Id518a6d87d0949737cd1c50cb6a83149b85e5f85 removes the class variable from tempest - 'default_params_with_timeout_values' This was kept in tempest only to be used for baremetal tests. Each Temepst plugin should either have their own config options for build timeout etc or use the default one. Currently this commit makes use of timeout and other values from config which are stable. Change-Id: I8d010afe20db890636433a17193029a123a0a136
321 lines
12 KiB
321 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import time
from tempest.lib.common.utils import misc as misc_utils
from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
from tempest import exceptions
from vmware_nsx_tempest._i18n import _
from vmware_nsx_tempest.services import network_client_base as base
POOL_RID = 'pools'
VIP_RID = 'vips'
HEALTHMONITOR_RID = 'health_monitors'
MEMBER_RID = 'members'
class LoadBalancerV1Client(base.BaseNetworkClient):
def _list_lb(self, lb_resource, **filters):
resource_name_s, resource_name_p = _g_resource_namelist(lb_resource)
req_uri = '/lb/%s' % (resource_name_p)
return self.list_resources(req_uri, **filters)
def _show_lb(self, lb_resource, resource_id, **fields):
resource_name_s, resource_name_p = _g_resource_namelist(lb_resource)
req_uri = '/lb/%s/%s' % (resource_name_p, resource_id)
return self.show_resource(req_uri, **fields)
def _delete_lb(self, lb_resource, resource_id):
resource_name_s, resource_name_p = _g_resource_namelist(lb_resource)
req_uri = '/lb/%s/%s' % (resource_name_p, resource_id)
return self.delete_resource(req_uri)
def _create_lb(self, lb_resource, **kwargs):
resource_name_s, resource_name_p = _g_resource_namelist(lb_resource)
req_uri = '/lb/%s' % (resource_name_p)
post_body = {resource_name_s: kwargs}
return self.create_resource(req_uri, post_body)
def _update_lb(self, lb_resource, resource_id, **kwargs):
resource_name_s, resource_name_p = _g_resource_namelist(lb_resource)
req_uri = '/lb/%s/%s' % (resource_name_p, resource_id)
post_body = {resource_name_s: kwargs}
return self.update_resource(req_uri, post_body)
def show_agent_hosting_pool(self, pool_id):
"""Get loadbalancer agent hosting a pool."""
req_uri = "/lb/pools/%s/loadbalancer-agent" % (pool_id)
return self.show_resource(req_uri)
def associate_health_monitor_with_pool(self, health_monitor_id, pool_id):
"""Create a mapping between a health monitor and a pool."""
post_body = {'health_monitor': {'id': health_monitor_id}}
req_uri = '/lb/pools/%s/%s' % (pool_id, HEALTHMONITOR_RID)
return self.create_resource(req_uri, post_body)
def create_health_monitor(self, **kwargs):
"""Create a health monitor."""
create_kwargs = dict(
type=kwargs.pop('type', 'TCP'),
max_retries=kwargs.pop('nax_retries', 3),
timeout=kwargs.pop('timeout', 1),
delay=kwargs.pop('delay', 4),
return self._create_lb(HEALTHMONITOR_RID, **create_kwargs)
def delete_health_monitor(self, health_monitor_id):
"""Delete a given health monitor."""
return self._delete_lb(HEALTHMONITOR_RID, health_monitor_id)
def disassociate_health_monitor_with_pool(self, health_monitor_id,
"""Remove a mapping from a health monitor to a pool."""
req_uri = ('/lb/pools/%s/%s/%s'
% (pool_id, HEALTHMONITOR_RID, health_monitor_id))
return self.delete_resource(req_uri)
def list_health_monitors(self, **filters):
"""List health monitors that belong to a given tenant."""
return self._list_lb(HEALTHMONITOR_RID, **filters)
def show_health_monitor(self, health_monitor_id):
"""Show information of a given health monitor."""
return self._show_lb(HEALTHMONITOR_RID, health_monitor_id)
def update_health_monitor(self, health_monitor_id,
show_then_update=False, **kwargs):
"""Update a given health monitor."""
body = (self.show_health_monitor(health_monitor_id)['health_monitor']
if show_then_update else {})
return self._update_lb(HEALTHMONITOR_RID,
health_monitor_id, **body)
# tempest create_member(self,protocol_port, pool, ip_version)
# we use pool_id
def create_member(self, protocol_port, pool_id,
ip_version=4, **kwargs):
"""Create a member."""
create_kwargs = dict(
address=("fd00:abcd" if ip_version == 6 else ""),
return self._create_lb(MEMBER_RID, **create_kwargs)
def delete_member(self, member_id):
"""Delete a given member."""
return self._delete_lb(MEMBER_RID, member_id)
def list_members(self, **filters):
"""List members that belong to a given tenant."""
return self._list_lb(MEMBER_RID, **filters)
def show_member(self, member_id):
"""Show information of a given member."""
return self._show_lb(MEMBER_RID, member_id)
def update_member(self, member_id,
show_then_update=False, **kwargs):
"""Update a given member."""
body = (self.show_member(member_id)['member']
if show_then_update else {})
return self._update_lb(MEMBER_RID, member_id, **body)
def create_pool(self, name, lb_method, protocol, subnet_id,
"""Create a pool."""
