Abhishek Raut 2f1cd3eb55 Add support for the Nexus 1000V into the Cisco Plugin.
This will enable the Cisco Nexus 1000V to integrate with the Cisco plugin
and be used to drive the realization of Neutron constructs.
Network profile and Policy profile are introduced as extended neutron
resources, while n1kv:profile_id is introduced as an extended attribute
for network and port objects. Necessary changes to the Cisco plugin are
made to accomodate Nexus 1000V as a configurable vswitch plugin.

Implements: blueprint cisco-plugin-n1k-support
Change-Id: I951e10c57d74c935fca8754c0e21e1ac9df35704
2013-08-09 16:56:54 -07:00

132 lines
4.9 KiB

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2013 Cisco Systems, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo.config import cfg
from neutron.agent.common import config
cisco_plugins_opts = [
help=_("Virtual Switch to use")),
help=_("Nexus Switch to use")),
cisco_opts = [
cfg.StrOpt('vlan_name_prefix', default='q-',
help=_("VLAN Name prefix")),
cfg.StrOpt('provider_vlan_name_prefix', default='p-',
help=_("VLAN Name prefix for provider vlans")),
cfg.BoolOpt('provider_vlan_auto_create', default=True,
help='Provider VLANs are automatically created as needed '
'on the Nexus switch'),
cfg.BoolOpt('provider_vlan_auto_trunk', default=True,
help='Provider VLANs are automatically trunked as needed '
'on the ports of the Nexus switch'),
cfg.BoolOpt('svi_round_robin', default=False,
help=_("Distribute SVI interfaces over all switches")),
help=_("Model Class")),
help=_("Nexus Driver Name")),
cisco_n1k_opts = [
cfg.StrOpt('integration_bridge', default='br-int',
help=_("N1K Integration Bridge")),
cfg.BoolOpt('enable_tunneling', default=True,
help=_("N1K Enable Tunneling")),
cfg.StrOpt('tunnel_bridge', default='br-tun',
help=_("N1K Tunnel Bridge")),
cfg.StrOpt('local_ip', default='',
help=_("N1K Local IP")),
cfg.StrOpt('tenant_network_type', default='local',
help=_("N1K Tenant Network Type")),
cfg.StrOpt('bridge_mappings', default='',
help=_("N1K Bridge Mappings")),
cfg.StrOpt('vxlan_id_ranges', default='5000:10000',
help=_("N1K VXLAN ID Ranges")),
cfg.StrOpt('network_vlan_ranges', default='vlan:1:4095',
help=_("N1K Network VLAN Ranges")),
cfg.StrOpt('default_policy_profile', default='service_profile',
help=_("N1K default policy profile")),
cfg.StrOpt('poll_duration', default='10',
help=_("N1K Policy profile polling duration in seconds")),
cfg.CONF.register_opts(cisco_opts, "CISCO")
cfg.CONF.register_opts(cisco_n1k_opts, "CISCO_N1K")
cfg.CONF.register_opts(cisco_plugins_opts, "CISCO_PLUGINS")
# shortcuts
# device_dictionary - Contains all external device configuration.
# When populated the device dictionary format is:
# {('<device ID>', '<device ipaddr>', '<keyword>'): '<value>', ...}
# Example:
# {('NEXUS_SWITCH', '', 'username'): 'admin',
# ('NEXUS_SWITCH', '', 'password'): 'mySecretPassword',
# ('NEXUS_SWITCH', '', 'compute1'): '1/1', ...}
device_dictionary = {}
class CiscoConfigOptions():
"""Cisco Configuration Options Class."""
def __init__(self):
def _create_device_dictionary(self):
Create the device dictionary from the cisco_plugins.ini
device supported sections. Ex. NEXUS_SWITCH, N1KV.
multi_parser = cfg.MultiConfigParser()
read_ok = multi_parser.read(CONF.config_file)
if len(read_ok) != len(CONF.config_file):
raise cfg.Error("Some config files were not parsed properly")
for parsed_file in multi_parser.parsed:
for parsed_item in parsed_file.keys():
dev_id, sep, dev_ip = parsed_item.partition(':')
if dev_id.lower() in ['nexus_switch', 'n1kv']:
for dev_key, value in parsed_file[parsed_item].items():
device_dictionary[dev_id, dev_ip, dev_key] = value[0]
def get_device_dictionary():
return device_dictionary