, bindings=None):
"""Add network provider fields to the network dict from the DB"""
if 'id' not in network:
if not bindings:
bindings = nsx_db.get_network_bindings(context.session,
# With NSX plugin, "normal" overlay networks will have no binding
if bindings:
# Network came in through provider networks API
network[pnet.NETWORK_TYPE] = bindings[0].binding_type
network[pnet.PHYSICAL_NETWORK] = bindings[0].phy_uuid
network[pnet.SEGMENTATION_ID] = bindings[0].vlan_id
def _extend_get_network_dict_provider(self, context, network):
self._extend_network_dict_provider(context, network)
network[qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID] = (qos_com_utils.
get_network_policy_id(context, network['id']))
def get_network(self, context, id, fields=None):
with db_api.CONTEXT_READER.using(context):
# Get network from Neutron database
network = self._get_network(context, id)
# Don't do field selection here otherwise we won't be able to add
# provider networks fields
net = self._make_network_dict(network, context=context)
self._extend_get_network_dict_provider(context, net)
return db_utils.resource_fields(net, fields)
def get_networks(self, context, filters=None, fields=None,
sorts=None, limit=None, marker=None,
# Get networks from Neutron database
filters = filters or {}
with db_api.CONTEXT_READER.using(context):
networks = super(NsxPluginV3Base, self).get_networks(
context, filters, fields, sorts,
limit, marker, page_reverse)
# Add provider network fields
for net in networks:
self._extend_get_network_dict_provider(context, net)
return (networks if not fields else
fields) for network in networks])
def _assert_on_ens_with_qos(self, net_data):
qos_id = net_data.get(qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID)
if validators.is_attr_set(qos_id):
err_msg = _("Cannot configure QOS on ENS networks")
raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg)
def _ens_psec_supported(self):
"""Should be implemented by each plugin"""
def _get_nsx_net_tz_id(self, nsx_net):
"""Should be implemented by each plugin"""
def _validate_ens_net_portsecurity(self, net_data):
"""Validate/Update the port security of the new network for ENS TZ
Should be implemented by the plugin if necessary
def _generate_segment_id(self, context, physical_network, net_data):
bindings = nsx_db.get_network_bindings_by_phy_uuid(
context.session, physical_network)
vlan_ranges = self._network_vlans.get(physical_network, [])
if vlan_ranges:
vlan_ids = set()
for vlan_min, vlan_max in vlan_ranges:
vlan_ids |= set(moves.range(vlan_min, vlan_max + 1))
vlan_min = constants.MIN_VLAN_TAG
vlan_max = constants.MAX_VLAN_TAG
vlan_ids = set(moves.range(vlan_min, vlan_max + 1))
used_ids_in_range = set([binding.vlan_id for binding in bindings
if binding.vlan_id in vlan_ids])
free_ids = list(vlan_ids ^ used_ids_in_range)
if len(free_ids) == 0:
raise n_exc.NoNetworkAvailable()
net_data[pnet.SEGMENTATION_ID] = free_ids[0]
return net_data[pnet.SEGMENTATION_ID]
def _validate_provider_create(self, context, network_data,
nsxlib_tz, nsxlib_network,
"""Validate the parameters of a new provider network
raises an error if illegal
returns a dictionary with the relevant processed data:
- is_provider_net: boolean
- net_type: provider network type or None
- physical_net: the uuid of the relevant transport zone or None
- vlan_id: vlan tag, 0 or None
- switch_mode: standard ot ENS
is_provider_net = any(
for f in (pnet.NETWORK_TYPE,
physical_net = network_data.get(pnet.PHYSICAL_NETWORK)
if not validators.is_attr_set(physical_net):
physical_net = None
vlan_id = network_data.get(pnet.SEGMENTATION_ID)
if not validators.is_attr_set(vlan_id):
vlan_id = None
if vlan_id and transparent_vlan:
err_msg = (_("Segmentation ID cannot be set with transparent "
raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg)
err_msg = None
net_type = network_data.get(pnet.NETWORK_TYPE)
tz_type = nsxlib_consts.TRANSPORT_TYPE_VLAN
switch_mode = nsxlib_consts.HOST_SWITCH_MODE_STANDARD
if validators.is_attr_set(net_type):
if net_type == utils.NsxV3NetworkTypes.FLAT:
if vlan_id is not None:
err_msg = (_("Segmentation ID cannot be specified with "
"%s network type") %
if not transparent_vlan:
# Set VLAN id to 0 for flat networks
vlan_id = '0'
if physical_net is None:
physical_net = default_vlan_tz_uuid
elif net_type == utils.NsxV3NetworkTypes.VLAN:
# Use default VLAN transport zone if physical network not given
if physical_net is None:
