Add tests to verify that database migrations produce the same schema as the database models. Also for MySQL, check that all tables are configured to use InnoDB as the storage engine. These tests make use of the ModelsMigrationsSync test class from oslo.db and the load_tests protocol from Python unittest. Closes-bug: #1346444 Change-Id: Ic0e7eb37c30cc5e94cbdbddf07a6dc1ebf377c17
344 lines
13 KiB
344 lines
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# Copyright 2014 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import logging
import pprint
import alembic
import alembic.autogenerate
import alembic.migration
import mock
from oslo.config import cfg
from oslo.db.sqlalchemy import test_base
from oslo.db.sqlalchemy import test_migrations
from oslo.db.sqlalchemy import utils
import pkg_resources as pkg
import sqlalchemy
import sqlalchemy.sql.expression as expr
import testscenarios
from neutron.db.migration import cli as migration
from neutron.db.migration.models import head as head_models
from neutron.openstack.common.fixture import config
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
cfg.CONF.import_opt('core_plugin', 'neutron.common.config')
cfg.CONF.import_opt('service_plugins', 'neutron.common.config')
def _discover_plugins(plugin_type):
return [
'%s.%s' % (entrypoint.module_name, entrypoint.attrs[0])
for entrypoint in
SERVICE_PLUGINS = _discover_plugins("neutron.service_plugins")
CORE_PLUGINS = _discover_plugins('neutron.core_plugins')
class _TestModelsMigrations(test_migrations.ModelsMigrationsSync):
'''Test for checking of equality models state and migrations.
For the opportunistic testing you need to set up a db named
'openstack_citest' with user 'openstack_citest' and password
'openstack_citest' on localhost.
The test will then use that db and user/password combo to run the tests.
For PostgreSQL on Ubuntu this can be done with the following commands::
sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# create user openstack_citest with createdb login password
postgres=# create database openstack_citest with owner
For MySQL on Ubuntu this can be done with the following commands::
mysql -u root
>create database openstack_citest;
>grant all privileges on openstack_citest.* to
openstack_citest@localhost identified by 'openstack_citest';
Output is a list that contains information about differences between db and
models. Output example::
Table('bat', MetaData(bind=None),
Column('info', String(), table=<bat>), schema=None)),
Table(u'bar', MetaData(bind=None),
Column(u'data', VARCHAR(), table=<bar>), schema=None)),
Column('data', Integer(), table=<foo>)),
Column(u'old_data', VARCHAR(), table=None)),
{'existing_server_default': None,
'existing_type': INTEGER()},
* ``remove_*`` means that there is extra table/column/constraint in db;
* ``add_*`` means that it is missing in db;
* ``modify_*`` means that on column in db is set wrong
type/nullable/server_default. Element contains information:
* what should be modified,
* schema,
* table,
* column,
* existing correct column parameters,
* right value,
* wrong value.
def setUp(self):
patch = mock.patch.dict('sys.modules', {
'ryu': mock.MagicMock(),
'ryu.app': mock.MagicMock(),
'heleosapi': mock.MagicMock(),
'midonetclient': mock.MagicMock(),
'midonetclient.neutron': mock.MagicMock(),
super(_TestModelsMigrations, self).setUp()
self.cfg = self.useFixture(config.Config())
self.alembic_config = migration.get_alembic_config()
self.alembic_config.neutron_config = cfg.CONF
def db_sync(self, engine):
cfg.CONF.set_override('connection', engine.url, group='database')
migration.do_alembic_command(self.alembic_config, 'upgrade', 'head')
cfg.CONF.clear_override('connection', group='database')
def get_engine(self):
return self.engine
def get_metadata(self):
return head_models.get_metadata()
def include_object(self, object_, name, type_, reflected, compare_to):
if type_ == 'table' and name == 'alembic_version':
return False
return super(_TestModelsMigrations, self).include_object(
object_, name, type_, reflected, compare_to)
def compare_server_default(self, ctxt, ins_col, meta_col,
insp_def, meta_def, rendered_meta_def):
return self._compare_server_default(ctxt.bind, meta_col, insp_def,
# TODO(akamyshnikova):remove _compare_server_default methods when it
# appears in oslo.db(version>1.0.0)
def _compare_server_default(bind, meta_col, insp_def, meta_def):
def _compare_server_default(bind, meta_col, insp_def, meta_def):
if isinstance(meta_col.type, sqlalchemy.Boolean):
if meta_def is None or insp_def is None:
return meta_def != insp_def
return not (
isinstance(meta_def.arg, expr.True_) and insp_def == "'1'" or
