Nachi Ueno 011b13bf51 Fix misspells
Change-Id: I8be38727ca55ebbead9032cf69f10a1006fd004b
2013-12-03 15:03:47 -08:00

565 lines
14 KiB

(C) 2009 Rackspace Hosting, All Rights Reserved
This file defines a single object in global scope:
The util object contains internal objects which contain useful
utility properties and methods.
trc.util.browser: contains methods for browser detection.
trc.util.dom: contains methods for manipulating the DOM.
trc.util.text: contains methods and properties useful when working
with plain text. contains methods for creating HTTP requests.
trc.util.yui : contains methods for working with the YUI toolkit.
All methods/properties prepended with an underscore (_) are meant
for internal use.
// Define TRC
if (!window.trc)
trc= new Object();
trc.util = new Object();
trc.util.browser = {
// Returns the current version of IE, or -1 if it's not an IE
// browser. This is one of the recommended ways of detecting IE
// see:
detectIEVersion : function() {
var rv = -1; // Return value assumes failure.
if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer')
var ua = navigator.userAgent;
var re = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})");
if (re.exec(ua) != null)
rv = parseFloat( RegExp.$1 );
return rv;
// A list of functions to execute on init.
_initFuns : new Array(),
// Has the init function event been set?
_initFunSet: false,
// Function called when the DOM has loaded. It launches all init
// functions.
_onInit : function()
// Sort by order...
this._initFuns.sort(function(a, b){ return a.order - b.order; });
for (var i=0;i<this._initFuns.length;i++)
// Adds a function that should be executed when the dom is
// loaded.
addInitFunction : function(init, /*Function to call after dom
* is loaded*/
order /* An optional it specifing
* order. The bigger the int the
* later it will run. Default is
* 1.*/
) {
if (arguments.length < 2)
init.order = 1;
init.order = order;
this._initFuns.push (init);
if (!this._initFunSet)
var butil = this;
function initFun()
return (function(){ butil._onInit(); });
// Try event listeners, attachEvent and if that fails use
// window.onload...
if (window.addEventListener)
window.addEventListener("load", initFun(), false);
} else if (window.attachEvent)
window.attachEvent ("onload", initFun());
} else
window.onload = initFun();
this._initFunSet = true;
trc.util.dom = {
// Adds a new script tag to the current DOM.
addScript : function (src /* Script href */)
var scriptElement = document.createElement ("script");
scriptElement.setAttribute ("type", "text/javascript");
scriptElement.setAttribute ("src", src);
this.addToHead (scriptElement);
// Adds a new stylesheet to the current DOM.
addStyle : function (src /* Stylesheet href */)
var linkElement = document.createElement ("link");
linkElement.setAttribute ("rel", "stylesheet");
linkElement.setAttribute ("type", "text/css");
linkElement.setAttribute ("href", src);
this.addToHead (linkElement);
// Adds a DOM node to the HTTP head element. The element is
// always added as the last child an error is thrown if the
// head element can't be found.
addToHead : function (node /* A DOM node */)
var headArray = document.getElementsByTagName("head");
if (headArray.length == 0)
throw new Error("Couldn't find head element, bad DOM?");
headArray[0].appendChild (node);
// Dumb utility function for setting the class name of an
// element. Eventually we'll move completely to XHTML, but
// this will never work in IE 6, so for now we need this
// method for setting the class name.
setClassName : function (element, /* DOM Element*/
name /* Class name to use */
var ieVersion = trc.util.browser.detectIEVersion();
if ((ieVersion > -1) &&
(ieVersion < 7))
element.className = name;
element.setAttribute ("class",name);
trc.util.text = {
// Useful RegExps
blank : new RegExp ("^\\s*$"), /* A blank string */
indent : new RegExp ("^\\s+"), /* Line indent */
lines : new RegExp ("$","m"), /* All lines */
linechars : new RegExp ("(\n|\r)"), /* EOL line characters */
tabs : new RegExp ("\t","g"), /* All tabs */
// We need this because microsoft browsers before IE 7, connot
// display pre-formatted text correctly win unix style line
// endings.
unix2dos : function(txt /* String */) {
//if already DOS...
if (\r\n/) != -1)
return txt;
return txt.replace (/\n/g, "\r\n");
// Useful to normalize text.
dos2unix : function(txt /* String */) {
//if already unix...
if (\r\n/) == -1)
return txt;
return txt.replace(/\r/g, "");
// Create a string with a character repeated x times.
repString : function (length, /* integer, size of the string to create */
ch /* string, The character to set the string to */
var ret = new String();
for (var i=0;i<length;i++) {ret=ret.concat(ch);}
return ret;
// Replace tabs in a text with strings.
