Adit Sarfaty 7417b3b18a NSX|V policy: get SG description from the policy
If the user didn't set the security group description, it will be
taken from the backend NSX policy description (or name if no description)

Change-Id: I6e333f7711bca398a8a9cdd4310dfa911701f5d2
2016-11-10 15:58:25 +02:00

220 lines
8.2 KiB

# Copyright 2014 VMware, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
from oslo_log import log as logging
from neutron.api.v2 import attributes
from vmware_nsx.common import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class NsxSecurityGroupUtils(object):
def __init__(self, nsxv_manager):
LOG.debug("Start Security Group Utils initialization")
self.nsxv_manager = nsxv_manager
def to_xml_string(self, element):
return et.tostring(element)
def get_section_with_rules(self, name, rules, section_id=None):
"""Helper method to create section dict with rules."""
section = et.Element('section')
section.attrib['name'] = name
if section_id:
section.attrib['id'] = section_id
for rule in rules:
return section
def get_container(self, nsx_sg_id):
container = {'type': 'SecurityGroup', 'value': nsx_sg_id}
return container
def get_remote_container(self, remote_group_id, remote_ip_mac):
container = None
if remote_group_id is not None:
return self.get_container(remote_group_id)
if remote_ip_mac is not None:
container = {'type': 'Ipv4Address', 'value': remote_ip_mac}
return container
def get_rule_config(self, applied_to_ids, name, action='allow',
source=None, destination=None, services=None,
flags=None, logged=False):
"""Helper method to create a nsx rule dict."""
ruleTag = et.Element('rule')
ruleTag.attrib['logged'] = 'true' if logged else 'false'
nameTag = et.SubElement(ruleTag, 'name')
nameTag.text = name
actionTag = et.SubElement(ruleTag, 'action')
actionTag.text = action
apList = et.SubElement(ruleTag, 'appliedToList')
for applied_to_id in applied_to_ids:
apTag = et.SubElement(apList, 'appliedTo')
apTypeTag = et.SubElement(apTag, 'type')
apTypeTag.text = applied_to
apValueTag = et.SubElement(apTag, 'value')
apValueTag.text = applied_to_id
if source is not None:
sources = et.SubElement(ruleTag, 'sources')
sources.attrib['excluded'] = 'false'
srcTag = et.SubElement(sources, 'source')
srcTypeTag = et.SubElement(srcTag, 'type')
srcTypeTag.text = source['type']
srcValueTag = et.SubElement(srcTag, 'value')
srcValueTag.text = source['value']
if destination is not None:
dests = et.SubElement(ruleTag, 'destinations')
dests.attrib['excluded'] = 'false'
destTag = et.SubElement(dests, 'destination')
destTypeTag = et.SubElement(destTag, 'type')
destTypeTag.text = destination['type']
destValueTag = et.SubElement(destTag, 'value')
destValueTag.text = destination['value']
if services:
s = et.SubElement(ruleTag, 'services')
for protocol, port, icmptype, icmpcode in services:
svcTag = et.SubElement(s, 'service')
svcProtocolTag = et.SubElement(svcTag, 'protocol')
svcProtocolTag.text = str(protocol)
except ValueError:
svcProtocolTag = et.SubElement(svcTag, 'protocolName')
svcProtocolTag.text = protocol
if port is not None:
svcPortTag = et.SubElement(svcTag, 'destinationPort')
svcPortTag.text = str(port)
if icmptype is not None:
svcPortTag = et.SubElement(svcTag, 'subProtocol')
svcPortTag.text = str(icmptype)
if icmpcode is not None:
svcPortTag = et.SubElement(svcTag, 'icmpCode')
svcPortTag.text = str(icmpcode)
if flags:
if flags.get('ethertype') is not None:
pktTag = et.SubElement(ruleTag, 'packetType')
pktTag.text = flags.get('ethertype')
if flags.get('direction') is not None:
dirTag = et.SubElement(ruleTag, 'direction')
dirTag.text = flags.get('direction')
return ruleTag
def get_rule_id_pair_from_section(self, resp):
root = et.fromstring(resp)
pairs = []
for rule in root.findall('rule'):
pair = {'nsx_id': rule.attrib.get('id'),
'neutron_id': rule.find('name').text}
return pairs
def extend_section_with_rules(self, section, nsx_rules):
def parse_section(self, xml_string):
return et.fromstring(xml_string)
def get_nsx_sg_name(self, sg_data):
return '%(name)s (%(id)s)' % sg_data
def get_nsx_section_name(self, sg_data):
return 'SG Section: %s' % self.get_nsx_sg_name(sg_data)
def parse_and_get_section_id(self, section_xml):
section = et.fromstring(section_xml)
return section.attrib['id']
def is_section_logged(self, section):
# Determine if this section rules are being logged by the first rule
# 'logged' value.
rule = section.find('rule')
if rule is not None:
return rule.attrib.get('logged') == 'true'
return False
def set_rules_logged_option(self, section, logged):
value = 'true' if logged else 'false'
rules = section.findall('rule')
updated = False
for rule in rules:
if rule.attrib['logged'] != value:
rule.attrib['logged'] = value
updated = True
return updated
def del_nsx_security_group_from_policy(self, policy_id, sg_id):
if not policy_id:
policy = self.nsxv_manager.vcns.get_security_policy(policy_id)
policy = utils.normalize_xml(policy)
# check if the security group is already bounded to the policy
for binding in policy.iter('securityGroupBinding'):
if binding.find('objectId').text == sg_id:
# delete this entry
return self.nsxv_manager.vcns.update_security_policy(
policy_id, et.tostring(policy))
def add_nsx_security_group_to_policy(self, policy_id, sg_id):
if not policy_id:
# Get the policy configuration
policy = self.nsxv_manager.vcns.get_security_policy(policy_id)
policy = utils.normalize_xml(policy)
# check if the security group is already bounded to the policy
for binding in policy.iter('securityGroupBinding'):
if binding.find('objectId').text == sg_id:
# Already there
# Add a new binding entry
new_binding = et.SubElement(policy, 'securityGroupBinding')
et.SubElement(new_binding, 'objectId').text = sg_id
return self.nsxv_manager.vcns.update_security_policy(
policy_id, et.tostring(policy))
def get_nsx_policy_description(self, policy_id):
if not policy_id:
# Get the policy configuration
policy = self.nsxv_manager.vcns.get_security_policy(policy_id)
policy = utils.normalize_xml(policy)
# If no description - use the name instead
description = policy.find('description').text
if not description:
description = policy.find('name').text
# use only the allowed length
return description[:attributes.DESCRIPTION_MAX_LEN]