This set of changes introduces SRIOV NIC Agent to run with ML2 mechanism driver for SR-IOV capable NIC based switching. This is the second part of a 2 part commit. The review is submitted in two parts: - Part 1 The Mechanism Driver to support port binding for SR-IOV virtual functions of SRIOV capable switching NICs. - Part2 (this part) The SRIOV NIC Based L2 Agent. Use configurable list of mappings physical_networks to PF interfaces and configurable list of mappings PF interfaces to list of excluded VFs to get list of Virtual Functions that agent should manage. Current implementation supports admin state updates. Co-authored-by: Samer Deeb <samerd@mellanox.com> Partially implements: blueprint ml2-sriov-nic-switch Change-Id: I533ccee067935326d5837f90ba321a962e8dc2a6
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# Copyright 2014 Mellanox Technologies, Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# @author: Samer Deeb, Mellanox Technologies, Ltd
import os
import re
from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging
from neutron.plugins.sriovnicagent.common import exceptions as exc
from neutron.plugins.sriovnicagent import pci_lib
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PciOsWrapper(object):
"""OS wrapper for checking virtual functions"""
DEVICE_PATH = "/sys/class/net/%s/device"
PCI_PATH = "/sys/class/net/%s/device/virtfn%s/net"
VIRTFN_FORMAT = "^virtfn(?P<vf_index>\d+)"
def scan_vf_devices(cls, dev_name):
"""Scan os directories to get VF devices
@param dev_name: pf network device name
@return: list of virtual functions
vf_list = []
dev_path = cls.DEVICE_PATH % dev_name
if not os.path.isdir(dev_path):
LOG.error(_("Failed to get devices for %s"), dev_name)
raise exc.InvalidDeviceError(dev_name=dev_name,
reason=_("Device not found"))
file_list = os.listdir(dev_path)
for file_name in file_list:
pattern_match = cls.VIRTFN_REG_EX.match(file_name)
if pattern_match:
vf_index = int(pattern_match.group("vf_index"))
file_path = os.path.join(dev_path, file_name)
if os.path.islink(file_path):
file_link = os.readlink(file_path)
pci_slot = os.path.basename(file_link)
vf_list.append((pci_slot, vf_index))
if not vf_list:
raise exc.InvalidDeviceError(
reason=_("Device has no virtual functions"))
return vf_list
def is_assigned_vf(cls, dev_name, vf_index):
"""Check if VF is assigned.
Checks if a given vf index of a given device name is assigned
by checking the relevant path in the system
@param dev_name: pf network device name
@param vf_index: vf index
path = cls.PCI_PATH % (dev_name, vf_index)
return not (os.path.isdir(path))
class EmbSwitch(object):
"""Class to manage logical embedded switch entity.
Embedded Switch object is logical entity representing all VFs
connected to same physical network
Each physical network is mapped to PF network device interface,
meaning all its VF, excluding the devices in exclude_device list.
@ivar pci_slot_map: dictionary for mapping each pci slot to vf index
@ivar pci_dev_wrapper: pci device wrapper
def __init__(self, phys_net, dev_name, exclude_devices, root_helper):
@param phys_net: physical network
@param dev_name: network device name
@param exclude_devices: list of pci slots to exclude
@param root_helper: root permissions helper
self.phys_net = phys_net
self.dev_name = dev_name
self.pci_slot_map = {}
self.pci_dev_wrapper = pci_lib.PciDeviceIPWrapper(dev_name,
def _load_devices(self, exclude_devices):
"""Load devices from driver and filter if needed.
@param exclude_devices: excluded devices mapping device_name: pci slots
scanned_pci_list = PciOsWrapper.scan_vf_devices(self.dev_name)
for pci_slot, vf_index in scanned_pci_list:
if pci_slot not in exclude_devices:
self.pci_slot_map[pci_slot] = vf_index
def get_pci_slot_list(self):
"""Get list of VF addresses."""
return self.pci_slot_map.keys()
def get_assigned_devices(self):
"""Get assigned Virtual Functions.
@return: list of VF mac addresses
vf_list = []
assigned_macs = []
for vf_index in self.pci_slot_map.itervalues():
if not PciOsWrapper.is_assigned_vf(self.dev_name, vf_index):
if vf_list:
assigned_macs = self.pci_dev_wrapper.get_assigned_macs(vf_list)
return assigned_macs
def get_device_state(self, pci_slot):
"""Get device state.
