This change renames everything to Neutron while providing backwards compatible adjustments for Grizzly configuration files. implements blueprint: remove-use-of-quantum Change-Id: Ie7d07ba7c89857e13d4ddc8f0e9b68de020a3d19
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305 lines
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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2012 NEC Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# @author: Ryota MIBU
# @author: Akihiro MOTOKI
from neutron.openstack.common import uuidutils
from neutron.plugins.nec.common import ofc_client
from neutron.plugins.nec.db import api as ndb
from neutron.plugins.nec import ofc_driver_base
class TremaDriverBase(ofc_driver_base.OFCDriverBase):
"""Common class for Trema (Sliceable Switch) Drivers."""
networks_path = "/networks"
network_path = "/networks/%s"
def __init__(self, conf_ofc):
# Trema sliceable REST API does not support HTTPS
self.client = ofc_client.OFCClient(host=conf_ofc.host,
def _get_network_id(self, ofc_network_id):
# ofc_network_id : /networks/<network-id>
return ofc_network_id.split('/')[2]
def _get_tenant_id(self, tenant_id):
# Trema does not use tenant_id, but it returns
# /tenants/<tenant_id> format to keep consistency with PFC driver.
return '/tenants/' + tenant_id
def create_tenant(self, description, tenant_id=None):
return self._get_tenant_id(tenant_id or uuidutils.generate_uuid())
def update_tenant(self, ofc_tenant_id, description):
def delete_tenant(self, ofc_tenant_id):
def create_network(self, ofc_tenant_id, description, network_id=None):
ofc_network_id = network_id or uuidutils.generate_uuid()
body = {'id': ofc_network_id, 'description': description}
self.client.post(self.networks_path, body=body)
return self.network_path % ofc_network_id
def delete_network(self, ofc_network_id):
return self.client.delete(ofc_network_id)
def convert_ofc_tenant_id(self, context, ofc_tenant_id):
# If ofc_network_id starts with '/', it is already new-style
if ofc_tenant_id[0] == '/':
return ofc_tenant_id
return self._get_tenant_id(ofc_tenant_id)
def convert_ofc_network_id(self, context, ofc_network_id, tenant_id):
# If ofc_network_id starts with '/', it is already new-style
if ofc_network_id[0] == '/':
return ofc_network_id
# Trema sliceable switch does not use tenant_id,
# so we can convert ofc_network_id from old id only
return self.network_path % ofc_network_id
class TremaFilterDriver(object):
"""Trema (Sliceable Switch) PacketFilter Driver Mixin."""
filters_path = "/filters"
filter_path = "/filters/%s"
def filter_supported(cls):
return True
def create_filter(self, ofc_network_id, filter_dict,
portinfo=None, filter_id=None):
if filter_dict['action'].upper() in ["ACCEPT", "ALLOW"]:
ofc_action = "ALLOW"
elif filter_dict['action'].upper() in ["DROP", "DENY"]:
ofc_action = "DENY"
body = {'priority': filter_dict['priority'],
'slice': self._get_network_id(ofc_network_id),
'action': ofc_action}
ofp_wildcards = ["dl_vlan", "dl_vlan_pcp", "nw_tos"]
if portinfo:
body['in_datapath_id'] = portinfo.datapath_id
body['in_port'] = portinfo.port_no
body['wildcards'] = "in_datapath_id"
if filter_dict['src_mac']:
body['dl_src'] = filter_dict['src_mac']
if filter_dict['dst_mac']:
body['dl_dst'] = filter_dict['dst_mac']
if filter_dict['src_cidr']:
body['nw_src'] = filter_dict['src_cidr']
if filter_dict['dst_cidr']:
body['nw_dst'] = filter_dict['dst_cidr']
if filter_dict['protocol']:
if filter_dict['protocol'].upper() in "ICMP":
body['dl_type'] = "0x800"
body['nw_proto'] = hex(1)
elif filter_dict['protocol'].upper() in "TCP":
body['dl_type'] = "0x800"
body['nw_proto'] = hex(6)
elif filter_dict['protocol'].upper() in "UDP":
body['dl_type'] = "0x800"
body['nw_proto'] = hex(17)
elif filter_dict['protocol'].upper() in "ARP":
body['dl_type'] = "0x806"
body['nw_proto'] = filter_dict['protocol']
if filter_dict['eth_type']:
body['dl_type'] = filter_dict['eth_type']
if filter_dict['src_port']:
body['tp_src'] = hex(filter_dict['src_port'])
if filter_dict['dst_port']:
body['tp_dst'] = hex(filter_dict['dst_port'])
ofc_filter_id = filter_id or uuidutils.generate_uuid()
body['id'] = ofc_filter_id
body['ofp_wildcards'] = ','.join(ofp_wildcards)
self.client.post(self.filters_path, body=body)
return self.filter_path % ofc_filter_id
def delete_filter(self, ofc_filter_id):
return self.client.delete(ofc_filter_id)
def convert_ofc_filter_id(self, context, ofc_filter_id):
# If ofc_filter_id starts with '/', it is already new-style
if ofc_filter_id[0] == '/':
return ofc_filter_id
return self.filter_path % ofc_filter_id
class TremaPortBaseDriver(TremaDriverBase, TremaFilterDriver):
"""Trema (Sliceable Switch) Driver for port base binding.
