150 lines
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150 lines
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# Copyright 2013 VMware, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import hashlib
from neutron.api.v2 import attributes
from neutron import version
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
import retrying
import six
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
NEUTRON_VERSION = version.version_info.release_string()
# Allowed network types for the NSX Plugin
class NetworkTypes:
"""Allowed provider network types for the NSX Plugin."""
L3_EXT = 'l3_ext'
STT = 'stt'
GRE = 'gre'
FLAT = 'flat'
VLAN = 'vlan'
BRIDGE = 'bridge'
# Allowed network types for the NSX-v Plugin
class NsxVNetworkTypes:
"""Allowed provider network types for the NSX-v Plugin."""
FLAT = 'flat'
VLAN = 'vlan'
VXLAN = 'vxlan'
PORTGROUP = 'portgroup'
# Allowed network types for the NSXv3 Plugin
class NsxV3NetworkTypes:
"""Allowed provider network types for the NSXv3 Plugin."""
FLAT = 'flat'
VLAN = 'vlan'
VXLAN = 'vxlan'
def get_tags(**kwargs):
tags = ([dict(tag=value, scope=key)
for key, value in six.iteritems(kwargs)])
tags.append({"tag": NEUTRON_VERSION, "scope": "quantum"})
return sorted(tags, key=lambda x: x['tag'])
def device_id_to_vm_id(device_id, obfuscate=False):
# device_id can be longer than 40 characters, for example
# a device_id for a dhcp port is like the following:
# dhcp83b5fdeb-e3b4-5e18-ac5f-55161...80747326-47d7-46c2-a87a-cf6d5194877c
# To fit it into an NSX tag we need to hash it, however device_id
# used for ports associated to VM's are small enough so let's skip the
# hashing
if len(device_id) > MAX_DISPLAY_NAME_LEN or obfuscate:
return hashlib.sha1(device_id.encode()).hexdigest()
return device_id or "N/A"
def check_and_truncate(display_name):
if (attributes.is_attr_set(display_name) and
len(display_name) > MAX_DISPLAY_NAME_LEN):
LOG.debug("Specified name:'%s' exceeds maximum length. "
"It will be truncated on NSX", display_name)
return display_name[:MAX_DISPLAY_NAME_LEN]
return display_name or ''
def build_v3_tags_payload(logical_entity):
Construct the tags payload that will be pushed to NSX-v3
Add os-tid:<tenant-id>, os-api-version:<neutron-api-version>,
return [{"scope": "neutron-id",
"tag": logical_entity.get("id", "")},
{"scope": "os-tid",
"tag": logical_entity.get("tenant_id", "")},
{"scope": "os-api-version",
"tag": version.version_info.release_string()}]
def retry_upon_exception_nsxv3(exc, delay=500, max_delay=2000,
return retrying.retry(retry_on_exception=lambda e: isinstance(e, exc),
def list_match(list1, list2):
# Check if list1 and list2 have identical elements, but relaxed on
# dict elements where list1's dict element can be a subset of list2's
# corresponding element.
if (not isinstance(list1, list) or
not isinstance(list2, list) or
len(list1) != len(list2)):
return False
list1 = sorted(list1)
list2 = sorted(list2)
for (v1, v2) in zip(list1, list2):
if isinstance(v1, dict):
if not dict_match(v1, v2):
return False
elif isinstance(v1, list):
if not list_match(v1, v2):
return False
elif v1 != v2:
return False
return True
def dict_match(dict1, dict2):
# Check if dict1 is a subset of dict2.
if not isinstance(dict1, dict) or not isinstance(dict2, dict):
return False
for k1, v1 in dict1.items():
if k1 not in dict2:
return False
v2 = dict2[k1]
if isinstance(v1, dict):
if not dict_match(v1, v2):
return False
elif isinstance(v1, list):
if not list_match(v1, v2):
return False
elif v1 != v2:
return False
return True