lb_method = lb_method or 'ROUND_ROBIN'
protocol = protocol or 'HTTP'
create_kwargs = dict(
name=name, lb_method=lb_method,
protocol=protocol, subnet_id=subnet_id,
return self._create_lb(POOL_RID, **create_kwargs)
def delete_pool(self, pool_id):
"""Delete a given pool."""
return self._delete_lb(POOL_RID, pool_id)
def list_pools(self, **filters):
"""List pools that belong to a given tenant."""
return self._list_lb(POOL_RID, **filters)
def list_lb_pool_stats(self, pool_id, **filters):
"""Retrieve stats for a given pool."""
req_uri = '/lb/pools/%s/stats' % (pool_id)
return self.list_resources(req_uri, **filters)
def list_pool_on_agents(self, **filters):
"""List the pools on a loadbalancer agent."""
def show_pool(self, pool_id):
"""Show information of a given pool."""
return self._show_lb(POOL_RID, pool_id)
def update_pool(self, pool_id, show_then_update=False, **kwargs):
"""Update a given pool."""
body = (self.show_pool(pool_id)['pool']
if show_then_update else {})
return self._update_lb(POOL_RID, pool_id, **body)
def create_vip(self, pool_id, **kwargs):
"""Create a vip."""
create_kwargs = dict(
protocol=kwargs.pop('protocol', 'HTTP'),
protocol_port=kwargs.pop('protocol_port', 80),
name=kwargs.pop('name', None),
address=kwargs.pop('address', None),
for k in create_kwargs.keys():
if create_kwargs[k] is None:
# subnet_id needed to create vip
return self._create_lb(VIP_RID, **create_kwargs)
def delete_vip(self, vip_id):
"""Delete a given vip."""
return self._delete_lb(VIP_RID, vip_id)
def list_vips(self, **filters):
"""List vips that belong to a given tenant."""
return self._list_lb(VIP_RID, **filters)
def show_vip(self, vip_id):
"""Show information of a given vip."""
return self._show_lb(VIP_RID, vip_id)
def update_vip(self, vip_id, show_then_update=False, **kwargs):
"""Update a given vip."""
body = (self.show_vip(vip_id)['vip']
if show_then_update else {})
return self._update_lb(VIP_RID, vip_id, **body)
# Following 3 methods are specifically to load-balancer V1 client.
# They are being implemented by the pareant tempest.lib.common.rest_client
# with different calling signatures, only id, no resoure_type. Because,
# starting in Liberty release, each resource should have its own client.
# Since V1 is deprecated, we are not going to change it, and
# copy following 2 methods for V1 LB client only.
def wait_for_resource_deletion(self, resource_type, id, client=None):
"""Waits for a resource to be deleted."""
start_time = int(time.time())
while True:
if self.is_resource_deleted(resource_type, id, client=client):
if int(time.time()) - start_time >= self.build_timeout:
raise exceptions.TimeoutException
def is_resource_deleted(self, resource_type, id, client=None):
if client is None:
client = self
method = 'show_' + resource_type
getattr(client, method)(id)
except AttributeError:
raise Exception(_("Unknown resource type %s ") % resource_type)
except lib_exc.NotFound:
return True
return False
def wait_for_resource_status(self, fetch, status, interval=None,
"""This has different calling signature then rest_client.
@summary: Waits for a network resource to reach a status
@param fetch: the callable to be used to query the resource status
@type fecth: callable that takes no parameters and returns the resource
@param status: the status that the resource has to reach
@type status: String
@param interval: the number of seconds to wait between each status
@type interval: Integer
@param timeout: the maximum number of seconds to wait for the resource
to reach the desired status
@type timeout: Integer
if not interval:
interval = self.build_interval
if not timeout:
timeout = self.build_timeout
start_time = time.time()
while time.time() - start_time <= timeout:
resource = fetch()
if resource['status'] == status:
# At this point, the wait has timed out
message = 'Resource %s' % (str(resource))
message += ' failed to reach status %s' % status
message += ' (current: %s)' % resource['status']
message += ' within the required time %s' % timeout
caller = misc_utils.find_test_caller()
if caller:
message = '(%s) %s' % (caller, message)
raise exceptions.TimeoutException(message)
def _g_resource_namelist(lb_resource):
if lb_resource[-1] == 's':
return (lb_resource[:-1], lb_resource)
return (lb_resource, lb_resource + "s")
def destroy_tenant_lb(lbv1_client):
for o in lbv1_client.list_members():
for o in lbv1_client.list_health_monitors():
for o in lbv1_client.list_vips():
for o in lbv1_client.list_pools():
def get_client(client_mgr):
"""create a v1 load balancer client
For itempest user:
from itempest import load_our_solar_system as osn
from vmware_nsx_tempest.services import load_balancer_v1_client
lbv1 = load_balancer_v1_client.get_client(osn.adm.manager)
For tempest user:
lbv1 = load_balancer_v1_client.get_client(cls.os_adm)
manager = getattr(client_mgr, 'manager', client_mgr)
net_client = getattr(manager, 'networks_client')
_params = base.default_params_with_timeout_values.copy()
except Exception:
_params = {}
client = LoadBalancerV1Client(net_client.auth_provider,
return client