physical_net = default_vlan_tz_uuid
if not transparent_vlan:
# Validate VLAN id
if not vlan_id:
vlan_id = self._generate_segment_id(context,
elif not plugin_utils.is_valid_vlan_tag(vlan_id):
err_msg = (_('Segmentation ID %(seg_id)s out of '
'range (%(min_id)s through %(max_id)s)') %
{'seg_id': vlan_id,
'min_id': constants.MIN_VLAN_TAG,
'max_id': constants.MAX_VLAN_TAG})
# Verify VLAN id is not already allocated
bindings = nsx_db.\
context.session, vlan_id, physical_net)
if bindings:
raise n_exc.VlanIdInUse(
vlan_id=vlan_id, physical_network=physical_net)
elif net_type == utils.NsxV3NetworkTypes.GENEVE:
if vlan_id:
err_msg = (_("Segmentation ID cannot be specified with "
"%s network type") %
tz_type = nsxlib_consts.TRANSPORT_TYPE_OVERLAY
elif net_type == utils.NsxV3NetworkTypes.NSX_NETWORK:
# Linking neutron networks to an existing NSX logical switch
if not physical_net:
err_msg = (_("Physical network must be specified with "
"%s network type") % net_type)
# Validate the logical switch existence
nsx_net = nsxlib_network.get(physical_net)
tz_id = self._get_nsx_net_tz_id(nsx_net)
switch_mode = nsxlib_tz.get_host_switch_mode(tz_id)
except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound:
err_msg = (_('Logical switch %s does not exist') %
# make sure no other neutron network is using it
bindings = (
context.elevated().session, 0, physical_net))
if bindings:
err_msg = (_('Logical switch %s is already used by '
'another network') % physical_net)
err_msg = (_('%(net_type_param)s %(net_type_value)s not '
'supported') %
{'net_type_param': pnet.NETWORK_TYPE,
'net_type_value': net_type})
elif is_provider_net:
# FIXME: Ideally provider-network attributes should be checked
# at the NSX backend. For now, the network_type is required,
# so the plugin can do a quick check locally.
err_msg = (_('%s is required for creating a provider network') %
net_type = None
if physical_net is None:
# Default to transport type overlay
physical_net = default_overlay_tz_uuid
# validate the transport zone existence and type
if (not err_msg and physical_net and
net_type != utils.NsxV3NetworkTypes.NSX_NETWORK):
if is_provider_net:
backend_type = nsxlib_tz.get_transport_type(
except nsx_lib_exc.ResourceNotFound:
err_msg = (_('Transport zone %s does not exist') %
if backend_type != tz_type:
err_msg = (_('%(tz)s transport zone is required for '
'creating a %(net)s provider network') %
{'tz': tz_type, 'net': net_type})
if not err_msg:
switch_mode = nsxlib_tz.get_host_switch_mode(physical_net)
if err_msg:
raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg)
if (switch_mode == nsxlib_consts.HOST_SWITCH_MODE_ENS):
if not self._allow_ens_networks():
raise NotImplementedError(_("ENS support is disabled"))
return {'is_provider_net': is_provider_net,
'net_type': net_type,
'physical_net': physical_net,
'vlan_id': vlan_id,
'switch_mode': switch_mode}
def _network_is_nsx_net(self, context, network_id):
bindings = nsx_db.get_network_bindings(context.session, network_id)
if not bindings:
return False
return (bindings[0].binding_type ==
def _vif_type_by_vnic_type(self, direct_vnic_type):
return (nsx_constants.VIF_TYPE_DVS if direct_vnic_type
else pbin.VIF_TYPE_OVS)
def _get_network_segmentation_id(self, context, neutron_id):
bindings = nsx_db.get_network_bindings(context.session, neutron_id)
if bindings:
return bindings[0].vlan_id
def _extend_nsx_port_dict_binding(self, context, port_data):
# Not using the register api for this because we need the context
# Some attributes were already initialized by _extend_port_portbinding
if pbin.VIF_TYPE not in port_data:
port_data[pbin.VIF_TYPE] = pbin.VIF_TYPE_OVS
if pbin.VNIC_TYPE not in port_data:
port_data[pbin.VNIC_TYPE] = pbin.VNIC_NORMAL
if 'network_id' in port_data:
net_id = port_data['network_id']
if pbin.VIF_DETAILS not in port_data:
port_data[pbin.VIF_DETAILS] = {}
port_data[pbin.VIF_DETAILS][pbin.OVS_HYBRID_PLUG] = False
if (port_data.get('device_owner') ==
# floatingip belongs to an external net without nsx-id
port_data[pbin.VIF_DETAILS]['nsx-logical-switch-id'] = None
port_data[pbin.VIF_DETAILS]['nsx-logical-switch-id'] = (
self._get_network_nsx_id(context, net_id))
if port_data[pbin.VNIC_TYPE] != pbin.VNIC_NORMAL:
port_data[pbin.VIF_DETAILS]['segmentation-id'] = (
self._get_network_segmentation_id(context, net_id))
def fix_direct_vnic_port_sec(self, direct_vnic_type, port_data):
if direct_vnic_type:
if validators.is_attr_set(port_data.get(psec.PORTSECURITY)):
