- adds simple chance scheduling on create pool operation - adds PoolsLoadbalancerAgentBinding db table - adds lbaas_agentscheduler extension to list pools hosted by a particular agent and to get an agent hosting a particular pool - adds agent notifiers mapping to AgentSchedulerDbMixin to make it easier for services to add their agent notifiers to the core plugin Implements blueprint lbaas-agent-scheduler Change-Id: Id98649fd5c7873dcd5be1a2b117b8bed25f06cc2
Quantum NEC OpenFlow Plugin # -- What's this? http://wiki.openstack.org/Quantum-NEC-OpenFlow-Plugin # -- Installation Use QuickStart Script for this plugin. This provides you auto installation and configuration of Nova, Neutron and Trema. https://github.com/nec-openstack/quantum-openflow-plugin/tree/folsom