isinstance(meta_def.arg, expr.False_) and insp_def == "'0'"
if isinstance(meta_col.type, sqlalchemy.Integer):
if meta_def is None or insp_def is None:
return meta_def != insp_def
return meta_def.arg == insp_def
def _compare_server_default(bind, meta_col, insp_def, meta_def):
if isinstance(meta_col.type, sqlalchemy.Enum):
if meta_def is None or insp_def is None:
return meta_def != insp_def
return insp_def != "'%s'::%s" % (meta_def.arg, meta_col.type.name)
elif isinstance(meta_col.type, sqlalchemy.String):
if meta_def is None or insp_def is None:
return meta_def != insp_def
return insp_def != "'%s'::character varying" % meta_def.arg
def test_models_sync(self):
# drop all tables after a test run
# run migration scripts
with self.get_engine().connect() as conn:
opts = {
'include_object': self.include_object,
'compare_type': self.compare_type,
'compare_server_default': self.compare_server_default,
mc = alembic.migration.MigrationContext.configure(conn, opts=opts)
# compare schemas and fail with diff, if it's not empty
diff1 = alembic.autogenerate.compare_metadata(mc,
insp = sqlalchemy.engine.reflection.Inspector.from_engine(
dialect = self.get_engine().dialect.name
self.check_mysql_engine(dialect, insp)
diff2 = self.compare_foreign_keys(self.get_metadata(),
result = filter(self.remove_unrelated_errors, diff1 + diff2)
if result:
msg = pprint.pformat(result, indent=2, width=20)
self.fail("Models and migration scripts aren't in sync:\n%s" % msg)
def check_mysql_engine(self, dialect, insp):
if dialect != 'mysql':
# Test that table creation on mysql only builds InnoDB tables
tables = insp.get_table_names()
self.assertTrue(len(tables) > 0,
"No tables found. Wrong schema?")
noninnodb = [table for table in tables if
insp.get_table_options(table)['mysql_engine'] != 'InnoDB'
and table != 'alembic_version']
self.assertEqual(0, len(noninnodb), "%s non InnoDB tables created" %
FKInfo = collections.namedtuple('FKInfo', ['constrained_columns',
def compare_foreign_keys(self, metadata, bind):
"""Compare foreign keys between model and db table.
Returns a list that contains information about:
* should be a new key added or removed existing,
* name of that key,
* source table,
* referred table,
* constrained columns,
* referred columns
diff = []
insp = sqlalchemy.engine.reflection.Inspector.from_engine(bind)
# Get all tables from db
db_tables = insp.get_table_names()
# Get all tables from models
model_tables = metadata.tables
for table in db_tables:
if table not in model_tables:
# Get all necessary information about key of current table from db
fk_db = dict((self._get_fk_info_from_db(i), i['name'])
for i in insp.get_foreign_keys(table))
fk_db_set = set(fk_db.keys())
# Get all necessary information about key of current table from
# models
fk_models = dict((self._get_fk_info_from_model(fk), fk)
for fk in model_tables[table].foreign_keys)
fk_models_set = set(fk_models.keys())
for key in (fk_db_set - fk_models_set):
diff.append(('drop_key', fk_db[key], table, key))
LOG.info(("Detected removed foreign key %(fk)r on "
"table %(table)r"), {'fk': fk_db[key],
'table': table})
for key in (fk_models_set - fk_db_set):
diff.append(('add_key', fk_models[key], key))
"Detected added foreign key for column %(fk)r on table "
"%(table)r"), {'fk': fk_models[key].column.name,
'table': table})
return diff
def _get_fk_info_from_db(self, fk):
return self.FKInfo(tuple(fk['constrained_columns']),
def _get_fk_info_from_model(self, fk):
return self.FKInfo((fk.parent.name,), fk.column.table.name,
# Remove some difference that are not mistakes just specific of
# dialects, etc
def remove_unrelated_errors(self, element):
insp = sqlalchemy.engine.reflection.Inspector.from_engine(
dialect = self.get_engine().dialect.name
if isinstance(element, tuple):
if dialect == 'mysql' and element[0] == 'remove_index':
table_name = element[1].table.name
for fk in insp.get_foreign_keys(table_name):
if fk['name'] == element[1].name:
return False
cols = [c.name for c in element[1].expressions]
for col in cols:
if col in insp.get_pk_constraint(
return False
for modified, _, table, column, _, _, new in element:
if modified == 'modify_default' and dialect == 'mysql':
constrained = insp.get_pk_constraint(table)
if column in constrained['constrained_columns']:
return False
return True
load_tests = testscenarios.load_tests_apply_scenarios
_scenarios = []
for plugin in CORE_PLUGINS:
plugin_name = plugin.split('.')[-1]
class_name = plugin_name
_scenarios.append((class_name, {'core_plugin': plugin}))
class TestModelsMigrationsMysql(_TestModelsMigrations,
scenarios = _scenarios
class TestModelsMigrationsPsql(_TestModelsMigrations,
scenarios = _scenarios