replaceTabs : function (txt, /* String to modify */
length /* integer, tab length in spaces */
var tabs = this.repString(length, " ");
return txt.replace (this.tabs, tabs);
// Given multi-line text returns Adjust top and bottom indent
// (in lines) and right indent (in spaces)
setIndent : function (txt, /* String */
top, /* integer, top indent in lines */
bottom, /* integer, bottom indent in lines */
right /* integer, right indent in spaces */
// Can't indent an empty string..
if (txt.length == 0)
return txt;
// If not 0, bottom will be off by one...
if (bottom != 0)
var head=this.repString (top, "\n");
var tail=this.repString (bottom, "\n");
var marg=this.repString (right, " ");
var ntxt = this.dos2unix(txt);
var ntxt = this.replaceTabs (ntxt, 8);
var lines = ntxt.split (this.lines);
var origIndent=Number.MAX_VALUE;
var origIndentStr;
// Look up indent.
for (var i=0;i<lines.length;i++)
// Remove EOL characters...
lines[i] = lines[i].replace (this.linechars, "");
// Ignore blank lines
if (lines[i].match(this.blank) != null)
// Detect the indent if any...
var result = lines[i].match(this.indent);
if (result == null)
origIndent = 0;
origIndentStr = "";
else if (result[0].length < origIndent)
origIndent = result[0].length;
origIndentStr = result[0];
// This implys all line are blank...can't indent.
if (origIndent == Number.MAX_VALUE)
return txt;
if (origIndent != 0)
var regExStr = "^";
for (var i=0;i<origIndent;i++)
var indent = new RegExp(regExStr);
for (var i=0;i<lines.length;i++)
lines[i] = lines[i].replace(indent,marg);
for (var i=0;i<lines.length;i++)
lines[i] = marg.concat (lines[i]);
// Remove top...
while (lines.length != 0)
if (lines[0].match(this.blank))
// Remove bottom...
while (lines.length != 0)
if (lines[lines.length-1].match(this.blank))
var indented = lines.join("\n");
indented=head.concat(indented, tail);
return indented;
}; = {
// A list of possible factories for creating an XMLHTTPRequest
_HTTPReqFactories :
function() { return new XMLHttpRequest(); },
function() { return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); },
function() { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }
// A cached XMLHTTPRequest factory that we know works in this
// browser
_HTTPReqFactory : null,
// Provides a way of getting an HTTPRequest object in a
// platform independent manner
getHTTPRequest : function()
// Use cache if available..
if (this._HTTPReqFactory != null) return this._HTTPReqFactory();
// Search for a factory..
for (var i=0; i< this._HTTPReqFactories.length; i++)
try {
var factory = this._HTTPReqFactories[i];
var request = factory();
if (request != null)
this._HTTPReqFactory = factory;
return request;
} catch (e) {
// Looks like we don't have support for XMLHttpRequest...
this._HTTPReqFactory = function() {throw new Error("XMLHttpRequest not supported");}
// Init code for trc.util.yui...
// Menu make sure we have the YUI loader as it's used by our
// init function to load YUI components.
if (!window.YAHOO)
// We are currently using YUI on YAHOO!'s servers we may
// want to change this.
var YUI_BASE="";
trc.util.dom.addScript (YUI_BASE+"build/yuiloader/yuiloader-min.js");
function InitYUIUtil()
trc.util.browser.addInitFunction (InitYUIUtil);
trc.util.yui = {
// A list of dependecies to be passed to the YUI loader. This is
// essentially a hash set: dep->dep.
_deps : new Object(),
// An array of callback functions, these should be called when all
// dependecies are loaded.
_callbacks : new Array(),
// The init function simply calls the YUI loader...
_init : function() {
var yuiUtil = this;
// It takes safari a while to load the YUI Loader if it hasn't
// loaded yet keep trying at 1/4 second intervals
if (!window.YAHOO)
window.setTimeout (function() {
}, 250);
// Collect requirements...
var required = new Array();
for (var req in this._deps)
required.push (req);
// Load YUI dependecies...
var loader = new YAHOO.util.YUILoader({
require: required,
loadOptional: true,
filter: "RAW",
onSuccess: function() {
timeout: 10000,
combine: true
// Called after all dependecies have been loaded
_depsLoaded : function() {
// Dependecies are loaded let everyone know.
for (var i=0;i<this._callbacks.length;i++)
// Request that one or more YUI dependecies are loaded.
loadYUIDeps : function (deps, /*An array of dep strings */
callback /*A function to call when deps are loaded*/
for (var i=0;i<deps.length;i++)
this._deps[deps[i]] = deps[i];
if (callback != null)
this._callbacks.push (callback);