TremaPortBaseDriver uses port base binding.
Ports are identified by datapath_id, port_no and vlan_id.
ports_path = "%(network)s/ports"
port_path = "%(network)s/ports/%(port)s"
def create_port(self, ofc_network_id, portinfo,
ofc_port_id = port_id or uuidutils.generate_uuid()
path = self.ports_path % {'network': ofc_network_id}
body = {'id': ofc_port_id,
'datapath_id': portinfo.datapath_id,
'port': str(portinfo.port_no),
'vid': str(portinfo.vlan_id)}
self.client.post(path, body=body)
return self.port_path % {'network': ofc_network_id,
'port': ofc_port_id}
def delete_port(self, ofc_port_id):
return self.client.delete(ofc_port_id)
def convert_ofc_port_id(self, context, ofc_port_id,
tenant_id, network_id):
# If ofc_port_id starts with '/', it is already new-style
if ofc_port_id[0] == '/':
return ofc_port_id
ofc_network_id = ndb.get_ofc_id_lookup_both(
context.session, 'ofc_network', network_id)
ofc_network_id = self.convert_ofc_network_id(
context, ofc_network_id, tenant_id)
return self.port_path % {'network': ofc_network_id,
'port': ofc_port_id}
class TremaPortMACBaseDriver(TremaDriverBase, TremaFilterDriver):
"""Trema (Sliceable Switch) Driver for port-mac base binding.
TremaPortBaseDriver uses port-mac base binding.
Ports are identified by datapath_id, port_no, vlan_id and mac.
ports_path = "%(network)s/ports"
port_path = "%(network)s/ports/%(port)s"
attachments_path = "%(network)s/ports/%(port)s/attachments"
attachment_path = "%(network)s/ports/%(port)s/attachments/%(attachment)s"
def create_port(self, ofc_network_id, portinfo, port_id=None):
#NOTE: This Driver create slices with Port-MAC Based bindings on Trema
# Sliceable. It's REST API requires Port Based binding before you
# define Port-MAC Based binding.
ofc_port_id = port_id or uuidutils.generate_uuid()
dummy_port_id = "dummy-%s" % ofc_port_id
path = self.ports_path % {'network': ofc_network_id}
body = {'id': dummy_port_id,
'datapath_id': portinfo.datapath_id,
'port': str(portinfo.port_no),
'vid': str(portinfo.vlan_id)}
self.client.post(path, body=body)
path = self.attachments_path % {'network': ofc_network_id,
'port': dummy_port_id}
body = {'id': ofc_port_id, 'mac': portinfo.mac}
self.client.post(path, body=body)
path = self.port_path % {'network': ofc_network_id,
'port': dummy_port_id}
return self.attachment_path % {'network': ofc_network_id,
'port': dummy_port_id,
'attachment': ofc_port_id}
def delete_port(self, ofc_port_id):
return self.client.delete(ofc_port_id)
def convert_ofc_port_id(self, context, ofc_port_id, tenant_id, network_id):
# If ofc_port_id starts with '/', it is already new-style
if ofc_port_id[0] == '/':
return ofc_port_id
ofc_network_id = ndb.get_ofc_id_lookup_both(
context.session, 'ofc_network', network_id)
ofc_network_id = self.convert_ofc_network_id(
context, ofc_network_id, tenant_id)
dummy_port_id = 'dummy-%s' % ofc_port_id
return self.attachment_path % {'network': ofc_network_id,
'port': dummy_port_id,
'attachment': ofc_port_id}
class TremaMACBaseDriver(TremaDriverBase):
"""Trema (Sliceable Switch) Driver for mac base binding.
TremaPortBaseDriver uses mac base binding.
Ports are identified by mac.
attachments_path = "%(network)s/attachments"
attachment_path = "%(network)s/attachments/%(attachment)s"
def filter_supported(cls):
return False
def create_port(self, ofc_network_id, portinfo, port_id=None):
ofc_port_id = port_id or uuidutils.generate_uuid()
path = self.attachments_path % {'network': ofc_network_id}
body = {'id': ofc_port_id, 'mac': portinfo.mac}
self.client.post(path, body=body)
return self.attachment_path % {'network': ofc_network_id,
'attachment': ofc_port_id}
def delete_port(self, ofc_port_id):
return self.client.delete(ofc_port_id)
def convert_ofc_port_id(self, context, ofc_port_id, tenant_id, network_id):
# If ofc_port_id starts with '/', it is already new-style
if ofc_port_id[0] == '/':
return ofc_port_id
ofc_network_id = ndb.get_ofc_id_lookup_both(
context.session, 'ofc_network', network_id)
ofc_network_id = self.convert_ofc_network_id(
context, ofc_network_id, tenant_id)
return self.attachment_path % {'network': ofc_network_id,
'attachment': ofc_port_id}