# 'direct' and 'direct-physical' vnic types ports requires
# port-security to be disabled.
if port_data[psec.PORTSECURITY]:
err_msg = _("Security features are not supported for "
"ports with direct/direct-physical VNIC "
raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg)
# Implicitly disable port-security for direct vnic types.
port_data[psec.PORTSECURITY] = False
def _validate_network_type(self, context, network_id, net_types):
net = self.get_network(context, network_id)
if net.get(pnet.NETWORK_TYPE) in net_types:
return True
return False
def _revert_neutron_port_update(self, context, port_id,
original_port, updated_port,
port_security, sec_grp_updated):
# revert the neutron port update
super(NsxPluginV3Base, self).update_port(context, port_id,
{'port': original_port})
# revert allowed address pairs
if port_security:
orig_pair = original_port.get(addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS)
updated_pair = updated_port.get(addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS)
if orig_pair != updated_pair:
self._delete_allowed_address_pairs(context, port_id)
if orig_pair:
context, original_port, orig_pair)
# revert the security groups modifications
if sec_grp_updated:
context, port_id, {'port': original_port},
updated_port, original_port)
def _get_external_attachment_info(self, context, router):
gw_port = router.gw_port
ipaddress = None
netmask = None
nexthop = None
if gw_port:
# gw_port may have multiple IPs, only configure the first one
if gw_port.get('fixed_ips'):
ipaddress = gw_port['fixed_ips'][0]['ip_address']
network_id = gw_port.get('network_id')
if network_id:
ext_net = self._get_network(context, network_id)
if not ext_net.external:
msg = (_("Network '%s' is not a valid external "
"network") % network_id)
raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='router', msg=msg)
if ext_net.subnets:
ext_subnet = ext_net.subnets[0]
netmask = str(netaddr.IPNetwork(ext_subnet.cidr).netmask)
nexthop = ext_subnet.gateway_ip
return (ipaddress, netmask, nexthop)
def _validate_router_gw(self, context, router_id, info, org_enable_snat):
# Ensure that a router cannot have SNAT disabled if there are
# floating IP's assigned
if (info and 'enable_snat' in info and
org_enable_snat != info.get('enable_snat') and
info.get('enable_snat') is False and
self.router_gw_port_has_floating_ips(context, router_id)):
msg = _("Unable to set SNAT disabled. Floating IPs assigned")
raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=msg)
def _get_update_router_gw_actions(
org_tier0_uuid, orgaddr, org_enable_snat,
new_tier0_uuid, newaddr, new_enable_snat):
"""Return a dictionary of flags indicating which actions should be
performed on this router GW update.
actions = {}
# Remove router link port between tier1 and tier0 if tier0 router link
# is removed or changed
actions['remove_router_link_port'] = (
org_tier0_uuid and
(not new_tier0_uuid or org_tier0_uuid != new_tier0_uuid))
# Remove SNAT rules for gw ip if gw ip is deleted/changed or
# enable_snat is updated from True to False
actions['remove_snat_rules'] = (
org_enable_snat and orgaddr and
(newaddr != orgaddr or not new_enable_snat))
# Remove No-DNAT rules if GW was removed or snat was disabled
actions['remove_no_dnat_rules'] = (
orgaddr and org_enable_snat and
(not newaddr or not new_enable_snat))
# Revocate bgp announce for nonat subnets if tier0 router link is
# changed or enable_snat is updated from False to True
actions['revocate_bgp_announce'] = (
not org_enable_snat and org_tier0_uuid and
(new_tier0_uuid != org_tier0_uuid or new_enable_snat))
# Add router link port between tier1 and tier0 if tier0 router link is
# added or changed to a new one
actions['add_router_link_port'] = (
new_tier0_uuid and
(not org_tier0_uuid or org_tier0_uuid != new_tier0_uuid))
# Add SNAT rules for gw ip if gw ip is add/changed or
# enable_snat is updated from False to True
actions['add_snat_rules'] = (
new_enable_snat and newaddr and
(newaddr != orgaddr or not org_enable_snat))
# Add No-DNAT rules if GW was added, and the router has SNAT enabled,
# or if SNAT was enabled
actions['add_no_dnat_rules'] = (
new_enable_snat and newaddr and
(not orgaddr or not org_enable_snat))
# Bgp announce for nonat subnets if tier0 router link is changed or
# enable_snat is updated from True to False
actions['bgp_announce'] = (
not new_enable_snat and new_tier0_uuid and
(new_tier0_uuid != org_tier0_uuid or not org_enable_snat))
# Advertise NAT routes if enable SNAT to support FIP. In the NoNAT
# use case, only NSX connected routes need to be advertised.
actions['advertise_route_nat_flag'] = (
True if new_enable_snat else False)
actions['advertise_route_connected_flag'] = (
True if not new_enable_snat else False)
# TODO(asarfaty): calculate flags for add/remove service router
actions['remove_service_router'] = (
actions['remove_router_link_port'] and
not actions['add_router_link_port'])
actions['add_service_router'] = (
actions['add_router_link_port'] and
not actions['remove_router_link_port'])
return actions