@param pci_slot: Virtual Function address
vf_index = self.pci_slot_map.get(pci_slot)
if vf_index is None:
LOG.warning(_("Cannot find vf index for pci slot %s"),
raise exc.InvalidPciSlotError(pci_slot=pci_slot)
return self.pci_dev_wrapper.get_vf_state(vf_index)
def set_device_state(self, pci_slot, state):
"""Set device state.
@param pci_slot: Virtual Function address
@param state: link state
vf_index = self.pci_slot_map.get(pci_slot)
if vf_index is None:
LOG.warning(_("Cannot find vf index for pci slot %s"),
raise exc.InvalidPciSlotError(pci_slot=pci_slot)
return self.pci_dev_wrapper.set_vf_state(vf_index, state)
def get_pci_device(self, pci_slot):
"""Get mac address for given Virtual Function address
@param pci_slot: pci slot
@return: MAC address of virtual function
vf_index = self.pci_slot_map.get(pci_slot)
mac = None
if vf_index is not None:
if PciOsWrapper.is_assigned_vf(self.dev_name, vf_index):
macs = self.pci_dev_wrapper.get_assigned_macs([vf_index])
if macs:
mac = macs[0]
return mac
class ESwitchManager(object):
"""Manages logical Embedded Switch entities for physical network."""
def __init__(self, device_mappings, exclude_devices, root_helper):
Create Embedded Switch logical entities for all given device mappings,
using exclude devices.
self.emb_switches_map = {}
self.pci_slot_map = {}
self.root_helper = root_helper
self._discover_devices(device_mappings, exclude_devices)
def device_exists(self, device_mac, pci_slot):
"""Verify if device exists.
Check if a device mac exists and matches the given VF pci slot
@param device_mac: device mac
@param pci_slot: VF address
embedded_switch = self._get_emb_eswitch(device_mac, pci_slot)
if embedded_switch:
return True
return False
def get_assigned_devices(self, phys_net=None):
"""Get all assigned devices.
Get all assigned devices belongs to given embedded switch
@param phys_net: physical network, if none get all assigned devices
@return: set of assigned VFs mac addresses
if phys_net:
embedded_switch = self.emb_switches_map.get(phys_net, None)
if not embedded_switch:
return set()
eswitch_objects = [embedded_switch]
eswitch_objects = self.emb_switches_map.values()
assigned_devices = set()
for embedded_switch in eswitch_objects:
for device_mac in embedded_switch.get_assigned_devices():
return assigned_devices
def get_device_state(self, device_mac, pci_slot):
"""Get device state.
Get the device state (up/True or down/False)
@param device_mac: device mac
@param pci_slot: VF pci slot
@return: device state (True/False) None if failed
embedded_switch = self._get_emb_eswitch(device_mac, pci_slot)
if embedded_switch:
return embedded_switch.get_device_state(pci_slot)
return False
def set_device_state(self, device_mac, pci_slot, admin_state_up):
"""Set device state
Sets the device state (up or down)
@param device_mac: device mac
@param pci_slot: pci slot
@param admin_state_up: device admin state True/False
embedded_switch = self._get_emb_eswitch(device_mac, pci_slot)
if embedded_switch:
def _discover_devices(self, device_mappings, exclude_devices):
"""Discover which Virtual functions to manage.
Discover devices, and create embedded switch object for network device
@param device_mappings: device mapping physical_network:device_name
@param exclude_devices: excluded devices mapping device_name: pci slots
if exclude_devices is None:
exclude_devices = {}
for phys_net, dev_name in device_mappings.iteritems():
self._create_emb_switch(phys_net, dev_name,
exclude_devices.get(dev_name, set()))
def _create_emb_switch(self, phys_net, dev_name, exclude_devices):
embedded_switch = EmbSwitch(phys_net, dev_name, exclude_devices,
self.emb_switches_map[phys_net] = embedded_switch
for pci_slot in embedded_switch.get_pci_slot_list():
self.pci_slot_map[pci_slot] = embedded_switch
def _get_emb_eswitch(self, device_mac, pci_slot):
"""Get embedded switch.
Get embedded switch by pci slot and validate pci has device mac
@param device_mac: device mac
@param pci_slot: pci slot
embedded_switch = self.pci_slot_map.get(pci_slot)
if embedded_switch:
used_device_mac = embedded_switch.get_pci_device(pci_slot)
if used_device_mac != device_mac:
LOG.warning(_("device pci mismatch: %(device_mac)s "
"- %(pci_slot)s"), {"device_mac": device_mac,
"pci_slot": pci_slot})
embedded_switch = None
return embedded_switch